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Because I had my hex stick pointed wrong is why. I rejiggered it proper like and pointed it south so we're good now.
didn't click
Yeah it's really hard to have to listen to that you didn't build that s*** for 8 years when you've built a business that's going down the tubes because of too much government regulation and taxes so the the profit margin is just not there anymore.:rolleyes:
Or being bullied on social media and at school....

Or you've been workin yet ads off just to make ends meet & the GOV jacks you with $300 car tab increase & raises your property taxes so snowflakes don't have to hire Ubers in the city!!! Thanks DEMORATS!!!!
They're probably using the wrong grade tin foil. Between Portland and Seattle lab grade aluminum foil should be used, not food grade. It should also sandwich a wire mesh between layers.
It's the liberal Kalifornicators and those from the east coast that have ruined the PNW.:mad:
While I agree to a point...........the PNW has deep liberal roots that extend far further than migration from those places. We were early in the union movements in the late 1800 and early 1900's. Most were founded, promoted and supported by straight up communists and gangsters. The mines and factories were hotbeds of Marxism with union influence. They even murdered an Idaho Governor in 1905. Democrats that moved west after the civil war were very hostile towards traditional western values and conflicts often broke out in the streets and workplaces that revisionist history has conveniently forgotten. The largest industries in the west (mining, logging, aircraft) were heavily unionized from there beginnings. We have pretty well destroyed the Unions in Idaho with right to work laws but the liberal influence has shifted to education community and politics in Washington and Oregon. The judiciary has been heavily infected with liberals from the executives that have been elected in the coastal states the last decades. All that from home grown "Progressives" that also need to be eradicated from our communities. Does anyone remember Roseillini, Magnuson, Foley.......all good locally bred communists.
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I hate drivel journalism which takes sh1t science studies and reprints them like it's news.
An example of the crap science: suicide rates for men are 2x higher because men use guns and women tend to use other methods. Well then, what about gender tracking of attempted suicide rates ? -- the article fails to ask that question. There are no controls in the statistics, nor deeper delving into demographics which could yield interesting data. Instead, the bureaucrats shrug their shoulders, a great hue and cry rises up, "rates are up, we need to do something!" And the typical turdical response looks at the guns.

I think there have been some good suggestions in this thread about the why of the rate increase, spirituality, economics, seratonin re-uptake inhibitors, etc. It would be interesting to see the numbers broken down into demographics. How many in the sample were transplants? How many years since immigrating to the area?

I think at it's core, it's a lemming equation: many cannot handle the day-to-day, do not have proper support systems in their lives, and slouch toward suicide, fellow lemmings march and ultimately jump with them.
For anyone who offed themselves following Robin Williams, Kate Spade or Anthony Bourdain, too bad so sad? Nah, fək-em.
While I agree to a point...........the PNW has deep liberal roots that extend far further than migration from those places. We were early in the union movements in the late 1800 and early 1900's. Most were founded, promoted and supported by straight up communists and gangsters. The mines and factories were hotbeds of Marxism with union influence. They even murdered an Idaho Governor in 1905. Democrats that moved west after the civil war were very hostile towards traditional western values and conflicts often broke out in the streets and workplaces that revisionist history has conveniently forgotten. The largest industries in the west (mining, logging, aircraft) were heavily unionized from there beginnings. We have pretty well destroyed the Unions in Idaho with right to work laws but the liberal influence has shifted to education community and politics in Washington and Oregon. The judiciary has been heavily infected with liberals from the executives that have been elected in the coastal states the last decades. All that from home grown "Progressives" that also need to be eradicated from our communities. Does anyone remember Roseillini, Magnuson, Foley.......all good locally bred communists.

True, but the majority of CA are useful idiots loaded with white guilt that vote dem no matter what. They tipped the scales unfortunatly.
While I agree to a point...........the PNW has deep liberal roots that extend far further than migration from those places. We were early in the union movements in the late 1800 and early 1900's. Most were founded, promoted and supported by straight up communists and gangsters. The mines and factories were hotbeds of Marxism with union influence. They even murdered an Idaho Governor in 1905. Democrats that moved west after the civil war were very hostile towards traditional western values and conflicts often broke out in the streets and workplaces that revisionist history has conveniently forgotten. The largest industries in the west (mining, logging, aircraft) were heavily unionized from there beginnings. We have pretty well destroyed the Unions in Idaho with right to work laws but the liberal influence has shifted to education community and politics in Washington and Oregon. The judiciary has been heavily infected with liberals from the executives that have been elected in the coastal states the last decades. All that from home grown "Progressives" that also need to be eradicated from our communities. Does anyone remember Roseillini, Magnuson, Foley.......all good locally bred communists.

Good to know the history of the PNW from locals since I've only been in Wa for 30 years.

I was referring to the last 10 years which brought the anti-gun crew to begin dismantling our 2A rights.
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I was reading an article that suicide is up 30%since 09, maybe folks should look around themselves and see why the quality of life has gone down to the point folks kill themselves. Managed decline is what they call it, in oregon it's been going on for 30 straight years of democrat rule.
This may be way off base but IMHO its the parents fault! They let social media run the kids life along with the damn nanny who doesn't know anything either. These kids get bullied and everything else under the sun on social media. Ban social media and suicide rates and mass shootings will significantly drop.

If your going to have kids then be a parent and when they screw up teach them and be a parent NOT there damn friend! :s0137:
This may be way off base but IMHO its the parents fault! They let social media run the kids life along with the damn nanny who doesn't know anything either. These kids get bullied and everything else under the sun on social media. Ban social media and suicide rates and mass shootings will significantly drop.
If your going to have kids then be a parent and when they screw up teach them and be a parent NOT there damn friend! :s0137:
While Social Media lends itself to the sense of "connectivity", it does not contribute to a healthy support system, and is basically a set of the "Jones' Showing Off". Consider, Facebook as admitted to conducting their own social experiments, tinkering with the algorithm of what people see and then gauging their response patterns. The net effect is the "Friends LIst" is no more than a cadre of cyber drinking buddies, all of whom rub your nose in dreck.
I think the greater problem is celebrating mediocrity. People lose the aspiration to be something greater if they win an award for making a paper airplane that doesn't fly. As they get older, without aspirations to be something greater, people fade into obscurity or fall into ignominy.

Still, my ideas here don't mean any more than some diarrhea on a paper plate without meaningful statistics, which the article fails to deliver.
Or it is possible the State or reporting agency or group is keeping closer tabs of this. Also possible they are gun decking the data to provoke a sheeple response. Or ... they just make shiet up. All bad.
Soome members of our establishment (we do have an oligarchy, just not as few on top as some) are very aware and actually do know the demographics of this issue. It only effects white males basically and not just baby boomers, it's mostly younger now. Some politicians in the George Bush circles have spoke out about this and prominent sociologists. Media is owned by a few people so they choose what to report, no news there... Our country sucks *bubblegun*, that might have something to do with it.
This may be way off base but IMHO its the parents fault! They let social media run the kids life along with the damn nanny who doesn't know anything either. These kids get bullied and everything else under the sun on social media. Ban social media and suicide rates and mass shootings will significantly drop.

If your going to have kids then be a parent and when they screw up teach them and be a parent NOT there damn friend! :s0137:
Compare Weimer Republic to modern America. EDIT: *These* total "free choice" people crack me up. Changes can be made. Yes we can blame parents but like you said changes can be made
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While Social Media lends itself to the sense of "connectivity", it does not contribute to a healthy support system, and is basically a set of the "Jones' Showing Off". Consider, Facebook as admitted to conducting their own social experiments, tinkering with the algorithm of what people see and then gauging their response patterns. The net effect is the "Friends LIst" is no more than a cadre of cyber drinking buddies, all of whom rub your nose in dreck.
I think the greater problem is celebrating mediocrity. People lose the aspiration to be something greater if they win an award for making a paper airplane that doesn't fly. As they get older, without aspirations to be something greater, people fade into obscurity or fall into ignominy.

Still, my ideas here don't mean any more than some diarrhea on a paper plate without meaningful statistics, which the article fails to deliver.
Just like in the firearms world, a lot of information has been learned by top shooters that isn't being disseminated. In our world there has been a lot of advancement and learning going on that is used against us. Ravens Eye software is like what you mention where you send them tons of raw data either countless house of conversations, writings, facebook posts, etc and they use AI to tell you about your "customers" or "tests" what their thoughts, feelings, and opinions are. We're getting less educated at a time when some are getting far more educated.

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