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This Sandy Hook shooting fiasco is as real as Obamas tears. Funny this is almost verbatim as what happened in Austraila before their gun rights where taken away. The medical examiners statement is so professional, I like how he states he hopes this does not come crashing back down on them. Two days ago the school shooting in California was streamed live from location for all to watch on the computer you could tell that was real. I was at home and watched Sandy Hook play out from the beginning on TV and the Internet at the same time and there is no comparason of the two Shootings. The Father (actor) of the Sandy Hook shooting victim laughing and then getting into charecter for the interview is too precious and telling.How many times have state police been assigned to victims familys? How often are people threatened with recorse if posting to social media websites about events like Sandy Hook? Why no news other than alternative news agency reports? Who where the other men taken into custody at the seen? Why are people relucktent to talk about this in Newtown? Why are parts of the police radio broadcasts scrambled? Why will it take another 3 months before any official report comes out? Why because by then it will be too late to matter as the new gun laws will already be done.

This was also the same argument that led to the UKs gun control laws. Shooting rampage in a school = Gun ban.

I agree, there was and probably still is a ton of misinformation and it's irritating to watch the news only to have the story change so many times. I found the evidence about the # of hand guns disturbing. Supposedly from several officials dictating 4 hand guns, later it's two and a rifle.

The firearm pulled from the trunk looked like a tactical shotgun to me.
Serious question for the folks that believe this is a conspiracy.

How would the government convince your fellow Americans to go along with a plan like this ?

I think we can all agree this would take a ton of folks to pull off. In the article just posted about the Shooter Drill it talks about Eric Holder, down to the Governor, to a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge, to a LT in the State Police.

I grew up literally within a family of cops. You could say similar to a NY City Police clan except on the other side of the country. Almost every family member on my fathers side is or was a law enforcement officer. My Grandfather was the Sheriff of Sacramento County, the Chief of the California State Police and when he retired, a Depity Commissioner with the CHP. We had BBQs, cops came by the house and drank beer. They were every where. I can say I completely understand the culture.

If the federal government came to my grandfather and asked him to be a part of something like this ( remember he was the Chief of the CA State Police ) I would bet my car they would be physically assaulted. This also holds true for his brother (Det. LAPD Organzied Crime Unit ), his son(s), etc.

See where Im going with this ? This would be a extremely complicated thing for the government to pull off and this is just one very small piece.

What about the judges, small town media, the whole town ?

How about the fact they would all need to be kept quiet ? Forever ?
Serious question for the folks that believe this is a conspiracy.

How would the government convince your fellow Americans to go along with a plan like this ?

I think we can all agree this would take a ton of folks to pull off. In the article just posted about the Shooter Drill it talks about Eric Holder, down to the Governor, to a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge, to a LT in the State Police.

I grew up literally within a family of cops. You could say similar to a NY City Police clan except on the other side of the country. Almost every family member on my fathers side is or was a law enforcement officer. My Grandfather was the Sheriff of Sacramento County, the Chief of the California State Police and when he retired, a Depity Commissioner with the CHP. We had BBQs, cops came by the house and drank beer. They were every where. I can say I completely understand the culture.

If the federal government came to my grandfather and asked him to be a part of something like this ( remember he was the Chief of the CA State Police ) I would bet my car they would be physically assaulted. This also holds true for his brother (Det. LAPD Organzied Crime Unit ), his son(s), etc.

See where Im going with this ? This would be a extremely complicated thing for the government to pull off and this is just one very small piece.

What about the judges, small town media, the whole town ?

How about the fact they would all need to be kept quiet ? Forever ?

complicated like several operations to ship thousands of firearms to Mexico, that included Eric Holder - resulting in hundreds of dead Mexicans (slightly more than 26). Bought from shops all across the south with the government telling them all to allow the illegal sales to go through. And this took place for quite awhile. Gunrunner, Gunwalker & Fast & Furious are the ones we know of (maybe more).

How did they get away with it for so long?

Government is probably pretty good with qualifying people that do what they are told and who wouldn't.
Serious question for the folks that believe this is a conspiracy.

How would the government convince your fellow Americans to go along with a plan like this ?

I think we can all agree this would take a ton of folks to pull off. In the article just posted about the Shooter Drill it talks about Eric Holder, down to the Governor, to a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge, to a LT in the State Police.

I grew up literally within a family of cops. You could say similar to a NY City Police clan except on the other side of the country. Almost every family member on my fathers side is or was a law enforcement officer. My Grandfather was the Sheriff of Sacramento County, the Chief of the California State Police and when he retired, a Depity Commissioner with the CHP. We had BBQs, cops came by the house and drank beer. They were every where. I can say I completely understand the culture.

If the federal government came to my grandfather and asked him to be a part of something like this ( remember he was the Chief of the CA State Police ) I would bet my car they would be physically assaulted. This also holds true for his brother (Det. LAPD Organzied Crime Unit ), his son(s), etc.

See where Im going with this ? This would be a extremely complicated thing for the government to pull off and this is just one very small piece.

What about the judges, small town media, the whole town ?

How about the fact they would all need to be kept quiet ? Forever ?

This is a good question indeed. It must have come from a high up sorce to keep the lid on this, or else...Even with this, leaks will happen sometime.
Eric Holder and the President where there how much higher can one go? National Security and all plus the power to kill as the president sees appropriate might just do it.
This is a good question indeed. It must have come from a high up sorce to keep the lid on this, or else...Even with this, leaks will happen sometime.
Eric Holder and the President where there how much higher can one go? National Security and all plus the power to kill as the president sees appropriate might just do it.

One of the oldest tricks in the book. Mexican Cartel tactics , join us or we will kill everyone you know.

I think it would work on a small group, not one such as this.

Appreciate the discussion all. Gives me a mental break from my mundane job... :)
complicated like several operations to ship thousands of firearms to Mexico, that included Eric Holder - resulting in hundreds of dead Mexicans (slightly more than 26). Bought from shops all across the south with the government telling them all to allow the illegal sales to go through. And this took place for quite awhile. Gunrunner, Gunwalker & Fast & Furious are the ones we know of (maybe more).

How did they get away with it for so long?

Government is probably pretty good with qualifying people that do what they are told and who wouldn't.

Interesting point. They did get away with it for a long time. 3 or so years that we know about. I would like to point out , someone did blow the whistle on that.

I will concede it went on for a long time before hand.
Serious question for the folks that believe this is a conspiracy.

How would the government convince your fellow Americans to go along with a plan like this ?

I think we can all agree this would take a ton of folks to pull off. In the article just posted about the Shooter Drill it talks about Eric Holder, down to the Governor, to a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge, to a LT in the State Police.

I grew up literally within a family of cops. You could say similar to a NY City Police clan except on the other side of the country. Almost every family member on my fathers side is or was a law enforcement officer. My Grandfather was the Sheriff of Sacramento County, the Chief of the California State Police and when he retired, a Depity Commissioner with the CHP. We had BBQs, cops came by the house and drank beer. They were every where. I can say I completely understand the culture.

If the federal government came to my grandfather and asked him to be a part of something like this ( remember he was the Chief of the CA State Police ) I would bet my car they would be physically assaulted. This also holds true for his brother (Det. LAPD Organzied Crime Unit ), his son(s), etc.

See where Im going with this ? This would be a extremely complicated thing for the government to pull off and this is just one very small piece.

What about the judges, small town media, the whole town ?

How about the fact they would all need to be kept quiet ? Forever ?

Let's get away from Big Conspiracy for a minute and think Small Conspiracy. Let's say the early reports were correct and that it was only pistols instead of an AR being used. Or that it was a CMMG .22 AR conversion instead of a regular 5.56 AR. The parents and townsfolk aren't going to care about 'getting to the bottom' of the minutiae of what type of hardware was used, their kids and neighbors are still dead. Eyewitnesses and first responders aren't going to be of any help, they certainly wouldn't have been able to tell the differences between .22 or 9mm or 5.56 wounds in those chaotic first few hours. As long as only that small group in the know...the coroner, sheriff, etc...are asked to politely 'not discuss' the details with the media right away (i.e. until 'comprehensive gun-control legislation' is enacted) then really isn't that the only 'conspiracy' necessary to accomplish the agenda of further disarming more law abiding Americans? By the time a complete report is issued, Lanza could have used a semi-auto slingshot but it wouldn't matter, the bans would be in place and by then there would be no 'do-over'.

<broken link removed> Must be upsetting some, averaging 9 signatures a day! So this brings thought to mind of starting a petition for a Congressional Investigation into the Sandy Hook School Shooting. What do you think of this Idea?
As long as only that small group in the know...the coroner, sheriff, etc...are asked to politely 'not discuss' the details with the media right away (i.e. until 'comprehensive gun-control legislation' is enacted) then really isn't that the only 'conspiracy' necessary to accomplish the agenda of further disarming more law abiding Americans?


Very interesting point. :s0155:

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Hey now. Rabbit with a pancake on its head is awesome. I still have no idea wth that guy was talking about. Lotion ? :nuts:


Do I think Government wouldn't do something like this ?

I do think that some factions and persons in the government would definitely do something like this if they thought they could get away with it or if the loss was worth the outcome. There are alway and always going to be evil, power-hungry, people in government because there are evil power hungry people. I don't think government is any different than the rest of society; given a chance, some evil, power-hungry people with sacrifice greatly to get what they want. However, we must also acknowledge the greater the sacrifice the greater the risk. Some things aren't worth the risk.

Furthermore, when one is to suggest wrong-doing or attempt to convict, it is up to one to find critical, analytical, evidence to prove wrong-doing. Conspiracy and theory alone are not evidence. Theory is an excuse to seek evidence and not even close to proof. The videos I have seen posted here are nothing but theory, most based in monological thinking. I, like many people, need evidence and not theory to be persuaded.
I haven't really logged into NWFA since the Clackamas thing, after Sandy Hook I purposefully stayed away for a while longer.

The thing about these "conspiracy theories" is that the outrageousness of some of the implications overshadows the legitimacy of some of the questions. This sucks, because there are some very serious and very real questions that need to be answered.

The same goes for 9/11. The conspiracy stories take things so far that they overshadow the absolutely legitimate questions that we should all be asking about the normative narrative. It is an absolute disservice to truth and to the American people. My gut says that certain people prefer it this way.

Look at the disclosure project for UFOs. I'm not a big UFO guy, but when dozens of high ranking Air Force officials come forward disclosing testimony on the subject, willing to testify before Congress, it means something to me. But when there are so many far-fetched and fantastical stories made up around the subject, it discredits the legitimate evidence/testimony and questions we should be asking.

Lastly, just look at all the verifiable evidence of incidents on an equal level of atrocity to Sandy Hook that we now know the government willingly strung us along on. Gulf of Tonkin incident anyone? Jesus, we even teach high school kids now that that was fake, but for decades people still denied it.

Look at JFK's assassination and the fact that the .gov still won't release some 1,1000 files 50 years after the killing. Why? For what reason? What could they possibly be hiding 5 decades later? To me it's the same question as why they won't release the 80+ surveillance videos of the "plane" hitting the pentagon. How come they could show us videos of the planes hitting the WTC's ad nauseam but still not show us a single video of the pentagon crash over 10 years later?

I just read a story in the Oregonian about 3 months ago, of all places, about disclosed government projects that released chemicals on American populations to test their reactions in the 1960's. This is totally verifiable stuff, no hocus pocus or "the Jews did it!" going on here. How is this so much crazier?

Free thinking involves looking at all sides of the story and all the evidence, not hard-lining on one side or the other.
I haven't really logged into NWFA since the Clackamas thing, after Sandy Hook I purposefully stayed away for a while longer.

The thing about these "conspiracy theories" is that the outrageousness of some of the implications overshadows the legitimacy of some of the questions. This sucks, because there are some very serious and very real questions that need to be answered.

The same goes for 9/11. The conspiracy stories take things so far that they overshadow the absolutely legitimate questions that we should all be asking about the normative narrative. It is an absolute disservice to truth and to the American people. My gut says that certain people prefer it this way.

Look at the disclosure project for UFOs. I'm not a big UFO guy, but when dozens of high ranking Air Force officials come forward disclosing testimony on the subject, willing to testify before Congress, it means something to me. But when there are so many far-fetched and fantastical stories made up around the subject, it discredits the legitimate evidence/testimony and questions we should be asking.

Lastly, just look at all the verifiable evidence of incidents on an equal level of atrocity to Sandy Hook that we now know the government willingly strung us along on. Gulf of Tonkin incident anyone? Jesus, we even teach high school kids now that that was fake, but for decades people still denied it.

Look at JFK's assassination and the fact that the .gov still won't release some 1,1000 files 50 years after the killing. Why? For what reason? What could they possibly be hiding 5 decades later? To me it's the same question as why they won't release the 80+ surveillance videos of the "plane" hitting the pentagon. How come they could show us videos of the planes hitting the WTC's ad nauseam but still not show us a single video of the pentagon crash over 10 years later?

I just read a story in the Oregonian about 3 months ago, of all places, about disclosed government projects that released chemicals on American populations to test their reactions in the 1960's. This is totally verifiable stuff, no hocus pocus or "the Jews did it!" going on here. How is this so much crazier?

Free thinking involves looking at all sides of the story and all the evidence, not hard-lining on one side or the other.

Excellent critical thought in action. It is the use of the buzz words that stimulates the shutting down of the ability to step back and find the truth. Conspiricy theory forces most to pick a side and in doing so allwos you to ignore the obvious in favor of proving the other side wrong. Assault rifle same reaction, Example I can state two proven facts
that some will choose to dispute.The ar-15 by defination is not an assault rifle. Building number 7 wtc is the only known steel framed building to collapse from fire in history and the bbc reported its collapse 20 mins before it fell.
<broken link removed> This is an Article run in the Newtown Bee the local Newspaper Interviewing the Sandy Hook Principle, only thing is the Principle was one of the first Killed in the Shooting. Outstanding News Reporting I must say!!
Nova, there were no less than nine drills running on 9.11 to simulate planes hitting the buildings; FEMA was camped out near Ground Zero on 9.10. The FEMA manual even depicted pictures of the towers in cross hairs for Christ's sake LOL.

1997's Fema Manual - you simply can't make this stuff up:


Oh yeah, this smells. If drills are being run anywhere near you, run. They are always used as covers for FFs, in case they go 100% sour, for cover stories, etc.

I had my doubts about SH being a FF, now, not so much. I knew the Joker was/is a patsy. I mean you can see the poor guy's brain was simply fried. He probably doesn't even know his own name. Weird, people that still to this day believe the pathetic 9.11 official story are opening up to the fact that their gun 'rights' are being attacked via FFs. Still, I am a negative bastard and have little faith in the capacity of the American sheeple to figure just about anything out these days, except when American Idol will start and who are the judges.

Unfortunately, FFs have been around for hundreds of years and they are pretty much a fool proof strategy. If the American populace some how wakes up to the BS and acts on it, it will be a historical first. My bet is no, sadly.


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