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That's a tough spot. Quitting chew (I use Skoal snus) is harder than quitting smoking so good luck with it all.
Oh, try some 8mg On pouches.. tiny white pouches that stay white and pack a punch.. pretty cheap too.
I've chewed Copenhagen for 26 years, I recently quit 2.5 months ago. I've been using the Stoopid on nicotine pouches. They're only $2.25 for 20. They taste good and help a lot. I'm rich now not buying chew now. Lol they have 8-4-2 mg pouches so you can Wein off too.
OP, it sounds like your marriage is at crossroads. You got basically two options at this point and those are; to seek out some type of professional counseling and get the help you both so desperately need or a good divorce lawyer.

I for one, will be praying that God will fully restore your marriage and deliver you from addiction. I'm not here to " preach" to you. If however, hearing more about God or how He can help you and your wife appeals to you, feel free to send me PM via the forum here.
Amen, we are both believers as well which adds to the shame to be honest. Your prayers are appreciated, Christ is the only hope!
For most people nicotine withdrawal is severe. Someone who never used nicotine does not understand this. I absolutely loved smoking and still think about it 11 years after quitting.

My guess is your wife is not upset about the snus, but more upset about the lie. It's hard to come back from a lie in a marriage. Women place lying right up there with cheating. See if you can re-negotiate some level of nicotine use with her. Maybe she finds something about the snus especially gross.

Everyone has a bad habit or is dependent on something. Gambling, French Fries, TikTok, you name it. Judgment is the last thing you need to hear from others.
That is absolutely true. Lying to men (or at least the men I know) is a big deal and (as a believer) sinful but to us, its nowhere near as big as it is to women.
Your only viable option is to see if she'll go for mint pouches "to help you quit" and then swaparoo the can with snus pouches.

Can't say I haven't tried that... I just hate lying to her and can't really enjoy it. Even after months of use behind her back, I never could fully enjoy it because I felt the guilt of the "shadiness" of it.
I'm a divorcee and a smoker of cigarettes for better than twenty years, so I'm pretty biased on your dilemma. As far as practical advice goes, when I've tried to quit smoking in the past, nicotine gum was an absolute Godsend. The nicorette tropical fruit flavor in particular.
Was it easy to ween off of?
I smoked cigarettes for twenty years. Now I use ZYN for the nicotine. Yes, I still have my nicotine addiction. I smoke cigs very rarely. It's been several years since I stopped smoking on the regular and buying packs.

Yes, the adult thing is to seek professional help. But you both would have to agree to change.

In my opinion, one day we will die and none of this BS matters. I live for today. I do what makes me happy and I do what I want as long as I am willing to pay the price.

If you can be happy not having the wife in your life, move on and keep doing what makes you happy. Remember, we all die one day.

This habit of yours will catch up with you one day. Sounds like you already know how it can negatively affect your life. Your actions will also affect others and I am sure you know all this. So, once the worse happens, if it happens, understand the hell you will go through and you will pay a price. If you are okay with that, then you're set and you have your answer.

No one is or will ever tell me how to live my life. I will do whatever I want and I understand there will be a price to pay. I have never been married and I have no kids. As a kid, I was exposed to war, sex abuse, abusive father/wife beater and a heroine addict. I have been to h e l l a few times and I seen the evil. There is a part of me that is very cold and if angels and Jesus were not looking over me, I'd be a very evil person today, if I was still alive lol.
There is a switch in me that was never flipped on So I don't have much empathy and certain things do not scare me, something that would scare the average "normal" person. That's why some become police or bomb technician, or a jet fighter pilot.….. or a killer. That side of me doesn't care and would tell the wife to take a hike. But there is a part of me that wants to stand up for what is right, positive, do good. There is a part of me that wants love and needs the nurture of the opposite sex. So I have to find a balance that I can handle…… give and take.

I would hate for you to be on your deathbed, all alone. Not having that person there etc. Obviously we don't know what other issues you are having with the wife, but if you can handle not having her around, get rid of her and move on. Cover your behind if you can so you don't lose a lot.

You can try and see if you can salvage the marriage but if you see the riding on the wall, move on and be happy. Do what makes you happy as long as you don't hurt any innocent people or animals.

Remember, one day we all die, do what makes you happy for today. Live your life for yourself and be humble. Stick to your guns but don't be an A-hole about it. I am 42 and I am still learning. Don't burn your bridges and always have a plan B.

God bless you my brother, and I hope things work out for you. I still fight my demons and I take it one day at a time because tomorrow is not a promise.

Peace and Love!
Last Edited:
Was it easy to ween off of?
It was but I kinda cheated: I started with the 4 mg, chewed it on a religious schedule for a month, then switched to the 2 mg, chewed it on a religious schedule for a month, then cut the amount I chewed in a day in half, did that month by month. The gum definitely solves the chemical need, but not the "oh I have a fifteen minute break at work" need, you know?
I smoked cigarettes for twenty years. Now I use ZYN for the nicotine. Yes, I still have my nicotine addiction. I smoke cigs very rarely. It's been several years since I stopped smoking on the regular and buying packs.

Yes, the adult thing is to seek professional help. But you both would have to agree to change.

In my opinion, one day we will die and none of this BS matters. I live for today. I do what makes me happy and I do what I want as long as I am willing to pay the price.

If you can be happy not having the wife in your life, move on and keep doing what makes you happy. Remember, we all die one day.

This habit of yours will catch up with you one day. Sounds like you already know how it can negatively affect your life. Your actions will also affect others and I am sure you know all this. So, once the worse happens, if it happens, understand the hell you will go through and you will pay a price. If you are okay with that, then you're set and you have your answer.

No one is or will ever tell me how to live my life. I will do whatever I want and I understand there will be a price to pay. I have never been married and I have no kids. As a kid, I was exposed to war, sex abuse, abusive father/wife beater and a heroine addict. I have been to h e l l a few times and I seen the evil. There is a part of me that is very cold and if angels and Jesus were not looking over me, I'd be a very evil person today, if I was still alive lol.
There is a switch in me that was never flipped on So I don't have much empathy and certain things do not scare me, something that would scare the average "normal" person. That's why some become police or bomb technician, or a jet fighter pilot.….. or a killer. That side of me doesn't care and would tell the wife to take a hike. But there is a part of me that wants to stand up for what is right, positive, do good. There is a part of me that wants love and needs the nurture of the opposite sex. So I have to find a balance that I can handle…… give and take.

I would hate for you to be on your deathbed, all alone. Not having that person there etc. Obviously we don't know what other issues you are having with the wife, but if you can handle not having her around, get rid of her and move on. Cover your behind if you can so you don't lose a lot.

You can try and see if you can salvage the marriage but if you see the riding on the wall, move on and be happy. Do what makes you happy as long as you don't hurt any innocent people or animals.

Remember, one day we all die, do what makes you happy for today. Live your life for yourself and be humble. Stick to your guns but don't be an A-hole about it. I am 42 and I am still learning. Don't burn your bridges and always have a plan B.

God bless you my brother, and I hope things work out for you. I still fight my demons and I take it one day at a time because tomorrow is not a promise.

Peace and Love!
Hanhoon, you're a dam good man👍
As we've all seen, you get one heck of a range of opinions when you ask for relationship advice on the internet, or any advice for that matter! :)

Everyone has their own ideas, based on their own values and life experiences. It is interesting to read these types of threads occasionally, to see the gamut of responses. I don't know the OP or his wife, what kind of relationship they have or what their values are. To some, marriage is a sacred commitment, to others it's a casual partnership that can be dissolved whenever they're not happy. If you want to make things better, and she's also willing to try, finding a good counselor is the best first step. Once things fester to the point of anger and resentment, the problem is much deeper than the minor issue at hand.

I will tell a short story, take it for what you will: A good friend of mine called me a few years ago in shock and panic. His wife had left him, taken the kids and moved in with her parents. They had troubles and he had some issues, but beyond that he's a good guy who loves his family. I've known her longer than I've know him, and she's like a sister to me. They're like family to us and we love them both.

Long story short, she had a good friend that she confided in, who jumped to the conclusion that he was a monster "Just like my ex!" Her friend had her convinced that he was a terrible no-good, and she better divorce him right now. It got ugly, and she really put the pressure on him, expecting him to walk away like her friend said he would.

Well, my friend is not that kind of guy. He went through hell and back to save his family. It took over a year as I recall. He made some much-needed changes and went through some humiliating counseling sessions. He won her back and now they're stronger and happier than ever. Her friend who said "Divorce him!" jumped to conclusions about him based solely on her own experience, and she was dead wrong. She was just hurt and bitter, and expected the worst from people.

Ultimately we all have to make our own decisions as best we can, based on our own values and priorities. Take other's advice with a grain of salt, especially when it comes from random strangers on the internet. I hope it all works out well for you.
As we've all seen, you get one heck of a range of opinions when you ask for relationship advice on the internet, or any advice for that matter! :)

Everyone has their own ideas, based on their own values and life experiences. It is interesting to read these types of threads occasionally, to see the gamut of responses. I don't know the OP or his wife, what kind of relationship they have or what their values are. To some, marriage is a sacred commitment, to others it's a casual partnership that can be dissolved whenever they're not happy. If you want to make things better, and she's also willing to try, finding a good counselor is the best first step. Once things fester to the point of anger and resentment, the problem is much deeper than the minor issue at hand.

I will tell a short story, take it for what you will: A good friend of mine called me a few years ago in shock and panic. His wife had left him, taken the kids and moved in with her parents. They had troubles and he had some issues, but beyond that he's a good guy who loves his family. I've known her longer than I've know him, and she's like a sister to me. They're like family to us and we love them both.

Long story short, she had a good friend that she confided in, who jumped to the conclusion that he was a monster "Just like my ex!" Her friend had her convinced that he was a terrible no-good, and she better divorce him right now. It got ugly, and she really put the pressure on him, expecting him to walk away like her friend said he would.

Well, my friend is not that kind of guy. He went through hell and back to save his family. It took over a year as I recall. He made some much-needed changes and went through some humiliating counseling sessions. He won her back and now they're stronger and happier than ever. Her friend who said "Divorce him!" jumped to conclusions about him based solely on her own experience, and she was dead wrong. She was just hurt and bitter, and expected the worst from people.

Ultimately we all have to make our own decisions as best we can, based on our own values and priorities. Take other's advice with a grain of salt, especially when it comes from random strangers on the internet. I hope it all works out well for you.
This is great. It is wild how much outside influence can change how you would normally think. We are both believers and take marriage quite seriously and tend to lean towards the scriptural teaching that the only justifiable causation is sexual immorality, abandonment, or death (in which case it is not divorce). However, we do nothing but bring more and more sin out of each other. When we were dating, we complimented each other very well she was biblically submissive and was open to my instruction (she was a baby Christian at the time and I was a seasoned Christian - I dare not say mature lol) and I was loving and gentle with her. Once we got married though, that all changed. It's hard because the heart Christ has given me tells me to be faithful and merciful to her as He is to me but the flesh is willing to take the physical and spiritual consequences to just leave and have that load off my shoulders. I love her deeply but she also causes me great suffering lol
This is great. It is wild how much outside influence can change how you would normally think. We are both believers and take marriage quite seriously and tend to lean towards the scriptural teaching that the only justifiable causation is sexual immorality, abandonment, or death (in which case it is not divorce). However, we do nothing but bring more and more sin out of each other. When we were dating, we complimented each other very well she was biblically submissive and was open to my instruction (she was a baby Christian at the time and I was a seasoned Christian - I dare not say mature lol) and I was loving and gentle with her. Once we got married though, that all changed. It's hard because the heart Christ has given me tells me to be faithful and merciful to her as He is to me but the flesh is willing to take the physical and spiritual consequences to just leave and have that load off my shoulders. I love her deeply but she also causes me great suffering lol
In that case I'd certainly recommend finding a good counselor for sure. That anger and resentment can build up on both sides and make your lives miserable. My friend said that it was the hardest thing he ever did, the counseling and changes he made in his life, but it made a profound improvement in their lives. They both had to work at it, and it wasn't easy. We're creatures of habit, and meaningful personal change is extremely difficult. You both have to really want it. If you can find the right counselor and both have the strength and commitment to stick it out and make the necessary changes, I'll bet it will really be worth it. :)

Personally I can't even imagine life without my wife. We're both far from perfect, and we irritate each other on occasion, but we always communicate and get over it quickly. We've been through a LOT of rough times in the last couple decades (externally- not relational), and we've survived so far. We're going through a really rough time now (again, external challenges), but I know we'll be fine. Our commitment to each other is absolute, and for me that makes life more bearable when I'm barely holding on.
Not to get in the way of our good lord and savior Jesus Christ almighty and the sanctity of marriage and all, I typed in "snus mouth cancer" in Google and the very first thing that appears is..

"There is strong epidemiological evidence that snus use is not associated with a demonstrable increase in oral cancer risk. Therefore, it is particularly important to distinguish Swedish snus from other forms of oral tobacco products which have different toxic potential and substantially elevate the risk for disease."

But hey, it's your balls.

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