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This!!!! This was my first marriage. My first wife was in that 70% who ended the marriage. Non stop TV and had excuses a mile long not to put out. All the "reality TV" in the world, banging hot body and never would step foot outside the house. It was annoying.

I took a bunch of time off from work to plan my life and my manager at the time told other employees I was having relationship problems. When I got back multiple women came onto me. I could have cheated multiple times and never did. I decided to stick it out and She divorced me anyway 6 months later citing "she wanted more out of life." The funny thing is, that was 7 years ago and I have everything she ever wanted now. A beautiful custom home overlooking the valley, nice cars, all the "stuff" she dreamed of and two beautiful children with my new wife. The minute I was let go by her my life turned much better. She was dead weight the entire time. She still texts me to this day periodically to see how things are going and I can't help but share my good news.

These days She is living in a studio apartment by herself after multiple failed relationships since me. She apologized to me maybe a year ago. She sees it all now and still, refuses to change and is content being alone….Couped up in a studio apartment by herself, blaming others for not bringing her happiness she could easily have if she wasn't such a narcissist.
That sucks but at least you got some validation/acknowledgment from her (eventually) of her part in all of it. One of the most frustrating/infuriating things is people who don't/won't take ownership of their part...or worse...everything is always YOUR fault. :rolleyes:
I DETEST reality shows and do not like the ILK that are in them. I am a female. I know SEVERAL women (And men!) who feel as I do and not all of them are 72 years old as I am.

I can't understand and NEVER could understand how SOME women, men, teens and children watched that crapola.


Masked up, stupid looking, stupid acting and FULLY MASKED people (?!?) wearing dumb @@@ costumes, ANIMAL MASKS/COSTUMES, and some of them LOOK LIKE satanic looking creatures - something out of Holly-weird and Hades itself!

I DETEST so called (!) dancing shows, singing shows, quiz shows, etc.

They are NOT Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Sammy Davis Jr., etc.

The so called talk shows (LOL) and other shows have the audience SCREAMING instead of just clapping - the AUDIENCE is just as stupid and RUDE as the hosts on almost all of those shows. PLUS they tell you what you can talk about in most cases!

LOOK at the censorship all over the WWWeb - it is the same dung as the BOOB TUBE and most radio shows. NO DISCUSSION is allowed in specific subject matters and the POPULATION lets this go on and keeps paying their boob tube BOX fees!

THE CENSORSHIP on the computer aka ONLINE is getting much worse and not only on YT, main search engines, shadow banning, forums, etc.

I DETEST shows that show women who LOOK and ACT like hookers, their spoiled brats and their husbands or ex husbands who may have been famous but acted liked PIMPS for their wives/ex wives and brats.

Some of those shows from what I gather and I have seen in snippets ONLINE so I do know what I am saying here show POOR TRASHY ACTING and/or VERY WEALTHY TRASHING ACTING females, men and their brats - co-workers or neighbors.

A couple of those trashy shows are on main stream free OTA stations too. So you can SEE IT, flip it to something else and or TURN IT ALL OFF!

FREE CHOICE - FREE WILL - use it or lose it. TURN IT OFF if you hate it as I do.

GO into another room or tell your partner/spouse, "ENOUGH is enough!"

I thank God that my late husband and my MT husband were not and are NOT into those types of shows!

Back to the trashy stars and not so famous contestants:

You SEE their movie, tv, music, etc. names/faces on many front pages of so called 'news' (NOT!) before you get to some real news.

Most of these so called famous people are VERY popular to the ADDICTED TO TV SLAVES who worship them like a 'god' and believe that the reality is REAL. Ha ha!

The JOKE is on the addicted to tv slave and I mean NO OFFENSE to men or women who are WITH or MARRIED to those ADDICTS who worship their ENTERTAINMENT (LOL) - popular culture freaks in the BUSINESS.

That INDUSTRY aka show business does a LOT to destroy people mentally, physically, socially and LITERALLY brainwashes GULLIBLE ADDICTED watchers/listeners.

But ONLY if YOU allow it to do that to you! FREE will - free choice.

Those addicted tv/movie/music slaves are just as BRAINWASHED as the cult followers who follow THEIR present or former political LEADER (Leaders!) on the FAR RIGHT and on the FAR LEFT.

THOSE DING DONGS (NO offense!) on the FAR RIGHT and FAR LEFT have literally EFFED UP this country big time with their cult like leaders, words, actions, lies and fellow followers!

NO matter what you show them or tell them or tell them TO PUT UP or SHUT UP - they don't believe it.

The Q and Q ANON idiots, the ANTIFA freaks, THE RIOTERS ON ALL SIDES, and MANY of those L/R and R/L GROUPS have literally BRAINWASHED people and I PUT THEM right UP THERE with the TV ADDICTED SHOW BIZ FOLLOWERS and the people who have on FAUX CNN, FAUX FOX, ETC. so called 'news' on almost 24/7 and they NEVER DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH or SEE/HEAR another viewpoint.

LOOK at WHO controls the news and show business from a to z.

A TINY GROUP of corporations!


What is their OBJECTIVE? To DUMB DOWN the population and brainwash them with propaganda from just about every outlet in this day and age.

IT started some time ago as most educated people know but what USED TO BE CONSIDERED nasty or shameful or disgusting or NOT NICE is right there - OUT THERE in your face but ONLY if YOU and/or some partner/spouse if you are a PAIR decide to have it IN YOUR face and EARS!

And if you have children - they do NOT need that crapola in their lives and early life!

I was scrolling and listening/watching through some 'talks' online and WORDS DO MATTER on Sunday.

NOT just stateside talks but overseas from a to z.

IT IS GETTING MUCH, much WORSE out there in LA LA LAND! Oh my!

Now, even more than PREVIOUSLY, according to some 'religious and POLITICAL leaders' AND newscasters - you can't use REAL WORDS for what something IS (A CRIME as one example!) or WHO SOMEONE IS (A THIEF OR A LIAR or a warmonger, etc.!).

Because if you do that - you are not a, ahem, NICE PERSON so if you call someone a THIEF or an adulterer/whoremonger or an illegal alien or a CRIMINAL or a LYING CRIMINAL or a TAX CHEAT or A PROVEN and convicted SPY or FILL IN THE BLANKS - some of these MODERN leaders in so called moral issues IN and OUT of politics, religion, THE NEWS, the GUN FOLKS who may or may not (?) be fighting for the RKBA issue, in and out of show biz, etc. - they will call you much worse words and not only a bigot or a mean person if you call a spade - a spade.

And ALL of that crapola is coming out of a box that you get for FREE (OTA) or PAY FOR IT with a cable or a sat. dish or even OUT OF YOUR COMPUTER!

So you get the so called 'news' PREACHING TO YOU on the L, R and in the middle from your BOX - YOUR BOOB TUBE and you get it from your computer. And LOOK at TALK RADIO NOW too!

But you can turn it ALL OFF! FREE choice - free will!

Many of those radio hosts are nothing but @@@ KISSERS who actually BELIEVE their senile and/or bat s crazy leaders or they are afraid to leave their FOLD and getting shunned on the RIGHT, LEFT or whatever side that they are on.

IT is all about the MONEY, their CULT on ANY SIDE and their SO CALLED JOB in and out of the BUSINESS! IT is show business - that IS what it is about. The 'news' in most countries is SHOW BUSINESS.

NEWS PEOPLE and leaders:

Men put on your hair gel or hair spray and do your UGLY COMB OVER and spray on your TAN!

Women hike up your skirts, put on those HIGH HEELS, plaster your face and talk all soft, stupid and giggly!

And the so called entertainment - show biz folks who remain just as STUPID as ever in their acting/singing gigs think that they KNOW IT ALL because some L or R leader or the 'news' told them so and all of a sudden they are an EXPERT when they couldn't even tell you jack squat about the geographical location or history of a COUNTRY or anything that they CLAIM TO BE AN EXPERT ON!

The SHOW BIZ FOLKS aka the entertainment industry is just as biased, IGNORANT and/or bat s crazy as the so called news folks because if a FREE THINKER DARES TO SPEAK UP or give their OPINION which may DIFFER totally or even partially from the GROUP THINK - they get shunned or blacklisted or whatever even if the FREE THINKER has actually done his or her homework on history, geography, etc.

They do NOT want a free thinker to have ANOTHER OPINION and in many cases they will NOT allow it OR they will CUT OFF part of a news conference or only show snippets on their news and that goes for papers unless you can get a full transcript!

They will not do it the OLD WAY - agree to disagree. OR they choose to call something that IS TRUE and did happen - a conspiracy theory. WHY? Because they ONLY LISTEN TO ONE SIDE or don't really pay attention to what really DID HAPPEN and it showed IT, whatever IT was/is, from ALL SOURCES AND SIDES! The CT line is usually a COP OUT to many dense people in some real news issues.

Many stars (!) on the REALITY and other shows like to use the CT line too. Mostly leftists use it but MANY other people use it too. Including FENCE SITTERS and people who claim that they are pro gun. Sometimes the said discussed issue IS a CT and sometimes it IS NOT. Meaning that IT actually happened in the news or in real life.

REALITY shows are nothing but an ILLUSION and there is nothing REAL about them NO matter what an addicted to tv person chooses to believe.

It is like when 2 guys from Seattle (GUN people!) told me that WE HAD TO DO SOMETHING way back when concerning the PATRIOT ACT. You know the REVISED VERSION WITH BUSHIE 2 not the original bs one that old BILLY BOY wanted and was already WRITTEN UP.

I told them that the PAT ACT was NOT something good and it was actually UNPATRIOTIC. Their eyes glazed over!

BUT all of these people, including those 2 men, WHO were close to my age or a bit younger/older said, "WE have to DO SOMETHING!" They are just as DENSE as the anti gunners - anti RKBA people who say, "WE have to DO SOMETHING!"

MANY OF THEM are the ones who don't want to PROSECUTE the criminals and it is all about THE GUN to them NOT the actual criminal - perp. NOT all of those people think that way but many of them DO including SOME GUN PEOPLE. Uh huh.

I group those people right UP there with some, NOT all, DENSE and addicted to TV folks who think that the LITTLE BOX or LARGE and IMPOSING tv on their wall is telling them the truth while they can't LIVE in some peace and quiet and THINK FOR THEMSELVES!

I would rather LIVE ALONE than live with some ADDICTED TO TV PERSON or to someone who wants to blame an inanimate object with NO pulse/NO heartbeat instead of blaming a CRIMINAL for doing a dirty deed.

I PUT SPORTS ADDICTED MEN/WOMEN right UP there in the SAME GROUP with reality, etc. shows ADDICTED TO TV PEOPLE too!

I never saw those prepping shows on the tv. I did see some on YT. Some were posted on here and on other forums and news.

I heard that the prepping shows on the boob tube were mainly stupid and NOT real as in a 'reality show'. FAKE or almost all of them were fake or the people were paranoid and some of them did illegal things.

I ONLY know what I read and saw so I do not know the entire truth there. I never saw them on the tv.

My late husband did NOT like many of my British mystery shows. He liked one, sort of - lol, but he was NOT into THEM. I shut the 2 doors to the den and went into the living room to watch some of them or I TAPED IT on a VCR. He could see something else or READ A BOOK. He was an avid reader as I am.

My MT husband only likes SOME of my British mystery shows. He goes into another room and reads or does something else. He is an avid reader as I am.

My MT husband does like to listen to his RADIO when his OLD university football game is on. He PREFERS the radio and sometimes if it is on tv - he will put that on but with the SOUND OFF of the tv while he has the RADIO SOUND ON.

I do NOT like football and I go into another room and READ or go into another room and watch or listen to a podcast.

He KNOWS that this house is much SMALLER than my BIG former house back east.
He USES EAR PLUGS for his university football game.


He does NOT have to use ear plugs but he KNOWS that I do NOT like football and he does this as a CONSIDERATION to me.

MOST of the time, our TV is turned OFF. I kid you not.

And if it is on - it has to be something that really interests us.

I do NOT force my shows on him or vice versa.

My MT husband is hard of hearing and he does NOT like the sound that much even on the newer tv. He ALWAYS has on the closed captions. He DETESTS commercials too. So when I tell people that he has the sound OFF or way down and reads the words instead - they don't GET IT but he actually does NOT like some of the blaring on some news and shows. The OLD WESTERNS don't bother him but he has the SOUND DOWN for them too.

BOTH of us enjoy peace and quiet with NO DRAMA.

I could NOT STAND to live with someone with a LOT of drama and bs in their lives.

Save your drama for your Mama! LOL

We have the RINGERS on our telephones TURNED OFF most of the time too. We turn on the ringers IF we know that we are expecting a call or at night if I am UP and in the living room due to my older sister's health/hospice in FL.

Plus the LIGHT COMES ON with the telephones and on the old answering machine too.

IF I am UP - the telephone is fairly close to me due to my older sister and older brother PLUS due to the fires - fire season.

IT depends on the situation and what I am doing IF we turn on the RINGERS. I do not stare at it and if I miss a call - oh well. Leave a message or not. It is a land line - NO cellular telephones here.

Our house and our neighbors are QUIET. ALMOST all of us are old school around here.

I would NOT have a large tv on the wall. If someone likes that IN their own home - it is THEIR BUSINESS and lifestyle NOT mine.

I find it ODD and very unusual that people can't LIVE ALONE or as a family with PEACE AND QUIET too. Time to think. Why does someone always have to have NOISE on? For company or background noise? I never lived like that and I would NOT choose to live like that alone or as a remarried widow.

To the guy who is almost married 50 years - congrats! I would be in that group of 50 some years if my late husband lived. I was a happy wife. Vice versa! We agreed in almost everything and were soul mates.

I am a happy wife now almost all of the time if I TUNE OUT most of the bs, craziness and stupidity of today's modern world.

IT is much harder to compromise and give/take as an OLDER PERSON but if you love, like and respect one another with honesty and KINDNESS - you can do it. But if it ever came to a time where that did NOT continue to happen in my life - I would be ALONE all over again and choose that.

I did not regret living alone as a widow. I do not regret remarrying.

I do believe in the sanctity of marriage and I and/or we CHOOSE to live in an old fashioned manner.

I do believe that as an OLDER LADY or older man, if they do choose to remarry - they better plan ahead and DISCUSS ALL ISSUES OF LIFE just as you should as a younger bride and groom.

And as an OLDER PERSON - protect your assets. His, hers and joint. IF you can't discuss that and plan ahead HONESTLY in case you don't marry the person that he or she CLAIMS or PRETENDS to be - you sure as heck do not want to START OVER in your 60's if some fly by night creep stole you blind.

DO a pre nuptial agreement!

I have heard of dumb @@@ women who had that happen to THEM just as much as there have been dumb @@@ men who FELL for some young chicky poo.

LAY YOUR CARDS ON THE TABLE and check out the person INCLUDING their friends, families, etc. and if that sounds too COLD saying it as an OLDER LADY - tough cookies!

As a YOUNGER PERSON starting out in life - you usually have nothing to start with and you work together. But plan ahead there and discuss it ALL from a to z.

Moral code for life - religious. Same religion or not?



Money and savings.

Children or no children and dogs.

Allergies to cats so no cats.

Pro RKBA or not even if you don't own a gun yet.

Pro Constitution - same political group or close to it.

And if you don't have the SAME BELIEF SYSTEM for most of the things in your life, religious or not, and a GOOD SET OF MORALS - SAME WAVE LENGTH = DO NOT GET MARRIED!

Don't date men (Or women.) with NO morals and men who do not have a CODE OF HONOR to live by in or out of the military.

If you can honestly LOVE, LIKE, RESPECT, BE PROUD OF YOUR LOVED ONE IN ALL WAYS, BE HONEST WITH FROM A TO Z, have the same interests or close to them like swimming, reading, sail and power boats, politics, religion, GOALS IN LIFE, respect for other people, LIVE BY THE GOLDEN RULE, etc. - you may live a LONG and happy life TOGETHER.

And if you can't agree to disagree in LITTLE THINGS... walk away.

But you absolutely MUST AGREE IN THE BIG THINGS IN LIFE that are VERY IMPORTANT FOR 'you' AS A SINGLE PERSON, AS A COUPLE and if you decide to have children.

Last Edited:
I've been married for just under thirty years. Things weren't always great and marriage has been like a roller coaster at times. We've had our share of bad times over the years but we're still a thing after all this time because we didn't quit. I don't know if I truly have the secrets but we're doing pretty well all things considered. I'm a very satisfied husband and I believe she's a happy wife. We are on the same page politically and goal wise so that's helped a lot. There was a lot of learning in our marriage and the biggest thing was to treat one another like we would like to be treated. That took me a long time to figure out but I treat her well and take care of her and she in turn takes great care of me. We've learned to rely on each other and our bond has gotten stronger and stronger. She hasn't worked outside the home in years because we chose to raise our kids instead of having a daycare center do it. We have never been able to keep up with the Jones' but we have four well balanced kids as a result. The adult kids are out contributing to a better tomorrow, not all messed up and I'm proud of that. Oh, and we never cheated on one another. That's a big one I think.
Be careful looking for something..... (Chasing it)
looney tunes spin GIF

...that you may not be able to handle...(Is different than catching it.)
Tasmanian Devil Love GIF by Looney Tunes
Men, especially simps, which are sadly 80% of 'men', cannot accept that dating/romance and yes marriage pretty much died circa 2007+ with the advent of social media.

Marriage is now nothing more than a legal contract where the wife is rewarded with cash and prizes + your kid (if) any if they break the contract.

Social Media has empowered all the 49ers to feel emboldened in their hypergamy in that they deserve someone wealthier, taller, better looking, etc than you. Since it is impossible for a man to make a women happy you are doomed from the get go.

Grandfather clauses aside, any man who would consider marriage 2022+ is simply a FOOL. No, you did not find the unicorn.

Women crave getting married. The ceremony of it, the attention and validation as in the WEDDING. They don't like being married however.

Peace and solitude are #1. In any relationship the person that cares the least has all the power. Women have nothing to lose and more to gain by a divorce and therefore have all the power. This is not complex stuff here so if you are not deluded into some false reality, think it through and save your life.

How to find a wife:
1. Assemble time machine.
2. Go back to 1850
3. Find a wife and stay in 1850
Are these steps beyond your ability? No worries. I have a secondary program. Don't get married.
Last Edited:
I really should start a marriage, relationship advice thread! Maybe not.
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
—Groucho Marx

Marriage can be viewed as the waiting room for death.
—Mike Myers

Marriage is the death of hope.
—Woody Allen

I used to be married…but I'm much better now.

Marriage is an exercise in torture.
—Frances Conroy

Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.
—Leonardo da Vinci

Marriage is the tomb of love.
—Giacomo Casanova

Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway.
—Joey Adams

Married men live longer than single men. But married men are a lot more willing to die.
—Johnny Carson

A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers.
—Eddie Cantor

The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.
—Henny Youngman

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.
—Sacha Guitry

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

The music at a wedding procession always reminds me of the music of soldiers going into battle.
—Heinrich Heine

Always get married in the morning. That way if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted the whole day.
—Mickey Rooney

Personally, I know nothing about sex, because I have always been married.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

Married life had taught him the futility of arguing with a female in a dark-brown mood.
—Isaac Asimov

One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
—Oscar Wilde

Most marriages don't add two people together. They subtract one from the other.
—Ian Fleming

My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
—Rodney Dangerfield

Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.
—Albert Einstein

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
—Rita Rudner

The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing – and then marry him.

A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband.
—Michel de Montaigne

Closing this thread.
While I understand that this is the Off Topic section....
This particular topic is no one's business but one's own.
And...some of the comments are divisive / disturbing / offensive.

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