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Is the SHTF rifle(s) a serious concern, simply an intellectual exercise, or something else?

  • Yes, it is the number one concern when preparing.

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • It is a major concern, but only one of many.

    Votes: 39 31.2%
  • Yah, this one should require some thought, time, and money invested, but don't go nuts.

    Votes: 41 32.8%
  • It is of minimal value in preparations, but can't hurt. Better to have it ... sort of thing.

    Votes: 15 12.0%
  • No, it is a waste of time and energy.

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Having rifles is a good idea, but the SHTF rifle concept is simply a mental exercise.

    Votes: 20 16.0%
  • (burp!) Duh Lizard Aliens Я among us. Defend ur domestic beer 'n Har-Pernts! Reptilians! (shart!)

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • I've been living in a wallspace ...

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters
Well since you asked....
Yah, this one should require some thought, time, and money invested, but don't go nuts.

So.... Not everyone is equipped to be competent with a gun. Not speaking for myself, of course... or youze guys. Just saying that some folks are good at prepping, first aid, scrounging, gardening and stockpiling and that's ok. Some folks just never had the inclination to learn about guns but they may have other valuable skills when it comes to SHTF. Gun owners aren't the only ones trying to survive. When the SHTF, we will all need each other.
As in previous social break-down/conquest situations, the hands competent with swords/firepower will make the rules, and the peasants will support their protectors/conquerors with their labor. So it has been thru-out known history.. Not sayin it's fair, right or good- just that it is what it is.
To me a SHTF rifle should be a jack of all trades, able to be used for hunting as well as defense. It needs to be accurate and powerful enough to kill at longer ranges, but compact and maneuverable enough to use for CQB. It should have a generous magazine capacity, be reliable, easy to repair if broken or damaged, and light enough to carry for extended periods of time. Common caliber and parts are also important.

The above is my interpretation, but everyone has different needs and expectations. Going through the mental exercise is a critical part of each person's preparedness efforts, and everyone will have different answers based on their unique circumstances.
Your criteria will basically leave out the .223 rifles like the AR15. The AK is right out, too, no good past 300 meters or a little more.. Possibly a scoped SKS and brew up some handloads? Maybe the H&K or FAL in 7.62x51? I'm thinking of having my FAL barrel shortened to an OAL @ 20" plus a short flash hider. I wonder how well the heavier 5.56x45 bullets would perform in the roles you define? From what I have read, the M4 isn't all that reliable a "killer", which would be wanted for hunting.. maybe with 68 gr soft points? I picked up a Colt M4gery for it's light weight and firepower in the hands of an old geezer, not sure I'd want to draw down on a deer or elk here in the mtns tho. Then there is my selection of various 7.92x57 rifles and stacked surplus and commercial S&B hunting ammo.
More guns than brains! Doesnt seen to be a "One-gun solution" where I sit... I remember the news videos after Katrina flooded NOLA- guys in small water craft defending their boats with FALs and similar rifles.
Hmmm. Great mental exercise.. ::::scratches head and rolls another cig::::
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Your criteria will basically leave out the .223 rifles like the AR15. The AK is right out, too, no good past 300 meters or a little more.. Possibly a scoped SKS and brew up some handloads? Maybe the H&K or FAL in 7.62x51? I'm thinking of having my FAL barrel shortened to an OAL @ 20" plus a short flash hider. I wonder how well the heavier 5.56x45 bullets would perform in the roles you define? From what I have read, the M4 isn't all that reliable a "killer", which would be wanted for hunting.. maybe with 68 gr soft points? I picked up a Colt M4gery for it's light weight and firepower in the hands of an old geezer, not sure I'd want to draw down on a deer or elk here in the mtns tho. Then there is my selection of various 7.92x57 rifles and stacked surplus and commercial S&B hunting ammo.
More guns than brains! Doesnt seen to be a "One-gun solution" where I sit...
Hmmm. Great mental exercise.. ::::scratches head and rolls another cig::::
I have to disagree. 5.56 is certainly capable of killing at distances of 500yds, which to me is considered long range. There are other bullets that are more effective at that range, but that doesn't mean the 5.56 is not effective. This is one giant exercise of compromise - size vs weight vs power vs maneuverability.
"Yah, this one should require some thought, time, and money invested, but don't go nuts."

As I have commented on this type of question on other post, I would say my answer is above.

Having a rifle for home defense in my mind is essential but will do you no good if you don't have some basic food, water and meds stashed away that will at least keep you going for the start of a SHTF or you may be dead before your taken out by a bad guy.

I would still go with a 5.56 rifle and a 9mm hand gun as I feel ammo would be much easier to find as most, if not all NATO countries use it.

In the end it does not matter what gun you have if you apply the "third world principle" and that is you use what you have to acquire what you need!

If I use my 30-30 to take out a bad guy before he takes me out then I own his stuff so just like in the video games, I gain new toys as I go on.

This is a short answer as I feel there is more to consider but it is going to be more based on your mindset and what your preparing for.
S has HTF depending on who you are. The McCluskys(?). Portland residents. Rittenhouse. Numerous others. Thank God the country hasn't collapsed.

It's not surprising that unlike Portland or Seattle, they've had their version of SHTF. Red areas have magically avoided them. So in cases like these I am saying SHTF scenarios are created or designed. How ever you'd prefer to label it.

Looks like in most cases, even Ukraine, SHTF could have been avoided with a strong sense of real consequences. How much SHTF is avoided from a personal level to a government because the opposition know not to mess with that house or nation?
If you are spending significantly more time on SHTF rifles than you are on first aid, water purification, sanatization, food storage, food growing, communications, physical health, etc.. then you are giving it too much of your time and effort in relation.

Surviving during SHTF is like the chain analogy - the weakest link will get you killed. All the guns in the world won't keep you from dying by infection, dysentery, or starvation.

I do talk firearms in general more than the others, but it's also a lifelong hobby where the others are not.

In terms of SHTF I did my assessment and mad my purchases and sales based on that years ago.
For Us, it's the aftermath of said splat, like a goose through the propeller and now you need to slow down and take your time to think while looking through all the blood and guts now splattered all over your pretty little bush plane!
I think the bigger situation is going to be, seen with out really drawing attention to ones self. Take an earth quake type situation, you want to be armed, and have that fact kinda obvious, but not so much that your a threat or target. In this, the old wood stocked Mauser 98 sporter, or the Winny Lever action seems most appropriate, along with the curved handle of a big revolver in it's holster on the belt! What people don't see is the double stack 1911 or the AR under the long parka! For an all out survival type situation when you might have to fight, all bets are off and the FAL comes out to play, or, the M-1A NM!
If it comes to fighting, it means I really screwed up, or the situation is so bad that my only chance is to fight my way out of it, not something I ever want to be in, but may work that way despite my best efforts not to be around when that kicks off!
I keep a "Truck" gun in the Van as well as move it to the plane or cars as needed, but it always follows me where ever I go, and that's usually a super trick 03-A3 or K-31!
For Us, it's the aftermath of said splat, like a goose through the propeller and now you need to slow down and take your time to think while looking through all the blood and guts now splattered all over your pretty little bush plane!
I think the bigger situation is going to be, seen with out really drawing attention to ones self. Take an earth quake type situation, you want to be armed, and have that fact kinda obvious, but not so much that your a threat or target. In this, the old wood stocked Mauser 98 sporter, or the Winny Lever action seems most appropriate, along with the curved handle of a big revolver in it's holster on the belt! What people don't see is the double stack 1911 or the AR under the long parka! For an all out survival type situation when you might have to fight, all bets are off and the FAL comes out to play, or, the M-1A NM!
If it comes to fighting, it means I really screwed up, or the situation is so bad that my only chance is to fight my way out of it, not something I ever want to be in, but may work that way despite my best efforts not to be around when that kicks off!
I keep a "Truck" gun in the Van as well as move it to the plane or cars as needed, but it always follows me where ever I go, and that's usually a super trick 03-A3 or K-31!
Concealable long guns - such as bullpups, or Shockwaves, etc., in a backpack or under a long bulky coat (maybe with soft armor), etc., are my preference.

The Five Seven and PS90 seemed like a good combo for get home guns in a number of scenarios. High capacity, lightweight guns and ammo (the 200 round loadout is about half the weight of a 9mm/5.56 combo), less bulky - especially if the PS90 has been SBR'd, fast accurate shooting out to 100 yards with the handgun, 200 with the rifle. Possible armor piercing might be a bonus in some situations. Even in the woods, this would not be a bad survival gun combo. Optics on the PS90 would be something to give some thought to in order to extend its range - IMO the "iron sights" such - the "ring sight" (expensive but worth it) is an improvement and low profile, a Meprolight M21 or something similar is preferable but not as low profile.
I posted earlier but forgot to mention, having been deployed, I have seen the character of good people break down in short order. Not knowing what to expect in the next days or hours can really get to some folks.

Depending on the scenario people of weak character, regardless of who they are, need to be avoided. The problems they create aren't worth the trouble.
I posted earlier but forgot to mention, having been deployed, I have seen the character of good people break down in short order. Not knowing what to expect in the next days or hours can really get to some folks.

Depending on the scenario people of weak character, regardless of who they are, need to be avoided. The problems they create aren't worth the trouble.
I never have politicians for friends so I should be ok.:s0140:
I did consider a SHTF weapon pretty seriously and spent some time thinking which of my weapons would be something I could grab when everything is going to s*&t and know I can depend on it. I have always considered handguns something to use until I can get to my carbine so I have always considered a long rifle to be essential.

My SHTF carbine is my Colt 6721 with a Leupold MK 4 1.5-5 scope. I have no problem having my dedicated SHTF weapon being 5.56MM. I have tons of ammo for it and it is accurate, reliable and a basic no frills weapon. My wife and kids are familiar enough with it they could use it in an emergency. I also have a FN SCAR 17 and Knights Armament SR-25 which I would also trust, but I have enough spare parts for my 6721 is can keep it running forever.
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I posted earlier but forgot to mention, having been deployed, I have seen the character of good people break down in short order. Not knowing what to expect in the next days or hours can really get to some folks.

Depending on the scenario people of weak character, regardless of who they are, need to be avoided. The problems they create aren't worth the trouble.
I think it will depend on the scenario. If there is an expectation of things returning to normal in relatively short order, then most people won't panic to the point of losing it. But if it is TEOTWAWKI - e.g., asteroid, nukes, invasion, etc., then yes, I expect a lot more people to come unglued.
Ukraine 2022 demonstrates the need for a long gun in SHTF. You must be able to resist your oppressors. Otherwise you will end up like the executed citizens found in mass graves of recently liberated towns outside of Kyiv.
Having a rifle is a must imo, however the debate about caliber, type, length, etc. is mental masturbation. If there really is a societal collapse of any type, your main issues are going to be water, food, heat, power, and other mainstays of life.
Yes, you may need to protect yourself at times, so make sure you have something, plenty of ammo and know how to use it. I think most guys in this forum have those boxes checked. Less have water, food, and fuel sorted out for a shtf scenario.
With a proper rifle you can always obtain "... water, food, heat, power, and other mainstays of life" if you are ruthless. And if you have water, food, heat, power, and other mainstays of life, others who don't have them are going to try to take yours by force. So without proper arms you'll have nothing, no matter how much prepping you've done.
With a proper rifle you can always obtain "... water, food, heat, power, and other mainstays of life" if you are ruthless. And if you have water, food, heat, power, and other mainstays of life, others who don't have them are going to try to take yours by force. So without proper arms you'll have nothing, no matter how much prepping you've done.
Those who beat their rifles into plows will plow for those who didn't…

It's funny how humans have to learn so many things the hard way after previous generations, hundreds of years ago (and far more than that) already figured it out.
I was watching the news a few years ago when Traci Berry (TV talking head in Portland) began to talk about the "fault" lines that run through Portland and over to Clark County. Her remarks included the statement that "it could be several months before services were restored." As a consequence, I decided to put together an earthquake kit that would help to provide some level of normalcy for us, in the event that there was a severe 'quake. I have everything in waterproof boxes in a safe place that is not readily accessible by the general public. In the event that buildings collapse I would still be able to get to the boxes. I have food for a week and water for 3 weeks along with space blankets and a Harbor freight solar power setup. I figured that I would end up hunting game for sustenance. I have a 10/22, a .22 mag and a 7MM mag plus a 12 gauge. Of course I'd be wearing a Glock too. I figure that there would be a lot of male casualties and I could trade sexual favors for canned goods and fresh fruit. Please don't think of me as being a slut. This is about surviving a natural disaster.
I voted important, but don't go nuts.

I was concerned about ammunition availability, reliability, parts availability, and redundancy. That got me to 5.56 ARs, 7.62x39 AKs, 9mm Glocks, 12 gauge 870s, and a variety of .22s. But I've tried to keep my whole collection restricted to commonly available calibers, and I've tried to stock an "adequate" supply of ammo for each piece.

Definitely want to give a shout out to the .22. I'm in an urban / suburban kind of environment. In difficult circumstances, I figure most of the critters I could poach around here would be best shot with a .22 as opposed to something bigger.

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