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I've been banned many a time! Zuckerberg needs to fix his FB! Freedom of speech is in our Constitution! Hellllllooooo! From posting to many times, agreeing to many times. WTH! My famous response is! Stop trying to Control Me!!!!!

"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," etc. Says nothing about FB or any other private business.
The NRA is on Facebook as well. You go where all the eyes are to get them on your product.

I am sorry but that's just funny as hell, more of the hey everyone else is doing it so it must be the right thing to do.
By the way I have already talked with the NRA and slammed them for this as well.

So please someone tell me how all this pandering on Facebook has helped? Did OFF and the NRA stop one gun law from passing in the last few years?
So please explain what the product is they are selling or is it just so they can collect member revenue ?
Because God knows they have prevented nothing here in Oregon.

Nothing against you at all Colvil, but if gun owners truly see it as you do were are done and cooked.
Let me try one more time, so we donate to OFF and the NRA they are on facebook, facebook is working to remove firearms rights and we are helping Facebook gather revenue to do this? So maybe we should donate money to CeaseFire Oregon, as they too are trying to remove our gun rights. Make zero sense to give no matter whom it is if their goal it to destroy your rights you don't pay them to do this no gain would ever be worth that .
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People talk about wanting to talk with Family, hmmm when I was younger we did this thing it was called a phone.
I know I know amazing you could actually speak with a person on the other end. And to end all that crazyness we would actually go see them in person OMG. Facebook is needed the way the U.N. is needed. I am sure OFF will gladly tell all members to give their Guns to the U.N. I mean after all everyone is doing it.....o_O. Wow...... !
Its no wonder we are losing our rights the people fighting for us have no clue where the fight even is.

I've tried and tried, but I can't get family and friends to cooperate. Most of us don't like talking on the phone anymore. I still like email but rarely get any answers to my messages. One friend even insists that my wife texts instead of phoning. So yes, even adults are trending towards being detached from personal contact. Just like kids are.
I've tried and tried, but I can't get family and friends to cooperate. Most of us don't like talking on the phone anymore. I still like email but rarely get any answers to my messages. One friend even insists that my wife texts instead of phoning. So yes, even adults are trending towards being detached from personal contact. Just like kids are.

Off topic, but some how we always got by. I bet many today wont have fond memories that night they texted a friend. But I can recall with Crystal clarity meeting friends at designated times like skyline at 1:00am that was when people actually understood what was important It was also when you didn't compromise a value just because others did it. Boy I miss those days.
This crap with NRA and OFF etc, is just more examples of the out of touch trying to tell us how outta touch those opposing us, are...........out of touch. I know the person who runs OFF is older like many of us, and how they can't see the captain obvious stuff is beyond me. This week after being on facebook for 8 years my father in law is closing his account. He is a 60's Army Vet and is tired of all this FB crap and people selling their souls for a spotlight.

Nothing against you at all Colvill, but if gun owners truly see it as you do were are done and cooked.

No need to be formal, DH. "Jim" will do. ;) As for what I opinion doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the grand order of things. I merely point out the reality. Another strange reality I have noticed is that, as gun owners, the staunchest allies outside of the traditional demographic are Marxists and anarchists. For the past month I have been dealing with trolls of both self identified conservative and neo-liberal stripes. It saddens me when "gun owners" are coming to a pro 2nd A site to state that all semi-automatic guns should be banned and no amount of facts will dissuade them. Call them FUDDs and deride them at your peril. This is the new reality and it now goes beyond the traditional socio-political split.
Well I suppose we will all see how this plays out, I write OFF often and they could care less what I say.
I have written the NRA and the laugh at me like I am clue less. In our nations history there were those whom went with the status quo and those who openly opposed it. I do get exactly what you are saying and why they are doing it I am aware as well. It make sense to use a resource that is both free and contacts the masses. Interestingly enough some members here will support OFF to have a presence on facebook, but will say they are not shopping at Dicks Sports or Bimart for the same reasons.
As guns owners we are flopping around like a carp on a deck, we knee jerk to everything around us and accomplish nothing but flopping around waiting for our last breath. It very hard to explain in words in a forum, but all we need to do is see we are gaining no ground at all by doing what we are doing, and failing to do what we should be . Like I said its hysterical how out of touch we are on how things work.
If OFF and the NRA are shut down on facebook, like so many others have been there and youtube, OFF and the NRA will lose huge because they trusted a opposing nut jobs resource and now they have none.
Oh well I am sure by now most on here know how I feel about this stuff, after what must be 10 years now trying to get people to listen I have one last attempt to do so, then I will close up shop and let the chips fall where they do.
I should point out some things I think get passed over fairly often, or do not even hit the radar. The silent masses, folks who keep quiet for what ever reason, until the time comes to stand up and be counted, usually at the ballot box. Think about how bad things are out there right now, how bad it is to be seen as a filing owner aligned with such evil as the NRA, and all the other anti gun propaganda, we'e out numbered 100 to 1, so we remain quietly in the back ground, but we see the truth as it is, and when the time comes, they will step up, and things like Trump beating Killory will happen, and the antis will be left standing there scratching their heads, dumb struck! It's how things work! Right now, the AR is the elephant in the room, and unless you make a powerful stance to defend it, every one will shout you down, say all sorts of things, and you get lost in the noise, or you sit back and wait until the timing is right and then you pounce!
You know, if you report a page it can appear not active to you. I have reported enough antis accounts in the past to know this. Hmmmmm makes me wonder.... so if people can't see it..hmmm interesting.
I see a post by OFF at 9:23 AM yesterday

Definitely fake news. No person at Facebook banned OFF from posting. There are a bunch of posts showing on the OFF Facebook page for that day. And many, many more posts since then.

This is probably just more guerilla tactics by the antigun fanatics here in Oregon, with a bunch of them improperly reporting his Facebook page or himself, in order to manipulate Facebook's automated system into temporarily censoring him. It is more a case of online harassment, than anything else.

People just don't seem to understand that the antigun folks in Oregon have declared total, all-out war on right rights here in our state. To them, it is a case of the ends justifying the means. And that means that every dirty, lowdown tactic imaginable is going to be used to attack gun rights, and those that support them, here in Oregon.

It doesn't matter, what the hell is OFF doing on Facebook anyways?

Sure there are many many gun groups on facebook.
But much of them don't do a happy dance about how they wont compromise,
and then they go on facebook, and tells his members to use facebook all so suckeyberg can get revenue dollars
for his-leftist agenda.
Ya sure hes not comprising, by bringing members to a place to give a antigun nut advertising dollars.
Please tell us again how you wont Comprise ?:s0140:

We can all be conned but at what point do we realize that we're being conned and to what point do we allow ourselves to be conned?

The ability to commnicate is necessary. They cut off 2a commnication so we cant' organize, not be informed , so their cowardly attempt to steal our rights will not be contested.
Definitely fake news. No person at Facebook banned OFF from posting. There are a bunch of posts showing on the OFF Facebook page for that day. And many, many more posts since then.

This is probably just more guerilla tactics by the antigun fanatics here in Oregon, with a bunch of them improperly reporting his Facebook page or himself, in order to manipulate Facebook's automated system into temporarily censoring him. It is more a case of online harassment, than anything else.

People just don't seem to understand that the antigun folks in Oregon have declared total, all-out war on right rights here in our state. To them, it is a case of the ends justifying the means. And that means that every dirty, lowdown tactic imaginable is going to be used to attack gun rights, and those that support them, here in Oregon.

The ability to commnicate is necessary. They cut off 2a commnication so we cant' organize, not be informed , so their cowardly attempt to steal our rights will not be contested.

I get that 100%:cool: still doesn't change we are supporting by revenue those we oppose.
I have read it a couple times its is said in this topic we need it for communication. I say no we don't
I am not sure , do people really think Facebook is not aware that the people they oppose are using Facebook.
Why some are brilliantly deflecting FB's attempt at gathering information. We hand it all on a silver platter and pay them to let us do it.
NWFA has a hugely successful website proving you don't need facebook to communicate. I know this will some day come back to bite us on the arse it always does and the antis laugh at us as we trip over ourselves justifying how we know we are manipulated but are good with it.

IF, OFF's Facebook is so reliant on Facebook, and they close it down this would mean they could crush OFF in one swipe of FB and this would mean OFF would be destroyed if closed down on Facebook, if so more the cause to get away from Facebook before it happens. I have told Kevin this last year or someone in their office they say the say thing people do here. Why oh why do we keep just running towards making mistakes over and over and then act surprised when it happens. o_O

Winter is Coming !!!!

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