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OFF Banned.jpg

Our *good friends* at Facebook have apparently blocked Oregon Firearms Federation founder and director Kevin Starrett from being able to post a few days ago.

"I have no idea why I was blocked and FB does not respond to questions about it. Clearly we have always had strong views posted on FB with no problems. But if any random individual can complain and silence you, Facebook is a forum we will be moving away from" Starrett tells The Gateway Pundit.

OFF made a post on their webpage, and were able to send out an email blast the other day:

Today Facebook blocked OFF from posting on its page. There was no explanation.

We know that Facebook manipulates its content and blocks any material that it does not agree with, but this is the first time OFF has been cut off from posting messages. This is all we received:

"You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you're temporarily blocked from using this feature. For more information, visit the Help Center."

Needless to say, the "Help Center" provided no help.

While Facebook has been a useful tool for reaching people and giving them the opportunity to respond, it is becoming increasingly clear that it is a medium that is designed to control its users, mine their data and silence any information not in line with its narrative. This is amazingly dangerous.

If you are a Facebook user be aware that the information you are getting there is heavily controlled. (Like you didn't know that.)

By *pure coincidence*, this just happens to be at a time when two anti-gun ballot initiatives are getting off the ground. Initiative Petition 43 would ban 95% of the guns currently owned and require currently legal gun owners to turn in anything that would violate the new prospective law, while petition number 44 would result in grandpa being tossed in jail if someone steals his gun and uses it in a crime.

Both operations turned in the required number of initial "sponsorship" signatures, and are now awaiting the "draft ballot title" from the attorney general. Once a "draft ballot title" becomes the official ballot title, then the two operations are clear to gather the rest of the 88,000+ signatures needed to make the ballot.
I've been banned many a time! Zuckerberg needs to fix his FB! Freedom of speech is in our Constitution! Hellllllooooo! From posting to many times, agreeing to many times. WTH! My famous response is! Stop trying to Control Me!!!!!
I've been banned many a time! Zuckerberg needs to fix his FB! Freedom of speech is in our Constitution! Hellllllooooo! From posting to many times, agreeing to many times. WTH! My famous response is! Stop trying to Control Me!!!!!
We are not allowed to talk about certain issues on this website unless it is done in an area not open to the general public. So it has always been on privately owned sites, and Fakebook is one of them. Best thing to do is log off and never go back if one vehemently disagrees with policies written or not.
Folks, we are in the midst of a cultural war here, make no mistake about it. The deep state is desperate to get guns removed from law abiding citizens and patriots. They are using every means possible. Facebook is bit a pawn in this game. I've got no use for Mark or his ilk, but one day their trampling on the Constitution will indeed come back to bite them on the rump...

What goes around, comes around... One day, the government will shutdown Facebook and the like. After all it's easier to shut down than try to control content...
I've been banned many a time! Zuckerberg needs to fix his FB! Freedom of speech is in our Constitution! Hellllllooooo! From posting to many times, agreeing to many times. WTH! My famous response is! Stop trying to Control Me!!!!!
There is no such thing as freedom of speech on facebook or any social media for that matter.
The Left cannot possibly compete on a level playing field; not allowing civil discourse & free speech is the proof!

The enemies of Individual Liberty are going to do whatever it takes to win.
There is no such thing as freedom of speech on facebook or any social media for that matter. is non sensored social media worth checking out. I know tons of people who fled FB when the Firearm pages were cut out, that was just foreshadowing for whats now happening. Screw FB I left over a year ago.
Too bad that I'm not a weak minded trend lemming that needs Bookface to validate my existence.
I keep hearing the argument that "but I just use it to connect with family". It's kind of come down to war with the social media giants versus anyone who supports 2A. So whose side are you on then? Now that the writing on the wall is pretty clear, why are you willing to be a collaborator?
I banned Fakebook, see, goes both ways :)

I was kinda bummed at 1st, I used it to keep up w/family/friends and a couple history pages. I don't even think about it anymore.
It doesn't matter, what the hell is OFF doing on Facebook anyways?

Sure there are many many gun groups on facebook.
But much of them don't do a happy dance about how they wont compromise,
and then they go on facebook, and tells his members to use facebook all so suckeyberg can get revenue dollars
for his-leftist agenda.
Ya sure hes not comprising, by bringing members to a place to give a antigun nut advertising dollars.
Please tell us again how you wont Comprise ?:s0140:

We can all be conned but at what point do we realize that we're being conned and to what point do we allow ourselves to be conned?
For better or worse, a presence on Facebook is a necessary evil these days if you want to expand your message to a wider audience. Just as some may be proud of not using FB there is a wider world who don't know of or won't use forums. Even NWFA has an FB presence: Northwest Firearms

You can't be serious?
That is like Trump taking money to support Hilary's election.
No insult to you at all, but this is exactly why we are losing ground we can't even smell the enemy
even as we had over our money to them.
NWFA in my opinion should not be on Facebook. This is a compromise to our vision.
Since its not clear enough, maybe we can get CeaseFire Oregon to advertise on OFF and NWFA?
Sounds nuts ? Thats because it is........ !

And when they take our guns, we can look back at how we helped the antis gain hold.
No one seems to have the vision of the big huge massive picture. :rolleyes:
Sometimes I want to just walk away as its like preaching to a wall sometimes.

Maybe take a broader view what if every gun group on facebook actually stood up and walked off ?
Let that sink in, that is the reaction we want, but we will never get it pandering to the enemy.
The antis would be stuck bashing and talking to themselves on it. But I digress, we will lose our rights
because we failed to see what was right in front of us. May God help us if we can not look at the obvious.
Too bad that I'm not a weak minded trend lemming that needs Bookface to validate my existence.
I keep hearing the argument that "but I just use it to connect with family". It's kind of come down to war with the social media giants versus anyone who supports 2A. So whose side are you on then? Now that the writing on the wall is pretty clear, why are you willing to be a collaborator?

If F***book is going to be that big and monopolitstic, maybe it needs the same regulatory treatment as public-utility monopolies. Ditto Google.

I'm generally not a fan of government meddling, but Theodore Roosevelt would have shoved the Sherman Antitrust Act so far up their arses it would knock out teeth, and done it long ago. EDIT: And for good reason, these latter-day Robber Barons make Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan look like pikers!

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People talk about wanting to talk with Family, hmmm when I was younger we did this thing it was called a phone.
I know I know amazing you could actually speak with a person on the other end. And to end all that crazyness we would actually go see them in person OMG. Facebook is needed the way the U.N. is needed. I am sure OFF will gladly tell all members to give their Guns to the U.N. I mean after all everyone is doing it.....o_O. Wow...... !
Its no wonder we are losing our rights the people fighting for us have no clue where the fight even is.

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