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People intent on violence will find a tool and a way...

The article:

Children as young as five should be taught about the dangers of knife crime, a police chief has said, as figures revealed the death toll among under-25s in London had almost doubled year-on-year.
DCS Sean Yates, Scotland Yard's head of knife crime, said waiting until children were older risked leaving their initial exposure to scenes of violence to social media.

Official figures show that 2017 was the worst year for knife deaths among young people since at least 2002. Forty-six people aged 25 or under were stabbed to death in London, up by 21 compared with the previous year, according to police figures.

Yates said social media was an increasing factor in stoking grudges between youngsters that led to knife attacks. He also told the Guardian that courts were failing to enforce a "two strikes" law aimed at jailing those caught carrying a knife on two occasions, which was frustrating law enforcement.

The Metropolitan police has said knife crime should be treated as a public health issue, and relying on arrest and law enforcement tactics will not quell the menace it poses.

"If youngsters are going to go out and stab each other it is very difficult to police," Yates said. "We need to be talking to these youngsters at a very early age. Why wait until they are exposed to social media."

Yates said messages about knife crime should reach children before they are at secondary school. "The teachable moment needs to be before they are lying in A&E,. We are not going to arrest and enforce our way out of this. It is a public health issue."

The big rise in the number of young people killed by knife crime in London came despite the Met increasing its use of suppression and enforcement tactics, carrying out more stop and search, more weapons sweeps and other activity on the streets of the capital. The Met commissioner, Cressida Dick, has declared that reversing rising violent crime is a priority.

Yates said knife crime deaths would have risen even more without the increased police activity. In 2017, knife crime was responsible for 20 out of 26 teenage homicides in London, and the capital responsible for most of the 39 teenagers stabbed to death in England and Wales.

This year has already seen three stabbing deaths of people aged 25 or under in London. The latest, on Friday in Shepherd's Bush, west London, claimed the life of a model, Harry Uzoka, 25, who was stabbed in broad daylight.

In another incident in London, a 23-year-old was found stabbed in the abdomen just after 6.30am on Sunday on Edgware Road. They are expected to survive.

Outside the capital, a 19-year-old died in Walsall, in the West Midlands, after being stabbed just before 2am on Sunday at a house party.

The attention of the media and politicians was caught by a spate of four knife killings on and around New Year's Eve.

Yates said grudges were escalating via social media, with perpetrators sometimes feeling disrespected and seeking revenge. He said: "Before, it would stop at the school gates. It becomes viral around the school, it becomes a respect issue, then they taunt each other.When we deal with these incidents we are seeing social media on phones, more and more."

He added that the "two-strikes" knife law, introduced in 2015, was not being implemented often enough by courts, weakening its deterrent effect.

He said: "It is not always enforced. The police are putting people before the court. Not in all cases are you seeing the two-strikes law implemented by the judiciary. What message does it send out? We need to have support from the judiciary."

There has been debate among those concerned with tackling knife crime about whether there has been a cultural change among young people in terms of a willingness to carry and use bladed weapons.

Yates said children were "increasingly arming themselves" with a knife and that police had seen an increase. "It has become more socially acceptable in their groups. Is it because they are more at risk? Do they carry a knife to protect themselves, to intimidate to protect their (drug) supply lines, or carry out a robbery?"

Austerity and public spending cuts have led to a reduction in places where young people have somewhere to go and not be left out on the streets.

Budgets cuts to policing mean there are fewer Met officers patrolling the capital's streets as its population and violent crime levels rise. Yates said: "It is challenging, we are cutting our cloth accordingly. There are less cops that are visible and out on the streets."

Yates said police had community support for increased stop and search, with the tactic being controversial because it is used disproportionately against black people, with the vast majority of searches not detecting any crime.

Yates said the proportion of stops where the officer gave the reason for using the tactic as suspecting someone may have a weapon had risen from 12% to 18%. Most stops were still for drugs.

Duwayne Brooks, the surviving victim of the knife attack that killed Stephen Lawrence in 1993, whose case convulsed the criminal justice system, said stop and search was being misused and does not work.

Teach five-year-olds about dangers of knife crime, says police chief
Hmmmm..... we need to increase police.... stop and search.....

Let's increase the police presence at huge expense, and let's allow random invasion of our persons for random "stop and search".

How about we ascribe to the old adage, "an armed society is a polite society" instead? :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, over 700 people have been shot dead in Detroit and over fifteen hundred injured....

You gots to remember that the vast majority of the 15 million people who go about their daily lives in Metropolitan London don't carry a knife to either attack others, or to defend themselves. The demographic of the knife-wielders is pretty clear, no matter what the do-gooders say - they are black or Asian, and they attack other black or Asian people of the same age group.

Meanwhile, over 700 people have been shot dead in Detroit and over fifteen hundred injured....

You gots to remember that the vast majority of the 15 million people who go about their daily lives in Metropolitan London don't carry a knife to either attack others, or to defend themselves. The demographic of the knife-wielders is pretty clear, no matter what the do-gooders say - they are black or Asian, and they attack other black or Asian people of the same age group.

yeabut that's a third-world bubblegume hole
I think the point is that "crims gonna crim" regardless of how many fancy pieces of paper declare "ex cathedra" from the stuffed-shirts in Poli-land, and not to bash on the U.K.

The misguided attempt at "public safety" by disarming everyone of anthything that can remotely be used as a weapon only disarms the law abiding, while the other 1-10% of the shifty bastiges of society (of any country) go on a spree against the "flock".

Those good people in London and Detroit have been immorally deprived of the means of self-defense in the name of (state) safety/security.
I think the point is that "crims gonna crim" regardless of how many fancy pieces of paper declare "ex cathedra" from the stuffed-shirts in Poli-land, and not to bash on the U.K.

The misguided attempt at "public safety" by disarming everyone of anthything that can remotely be used as a weapon only disarms the law abiding, while the other 1-10% of the shifty bastiges of society (of any country) go on a spree against the "flock".

Those good people in London and Detroit have been immorally deprived of the means of self-defense in the name of (state) safety/security.


Problem is that the people in UK don't pass ANY laws. Law-passing is a matter of an Act of Parliament and the decisions of the Law Lords.

On a serious note, though, it has always been illegal to carry a blade of more than three inches long and ANY blade that locks, in a public place without good reason.

Funny old thing that both countries have this problem about not wanting to offend one portion of the population who just happen to be causing most of the problems.

Fact - in UK, less than 8% of the population is black or otherwise externally tinted.

However, almost 80% of ALL crime is carried out by this small element of the populace. One police HQ I visited about ten years back to interview a senior officer had 360 photos on the wall, of criminals either wanted [no cross], apprehended awaiting trial on remand [blue cross], in prison [double blue cross] or dead [black cross].

Of the 360 images, all but eight were black or otherwise non-white.

Saying that the evidence is damning is like saying that the sky is up and the earth is down - but as in your country, the PTB are adamant in ignoring the plain facts of the matter.

The question is why. It is our fault (White Northern European, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant - WASP) ? Of course it is.

But the real why comes down to culture. They, who are committing the crimes, have no assimilated to WASP culture. They are in their own culutre: Gang. Or from the "old country"

Here is an article on Senegal - which is in western Africa - Dakar - you may have heard about used to have an off road rally (too dangerous now)
What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
The point is that the Segalese do not share western values, much less WASP culture.

Does that make them worse than us? No.

Some of the ideas they have - family first for example - are also prevalent in other cultures. I found it in Fiji - if someone in your village needs something they get it - the idea of "yours" does not exist. Much like a large family - who owns the wheel barrow - Mom & Dad, or was it Grandpa's before - but who ever needs it just uses it.

I read today that WASP culture of expecting answers from math was racist.

In Sweden and Germany there are No-Go areas. What that means if you are WASP and you go there, do not expect help the police don't go there, neither would an ambulance. If you are raped, that was all your fault, for going there. I am starting to read that these places may be popping up in certain Councils (Towns) in the UK.
@tac perhaps. But I also read that local Councils are not reporting certain crimes, for fear of looking bad. Or the crimes are reduced - it was not a Robbery (serious) it was a Taking (grabbing something not yours which is in public)

"...there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in." He further described Birmingham as a place where "sharia courts were set up, where Muslim density is very intense, where the police don't go in, and where it's basically a separate country almost, a country within a country.""

"Critics quickly pointed out that Birmingham isn't like that at all — its Muslim population isn't large. It's possible Emerson was actually thinking of Bradford, where Muslims exercise cultural dominance and there have been controversies involving sharia law."

"Bradford had the dubious honor of being chosen as the UK's most dangerous city in a YouGov poll"
"The Daily Mirror hastened to note that crime statistics didn't support that impression – statistically, the most dangerous city in the UK is Glasgow — while judging that Bradford's reputation was likely a result of "old-fashioned racial or religious unease." "

Areas of Bradford, England, are No Go Zones for certain ethnic groups and the city is "heading toward disaster," councillors have warned, citing attacks on a synagogue and white businesses in 'Asian' areas.

Bradford Council's Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee chairman Arshad Hussain slammed ethnic segregation and failed integration, and blamed political correctness for making the situation worse.

Too many people are "scared to speak up in case they caused offence," he warned, adding there are "many areas of this city" where people were afraid to go depending on their ethnicity — i.e. No Go Zones.

Another councillor, Vanda Greenwood, added that young women did not feel safe in parts of the town because of gangs of young 'Asian' men, the Telegraph and Argus reports.

"Nick Ferrari says Donald Trump might be right about London - after a Met Police officer told him they have been told not to wear uniform in certain areas."
In fairness, back when I served, USGC told coasties not to wear uniforms to/from work, nor have CG decals on vehicles in South Florida. Drug interdiction related.

This paper can have NSFW images in teh side bars.
Areas of the capital which are too dangerous for delivery drivers because of acid attack threat revealed in shocking map

"and 10 years ago, this was a no-go zone."
A little alarmed, I look along the street. "Oh this street's all right," the driver says. "But you know that park round the corner? Full of druggies at night." I gulp. I've described that park in my rental advert as "a pleasant green space", having no idea that come dusk, it's invaded by crack heads. "

potato quality - says UK but I can't say for certain.

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