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Here's a breakdown from a former cop.

Invidious (less commercials)


He also has a channel for raw footage of the events he breaks down.
Has there been any more about this since this happened several months ago? I have to hope the two LEO's losing control does not allow the moron to get off on the charges. It sure looks like he may have been trying to get a pay out which is why he ran back in the store where he knew it would all be caught on video. Dangerous little game he is playing.
When I was younger and fresh out of the service. I thought I was intellectually numb enough to become a cop. I had a CJ instructor who used to always say to be attentive but to never become too fixated on any one thing.

These goons were so fixated on putting the hurt on this guy that they completely missed the gun on the counter only feet away from them.

Let's just modify that scenario in theory and say that suspect had a buddy hidden in the store, waiting to ambush the too goons as the other draws them in. In that scenario, we would have two dead goons, because they may have been too fixated on being brutes to see the gun, much less a second attacker waiting to ambush.

Sad thing is, I'd bet that this scenario will not have occurred to either of these young badge wearing thugs and they will have learned nothing except that in their minds, instant brutality works.

One day, it could just as easily be the average hard working "joe" like you or me. Our founding fathers are proof that a society can only be pushed so far.

I would not advocate full (as opposed to half) measures against a cop, especially in this particular case. But, if I happened, at a bar, to see a relative of the suspects' walk right up to the face, like a man, of either of these cops off duty, and beat them down in EQUAL measure, I'd probably develop a case of amnesia when the goons' instead of taking their bubblegum whoopin that they deserved, like men, called their other other gang buddies to question witnesses.

These mule holes got away with it this time. They'll probably do it again. I'm not anti law enforcement, but crap like this isn't going to help anything in this country.
When the one cop, (or both) a couple times screams, 'What's your problem'

This is a bit disturbing as WHY would a cop ask a guy who they already have secured (and are continuing to beat on) ask this?

It's obviously irrational, and somewhat psychotic to ask this when THEY are the ones in control, and are supposed to know why they are securing him.

These cops were out of control, and obviously not regarding the basic LE position that once a suspect is neutralized, and no longer a threat, they are to stand down and proceed legally with apprehension and transport to detention.
When the one cop, (or both) a couple times screams, 'What's your problem'

This is a bit disturbing as WHY would a cop ask a guy who they already have secured (and are continuing to beat on) ask this?

It's obviously irrational, and somewhat psychotic to ask this when THEY are the ones in control, and are supposed to know why they are securing him.

These cops were out of control, and obviously not regarding the basic LE position that once a suspect is neutralized, and no longer a threat, they are to stand down and proceed legally with apprehension and transport to detention.
Sadly this is total loss of emotional control. They got shot at and this is how they reacted. The "we hate all Cops" movement was VERY successful at getting a LOT of people who had the control to be an LEO to get out of the job if they were in and keep them out of it if they weer looking. So many places now can no longer find really good people to fill the slots. The perfect storm on this is the "woke". Many departments now also have to have people who check boxes to hire. So we are going to end up with a LOT of people in the job who should NEVER have been in those jobs. Sadly again this is people getting what they asked for. :s0092:
Sadly this is total loss of emotional control. They got shot at and this is how they reacted. The "we hate all Cops" movement was VERY successful at getting a LOT of people who had the control to be an LEO to get out of the job if they were in and keep them out of it if they weer looking. So many places now can no longer find really good people to fill the slots. The perfect storm on this is the "woke". Many departments now also have to have people who check boxes to hire. So we are going to end up with a LOT of people in the job who should NEVER have been in those jobs. Sadly again this is people getting what they asked for. :s0092:
it's been that way long before all this woke nonsense started. The LE community has made their own bed by by not cleaning their own house. Society hasn't changed in the sense that when they feel wronged, they want to see a hanging, especially if it is a cop. They make the conscious decision to work that job and accept all the bad that goes with it along with the many unspoken perks.

Plus, the LE community ought to be charged for impersonating military personnel.

The LE community should consider itself fortunate that the majority of society are either too busy working or too complacent, or too delusional in thinking that LE gives one rats tail about our Constitutional rights to have time to be pissed enough to actually take whole measures against this kind of thing.

In my opinion, there is too much indication to me that that "thin blue line" really is the line between us and them, and I really believe that is how they see it.

I suppose someone has to do the job of enforcing law, but perhaps it's time to reevaluate the laws that are being enforced, and to maybe start enforcing Constitutional law upon them at the same time.
it's been that way long before all this woke nonsense started.
No it has not but many want that to be true so they pick and choose what they want to see. Those who desperately want this to be true are slowly getting what they have been begging for though and they of course are mad when they get it. Less and less Policing means more and more crime. People asked for this, now they get to live it :s0092:
it's been that way long before all this woke nonsense started. The LE community has made their own bed by by not cleaning their own house. Society hasn't changed in the sense that when they feel wronged, they want to see a hanging, especially if it is a cop. They make the conscious decision to work that job and accept all the bad that goes with it along with the many unspoken perks.

Plus, the LE community ought to be charged for impersonating military personnel.

The LE community should consider itself fortunate that the majority of society are either too busy working or too complacent, or too delusional in thinking that LE gives one rats tail about our Constitutional rights to have time to be pissed enough to actually take whole measures against this kind of thing.

In my opinion, there is too much indication to me that that "thin blue line" really is the line between us and them, and I really believe that is how they see it.

I suppose someone has to do the job of enforcing law, but perhaps it's time to reevaluate the laws that are being enforced, and to maybe start enforcing Constitutional law upon them at the same time.
No it has not but many want that to be true so they pick and choose what they want to see. Those who desperately want this to be true are slowly getting what they have been begging for though and they of course are mad when they get it. Less and less Policing means more and more crime. People asked for this, now they get to live it :s0092:
There have always been crooked people in positions of power. How many are there now and in which professions, I don't know. Most Cops I've met have seemed to be decent, but I haven't met all of them. Two things I think we can all agree on: 1) Abusing the authority granted to you by the community is an unforgivable breach of trust. 2) Less legitimate policing means more crime.
There have always been crooked people in positions of power. How many are there now and in which professions, I don't know. Most Cops I've met have seemed to be decent, but I haven't met all of them. Two things I think we can all agree on: 1) Abusing the authority granted to you by the community is an unforgivable breach of trust. 2) Less legitimate policing means more crime.
Any profession with humans in it is of course going to get a bad one now and then. Police of course no different. When I was young the Cops could and would put you on your butt if you talked wrong to one. Growing up I was a CONSTANT PITA. Drinking, using pot and such. I never got roughed up by a Cop as when I got caught nothing came out of my mouth but yes sir and no sir. They had me dead to rights multiple times and let me walk home. Many of my buddies got a good beat down. The difference? When drunk they would start in with "You MFing pigs...................". Next day when they were crying about it I would shrug and say was it worth it?
Later in life it was common for LEO's to use discretion when they pulled you over for drinking and driving. I got let off a couple times for this for the same reason, respect when I was caught.
While I am VERY supportive of those who take the job I am VERY adamant that those who abuse power should be hung out to dry. They make the job FAR harder for the rest. Camera's everywhere have been great for weeding out the few bad ones. 99% of the time when I run into one of the "we hate all Cops" crowd its due to them being screw ups who blame everyone else for their mistakes. Choose to break the laws, then blame Cops for all the tickets they get and such. The same old nothing is my fault crowd. :s0092:
Those are the people who are getting what they screamed for, for many years now. They of course are the first and loudest to scream about the results of getting what they asked for. :s0092:
Any profession with humans in it is of course going to get a bad one now and then. Police of course no different. When I was young the Cops could and would put you on your butt if you talked wrong to one. Growing up I was a CONSTANT PITA. Drinking, using pot and such. I never got roughed up by a Cop as when I got caught nothing came out of my mouth but yes sir and no sir. They had me dead to rights multiple times and let me walk home. Many of my buddies got a good beat down. The difference? When drunk they would start in with "You MFing pigs...................". Next day when they were crying about it I would shrug and say was it worth it?
Later in life it was common for LEO's to use discretion when they pulled you over for drinking and driving. I got let off a couple times for this for the same reason, respect when I was caught.
While I am VERY supportive of those who take the job I am VERY adamant that those who abuse power should be hung out to dry. They make the job FAR harder for the rest. Camera's everywhere have been great for weeding out the few bad ones. 99% of the time when I run into one of the "we hate all Cops" crowd its due to them being screw ups who blame everyone else for their mistakes. Choose to break the laws, then blame Cops for all the tickets they get and such. The same old nothing is my fault crowd. :s0092:
Those are the people who are getting what they screamed for, for many years now. They of course are the first and loudest to scream about the results of getting what they asked for. :s0092:
The very few "eff the pigs" people I've known personally have had obvious personal problems and displayed self-destructive behavior. I distance myself from folks like that once I finally notice.
Just an old man's opinion, probably worthless to most. It's been my observation that there will always be excessive force because the cops bosses allow it, even support it. If you wanted to stop excessive force then fire the bosses that condone it. If a boss knew his job was on the line then he would control his people. Unfortunately the boss just blames the cop and escapes blame himself.
Just an old man's opinion, probably worthless to most. It's been my observation that there will always be excessive force because the cops bosses allow it, even support it. If you wanted to stop excessive force then fire the bosses that condone it. If a boss knew his job was on the line then he would control his people. Unfortunately the boss just blames the cop and escapes blame himself.
True in many professions in many ways unfortunately. The incompetent are surprisingly good at keeping their jobs unfortunately. My observation over the years is that most folks will put a hell of a lot of work in to not just doing their damn job.
The very few "eff the pigs" people I've known personally have had obvious personal problems and displayed self-destructive behavior. I distance myself from folks like that once I finally notice.
So... why are you still hangin' around with me...? o_O
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Any profession with humans in it is of course going to get a bad one now and then. Police of course no different. When I was young the Cops could and would put you on your butt if you talked wrong to one. Growing up I was a CONSTANT PITA. Drinking, using pot and such. I never got roughed up by a Cop as when I got caught nothing came out of my mouth but yes sir and no sir. They had me dead to rights multiple times and let me walk home. Many of my buddies got a good beat down. The difference? When drunk they would start in with "You MFing pigs...................". Next day when they were crying about it I would shrug and say was it worth it?
Later in life it was common for LEO's to use discretion when they pulled you over for drinking and driving. I got let off a couple times for this for the same reason, respect when I was caught.
While I am VERY supportive of those who take the job I am VERY adamant that those who abuse power should be hung out to dry. They make the job FAR harder for the rest. Camera's everywhere have been great for weeding out the few bad ones. 99% of the time when I run into one of the "we hate all Cops" crowd its due to them being screw ups who blame everyone else for their mistakes. Choose to break the laws, then blame Cops for all the tickets they get and such. The same old nothing is my fault crowd. :s0092:
Those are the people who are getting what they screamed for, for many years now. They of course are the first and loudest to scream about the results of getting what they asked for. :s0092:
I was no saint when I was in my teens. I was taught to be respectful to everyone. But I was also taught to give as good as I got. If some one came at me with a half cocked attitude, they got the sane. Simple. The difference with cops where I grew up is they didn't police their own. It was about 50/50; I'd be respectful and compliant and I'd still get roughed up while they'd joke and laugh about it. Other half of the time, they were so professional and maintained in their demeanor and professionalism that I felt compelled to thank them and tell them that I appreciated them and I wouldn't give them any problems.

I would later do a couple enlistments in the service, even dabble in a few CJ classes out of curiosity, get married yaddah, yaddah,.... I've had very little contact of any kind with LE and I'd consider myself extremely fortunate to continue that trend. Hell my across the street neighbor is OSP, seems like a nice family guy, but I want absolutely nothing to do with him or his family whatsoever..

You see, I've grown up around cops and their families; known them intimately for the first thirty years or so of my life. My wifes' cousin is an LAPD veteran of 23 years. My best friends' dad was a narcotics detective with the LACSD heavy offenders unit during the 80s at the height of the cocaine trade. I can name more, but lets just say that I have been privy to the conversations that most of the general public never gets to hear; at the drunken barbeques, the drunken poker games, the drunken you name it. Nowadays, YOU CAN THROW "JACKED UP ON SOME KIND OF ENERGY PICKME UP OR ANOTHER".

Along side a psychology major, I even took CJ for a couple quarters, thinking that I might go into LE. Boy that psych study is what turned me away from that in a real quick hurry. Bottom line; I know the culture, I know the mentality, and I know that there is a very solid psych profile that gravitates to those kinds of positions of authority. And it's a damn good thing the public seems too oblivious to figure it out. Because too many of those "profiles" somehow get through the selection process and get hired. One profile certainly can sniff out another, in my experience.

Like I said before, I'm not anti LE.. It needs to be done. But all dogs (meaning all of us) need a leash (checks and balances). And pit bulls need an even tighter and stronger one.

I firmly disagree, and assert that hiring quality people to do the job to the letter, while maintaining demeanor and professionalism IS and HAS ALWAYS BEEN the most difficult aspect of the field considering the eligibility pool from which they have to choose. And this was paraphrased from a retired chief of police of the West Covina PD, CA, who was one of my instructors. He said himself, that he had to do the best he could with what he had, and admitted that deep thinking intellect was most certainly not one of their first priorities when sifting through that pool.

And forget about Constitutional restraints when so many laws seem unconstitutional anyway

Hey, I like my wifes' cousin, and my buddies dad , and most of the other flatfoots I've known personally, but from my point of view, psychologically, they are all very dangerous people who are very good at keeping a tight lid on their issues with a little help from our dear friend alcohol. It's just too bad they can't keep the other dogs in the pack in line, and from giving the rest of the pack a bad name. And they are a pack, a pack of dogs. A gang if you will. To those they trust they make no bones about it. I was just lucky enough to bein their little circle through family.

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