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He has a point...

All hand and power tools and sharp or pointy objects should also be on a national database.

Won't somebody please think of the children!
78 year old pediatrician in a rich neighborhood. He'd probably not had any of his patients threaten to kill him over oxy's or stab a home worker to death a few blocks from his clinic. He's welcome to come hang out with me for a while. We can go visit the one mental health clinic in the county with its part time psychiatrist that is the only place where the medicaid patients can go.
We register motor vehicles because it is a way to collect a tax and insurance coverage. It really doesn't have anything tracking the people who own the vehicles.

Oh, and driving is a privilege, not at right!

Oh, and his same argument that the document was written so long ago can apply to all of the amendments. Back then people could only really talk to those around them, and it too a huge amount of work to write a news paper or influence people with free speech. Maybe we should ban free speech via any technology that they didn't have in 1787?
We register motor vehicles because it is a way to collect a tax and insurance coverage. It really doesn't have anything tracking the people who own the vehicles.

Oh, and driving is a privilege, not at right!

Oh, and his same argument that the document was written so long ago can apply to all of the amendments. Back then people could only really talk to those around them, and it too a huge amount of work to write a news paper or influence people with free speech. Maybe we should ban free speech via any technology that they didn't have in 1787?

Feinstein and Schumer have already started in on that one. They want to establish a set of qualifications for "authroized" journalists versus mere bloggers and commentators. Those "authorized" journalists would be permitted to publish nationwide using any media available. Other "unauthorized" people would be restricted in what they can publish, and where and how. Feinstein is a for real fascist and totalitarian.
Feinstein and Schumer have already started in on that one. They want to establish a set of qualifications for "authroized" journalists versus mere bloggers and commentators. Those "authorized" journalists would be permitted to publish nationwide using any media available. Other "unauthorized" people would be restricted in what they can publish, and where and how. Feinstein is a for real fascist and totalitarian.

Source please? Because this is just crazy! Arg!
Register firearms like we register vehicles, eh?

What about public transit?

With that logic..

Shouldn't there be public firearms readily available for anyones use at any time for said public defense?

Flawed logic.

There is a right to travel.. this is protected under and by other modes of transportation,
NOT a right to operate a vehicle.. See Free Staters, Free man on the land.. Etc fighting for other freedoms that our government has taken over, registered and taxed to death.

Again, another flaw in his logic.

Those types of antis speak out of the end they don't put food in, but rather "other" objects.

Plus, there is a vast majority of us that don't follow technology or its "trends" we shouldn't have to conform just as others who oppose "public norm" don't have to conform.

(^This ties into my OC defensive lifestyle statements about self expression and "tolerance".)
Last Edited:
As promised:

Opinion pieces illustrate problem with 'progressive' gun philosophy

An Oregon physician wants to "register all guns like we register all motor vehicles" and a left-leaning Florida blogger insists that citizens leave their firearms, and self-defense rights, at home in a nightstand; two opinion pieces published Tuesday at far ends of the country that demonstrate what gun rights activists see as a fundamental disconnect between anti-gunners and reality.

<broken link removed>
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just like no one has to agree with it.
Exactly. If he doesn't believe people should own guns, then he shouldn't buy one.
He wouldn't be a hypocrite at least.
Unlike, Dianne Feinstein, and other anti-gunners that live their lives behind armed guards.

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78 year old pediatrician in a rich neighborhood. He'd probably not had any of his patients threaten to kill him over oxy's or stab a home worker to death a few blocks from his clinic. He's welcome to come hang out with me for a while. We can go visit the one mental health clinic in the county with its part time psychiatrist that is the only place where the medicaid patients can go.

I like your post but do you seriously want this idiot anywhere near your county? He'd probably want to commit any gun owner as a raging sociopath!
I like your post but do you seriously want this idiot anywhere near your county? He'd probably want to commit any gun owner as a raging sociopath!

Nah, I know the type. He would be a gun owner the day after a home invasion or someone mugs him in the parking lot. Until it involves him personally, he's happy to tell people what to do that "seems" like the right choice. Just get rid of all the guns and we'll be a utopia of happiness and puppies.

interesting enough, I just heard today that the clinic is going to be getting a half day of self defense training to deal with dangerous patients. Huh, I thought that was what I was doing at the range all this time :)
Good article Dave. It is amazing how quickly people change their mind about guns when one is used to protect them. As stated if a guy walks into the local restaurant with intent to kill everyone and you or I drop him before he gets the chance to take a second or third shot the people there will likely not walk out thinking. "It was not ok for the guy that saved our a@# to have a gun in a restaurant".

Likely even our buddy writing in Florida would have a different opinion if the gun toting guy saved his butt at the fast food place. By the way don't more folks die from a life time of big macs than guns anyhow?
Source please? Because this is just crazy! Arg!

While it's not quite as I remembered it, the long term effect would be the same.

The Supreme Court says that money equals speech, and now some in Washington want to pass a law that only writers being paid a money salary should be considered journalists.

That proposal was made on the floor of the U.S. Senate Thursday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) as a way to restrict the scope of a journalist shield law sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) that was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The push for such a law received new impetus in May as a result of revelations that the Justice Department had secretly seized the phone records of 20 Associated Press reporters and editors for more than two months and had secretly traced the phone calls and emails of a Fox News reporter.

The controversy comes over defining who is a journalist and thus entitled to these protections. Schumer's bill has a definition covering four pages, but the key language defines a journalist as a person "with the primary intent to investigate events and procure material in order to disseminate to the public news or information concerning local, national or international events or other matters of public interest." Such a person must intend to report and publish the news before obtaining protected information, not after.

But Sen. Feinstein, backed by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Illinois), wants to limit the definition even more, specifically to prevent the bill from covering organizations like WikiLeaks, which provides an online platform for revealing previously secret documents to the public.

Although Feinstein claimed she was concerned "that the current version of the bill would grant a special privilege to people who aren't really reporters at all, who have no professional qualifications," her proposal defines journalists as those who earn salaries regardless of their qualifications.

Thus, under Feinstein's bill, if Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh does volunteer work for WikiLeaks, he would not be a journalist, but if Fox News pays Sean Hannity to be on TV, he is. For Feinstein, the issue is money and the likelihood of being in the pay of a corporation, not professionalism.

Once that differentiation is made, although it primarily concerns privileged sources, it would lead to a two tiered system of journalistic freedom. Sources like bloggers who disclose sensitive information would be hunted down and prosecuted, while the establishment would be free to report whatever they wanted. This removes any existing shield law (which generally now applies to all journalists) from non-mainstream news reporters, effectively silencing them on sensitive matters. Eventually, I'm sure it would lead to other legislation further limiting the free speech of "non-authorized" journalists.
Sounds like the second is not the only thing we as gun owners and "free" people need to fight harder for. Arrest a guy for reporting the facts and not leaving out the details the government wants them to and freedom of speech is gone. All just downhill from there.
Restricting freedom of speech is the first step in controlling a population.
It's on page one in the "How to become a dictator" playbook.
Yes it is quite scary to think of how much control so many politicians crave over us. People keep voting them in with their ignorance though. If ignorance is bliss then a lot of voters must be f ing orgasmic.
<yawn> wake me when the shooting starts as that's what it's going to take to keep tyranny from taking away our Creator given, U.S. Constitution recognized rights.

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