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@TTSX Same here. Two things I don't do are flat bench presses and dead lifts. Want to!

Just know my limits. When I see guys 60+ going for 1-3 rep benching and dead lifts I just cringe.
My morning. This workout is a pretty typical pull day.


Sunday is usually a hard gym day for me, but I could not resist getting out in the great weather. Hiked Mount Hamilton...7.5 miles, 2,160 feet of elevation gain. Did the route in 3:37, took a short break at the top to take in the views!

Any pics of the view?
Yes! I took quite a few pics! It was great weather on the assent, but the descent was really windy and a bit cold. It is a great hike, but pretty tough (for me @55 and the first real hike of the season). Many sections of the trail are very technical and in a few places storm damaged and a bit sketchy!

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I normally lift 3 days a week and get in some sort of cardio 2 days a week. I just added a heavy punching bag and worked up a sweat on that this morning. I'll be adding that in to the routine. Something different for cardio after watching Tony Jeffries various videos. Now I've got some practice to get in.
I normally lift 3 days a week and get in some sort of cardio 2 days a week. I just added a heavy punching bag and worked up a sweat on that this morning. I'll be adding that in to the routine. Something different for cardio after watching Tony Jeffries various videos. Now I've got some practice to get in.
My wife and I are moving into a new (to us) house soon that will have a much large gym space and I will absolutely be putting in a heavy bag! Great workout, great stress releiver!
January it began. My time and I made no concessions for anyone else during me time. It's been too long and too many years where I've catered and caved without taking care of numero Uno.

Every odd day I am to be at the gym before work. Wake up 3:30am. Gym by 4:15. Workout for 1-1.5hrs before work at 6am.
Continue routine and on days I'm not working (Fr/Sa/Su) hit the gym 4:40am-6:30/7/8 depending on what is happening. When body is out of gas I'll take three or four days off. Usually 3 days which skips one designated exercise day and two designated days off. Never skip two designated workout days.

Exercise routine consists of:
  • Work days:
    • 30 mins treadmill 3mph at 10-15 incline, HR 145-160
    • 30-45 mins upper body, stretching and weights
  • Days off:
    • 30 mins treadmill 3mph at 10-15 incline, HR 145-160
    • 60-90 mins upper body, stretching and weights, target HR 150.
    • 30 mins treadmill 3mph at 10-15 incline, HR 145-160
I beat my body into submission. Former distance runner in my past I know my mind controls my body, not the other way around. Tail doesn't wag the dog although it may think it does.

April added creatine to pre-workout routine before leaving the house. Scoop in my low sugar juice shot and I'm good to go.
Started at 295lbs. Dropped to 285lbs in 4 weeks, bulked up to 295lbs after another 4 weeks, dropped down to last weigh in was 278lbs after 3 months (12 weeks)

Pant size has dropped 4", lower body fat is almost gone, physique is now a triangle and not an egg.

Key take-away though is reduction/elimination of many foods and replacing them with excessive amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains and the like.

Pronounced diabetic after the DemonRat forced shot to keep employment, had no issues with A1C prior.
A1C sits at 5.6, no add-ons. Diabeetus controlled via diet and exercise only.

This morning my usual routine never let my heart rate get above 120. Tomorrow (Friday) being a day off and my weekend I will push it harder and longer.

Bed at 7:30pm, rise at 3:30am like clockwork. I'm 42, have other health complications from previous life experiences that slow metabolic rate and cause chemical imbalances. Any movement is progress.
@JRMadrid Absolutely badass my friend! You sound like you already know it, however nutrition is about 85%, and exercise is 15% on the trek to better health and fat loss. Nutrition thread.

I have found this round and in the past that going as close to vegan as possible with fruits/veggies has worked. Body does not do well with fats, oils etc hence the route I have to go, requires the high bulk, lower caloric foods spread out over 6 smaller meals (CDH1).
Tragic day at the gym today. The gentleman next to me on the bench press died of cardiac arrest. He went face-first on the floor and at first I thought he had passed out from exertion and standing up too quickly, but he started agonal respiration. I don't think he made it but I ultimately don't know because they cleared the area and closed the gym. I'll ask tomorrow.

Cherish each moment brothers and sisters, for we don't know when our time is coming.
My fitness goal is to do some thing meaningfully physical at least 4 days/week, preferably 5. Last Sunday (as posted above) I did Mount Hamilton. The remainder of the week I lifted on 3 days (focus on chest, back, arms), then Saturday was my big 'cardio hiking' day. I did Saddle Mountain ( approximately 5 miles, 1900 feet of elevation change and *very* challenging terrain. The last mile of the trail (the 'Saddle') was in very rough condition, with loose gravel and rocks, and very steep. Quite a few people I came across turned back at various point where trail was in fairly bad condition. I add weight to my pack to ensure it is 15 lbs total weight. I completed the trail in 2:41. *phew*

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Spend most of the day yesterday way too far up a ladder trimming four palm trees. With a pretty heavy ended mini electric chain saw. Damn, no wonder variants of these still stand through hurricanes. TOUGH branches!

Slept great last night!


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