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2020 Washington Legislative Current Bills with comments

To comment on these bills to your legislator use this link.

HB 1346 – Oppose
Preventing lead exposure in young people
*prohibits sale, gift or transfer of ammo to 18-20 year olds.
*Department of Health will regulate ammunition sales, range activities and issues fines
*24/7 unannounced inspections
*Discourages youth shooting sports and competitions

HB1374 - Oppose
Removes state preemption - Local regulation of firearms
*Eliminates a WA's nationwide wide model for consistent regulations statewide
*Will create criminals by the mere act of traveling through a different jurisdiction
*Will treat citizens differently across the state
*Has no effect on criminal behavior

HB2467 – Oppose
Establish the State Patrol as single point of contact for all NICS background checks.
*as a statewide safety issue, cost of development and operation should be born directly by the state general fund
*increases background check fee from ZERO to $19 per transaction, (ammunition too if passed)
*Could be an excellent system, if implemented correctly.
*Existing taxes from rifles fees and firearms sales taxes are more than enough to cover this cost
*Does not restore same day delivery with approval.

HB2519 – Oppose
Preventing dangerous people from acquiring ammunition
*It's already a federal crime for a prohibited person to be in possession of a single round of ammunition
*Background check fee applies to each ammunition purchase (proposed at $19 per purchase)
*California already reports 18% false denials and failing miserably
*Includes magazines, speedloaders, and other reloading components
*Bans all out of state sales, importation or shipping of ammunition to an unlicensed individual

HB2555 – Oppose
Adds "others/firearms" to the local law enforcement for approvals
*Local law enforcement agencies are already overloaded and underfunded
*frames, lower receivers, actions are all included under this provision
*DOL has no authority to create a new transfer form under this law
*adds waiting periods for firearm parts.

*Waiver of HIPPA rights

*Will drive citizens to doing more homemade frames

HB1068 – SB 5062 – Oppose
Limits magazine capacity
*No data supports that magazine capacity has any impact on public safety
*Criminal use of a large capacity magazine has no penalty enhancement
*Not a single criminal incident is proved to have ended due to "low capacity" magazines
*Punishes disabled citizens from self defense, if they cannot change a magazine in a lawful defense situation
*prohibits the manufacturer, sale or transfer of lawfully owned products.

*Already found to be unconstitutional in the US 9th District Court (Duncan v Bercerra)

*Discriminates against elderly, disabled, injured or citizens with some disabilities

SB 5174 - Oppose
Mandatory training requirements for CPL
*Excessive financial burden on low income residents
*Penalizes handicap or those with limited transportation means
*Training must be renewed every 5 years
*Clear violation of state constitution
*DOL has no statutory authority to issue permits

HB1350 – SB 5434 - Oppose
Establishes additional gun free zones
*95% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones
*FBI data summarizes citizen response is very effective at ending events
*criminalizes law abiding citizens
*Does not increase penalties for prohibited persons carrying illegally
*includes knives, stuns guns, air guns,
*Eliminates state preemption firearm laws

SB6043 – Support
Establishes firearm legal insurance
*Allows citizens to purchase insurance to cover legal costs for the lawful use of a firearm
*Over rules state insurance commissioner decision to eliminate this coverage

HB2241 - SB6076 – Oppose
Assault Weapons Ban
*Prohibits sale and transfer of any semiautomatic rifle
*Prohibits possession of parts to build any semiautomatic rifle
*Illegal to sell out of state, so they must be turned in to law enforcement
*Eliminates thousands of manufacturing jobs in the state
*Eliminates manufacture, sale, transfer of magazines over 10 rounds.
*All long guns are used in less 2% of firearm related crime
*Illegal to import a semiautomatic rifle into the state. You can't move to WA with a rifle you already legally own.
*Requires registration of all existing semiautomatic rifles

*Magazine ban already found to be unconstitutional in the US 9th District Court (Duncan v Bercerra)

HB2240 – SB 6077 – Oppose
Limits magazine capacity
*No data supports that magazine capacity has any impact on public safety
*Criminal use of a large capacity magazine has no penalty enhancement
*Not a single criminal incident is proved to have ended due to "low capacity" magazines
*Punishes disabled citizens from self defense, if they cannot change a magazine in a lawful defense situation
*prohibits the manufacturer, sale or transfer of lawfully owned products.

*Already found to be unconstitutional in the US 9th District Court (Duncan v Bercerra)

SB6288 – Oppose
Establishes the office of firearm violence prevention
*Duplicates work already done by the Department of Health
*Non elected partisan appointees will recommends policy
*Awards grants to community based organizations

SB 6294 - Oppose
Mandatory training requirements for CPL
*Excessive financial burden on low income residents
*Penalizes handicap or those with limited transportation means
*Training must be renewed every 5 years
*DOL has no statutory authority to issue permits
*Clear violation of the state constitution

SB 6406 - Support
Penalties for theft of a firearm.
*increases penalties for theft of a firearm from a store or individual

SB 6402 - Support
Penalties for use of a stolen firearm in a crime.
*increases penalties for use of a stolen firearm during a crime
Facebook Group "Washington 2020 Legislative Action Page" and our FB page are full of these updates, along with plenty of others options for getting involved.
It's the machine gun approach. Spray as many anti-freedom bills into the session in and hope at least 1 get through.

It would seem that any layman at a glance could look at what is proposed as see that they are blatantly unconstitutional, but that is increasingly (seemingly) less of a hinderance these days.
2020 Washington Legislative Current Bills with comments

To comment on these bills to your legislator use this link.
An FYI... you are NOT LIMITED to writing to JUST YOUR LEGISLATOR by any means. I write on regular basis, my opposition to a lot of gun bills, and address them as "information" to legislators across the state and receive responses back from some of whom are not in my district.
You can copy/paste any or all from here....
All Members E-mail List
Members of the 66th Legislature 2019-2020

This link is EVERY rep in the house & senate. Your email client may not allow you to send a message to them if you have EVERY ONE of them in the send I had to break the recipient's into 4 parts like a~f, g~n, and so on.

I forgot to add...if you comment on a bill, like this link, on the legislative web site, your comment goes to ONLY the legislators in your district. If you use the email addy's from the email link list I provided, then your message goes to everyone you put in the 'send to'. No matter what/which method you choose, please start writing these legislators and let them know your views.
Dan's approach, as above, is a perfect way to approach those people that are causing trouble. He's doing it with FACTS in a polite way. The only thing I'd add to Dan's approach would be to provide links to the info he's providing so those recipient's could verify my comments without digging for them. I.E. Spoon feed them!

Big thank you to Dan@SS & Heretic for their work.

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HB2519 – Oppose
Preventing dangerous people from acquiring ammunition
*It's already a federal crime for a prohibited person to be in possession of a single round of ammunition
*Background check fee applies to each ammunition purchase (proposed at $19 per purchase)
*California already reports 18% false denials and failing miserably
*Includes magazines, speedloaders, and other reloading components
*Bans all out of state sales, importation or shipping of ammunition to an unlicensed individual

What a weird way to go about it -- it's as if words don't mean specific things so they define mags as ammunition so that those too must get a BG check. Stupid or lazy, not sure which.

(2) "Ammunition" means one or more cartridges consisting of a primed case, propellant, and with one or more projectiles. "Ammunition" includes, but is not limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or projectile capable of being fired from a firearm that can cause death or substantial bodily harm. "Ammunition" does not include blanks.

Below are the links to go directly to the 'Comment on this bill' for each:


HB1346 - Lead exposure to young people: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1374 - Local Gov't Authority to Regulate (overturn Preemption): Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2467 - Background Check for transfers: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2519 - Preventing Dangerous persons from acquiring ammo: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2555 - BGC for 'other' firearms - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1068 - 'High' Capacity Magazines restrictions - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1315 - CPL Training requirements - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5062 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5174 - CPL Required Training - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6294 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1530 - Gun Free Zones - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5434 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2241 - 'Assault weapons,' magazines, REGISTRATION - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6076 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2240 - 'High' Capacity Magazine restrictions - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6077 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6288 - Creating office of firearms violence prevention: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments


SB6043 - Self Defense Insurance - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6406 - Increase firearm theft penalties - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6402 - Use of a stolen firearm- Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

Spread.The.Word. Share. Git 'er done.


PS - I might make this list its own stand alone thread so people can find it easy.
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Below are the links to go directly to the 'Comment on this bill' for each:


HB1346 - Lead exposure to young people: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1374 - Local Gov't Authority to Regulate (overturn Preemption): Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2467 - Background Check for transfers: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2519 - Preventing Dangerous persons from acquiring ammo: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2555 - BGC for 'other' firearms - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1068 - 'High' Capacity Magazines restrictions - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5062 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5174 - CPL Required Training - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6294 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB1350 - Gun Free Zones - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB5434 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2241 - 'Assault weapons,' magazines, REGISTRATION - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6076 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

HB2240 - 'High' Capacity Magazine restrictions - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6077 - " " - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6288 - Creating office of firearms violence prevention: Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments


SB6043 - Self Defense Insurance - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6406 - Increase firearm theft penalties - Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

SB6402 - Use of a stolen firearm- Washington State Legislature - Public Bill Comments

Spread.The.Word. Share. Git 'er done.


PS - I might make this list its own stand alone thread so people can find it easy.
Great work on putting this together. @Joe Link it would be very helpful to give this list a temporary sticky status of some sort.
Today at 1000 in Senate Hearing Rm 4, J. A. Cherberg Building, the following bills are slated for a Public Hearing in the Law and Justice Committee:

SB 6077 -Magazine Capacity
SB 6294 -CPL Training Requirements
SB 6347 -Extending Expiration Date for CPL
SB 6406 -Concerning Firearms
SB 6402 -Concerning use of a stolen firearm

Be there if you can.....I am going.

Email and call your Reps. There are some good ones, but we know that most of them could give 2 poops about the state and federal Constitutions and our rights.
waglockfan, you might want to go tomorrow as well on SB 6288.
"Creating the Washington office of firearm violence prevention."
I've only heard rumors and they're not good. Imagine someone like fergusun heading up an office like this.

That is quite the list there. It's seemingly as awful as what Virginians are being threatened with, yet I don't see the same level of outrage or pushback by Washingtonians. Why is that?

Demographics in VA driving the outrage and getting publicity. I would guess the demographics in WA aren't close to being the same. The governor is not as infamous and hated as Northam, and the WA issues have not received the same kind of publicity. I've been seeing VA situation on Facebook and for many months leading up to the rally. Not a squeak about WA except for here.
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^^ Also, most things here in WA are still 'in committee' and not getting much/any play on the MSM. If the MSM started running stories on Bill 2241 and how it was going to require folks to REGISTER their 10/22's and Nylon 66's among other things, or what the fall of pre-emption is going to really mean, there'd probably be a good bit more activity from folks not paying attention. The silence is deafening, by design. It would seem they want to quietly pass things, and then the MSM coverage will suddenly be 'Legislators Passed X, Y, Z in Olympia earlier this week, so get ready to comply.'

Which is why in addition to legislators, we've got to be reaching out to the public at large (see thread on contacting media). There ain't alotta time folks. Hearings are going on as we speak.

And there was limited coverage on the Rally on Friday, but most of it was spun/distracted about Rep. Shea.

Going on right now...1/20/2020/11:15AM

Vocal BS from the antis is leading the pro seems like to me anyway. (Moms Demand Action)
Great points by Dan Mitchell from Sporting Systems..
One of the committee staff that presents a summation of the bills, before the public speaks, seemingly had no compunction to not expound on the falsehoods included in the bill (s). Basically she glossed over the really bad side of the bill until questioned by one of the panel members.
There was one male public speaker that sure had some convoluted views. (IMHO)

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That is quite the list there. It's seemingly as awful as what Virginians are being threatened with, yet I don't see the same level of outrage or pushback by Washingtonians. Why is that?

Boiling frog. Washington has been successful in getting GC passed slowly and incrementally over the last several years. Va is going for too much too fast causing a lot more outrage.
waglockfan, you might want to go tomorrow as well on SB 6288.
"Creating the Washington office of firearm violence prevention."
I've only heard rumors and they're not good. Imagine someone like fergusun heading up an office like this.


I'd love to go.....but the boss won't give me the time off in the morning.

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