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Zombie threads are fun. You see users who haven't been on in a coon's age, like the OP..... Once in a while you come across members who have passed, like Sgt Nambu or Iron Monster, and I'll pause a moment for them. RIP gentlemen.

I ended up getting a Revere 30 and had it delivered and installed same day.
And promptly discovered, it barely fit 15 long guns....

All my safes have been floor models or 2nd hand. They're meant to deter children or smash and grab, nothing more.
Oh, but now they keep me "in compliance" with the edicts from the Insane Clown Posse in Salem.
Zombie threads are fun. You see users who haven't been on in a coon's age, like the OP..... Once in a while you come across members who have passed, like Sgt Nambu or Iron Monster, and I'll pause a moment for them. RIP gentlemen.

And promptly discovered, it barely fit 15 long guns....

All my safes have been floor models or 2nd hand. They're meant to deter children or smash and grab, nothing more.
Oh, but now they keep me "in compliance" with the edicts from the Insane Clown Posse in Salem.
As long as I have been on the net there has been a constant string of talk of safes for guns. I have long tried to tell those who want one a couple things. Bigger is better IF, you can. If not, ANY safe beats no safe hands down. Just like carry guns. The gun you have, no matter what gun, beats hell out of the better gun you do not have with you.
Most thefts are smash & grab. There is no such thing as a gun safe that will do anything if a pro wants in. That is not what they are for. The legal ground is a big one. Long before law makers started dreaming up ways to punish the law abiding rather than criminals this was true. One of the early school shootings, done by VERY young kids showed this. The youngest one used a cutting torch to get his Grandfathers guns. Families of course sued Granddad. It was tossed as he had a safe.
So get what you can afford if you do not have a safe. Later you may want bigger and better. Great, its still worth getting something now if you have guns you leave at home.
Zombie threads are fun.

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Zombie threads are fun. You see users who haven't been on in a coon's age, like the OP..... Once in a while you come across members who have passed, like Sgt Nambu or Iron Monster, and I'll pause a moment for them. RIP gentlemen.

And promptly discovered, it barely fit 15 long guns....

All my safes have been floor models or 2nd hand. They're meant to deter children or smash and grab, nothing more.
Oh, but now they keep me "in compliance" with the edicts from the Insane Clown Posse in Salem.
Did you day "Insane clown posse"?

Miracles everywhere in this beach!
I've been safe shopping for an entire week. I started out thinking I could get a basic 20 gun, 30 minute, 500 lb. safe for $500. Boy was I wrong! I've quickly learned that I need to double my budget for an entry level safe. So fine... $1,000 it is! Now it becomes a game of "what's the best 20 gun safe I can get for $1,000."

I've been literally everywhere:

Big Box Stores
  • Dicks - you can spend $1,000 here, but it's no-name crap and they don't deliver.
  • Fisherman's Marine - decent "gun brand" safes, but overpriced for what they are (e.g. Browning for $1,100) and delivery consists of the sales clerk handing you a card for a 3rd party company who I'm told charges $200 - $300. Fail!
  • Coastal Farm - Nicest safes I've seen at a big box store: Freedom Security (by Liberty), but $1,000 get's you an ugly Chinese model... you need $1,700 to get a decent American made safe. Same 3rd party delivery routine. Do I really need to double my budget again to $2,000??

Local Gun Shops
  • NW Armory - Love this store, but safes are not their niche... $1,100 for a Winchester (which, like the Browning, is obviously just a Chinese safe in disguise). Not sure about delivery, but I'm sure it's not included.
  • MK Tactical - Don't sell safes, but they refer me to an independent guy in Troutdale who quotes me $700 + delivery for a basic, no-name, black safe. I'm not paying $1,000 delivered for a generic Chinese safe I've never seen before.

Safe Stores
  • Fort Knox - This guy is classic. The showroom is by appt. only. So I call to make said appt. In a rather abrupt and rude manner, I'm told that he only has 1 safe in the showroom, the rest are in storage by the Expo Center (apparently he keeps them there an only really shows them at the gun shows). "Okay..." I think to myself. "I took the afternoon off work for this???"
  • Liberty - Once again, by appt. only. So I get an appointment but it's not for a 3 hours. So I kill time, then eventually head all the way down to Hubbard. On the phone I'm assured there are plenty of safes in stock, incl. the model I asked about (Revere 20 which is priced at $1,089 delivered). Upon arrival, I immediately notice alcohol on salesman's breath. Then I get a 45 minute lesson on why Liberty safes rule... I finally get down to brass tacks... can I get the Revere 20 (which I'm looking at) delivered to my coat closet? He tells me $70 extra to take it from front door to the closet (1st floor, maybe 20 feet away). So I cave, say I'm willing to pay the price (still seems better than paying $1,000 + for the other junk I've seen). Only then does he tell me, "You can't have that safe." When I ask why, he gives me two answers, 1) It's "in the process" of being sold, then the story changes to, 2) It's the floor model and I can't sell it. So I'm told I have to wait 3 weeks. I press and say, "I want that one. I'm ready to pay." He hems and haws and still says no, sort of (doesn't seem real sure of himself). I can't believe this! I drove an hour for this!! I'm standing in a safe warehouse, full of safes. I have my credit card out. I'm ready to go. And this guy can't close me! Would you believe this guy let me walk out w/out taking my money? He seems confused as to whether the safe I want is available or not so I tell him to figure it our and call me tomorrow. I wonder if he'll call. Probably not.
  • Tracker - While I know these are Chinese, and not particularly attractive, I'm liking the prices listed on their web page. I called several times today before driving to Vancouver, but no answer. I don't leave a message. Why should I? I'm tired of begging people to show me product and make a sale.

Any ideas guys... I've never been so frustrated.
Ive seen safes in here ,Try all the classifieds. like CL ,offerup, , news paper ect. possibly ebay on a local search . estate sale advertisements moving sales, you might get lucky and get more bang for your buck. alot of folks are moving and moving a safe is not fun.
Good Luck
If you're looking at Liberty Safes, you might check with NW Safe (SE quadrant of greater Seattle). Perhaps they can get you what you need and coordinate an install.

I used NW Safe in 2012. No problems. I've referred multiple people to them and no one complained about them.


If ya can wait a couple/few months I got this one Black Friday last year. Its made in China but was the best deal out there for weight and fire protection. After in store gift certificates it was $800 iirc.
I just picked up a Liberty USA 36 from Sportsmans for $1250 and it is a pretty good safe. I did see this on their site for the 185th store:

Which can be picked up Aug 3rd and is $850:

Which is available in store only and still $1250
As deadeye said, try costco. They also deliver (to curb). If the trucker is cool and you add a tip he can at least drag it into the garage.
I used to be the guy that had to deliver those things. Typically there's an additional fee for the lift gate truck, but the driver is supposed to get it into the garage (if available). No "leave at front door" option on those. Also, you're not gonna get the freight driver to haul it upstairs.

I could, however, be persuaded to get it into the house... freight drivers don't make a whole lotta dough. I've delivered dozens of those things when Costco would have it's sales and only a handful of times did some clueless customer want me to do something dangerous (or impossible).

Once l took a bigun to a ritzy McMansion in NoPo and no sooner had l gotten it to the ground than a couple of cats from Liberty Safe showed up. The customer had hired them to do their magic and get it to an upper floor. Smart fella.
I used to be the guy that had to deliver those things. Typically there's an additional fee for the lift gate truck, but the driver is supposed go get it into the garage (if available). No "leave at front door" option on those. Also, you're not gonna get the freight driver to haul it upstairs.

I could, however, be persuaded to get it into the house... freight drivers don't make a whole lotta dough. I've delivered dozens of those things when Costco would have it's sales and only a handful of times did some clueless customer want me to do something dangerous (or impossible).

Once l took a bigun to a ritzy joint in NoPo and no sooner had l gotten it to the ground than a couple of cats from Liberty Safe showed up. The customer had hired them to do their magic and get it to an upper floor. Smart fella.
The last guy we had deliver to my friends house made it clear their policy was to drop it at the curb.. (not sure if that was a fib or a way to make tip money) since he had the lift for it, I asked If I could wheel it into the garage using his lift real quick.. he said he'd just do it (without expectation of payment) we then all pulled out cash since he went beyond policy to help.
Hopefully that made it worth his time. Smart of the one guy to have movers there to get it upstairs!
The last guy we had deliver to my friends house made it clear their policy was to drop it at the curb.. (not sure if that was a fib or a way to make tip money) since he had the lift for it, I asked If I could wheel it into the garage using his lift real quick.. he said he'd just do it (without expectation of payment) we then all pulled out cash since he went beyond policy to help.
Hopefully that made it worth his time. Smart of the one guy to have movers there to get it upstairs!
My wife stares at me with her mouth open when l say something like, "Hey, man...I'll give ya 20 bucks to do this thing" to some stranger, delivery guy or whatever. She thinks it sounds mafia-ish or something. l should be more subtle. So brazen.

That's not how dudes work.
Here's what l want you to do and here's how much I'm willing to spend to get you to do it.
My wife stares at me with her mouth open when l say something like, "Hey, man...I'll give ya 20 bucks to do this thing" to some stranger, delivery guy or whatever. She thinks it sounds mafia-ish or something. l should be more subtle. So brazen.

That's not how dudes work.
Here's what l want you to do and here's how much I'm willing to spend to get you to do it.
Most guys working doing delivery are more than glad to make a few bucks under the table like that. Makes their day for them. Long ago between jobs was working temp for some outfit. We were making a delivery and woman asks driver if we could move something for her if she tips us? Driver looks, its a Baby Grand in her garage she wants in the house. Shows us the front legs come off and she has neighbor who will help. Driver said sure as long as you understand we are not responsible and all. She was super friendly about it. Took us less than :30 to get it in. She gave us $50. I think I was making like $5 an hour so to me this was quite the tip. Made my day! :D
My wife stares at me with her mouth open when l say something like, "Hey, man...I'll give ya 20 bucks to do this thing" to some stranger, delivery guy or whatever. She thinks it sounds mafia-ish or something. l should be more subtle. So brazen.

That's not how dudes work.
Here's what l want you to do and here's how much I'm willing to spend to get you to do it.
I figure if they dont have to but are willinng to help, its always worth payment for their time and effort, even if its minimal. Saves me 10 mins of walking the safe inch by inch (while destroying the pallet) into the garage! Haha.
I bet those poor guys have been asked to help get it upstairs.. thats a big "negative ghost rider".. no way Id expect some poor trucker to help me lift an 800+lb safe up any stairs.
I've been safe shopping for an entire week. I started out thinking I could get a basic 20 gun, 30 minute, 500 lb. safe for $500. Boy was I wrong! I've quickly learned that I need to double my budget for an entry level safe. So fine... $1,000 it is! Now it becomes a game of "what's the best 20 gun safe I can get for $1,000."

I've been literally everywhere:

Big Box Stores
  • Dicks - you can spend $1,000 here, but it's no-name crap and they don't deliver.
  • Fisherman's Marine - decent "gun brand" safes, but overpriced for what they are (e.g. Browning for $1,100) and delivery consists of the sales clerk handing you a card for a 3rd party company who I'm told charges $200 - $300. Fail!
  • Coastal Farm - Nicest safes I've seen at a big box store: Freedom Security (by Liberty), but $1,000 get's you an ugly Chinese model... you need $1,700 to get a decent American made safe. Same 3rd party delivery routine. Do I really need to double my budget again to $2,000??

Local Gun Shops
  • NW Armory - Love this store, but safes are not their niche... $1,100 for a Winchester (which, like the Browning, is obviously just a Chinese safe in disguise). Not sure about delivery, but I'm sure it's not included.
  • MK Tactical - Don't sell safes, but they refer me to an independent guy in Troutdale who quotes me $700 + delivery for a basic, no-name, black safe. I'm not paying $1,000 delivered for a generic Chinese safe I've never seen before.

Safe Stores
  • Fort Knox - This guy is classic. The showroom is by appt. only. So I call to make said appt. In a rather abrupt and rude manner, I'm told that he only has 1 safe in the showroom, the rest are in storage by the Expo Center (apparently he keeps them there an only really shows them at the gun shows). "Okay..." I think to myself. "I took the afternoon off work for this???"
  • Liberty - Once again, by appt. only. So I get an appointment but it's not for a 3 hours. So I kill time, then eventually head all the way down to Hubbard. On the phone I'm assured there are plenty of safes in stock, incl. the model I asked about (Revere 20 which is priced at $1,089 delivered). Upon arrival, I immediately notice alcohol on salesman's breath. Then I get a 45 minute lesson on why Liberty safes rule... I finally get down to brass tacks... can I get the Revere 20 (which I'm looking at) delivered to my coat closet? He tells me $70 extra to take it from front door to the closet (1st floor, maybe 20 feet away). So I cave, say I'm willing to pay the price (still seems better than paying $1,000 + for the other junk I've seen). Only then does he tell me, "You can't have that safe." When I ask why, he gives me two answers, 1) It's "in the process" of being sold, then the story changes to, 2) It's the floor model and I can't sell it. So I'm told I have to wait 3 weeks. I press and say, "I want that one. I'm ready to pay." He hems and haws and still says no, sort of (doesn't seem real sure of himself). I can't believe this! I drove an hour for this!! I'm standing in a safe warehouse, full of safes. I have my credit card out. I'm ready to go. And this guy can't close me! Would you believe this guy let me walk out w/out taking my money? He seems confused as to whether the safe I want is available or not so I tell him to figure it our and call me tomorrow. I wonder if he'll call. Probably not.
  • Tracker - While I know these are Chinese, and not particularly attractive, I'm liking the prices listed on their web page. I called several times today before driving to Vancouver, but no answer. I don't leave a message. Why should I? I'm tired of begging people to show me product and make a sale.

Any ideas guys... I've never been so frustrated.
Tractor supply Co had safes in stock yesterday. I ordered a cannon and got pre shipment notification today. Ps... your inbox is full :)

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