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You all enjoy a good story right?

Well about 5 weeks ago I ordered a handful of items from

We have had our old mattress for about 5-8 years and it's dipping and uncomfortable. Might be causing the health issues I've been experiencing. Figured it would be good to get a new mattress since I'm tired of hurting and anything might help.

So the nightmare begins!

They had a public health care worker discount, so I put in the wife's info and got a good discount. Put in an order for a king top line mattress, a new king bed frame, and since the discount was good, a twin to replace the kids while I was at it.

A week goes by and the tracking numbers start to accumulate via emails. Stuff was shipping from all over. I didn't care as I don't know how box mattress companies work.

King mattress shows first. I didn't even think to check the box, so hobbled it up the stares and opened it up. We had been sleeping on an air mattress for a few days as the timing of the annual Banks free curbside dump for mattresses and such was the weekend prior to the order.

Once it inflated, it's a memory foam mattress, so it took a bit. I realize it's the wrong color. The top tier is gold, or copper. Mid grade is purple, and lowest blue.

Realizing they sent the incorrect mattress I called the customer service and they were extremely apologetic. Said we could go ahead and sleep on this mattress while they reordered the correct mattress.

Kid's mattress shows up. It is the correct mattress.

Frame shows up, it is correct.


The second mattress shows up.

It's the exact same incorrect mattress as the first one. A king mid tier (purple color) mattress.

Ok, I'm a little peeved at this point as I start looking more online and start finding lots of complaints and BBB complaints.

Call the number again, "So you won't believe this, but you all sent the same mattress again!"

They again apologized and swore they are not a scam, though it's extremely obvious that they are not American and are some call center over seas.

They said they would come pick up the mattress and reship the correct mattress. I tell them no, I'm holding everything I get until I'm provided the correct mattress. So they agree and ship a 3rd mattress.

Well that one showed up tonight. Guess what. It's the incorrect mattress AGAIN!

Yep, they got the tier right this time, it's the high end Copper model, but in a Queen size.

I call the hotline yet again. Basically curse them out at this point, how on earth can they F up this badly?!?!

Same thing, "We can pickup the mattress and ship the new one."

I tell them to F off and ship the correct mattress, then they can come pick up all the crap they incorrectly shipped.

Have you ever experienced an absolute nightmare of online ordering?

If it wasn't apparently clear, use this story as an absolute reason to avoid boxed mattresses at all costs! What a cluster F!

Best part, the boxes are clearly labeled!

Heres to hoping the 4th time is the charm (wait that's not how that saying goes)

Hope you enjoy the story!



They only have the purple (mid-grade) mattresses. They ship them, figuring that most customers will accept them if the company stalls them off long enough.

You are probably one of the few that will not fall for letting them pick up the errors, in which case they would then try to stiff you on your payment, giving no refund.
They only have the purple (mid-grade) mattresses. They ship them, figuring that most customers will accept them if the company stalls them off long enough.

You are probably one of the few that will not fall for letting them pick up the errors, in which case they would then try to stiff you on your payment, giving no refund.
This is the scam I'm pretty sure they are running.

I'm betting these are highly marked up and they get a cut at the call center for every one they get the "mid-ship" to keep. After they further discount your order for their mistake.
Well if nothing else by the time you get the one you paid for you can have a sale at your house for all the extra's they sent. :s0140:
Does make me wonder how they can stay in business run this poorly.
I thought about this. I'm too honest to attempt this. I'm pretty sure I can hold the ones they showed hostage though as they are huge and such. Oddly they never pressed to really get them back over "trying" to ship the "correct" item.

I think they know if I were to open them they can't resell them so it's a game at this point for them, maybe.
Are these made in the USA?
That is a good question. I want to say no. I think they might be assembled here. Maybe. I thought originally they were, that information was hidden deep online. Then I found a lawsuit against them as it sounds like they did probably claim at one time they were.
I thought about this. I'm too honest to attempt this. I'm pretty sure I can hold the ones they showed hostage though as they are huge and such. Oddly they never pressed to really get them back over "trying" to ship the "correct" item.

I think they know if I were to open them they can't resell them so it's a game at this point for them, maybe.
Just the damn cost of them sending someone to pick them up has got to really be a crimp on their profit?
LONG ago when PC's were still quite high Wife saw an ad for one from an ISP. Deal was get PC free if you promise to use their ISP for a certain time. She called them to try to see was the PC new or "refurbished". In trying to get an answer out of them they got her to give up her address before they admitted they were refurbished. She told them no thanks. Well they sent one anyway. So when it shows up I opened it and set it up. It did work fine. I then called them to say we never ordered this, you need to come pick it up. Lots of "Suggesting" what I "needed to do". I told the person on the phone I did not need to do squat and hung up. Months go by I get another call asking why we are not using their ISP. Again I tell them we never ordered this. Again the things I needed to do. I said again, you want the damn thing come get it. They mailed me some labels that showed they wanted me to take the boxes to a UPS ship point and pay. I tossed them in the trash. We never heard from them again so one kid traded the PC to a buddy for something. ISP went under a couple years later. Probably due to this kind of crap
Just the damn cost of them sending someone to pick them up has got to really be a crimp on their profit?
LONG ago when PC's were still quite high Wife saw an ad for one from an ISP. Deal was get PC free if you promise to use their ISP for a certain time. She called them to try to see was the PC new or "refurbished". In trying to get an answer out of them they got her to give up her address before they admitted they were refurbished. She told them no thanks. Well they sent one anyway. So when it shows up I opened it and set it up. It did work fine. I then called them to say we never ordered this, you need to come pick it up. Lots of "Suggesting" what I "needed to do". I told the person on the phone I did not need to do squat and hung up. Months go by I get another call asking why we are not using their ISP. Again I tell them we never ordered this. Again the things I needed to do. I said again, you want the damn thing come get it. They mailed me some labels that showed they wanted me to take the boxes to a UPS ship point and pay. I tossed them in the trash. We never heard from them again so one kid traded the PC to a buddy for something. ISP went under a couple years later. Probably due to this kind of crap
I pretty much told them they can come get the crap they sent wrong once they send the correct item. They are all over in Pakistan or something, they likely don't give a rats butt other than they aren't getting their cut. Take out their cut, I think things get interesting.

I'm part amused at this, part annoyed. It is showing me how easy social media influences the web. That and Joe way it is to get sucked in! These mattresses are highly reviewed all over the web. Part of me questioned that going in, but I figured it couldn't be that bad. Well here I am. Knew I should of just went to a store!
Are those the mattresses that are rolled up tight to compress for shipping?

We bought one like that from Ikea for our son. When the mattress expanded by a lot after removing the packaging, I realized it'd be impossible to put back into the package, we're stuck with it. Fortunately, the bed seems ok.

I still prefer traditional USA made mattresses. It was almost impossible to buy a traditional bed during the pandemic, so we tried Ikea.
Are those the mattresses that are rolled up tight to compress for shipping?

We bought one like that from Ikea for our son. When the mattress expanded by a lot after removing the packaging, I realized it'd be impossible to put back into the package, we're stuck with it. Fortunately, the bed seems ok.

I still prefer traditional USA made mattresses. It was almost impossible to buy a traditional bed during the pandemic, so we tried Ikea.
Yep. Compressed a lot!

We had a tempurpedic before, but prices since last buying one of those has doubled if not tripled.

I'd trust ikea over this company any day.
Yep. Compressed a lot!

We had a tempurpedic before, but prices since last buying one of those has doubled if not tripled.

I'd trust ikea over this company any day.
Good thing about IKEA, you definitely know what you're getting, because you gotta get it yourself!

And they would take it back should you feel so ambitious
We tried one of those "rolled up in a box" mattresses years ago. After 90 days free trial we called to have it sent back. Refund went all OK. When they came to pick it up, I asked the truck driver how they were going to reroll it to ship it back. He said they don't. It goes straight to the dump.
@Reno, I consider you one of the sharpest knives in our drawer here.........

Well I'll just say it. There are things you order on line. And things you shouldn't!

I thought about this. I'm too honest to attempt this. I'm pretty sure I can hold the ones they showed hostage though as they are huge and such. Oddly they never pressed to really get them back over "trying" to ship the "correct" item.

I think they know if I were to open them they can't resell them so it's a game at this point for them, maybe.
Don't do this sale thing until they send you an email stating you can keep the 'mistakes' they keep sending you. Get it in writing (email OK). You sell them and they will charge you the non-discount rate which you can be sure would be much much higher than you paid. Sucks, but such is life.

Just start a pile of them in the garage.

An option is to tell them that you want a refund and to have them pick up all of them. After all this crud will you be so stressed out that their mattress doesn't help you sleep? Offer to keep the kid's mattress (they'll outgrow it anyway).

Good luck
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Thanks Mike!

I went to the bank yesterday and started the fraudulent transaction claim.


A few hours later I get a call from a U.S. representative from Nectar. :s0140:

She was so apologetic, so sincere, yet all I kept saying was not my problem just ship what I ordered.

She stated she will follow the account and ensure it will be correct. I laughed and told her three other representatives stated the same.

Don't do this sale thing until they send you an email stating you can keep the 'mistakes' they keep sending you. You sell them and they will charge you the non-discount rate which you can be sure would be much much higher than you paid. Sucks, but such is life.

Just start a pile of them in the garage.
While I wouldn't be surprised, I looked into the laws briefly on this sort of thing. From what I've read thus far I'm not required to do anything for mis shipped products. That is 100% on them. If I want to be "kind" I could. They can't legally charge me for their F ups, from what I have read online. Then again that's internet advice, not a lawyers. I do plan on returning them, though the thought of having 30-40 years worth of mattresses did cross my mind. Especially since I bought on the idea of their warranty being what it is, but after this and reading horror stories online it sounds like they F people over who try to process a warranty claim too.
Thanks Mike!

I went to the bank yesterday and started the fraudulent transaction claim.


A few hours later I get a call from a U.S. representative from Nectar. :s0140:

She was so apologetic, so sincere, yet all I kept saying was not my problem just ship what I ordered.

She stated she will follow the account and ensure it will be correct. I laughed and told her three other representatives stated the same.

While I wouldn't be surprised, I looked into the laws briefly on this sort of thing. From what I've read thus far I'm not required to do anything for mis shipped products. That is 100% on them. If I want to be "kind" I could. They can't legally charge me for their F ups, from what I have read online. Then again that's internet advice, not a lawyers. I do plan on returning them, though the thought of having 30-40 years worth of mattresses did cross my mind. Especially since I bought on the idea of their warranty being what it is, but after this and reading horror stories online it sounds like they F people over who try to process a warranty claim too.
This is why I hate using texts or phone calls for such things. Responses have to be in writing for me.

Good move on the fraudulent claim idea. Amazing how such things spark a response. Been dealing with a firm for the past week. They tell me to call in to square things up. I call and sat on hold for 2 hours yesterday! Then they auto hung up on me! Customer service is everything to me.
Good CS brings me back every time.
Thanks Mike!

I went to the bank yesterday and started the fraudulent transaction claim.


A few hours later I get a call from a U.S. representative from Nectar. :s0140:

She was so apologetic, so sincere, yet all I kept saying was not my problem just ship what I ordered.

She stated she will follow the account and ensure it will be correct. I laughed and told her three other representatives stated the same.

While I wouldn't be surprised, I looked into the laws briefly on this sort of thing. From what I've read thus far I'm not required to do anything for mis shipped products. That is 100% on them. If I want to be "kind" I could. They can't legally charge me for their F ups, from what I have read online. Then again that's internet advice, not a lawyers. I do plan on returning them, though the thought of having 30-40 years worth of mattresses did cross my mind. Especially since I bought on the idea of their warranty being what it is, but after this and reading horror stories online it sounds like they F people over who try to process a warranty claim too.
I can confirm, you can keep them. That's law. They could hassle you, but they can't take action against you.

A few years ago I had someone steal my CC info, they ordered a $5k gaming laptop on my CC, shipped it to my house in THEIR name via FedEx, but they had attempted to reach out to FedEx and have it redirected to a FedEx store to pickup in person (that's how they game the system) well, it turned out the FedEx system was slow to handle the request, the laptop was delivered.

It was nigh impossible to get the charges reversed, the laptop vendor didn't want it back, I had my CC cancelled so they couldn't even back refund it, and they fought my CC on the claim. What a PITA.

Because they fought me, I kept the laptop after checking the legality of it. Otherwise, I would've sent it back, but it took months to get that sorted out.

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