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A proper bull elk can total a 3/4 ton truck.
Sure can, even just the little Deer we have all over around here play hell with vehicles. While back I hear a call that one is running around on one of the freeways here. Call was sent to Fish and Game. On the way home I see the Deer laying there dead, some kind of small car also dead. I thought well they found the Deer now. My boss hit one years ago on his NICE bike he had just bought. Hit it broadside at 50. He managed to stay up and get pulled over. Damn stunned Deer jumps off and runs off. It was 6K in damage to his bike :eek:
Yesterday afternoon when taking my puppy out for a walk, one of the guys who lives down the street came hauling bubblegum past us. This is a narrow, country road with no sidewalks.

My puppy has been slowly working over a big fear of cars. Jackass driver doesn't know that, doesn't need to. Not the point, but some added context. He's been improving, but this just set him back again.

So this asswipe goes flying past us with his bro-dozer towing an empty dump trailer, basically bouncing down the road, my puppy is freaked out as I try to keep him sitting and distracted. When he passes, I give him the finger. Not something I normally would do, but being bubbleguming pissed, it just came out.

So bro-dozer decides to stop and start reversing, jumps out and proceeds to get in my face. 10 years ago, he would have never made it that far before being on the ground. (I'm a second-degree blackbelt in Jujitsu, grew up playing amateur hockey where I served the first few years as an enforcer and competed in shootfighting matches in the '90s. I can handle myself.)

This day in age, I'm not about to get in a fist fight with some jackass with my puppy tethered to me, not to mention there's just nothing in it for me. The legal and practical consequences outweighed any chip to my ego. I've broken every finger in my hands, don't need to deal with that nonsense again if it can be avoided.

I told him everyone else in the neighborhood had the courtesy to slow down and give room when they drive past pedestrians, but nooooo, not him. He's special.

I walked away as he lobbed profanities at me. I just walked away.

Yes, I was carrying at the time, always do. I never felt he was a serious threat.

I know I made the right decision, but damn it would have been satisfying to give that punk come to Jesus moment with the side effect of a broken arm and the brief inability to breathe.
I just read your posting and several of the replies. I like guns but there are crazies around here who carry and I think most of them are very immature and are the types that should not have guns. So I was surprised at the maturity level of these posts. You people are the types I have no problem with. Thank you.
I just read your posting and several of the replies. I like guns but there are crazies around here who carry and I think most of them are very immature and are the types that should not have guns. So I was surprised at the maturity level of these posts. You people are the types I have no problem with. Thank you.
I was just up at the tulip farms last week. Only crazy behavior I saw was at the Costco gas pumps. Too many seattle types for my taste. Not enough time to really form a solid opinion, but it was nice enough to consider going back up a few times a year.
Even the Bible says people will become more and more selfishly evil as time goes on. Read 2nd Peter chapter 2, it describes exactly how things are coming down to it today. Don't mean to be the preacher it just amazes me how something written so long ago was told so incredibly accurate for our times. God Bless...
Sadly human nature is still the same now as it was thousands of years ago. Humans are capable of shocking things when they can "get away with it".
It's just the same as flipping someone off while driving. What do you expect? Sometimes nothing. And sometimes A reaction, pulling side by side and FU too. And worst-case scenario, following you closely, brake-checking you, and cutting you off and you get pissed and stop the car and get out. It happens quite often too. Watch some road rage videos on Youtube.
Walk away and say FU silently.
It's just the same as flipping someone off while driving. What do you expect? Sometimes nothing. And sometimes A reaction, pulling side by side and FU too. And worst-case scenario, following you closely, brake-checking you, and cutting you off and you get pissed and stop the car and get out. It happens quite often too. Watch some road rage videos on Youtube.
Walk away and say FU silently.
Instead of flipping someone off that does something rude, stupid or dangerous, I smile and wave enthusiastically.
Many years ago, I turned onto the on ramp to Hwy 167 southbound and what did I see?

A car coming down the on ramp and flipping all of us off as if we were doing it wrong. I didn't get mad, actually I admired his gumption.
Thursday afternoon I was coming home through a small town. There was quite a bit of traffic, not quite "rush hour", but you had to wait for a spot when I turned on to a main arterial about ten blocks from the main intersection. As I was passing City Hall (which was on my right side) there was a cop car waiting to leave the parking lot. Just after I passed, he made a left turn and headed back the way I had come from. A few seconds later, I was a couple of blocks from an All-Way Stop and heard a siren behind me. Another cop car had left the parking lot and was coming my way. One car behind me, one ahead of me, and I all pulled over to let him by, and he passed us, turned left at the stop sign, and disappeared from sight.

Now cars started passing all of us "good citizens" instead of letting us pull out and resume our trip. We were all signaling that we were pulling out, but no one would let us in. After a few went by, I eased my pickup out into the gap between two of the rigs to merge. A guy in a pickup pushed up beside me by pulling partially out into the oncoming lane, and yelled something about having to yield, then sped off. I just sat there and let him vent, as there would be no good from responding. The car behind him was courteous, and let me in.

I doubt that the pickup driver had any specific authority (like a volunteer fireman) and he certainly didn't have any flashing lights on. I assume that he felt that once someone ahead complied with the law and let the emergency vehicle pass, he was justified in not letting traffic resume in an orderly manner, and treat anyone trying to resume their place in line as failing to yield to his "right-of-way."

People have become very self-centered and courtesy is dying out. "Just walk away" is becoming a survival policy.

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