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She states:

"It doesn't take much to look on the local news every night and see how many black kids, black boys, black men, are being killed with these 'stand your ground' defenses that these people raise, and they get off," she said.

And my question to her would be, "Why is that, Mrs. Flowers? Are people running up to those folks and forcing them to attack them so that they can... Stand Their Ground?"

Why would I shoot you , Mrs. Flowers...?
You are not a threat...
The point of the "Stand your Ground " laws is to protect the threatened person , who has to defend themselves from someone in their home , who is up to no good...
Why would I shoot you , Mrs. Flowers...?
You are not a threat...
The point of the "Stand your Ground " laws is to protect the threatened person , who has to defend themselves from someone in their home , who is up to no good...
True and if she cared to look at the facts, minority's have the largest percentage of benefit from these laws...sadly she's mum on that.
The truth of the matter is Nobody I know of that carries a Firearm ever wants to HAVE to shoot and kill another Human being unless its absolutely necessary to stop an attack , robbery, or an attempted murder. Its too much paperwork, questioning, and having to re-live it over and over again.
"'What the hell you gonna do, shoot me?'"
Mrs. Flowers, according to the current law, if I were threatening that, it's your duty to retreat from me.
Mrs. Flowers....Maybe if you taught your Constituents not to be robbing and stabbing and shooting people they wouldn't get shot by a person standing their ground who refuses to be victimized !
BINGO! Law enforcement constantly is accused of picking on people of color. More than that, the question is asked, why did you shoot him? He wasn't doing anything that called for shooting and killing him! Uh, he was doing something criminal, and he didn't cooperate with simple instructions like, "put the weapon down," and "get down on the ground, spread your arms and legs apart." The police are making requests that any young child would understand and be able to follow, but these adults can't follow simple instructions. So, a certain ideology likes to pass the blame off on our police officers! Our so-called society is really confused--wrong is right and right is wrong. Chester that!!!
Democratic legislator storms out of hearing after denouncing bill as deadly to black youths
The bill is of no threat to any specific ethnicity or age group, only to those who give cause for self defense. She wants to play the race card; however, by doing so she was being racist herself. Her denouncing this bill as deadly to black youths would imply black youths are criminal. Which is it, be racist or be against racism. The left can never pick one can they? o_O
Self accountability, apparently she needs more of it.

Blaming gun owners does not absolve your community of producing more criminals.

Our gun rights don't care about ethnicity or gender, they only care about criminal nature.. if you have it more prevalent in your community that is not the fault of the gun owners or the laws but the fault of your community.
The crazy politicians think we are the crazed one's who need to surrender our guns. They view gun ownership to be a national crisis! The fact of suggesting to nuke us shows their insanity and that we are considered a real threat! It's hard to imagine being outlaws and being asked to turn in our guns. I can only wonder if the left continues this journey if civil war isn't just around the corner. "I'm a law-abiding citizen who's never hurt anybody!" Will we always be considered as law-abiding?
I will not have the right to defend myself stripped away...or be forced to leave my home because an 'intruder' suddenly, with a new law on the books, has the right to invade my home while I have to leave and belongings to him, her, or them - nope, no way, no how!
Self accountability, apparently she needs more of it.

Blaming gun owners does not absolve your community of producing more criminals.

Our gun rights don't care about ethnicity or gender, they only care about criminal nature.. if you have it more prevalent in your community that is not the fault of the gun owners or the laws but the fault of your community.
Chicago is a perfect example! Strict gun laws, yet it is the most deadly of cities to live in! The left has no interest in logic, but finding the fall guy--legal gun owners--to blame. Our society is not becoming smarter! Instead, it is becoming more moronic!
I will not have the right to defend myself stripped away...or be forced to leave my home because an 'intruder' suddenly, with a new law on the books, has the right to invade my home while I have to leave and belongings to him, her, or them - nope, no way, no how!
I get the feeling that most of us feel similarly. However, will the majority of gun owners cave in if our 2nd Amendment right is removed? I guess some are hoping so?
. ......
.However, will the majority of gun owners cave in if our 2nd Amendment right is removed? I guess some are hoping so?
Just a reminder, a RIGHT cannot be removed with a "law'. If it can, it's not a right.
A society with no respect for LAW (and never forget the Bill of Rights, including the 2A, is LAW) will simply devolve to force.
Mao, stated years ago "political power comes from the barrel of a gun". That's why they are so desperate to take away ours. And why we will regret it if we let them.

"Being disarmed is a mistake a free people only get to make once"

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