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That was a hell of a read. Did not expect that sort of story to be shared much less on here. Thank you for your time, and in a way, you.

Not too sure if it is relief to post your story or pure anxiety. I know it can't be easy to say what you said to anyone, much less the internet where trolls are everywhere. Emotions aren't always respected online. They are often read differently online than a person might be able to articulate.

You sound strong, I don't really know, again the Internet. If you where able to know what to do having taken a gunshot wound to the head, your likely 400% stronger than many posting here. I'd likely have just lied there in shear panic or??? Honestly, I can't "put myself in your shoes". I don't think many can. Like you said, how many survive a gunshot to the head? You are the first I know of and I don't even know you.

I have zero advice for what to do next. I don't think you were asking for that though. If anything, I can provide thanks. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your story. It is thought provocative. It will likely bring good discussion, pending moderation…
Its critical to be able to share that story here, where we are all familiar with guns and aren't going to go nuts that Marla was carrying instead of taking carrying for granted and looking at the main story. In addition, many of us here have been in life or death situations, including many vets who have had to deal with the aftermath of traumatic events including injuries and PTSD. Its actually hard to imagine a better place to discuss this sort of thing.

There's usually a problem with anything this intense expressed on a forum of people not knowing whether it is real. Fortunately, thanks to @Lilhigbee, whom we all know to be reliable, and our loyal volunteer @Moderators we knew almost immediately that Marla's story was real, so we could respond appropriately. That's another way in which few forums are actually as good a place to discuss something this intense . We have 24/7 human moderation, mostly delightfully invisible, always there when it matters.
Hello @MarlaSinger,

I bought this for my daughter when she was a young teenager. I also read it and highly recommend it.

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence is a nonfiction self-help book written by Gavin de Becker. The book demonstrates how every individual should learn to trust the inherent "gift" of their gut instinct. By learning to recognize various warning signs and precursors to violence, it becomes possible to avoid potential trauma and harm.
Hello @MarlaSinger,

I bought this for my daughter when she was a young teenager. I also read it and highly recommend it.

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence is a nonfiction self-help book written by Gavin de Becker. The book demonstrates how every individual should learn to trust the inherent "gift" of their gut instinct. By learning to recognize various warning signs and precursors to violence, it becomes possible to avoid potential trauma and harm.
I agree. The Gift of Fear is a great book.
Crazy Times, Glad you survived to tell the tail!
There is Evil out there every where, Some times we find it, some times, it finds us! KNOWING it when you see it can save you! I have met Ol Scratch himself, along with a few of his servants, and it changed how I see people. Being a Dude, i'm not likely to meet the sort of people you would, BUT, evil is evil no matter who or what. Many years ago, my Brother and I were standing on a corner waiting for traffic and we saw this guy walking toward us, both of us instantly went to high alert, you could just tell this guy was BAD, as he got closer, my Brother said to take him low on the right, and he would take him from the other side if he tried anything! Both of us were carrying ( As always) and we both commented after that we were both super amped and ready to drop that bugger where he stood! I cannot describe what "Triggers" we both twigged to, other then his look, there was something so obvious and primal to him, that we instantly knew he was pure evil, and we were ready for him! KNOW evil is out there looking for victims, learn to spot it and learn to RUN the hell away!
Hmmm... being myself a long-term survivor of PTSD, there is help available, both medical and psychological. Dunno if you are getting any treatment and it's NOMB. Just sayin, and GBY!☘️
I am interested in your resource if youd like to share them with me. You can iM me if its easier.
Crazy Times, Glad you survived to tell the tail!
There is Evil out there every where, Some times we find it, some times, it finds us! KNOWING it when you see it can save you! I have met Ol Scratch himself, along with a few of his servants, and it changed how I see people. Being a Dude, i'm not likely to meet the sort of people you would, BUT, evil is evil no matter who or what. Many years ago, my Brother and I were standing on a corner waiting for traffic and we saw this guy walking toward us, both of us instantly went to high alert, you could just tell this guy was BAD, as he got closer, my Brother said to take him low on the right, and he would take him from the other side if he tried anything! Both of us were carrying ( As always) and we both commented after that we were both super amped and ready to drop that bugger where he stood! I cannot describe what "Triggers" we both twigged to, other then his look, there was something so obvious and primal to him, that we instantly knew he was pure evil, and we were ready for him! KNOW evil is out there looking for victims, learn to spot it and learn to RUN the hell away!
I had asked my roommate for his thought on his presence in our household after all this happen. Cause my dogs loved him but the friendship was still new enough I hadnt got roommates input yet. This is what he said to me! Lol Did you see his forehead? Men with brows like that tend to be fighters… he was a kind man to you, but didn't you see the violence in his forehead? I was like wtf are talking about! He went on to explain that certain shapes of heads of men determine how scrappy they usually are or become. Lol I was blown away. Usually I get a lil fluff from my roommate from time to time! LoL but I looked it up, its a real studied thing… so no more dudes w neanderthal foreheads! Did you check his shapes or was it his demeanor? Or did he just have that dead empty cold stare of a killer? Because if I see anyone with any of this now, its Irish goodbyes and Marla is out!
Dear Marla,

I am sorry to read that your Father died. May he rest in peace.

I am very sorry to read that you were almost murdered by that man that you thought that you could trust as a FRIEND.

I am literally at a loss for words to type now and that does not happen often.

I can think of things to say to you in my head but I can't put them down on paper.

I sincerely hope that you will get BETTER physically and emotionally!

I believe that you WILL get better and that you have a strong instinct to SURVIVE in your 'makeup'.

Suffering a physical and/or an emotional assault is a horrific thing to go through. Some people never have it happen to them and some do or very close to it. And every single person handles it differently.

Don't let HIM, the criminal, control how you live the rest of your life but be CAREFUL!

I hope that they put him away for attempted murder.

I do BELIEVE in God and I think that He was watching over you AND you have a Guardian Angel. I will pray for your physical and emotional healing.

You already know about the 'safety factors' when it comes to your home and surroundings. Some people have mentioned them here and they are all over the WWWeb.

There are EVIL people in this world. Plus throw in all of the other official words for various personality types that have been mentioned here and elsewhere.

Take good care of yourself. Stay safe and warm.

I will pray for you. May you heal up in all ways.


Western Montana
Thank you! Peace be with you!
Crazy Times, Glad you survived to tell the tail!
There is Evil out there every where, Some times we find it, some times, it finds us! KNOWING it when you see it can save you! I have met Ol Scratch himself, along with a few of his servants, and it changed how I see people. Being a Dude, i'm not likely to meet the sort of people you would, BUT, evil is evil no matter who or what. Many years ago, my Brother and I were standing on a corner waiting for traffic and we saw this guy walking toward us, both of us instantly went to high alert, you could just tell this guy was BAD, as he got closer, my Brother said to take him low on the right, and he would take him from the other side if he tried anything! Both of us were carrying ( As always) and we both commented after that we were both super amped and ready to drop that bugger where he stood! I cannot describe what "Triggers" we both twigged to, other then his look, there was something so obvious and primal to him, that we instantly knew he was pure evil, and we were ready for him! KNOW evil is out there looking for victims, learn to spot it and learn to RUN the hell away!
I experienced something similar once. One evening I was walking with a friend to a nearby grocery store. I was a young non-broad about 5' 9" tall. Carrying a 6" Ruger Security 6 .357 mag revolver on my right side about 4 o'clock. Friend, let's call him GB for Green Beret, which he had been. A Nam veteran about 5' 7", good friend and my best female friend's mate. The couple lived in an apartment across the hall from mine. GB wasn't carrying. At least not a gun. He was one of those surprising smaller guys whose strength and punch packs a huge whollop for his size. He knew I was carrying. I knew there were likely few people in Corvallis he couldn't take in a hand to hand situation.

My attention suddenly focused like a laser on a big guy coming down the sidewalk toward us, still nearly a block away. Something was wrong. It wasn't his size. With a 6' 6" father, big men don't frighten me. Nor was it his gait. But by the time Stranger was half a block away I'd decided he meant to grab me, spin me around so I was a hostage held between he and my friend, then hold a knife or gun to my throat or head, then rob both me and my friend. I glanced at GB. His flicker of a glance at me said "yeah. I see him too. And I see you've got a plan. I'll play along." No words were spoken; none were needed.

When Stranger was about 12 feet away I suddenly moved about six feet off the sidewalk to my right, lengthened my stride, and was suddenly out of reach and behind the guy. My friend almost simultaneously moved a little left and slowed down to put the guy between us. Perfect. Now the guy would have to leave the sidewalk to grab me, making the fact he was attacking obvious and allowing me space to draw my gun if necessary. But I didn't think the gun would be needed. Presumed bad guy would need to turn his back on GB to attack me, and waves of barely restrained aggressive energy were pouring off GB. If bad guy attacked GB without a weapon I'd stay out of the way. If Stranger pulled a gun or knife I'd draw and shoot him in the head. Or whatever would be most effective that would not be in a line with any part of my friend.

Stranger stopped a second. He was suddenly projecting confusion and fear. GB now stepped one step to the left, letting the Stranger go. That was all.

Was the Stranger a bad guy? Or had my friend and I imagined his evil intentions and (briefly) terrorized an innocent? There's no proof either way. But I fully believe to this day that Stranger intended us ill, and his basic plan was exactly what I thought it was, and he aborted his attack when it became impossible, plus we acted much more like predators than prey. He was just an ordinary looking white guy, BTW, about 6' 3", stick build but not fat. maybe about 45. Ordinary clothes. No facial hair. It was fairly late to go to the grocery store. Each of us wanted just one or two things there were no vehicles in the nearby streets during the incident. And no other pedestrians .

However, there's no proof. Thats one of the reasons my basic plan didn't utilize my gun. I did not really relish the idea of explaining to a cop or jury that I had shot or even just menaced someone not because he had shown a weapon or done anything wrong but cause "I had a funny feeling about him." So instead we did our own attack/defense that left the gun concealed But all I could be accused of was walking off the sidewalk. And all my friend could be accused of was slowing down and for a second getting in the stranger's way. But to this day I believe the stranger was actually intending something bad, and he ceased when it was obvious he had bit off more than he could likely chew.
Last Edited:
I experienced something similar once. One evening I was walking with a friend to a nearby grocery store. I was a young non-broad about 5' 9" tall. Carrying a 6" Ruger Security 6 .357 mag revolver on my right side about 4 o'clock. Friend, let's call him GB for Green Beret, which he had been. A Nam veteran about 5' 7", good friend and my best female friend's mate. The couple lived in an apartment across the hall from mine. GB wasn't carrying. At least not a gun. He was one of those surprising smaller guys whose strength and punch packs a huge whollop for his size. He knew I was carrying. I knew there were likely few people in Corvallis he couldn't take in a hand to hand situation.

My attention suddenly focused like a laser on a big guy coming down the sidewalk toward us, still nearly a block away. Something was wrong. It wasn't his size. With a 6' 6" father, big men don't frighten me. Nor was it his gait. But by the time Stranger was half a block away I'd decided he meant to grab me, spin me around so I was a hostage held between he and my friend, then hold a knife or gun to my throat or head, then rob both me and my friend. I glanced at GB. His flicker of a glance at me said "yeah. I see him too. And I see you've got a plan. I'll play along." No words were spoken; none were needed.

When Stranger was about 12 feet away I suddenly moved about six feet off the sidewalk to my right, lengthened my stride, and was suddenly out of reach and behind the guy. My friend almost simultaneously moved a little left and slowed down to put the guy between us. Perfect. Now the guy would have to leave the sidewalk to grab me, making the fact he was attacking obvious and allowing me space to draw my gun if necessary. But I didn't think the gun would be needed. Presumed bad guy would need to turn his back on GB to attack me, and waves of barely restrained aggressive energy were pouring off GB. If bad guy attacked GB without a weapon I'd stay out of the way. If Stranger pulled a gun or knife I'd draw and shoot him in the head. Or whatever would be most effective that would not be in a line with any part of my friend.

Stranger stopped a second. He was suddenly projecting confusion and fear. GB now stepped one step to the left, letting the Stranger go. That was all.

Was the Stranger a bad guy? Or had my friend and I imagined his evil intentions and (briefly) terrorized an innocent? There's no proof either way. But I fully believe to this day that Stranger intended us ill, and his basic plan was exactly what I thought it was, and he aborted his attack when it became impossible, plus we acted much more like predators than prey. He was just an ordinary looking white guy, BTW, about 6' 3", stick build but not fat. maybe about 45. Ordinary clothes. No facial hair. It was fairly late to go to the grocery store. Each of us wanted just one or two things there were no vehicles in the nearby streets during the incident. And no other pedestrians .

However, there's no proof. Thats one of the reasons my basic plan didn't utilize my gun. I did not really relish the idea of explaining to a cop or jury that I had shot or even just menaced someone not because he had shown a weapon or done anything wrong but cause "I had a funny feeling about him." So instead we did our own attack/defense that left the gun concealed But all I could be accused of was walking off the sidewalk. And all my friend could be accused of was slowing down and for a second getting in the stranger's way. But to this day I believe the stranger was actually intending something bad, and he ceased when it was obvious he had bit off more than he could likely chew.
Knowing the area, might have just been a drunk on his way to get beer! But surely better safe than sorry. I can to the realization of how fast someone could hurt me on the sidewalk one day while letting someone pass me on a crowded walk way. He was way closer than he needed to be and took full advantage of touching me. I now no longer let people get behind me or whitin 2-3ft of me if I dont know them. Think I might have too amend these rules!
Knowing the area, might have just been a drunk on his way to get beer! But surely better safe than sorry. I can to the realization of how fast someone could hurt me on the sidewalk one day while letting someone pass me on a crowded walk way. He was way closer than he needed to be and took full advantage of touching me. I now no longer let people get behind me or whitin 2-3ft of me if I dont know them. Think I might have too amend these rules!
Hello @MarlaSinger,

I bought this for my daughter when she was a young teenager. I also read it and highly recommend it.

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence is a nonfiction self-help book written by Gavin de Becker. The book demonstrates how every individual should learn to trust the inherent "gift" of their gut instinct. By learning to recognize various warning signs and precursors to violence, it becomes possible to avoid potential trauma and harm.
Thank you! I really enjoyed reading this book!

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