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Excellent comment!

If I threaten to harm others, I am OK with the cops doing whatever they need to do to prevent me from doing it. I have a right to own guns, but I have no right to threaten others. Better and faster due process would improve ERPOs. If someone threatens suicide, I don't think that is a police matter.

Were you severely hurt by those taxes? I don't remember it being a big deal.

Easy - in the general election you only get 2 choices, R or D, so vote D. :rolleyes: Or, vote L, C, I, etc - same as voting D.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh look fairly friendly to me. Can't remember the details, but I don't think the Senate had the votes to repeal the ACA due to RINOs with TDS, and it would have been a problem if they did not have some plan to replace it. Of course the best plan, and one that should be in place no matter what is: "Any insurer can offer any health insurance plan they want to any person, corporation, etc with no government mandates of any kind." If you don't like their plans, buy an ACA plan or another goobermint approved plan.

What year was that book written and what is the Title? You are aware that many people do change their views over time, right? Right NOW, during his presidency, he is helping us out big time with his judge appointments. Is he perfect? No, perfect does not exist.

See all you never-Trumpers in line at the Warren/Booker mandatory gun confiscation event. It's a comin'! ;)

If I threaten to harm others, I am OK with the cops doing whatever they need to do to prevent me from doing it. I have a right to own guns, but I have no right to threaten others. Better and faster due process would improve ERPOs. If someone threatens suicide, I don't think that is a police matter.
You basically are buying into the liberal propaganda that these unconstitutional laws that essentially dissolve our 2nd Amendment are all about protecting people from committing suicide or threatening others. Well, I have some news for you my friend, it is already illegal to threaten to kill someone and even to threaten to kill yourself. Then again, someone hell bent on committing suicide wont be saved by Red Flag laws anyway. I think people are being naive here to think a law that gives the Federal government ultimate authority to pick and choose who is allowed to own a gun and who is not allowed to own a gun is going to protect people from dangerous people. There is something called "Due Process" and being tried and convicted in a court and if someone is considered a dangerous threat they are not allowed to be in public, because your laws are not really going to keep you safe. They should be put in jail if they committed a crime and pose a real threat to other people. So, all this law does is increase the power of the Federal government to remove your guns at their own whim without Due Process and really does little to protect innocent people or protect people from suicide. But, that is the line the liberals and RINOs want you to believe so it is unfortunate that you would support such a dangerous , Nazi-era type of law that would be worse than any Assault Weapon Ban, considering it essentially renders the 2nd Amendment , itself, null and void. And, who is to say that once Trump and Graham push this law and get it passed, that hte next Democrat president won't demand all NRA members turn in their guns, because they have suddenly labelled NRA as a terrorist group. Do you remember how Hillary Clinton was going to push to put the NRA on the list of Terrorist groups? That means every NRA member would be put on a terrorist watch list and if we have the proper ERPO/Red Flags you can kiss your guns goodbye. THat is just one of many examples of how dangerous these unconstitutional ERPO/Red Flags/Terrorist Watch List that Trump and Graham support are. Please do not support the death of the 2nd Amendment, I beg you.

Were you severely hurt by those taxes? I don't remember it being a big deal.
Yes, we were, Our family business seriously struggled during Bush's tenure and we went bankrupt. My father told me that the taxes he paid were extreme and he didn't have all the resources, lawyers, accountants to help him work around the tax system, as he was just small family business. Bush stabbed all his voters in the back. And, why did he pass that tax measure? Because our government was spending so much money on wasteful things (pork barrel spending) and mismanaging our funds and our National Debt kept climbing. Instead of promoting lower taxes, helping businesses, cutting worthless social and government programs that are mismanaged and ineffective, they decided to keep borrowing and raising our debt more and more. IT is the endless cycle of death that the Democrats and RINOs like BUsh support. The fact you don't think enforcing a crooked, bureaucratical socialist economic system that has historically proven to hurt our economy is not a big deal, is unfortunate. I think it is a very big deal.

What is an even bigger deal than the raising taxes itself, was the fact Bush Sr made a promise to his voters and all the voters put their trust in him and then he stabbed them all in the back. Just imagine if Trump does that with our gun rights? Suddenly, the next mass shooting he has a change of heart and immediately demands a New Zealand gun confiscation?

I say never judge a president's integrity solely on his First Term, judge him on his second term. But, then again, by the second term you don't have the leverage of re-electing him and the damage he can cause can be catastrophic.

I don't think Trump is the worst president, because we have had too many fruitcakes. But, I certainly don't trust him and he gives me a bad feeling in my stomach with what he is doing. I'm curious to see how this whole Iran thing plays out. Is he just a big tough talker or is he really Mr. Patriot who will lead his armies into the battlefield and crush the enemies like he keeps claiming. I mean, he did tell Iran "DONT EVER THREATEN THE USA AGAIN". So, what did Iran do? Blow up some oil tankers in the Straights of Hormuz and now our oil prices are going to skyrocket.

That book was written 19 years ago, which hardly qualifies as being a long time. He already was in his 50s when he wrote that book; not exactly a young man. His change of heart came quite recently.
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There WERE and are LAWS already on the books so the RED FLAG laws did not have to be written or created or added to an existing law by any D or R or any other party.

I can't imagine any conservative or classical liberal who would support these new Red Flag laws if they really studied the issue.

People who do Not support these laws, I do NOT support these new laws, do it because of how the law was written and what it entails.

It has nothing to do with who won an election or what initial is behind their name. It has to do with what the law says and what it DOES to any person in this Republic!

And if a person QUESTIONS and states who (R,D and/or ?) is supporting these laws or creating them in ANY administration and on ANY LEVEL does NOT mean that they were for HC or have TDS or is any other name that so MANY Rs have done or continue to do to some people when they bring up issues that should be brought up in GUN RIGHTS and in liberty issues. And a pesky little thing called THE RULE OF LAW.

I detested and still detest the Clintons. I was not for HC and I was not for President Trump. I was for a person like Rand Paul. I have stated this before. I don't trust Trump - I never did with his flip flopping over and over again even during the townhall meetings, the primaries and what is going on right now when it comes to MANY issues but I am talking about GUN issues now. I would say the SAME EXACT thing about any other administration and I HAVE DONE THIS no matter what PARTY they were in!!!

Some people are so tied into an initial that they can't see the forest from the trees in GUN ISSUES and in so many VERY OBVIOUS things in past and present leaders but they can't get away from seeing/hearing only ONE side of a very biased source of news. Plus they turn their leaders into a CULT like figure where they do not see outright faults and issues with specific leaders.

This IS a dangerous law and they are dangerous laws against the RKBA and the basic fundamentals of the Constitution.

MOST Rs would be SCREAMING their heads off if Obama (Ugh) and HC (Ugh) or any other person on the OTHER SIDE were pushing and creating these new laws! FACT!

I mean, think about this now, THE FEAR that we would be limited even more in ALL GUN ISSUES came about after the CT murders and not just before Obama got elected. You have this before ANY ELECTION too.

Right NOW, you have outright CLAIMS made by many Presidential candidates AND state/local candidates (My state of MT too!) who are very, very, very anti gun. THEY ARE BOLD and not wishy washy on what they WANT TO DO if and when they get elected! Many Rs are doing the same thing or have ALREADY done this in their own so called red or purple states! The Dems salivate for these anti gun laws and many Reps GO ALONG WITH THEM! Fact! THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED - LOOK AT THE NEW STATE LAWS ACROSS THIS COUNTRY!

So because some of us bring up Unconstitutional Laws written by anti liberty and anti Second Amendment leaders whether they are in office (Or out of office!) (Federal, state and local levels.) and no matter what initial is behind their name does not make us some 'nasty name'.

It is a UNI PARTY - one coin and flip it over - same MESS. So many people ignore what has happened and continues to happen with the RKBA issue and ALL of those other laws that have been in place for the safety and SUCCESS for this sovereign nation and ALL OF HER CITIZENS! The Founding Fathers had a CLUE!

By the way, I voted for Reagan one time too. One time. But I don't excuse some of his actions, policies and some people who worked for him.

I most certainly don't make excuses for any leader in any party when I sincerely believe that they DO NOT have the best interests for this sovereign nation and the people that did not or did vote for them. ALL of us matter when it comes to the rule of law.

The VERY erratic behavior in words/deeds makes me think that ALL of those leaders need to be 'checked themselves' when it comes to the very RED FLAG laws that they support and promote! I mean - if you continue to ignore the elephant or donkey in the room when it comes to poor and strange behavior in Crazy Land (District of Criminals.) and what IS actually going on in THIS country with all decisions made by ALL sides... you might need to broaden your horizons when it comes to policies and view ALL sides of the RKBA issue.

Yours in liberty,

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Lets straiten out something here, POTUS can "Request" SCOTUS not take up a case, however, the court does not answer to POTUS, and can decide to hear cases independently! The Great Orange One has no influence by LAW ( By design) over that court, so to blame Trump is a moot point! If he wanted to do something about Silencers, he could do so with out SCOTUS, congress, or any other governing body! Notice how Trump has NOT issued an Executive Order, nor has he directed the ATF/NFA to take action, Both easy to do!
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Lets straiten out something here, POTUS can "Request" SCOTUS not take up a case, however, the court does not answer to POTUS, and can decide to hear cases independently! The Great Orange One has no influence by LAW ( By design) over that court, so to blame Trump is a moot point! If he wanted to do something about Silencers, he could do so with out SCOTUS, congress, or any other governing body! Notice how Trump has NOT issued an Executive Order, nor has he directed the ATF/NFA to take action, Both easy to do!

Ura Ki, he hasnt done anything yet. However, I am going to cross my fingers and say a prayer about what he will do in term two.
True, he has not done anything yet. I hope that he does not do anything in this matter but he has ALREADY done damage in gun issues. HIS very words and comments in various gun policies HAVE INFLUENCED the red and purple states with their specific leaders and the red/purple population. We already knew what the blue states wanted. HIS actions on bump stocks already happened as we all know.

I don't TRUST him and he is influenced by some of the VERY same people who influenced past R and D 'leaders'. Some of them are still working in .gov work too.

He IS influenced by people who are proven to be anti gun supporters and they made donations to ANTI GUN candidates in the past and who are running right now. Cory Booker - fact and others. I do not have the list right in front of me. He is HIGHLY influenced by Javanka. Both of them and that IS a fact when it came to various issues that have already taken place for POLICIES (Laws and general actions on the federal level.) and their suggestions on who should 'work for Trump'.

Only because Hillary wasn't elected.

And is Obama looking THAT wonderful in the rear view mirror?
At least Obama was sane. Liberal, but sane. I truly wonder about Trump - does he have dementia? I know the guy is a con artist, but does he believe half the stuff he says? Can he put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter?

And what about Carter or Ford or Nixon? Selective memory?
I was around for all of them. Kennedy and Johnson too. Not even close to Trump - not even in the same league - or rather, not the same asylum.
That book was written 19 years ago, which hardly qualifies as being a long time. He already was in his 50s when he wrote that book; not exactly a young man. His change of heart came quite recently.

His past views are not relevant today, but I'd like to read some of that book. Do you remember the title? I think Trump has something like 139 books on Amazon, and I don't want to read them all. ;) I did read The Art of The Deal immediately before the election and I thought it was good. :)
Donald J. Trump

There WERE and are LAWS already on the books so the RED FLAG laws did not have to be written or created or added to an existing law by any D or R or any other party.

I can't imagine any conservative or classical liberal who would support these new Red Flag laws if they really studied the issue.

Same here - I thought cops should have been able to take guns before the red flag laws IF you threatened someone; and I asked about it on this website. Don't remember the details of the answers. I don't particularly like the laws either, but the fact is that many, perhaps most, of the mass shooters have indicated they were a threat many times before they committed their crime. We need to take guns from people who are clearly a threat so they can't kill people. If these shootings continue we will lose our gun rights. Probably will anyway given the trends among youngsters.

Some people are so tied into an initial that they can't see the forest from the trees in GUN ISSUES and in so many VERY OBVIOUS things in past and present leaders but they can't get away from seeing/hearing only ONE side of a very biased source of news. Plus they turn their leaders into a CULT like figure where they do not see outright faults and issues with specific leaders.

ALL political candidates have flaws - I'm not voting for preacher. Also, I'm not tied to an initial. I'm tied to trying to keep what gun rights we have left. How is that done? By winning elections; specifically by keeping "the party of gun control" out of office. In this country, for the general election, you get to choose a D or an R. One of those is going to win. This is not a game of party loyalty. This is a game of arithmetic, and the understanding that he who has the most ELECTORAL votes wins EVERYTHING; everyone else goes home crying. That's how our system works. Allow me to demonstrate, using the 2016 election results, the problem with 3rd parties:

Abbreviations used below:
- = arithmetic minus sign
H = Hillary's votes
T = Trump's votes
H-T = Hillary's votes minus Trump's votes
GJ = Johnson's votes

H-T=26,434 (Hillary beat Trump by 26,434 votes in Nevada)
GJ = 37,299

GJ = 129,128

New Mexico


New Hampshire
H-T=3,000 approximately

H-T=20,000 approximately

Source (click on each state on the map to see the numbers):
2016 Election Results: President Live Map by State, Real-Time Voting Updates

In each state above, had gun rights voters stuck together as a team to defeat the party of gun control, it is likely that T would have won. Simple arithmetic. (There were other 3rd party candidates so it's slightly more complicated, but votes for GJ resulted in H beating T in most of the above states.)

It gets A LOT worse. GJ nearly caused T to lose in the following major electoral vote states:
You can't win the election without those states. GJ put the future of the 2A in the crosshairs of HRC, and he almost pulled the trigger for her; or perhaps he did pull the trigger but flinched.

Don't vote party initial, vote to WIN for gun rights based on simple arithmetic. We have no chance in 2020 if we don't stick together. My guess is that even if we do stick together our side may lose, so we must try harder than ever before. The antis are motivated and they will stick together this time as The Heretic has correctly pointed out! ;)
So, you're saying I should have voted for Hilary?
Fat chance.
View attachment 593111

I am saying a number of things that I shouldn't have to explain - but I will this one time:

1) Trump isn't pro gun. You voted for an anti-gun candidate.

2) Your vote for Trump was wasted; to whom do you think all of the electoral votes of Calif., WA and Oregon went to in the 2016 election? Hint: Clinton.

3) This is a political humor thread. Respond with humor. My bad - lost track of the thread I was posting in.
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I am saying a number of things that I shouldn't have to explain - but I will this one time:

1) Trump isn't pro gun. You voted for an anti-gun candidate. And you are suggesting that Clinton was pro-gun? Are you suggesting that she would have been a better choice? Do you think Clinton would be nominating conservative judges at the rate Trump is? Do you think she would have nominated any conservative judges at all?

2) Your vote for Trump was wasted; to whom do you think all of the electoral votes of Calif., WA and Oregon went to in the 2016 election? Hint: Clinton. There is more to supporting a candidate than just my vote. Clearly, the money I donated to his campaign was not wasted. It helped defeat Trump's opponent. Hint: Clinton.

3) This is a political humor thread. Respond with humor. When did this become a humor thread?

Replies in Bold.
I am suggesting that you voted for an antigun candidate. Your vote would have been better spent for a pro-gun candidate - e.g., Libertarian. But you already knew that; Clinton and Trump were not the only two choices for POTUS. And you could have still donated to Trump if you really wanted to.

Sorry to hear you gave your vote to Hillary. ;) A little math refresher for you:

National - Trump on Gun 'Silencers' Like One Used in Virginia Beach Shooting: 'I Don't Like Them at All'
I am suggesting that you voted for an antigun candidate. Your vote would have been better spent for a pro-gun candidate - e.g., Libertarian. But you already knew that; Clinton and Trump were not the only two choices for POTUS. And you could have still donated to Trump if you really wanted to.
So you're saying I should have wasted my vote on Johnson instead of Trump, but still donate to Trump. You're ok with my donating money to your enemy, as long as I vote for your guy.
Also you haven't answered my other questions.
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At least Obama was sane. Liberal, but sane. I truly wonder about Trump - does he have dementia? I know the guy is a con artist, but does he believe half the stuff he says? Can he put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter?

I was around for all of them. Kennedy and Johnson too. Not even close to Trump - not even in the same league - or rather, not the same asylum.

I did not vote for Obama but what you said here is true.

I was very concerned about what Obama might do with gun rights after the CT murders but it did not happen.

Well, Trump decided to back out on attacking Iran, despite his threats of "Never Threaten the USA Again". He said Iran had no mean intention by blowing up our drone and mining those ships. It was just a simple mistake :rolleyes: Is it me or is he sounding more like Obama these days? Oh yes, he also was getting ready to send ICE to go and do massive round-up of illegals , since he failed us on his promise to build a Border Wall, which he had plenty of opportunity to build with a Republican dominated Congress. Oh , but guess what, after making his bold promise to execute ICE raids on illegals throughout the USA, he decided to bail out and now says , "He wants to forget about that and think about improving border security". HAHAHAHHAH!! Hey Mr. Trump, you kind of had the ability to build a Wall during your first two years in office and you just sat on your butt and waited until the Democrats took over the House. Smart move genius! You are the reason the border is as much of a mess as it is! Thanks again for rescinding on every promise you have seem to have made! No Constitutional Carry, no border wall, but you are going to come after our Suppressors now and you seem to want to appease the Democrats more than the people who voted for you based on all your phony promises!

Anyone seeing a pattern here with our bold, tough-talking, super-patriotic heroic president? Is it just me or does he seem to be going down the route of all the big-talking, phony RINOS before him?
Well, Trump decided to back out on attacking Iran, despite his threats of "Never Threaten the USA Again". He said Iran had no mean intention by blowing up our drone and mining those ships. It was just a simple mistake :rolleyes: Is it me or is he sounding more like Obama these days? Oh yes, he also was getting ready to send ICE to go and do massive round-up of illegals , since he failed us on his promise to build a Border Wall, which he had plenty of opportunity to build with a Republican dominated Congress. Oh , but guess what, after making his bold promise to execute ICE raids on illegals throughout the USA, he decided to bail out and now says , "He wants to forget about that and think about improving border security". HAHAHAHHAH!! Hey Mr. Trump, you kind of had the ability to build a Wall during your first two years in office and you just sat on your butt and waited until the Democrats took over the House. Smart move genius! You are the reason the border is as much of a mess as it is! Thanks again for rescinding on every promise you have seem to have made! No Constitutional Carry, no border wall, but you are going to come after our Suppressors now and you seem to want to appease the Democrats more than the people who voted for you based on all your phony promises!

Anyone seeing a pattern here with our bold, tough-talking, super-patriotic heroic president? Is it just me or does he seem to be going down the route of all the big-talking, phony RINOS before him?

What i see here is a bunch of Hilary supporters suffering from severe TDS.

She lost
Get over it.

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