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What really saddens me is the fact that the rabid anti-gunners bleating is persuasive to voters. Are people , especially emotionally-drive suburban women, stupid enough to actually buy into the monsterous lies told by the left about guns? Yes, yes they are. Simply put, most voters, especially in urban areas, are dumb as a box of hammers... We all have to pay the price for most America being obese morons...
I too had hopes originally that there might have been some genuine compromises
The problem(s) with compromising on this issue is that the things "we" want are a closed loop. What "they" want is an open door for further infringement.

We want reciprocity and the HPA (as examples)... pass either of those things and they're a done deal, a dead-end if you will. Nothing to add, no need.

They want "red flag" laws and federal BGCs, semiauto bans, or at least magazine restrictions (among other things). ALL of their proposals are designed to be expanded, abused, and weaponized against US in the future.

In order to "compromise" we have to give up something we already possess whereas they just have to back off. Even if we were to gain something like 50-state reciprocity, the cost could be a "red flag" law which could (will) easily be turned against us. UBC will require the repeal of federal law that forbids registration in order to be effective. None of their garbage laws will do anything and they know it. It's all just a means to another restriction without end, the ultimate goal is complete civilian disarmament and full-spectrum, top-down control for the elites. Tin-foil hattery? Naaawww, just watch em and listen.

I'm a trucker and I used to HATE driving through PA because of the 55 mph speed limit for trucks. They finally, years ago, raised it to 65 except for 45 mph construction zones. Then they basically made the entire state a construction zone. They sure showed us dummies who was in charge.

The phrase, "You can't win for losing" comes to mind.
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That's the dilemma. Vote for a Communist who promises to ban everything or vote for Trump who will just take away less of our gun rights. Lousy choices..... Our politics sucks...

I think the dilemma is this. A D president will try everything in their power to ban everything they can, and punish and inconvenience gun owners at every turn, BUT most Republicans will fight them tooth and nail in the name of partisan politics. Just like the current D party is against the current president's policies when they supported the same ones for the last president, and why Obama couldn't get much GC passed.

An R president probably isn't a hard core 2A believer and will probably go whichever way they think the wind is blowing on public support for gun control and alot of the Republican party/RINOs will fall in line for the same reason.

I'm certainly not saying we are better off with more Ds in office, I'm saying government gridlock is the best thing since sliced bread.
Yup, talk about being bamboozled...
I wasn't bamboozled. I was skeptical about him from the start and I turned out to be correct. I hate to be wrong and like to be proven wrong on this matter, but I was right. He isn't the pro gun candidate we needed, and we voted ourselves into this rabbit hole.
I wasn't bamboozled. I was skeptical about him from the start and I turned out to be correct. I hate to be wrong and like to be proven wrong on this matter, but I was right. He isn't the pro gun candidate we needed, and we voted ourselves into this rabbit hole.
He was the best choice at the time and may be the best choice in 2020... Lest we lose our borders, sign UN Arms control agreements, implement a new green deal, expand welfare state and outlaw guns... Which would be much more likely with a D in the Oval Office...
He was the best choice at the time and may be the best choice in 2020... Lest we lose our borders, sign UN Arms control agreements, implement a new green deal, expand welfare state and outlaw guns... Which would be much more likely with a D in the Oval Office...
He was only the best candidate cause ya'll got bamboozled into it.

At this point, might as well have a boogaloo. Only way to fix it.
Yup, talk about being bamboozled..
I think I'm not getting this.
Who, exactly, was bamboozled?
63M Americans who voted for the guy?
Everyone but you?
Did anyone actually get bamboozled, or did they vote against Hillary and her agenda, personality, entrenched entitlement mentality, expressed globalization agenda, and/or the very public questions about her corruption?
I think Trump is, in no small measure, a middle-finger to the establishment. A big,fat, orange, wealthy middle-finger.

Sure, there are a few real Trump-fans, true believers. But I think they are a small number of the people who actually voted for the man... I see very little adoration and die-hard support for him, and none of the "He can do no wrong" attitude that we saw with Obama and Bill Clinton, even from supporters (lefty media goes without mention). I haven't seen ANY cheerleading for The Donald here or anywhere else, really.

As a pragmatist it's pretty easy to see where he's doing well and not difficult to call-out where he's crapping the bed... a concessionary gun control play to further his economic agenda will result in 2A advocates staying home and not voting, they/we will not vote for an avowed gun-grabber, but rewarding "compromise" is a bad optic too.
It's probably the only thing (short of a complete economic meltdown) that will skew the election.

Bamboozled? No, not really. Just practical, mostly intelligent people voting for a POTUS who breaks the tired-azz mold.
My .02? We're screwed either way between 2020 and 2024. So who is the most likely R candidate for 2024? That's who we need to be pressuring now.
My .02? We're screwed either way between 2020 and 2024. So who is the most likely R candidate for 2024? That's who we need to be pressuring now.
Would Colion Noir be someone we should consider asking to run for 2024? Hes right now 35-36; practices law, is already a civil rights activist (pro2A); is black, quite intelligent, and his use of social media platforms means he could potentially pull a lot of votes away from the likes of AOC and so on
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I think I'm not getting this.
Who, exactly, was bamboozled?
63M Americans who voted for the guy?
Everyone but you?
Did anyone actually get bamboozled, or did they vote against Hillary and her agenda, personality, entrenched entitlement mentality, expressed globalization agenda, and/or the very public questions about her corruption?
I think Trump is, in no small measure, a middle-finger to the establishment. A big,fat, orange, wealthy middle-finger.

Sure, there are a few real Trump-fans, true believers. But I think they are a small number of the people who actually voted for the man... I see very little adoration and die-hard support for him, and none of the "He can do no wrong" attitude that we saw with Obama and Bill Clinton, even from supporters (lefty media goes without mention). I haven't seen ANY cheerleading for The Donald here or anywhere else, really.

As a pragmatist it's pretty easy to see where he's doing well and not difficult to call-out where he's crapping the bed... a concessionary gun control play to further his economic agenda will result in 2A advocates staying home and not voting, they/we will not vote for an avowed gun-grabber, but rewarding "compromise" is a bad optic too.
It's probably the only thing (short of a complete economic meltdown) that will skew the election.

Bamboozled? No, not really. Just practical, mostly intelligent people voting for a POTUS who breaks the tired-azz mold.
Thinking that gun owners, in general, expected a bit more. I know I certainly did... Considering how strong he was on the Second Amendment during his campaign.

But the reality is whether a businessman turned politician or a professional politician, each and everyone of them, it boils down to power. They get drunk with it.

Well, here we are going into the 2020 elections and our choose is a candidate who'll compromise or give away our constitutional rights, or one that's honest about just taking them away, period.

I'll be holding my nose and voting for the lesser of two evils, yet again... Sigh...
I think the dilemma is this. A D president will try everything in their power to ban everything they can, and punish and inconvenience gun owners at every turn, BUT most Republicans will fight them tooth and nail in the name of partisan politics. Just like the current D party is against the current president's policies when they supported the same ones for the last president, and why Obama couldn't get much GC passed.

An R president probably isn't a hard core 2A believer and will probably go whichever way they think the wind is blowing on public support for gun control and alot of the Republican party/RINOs will fall in line for the same reason.

I'm certainly not saying we are better off with more Ds in office, I'm saying government gridlock is the best thing since sliced bread.
gridlock is best in government. People complain that the lawmakers are not doing their job if they aren't passing new legislation. I say they are not doing their job unless they are repealing legislation. But I will settle for gridlock any day.
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I wasn't bamboozled. I was skeptical about him from the start and I turned out to be correct.

Ditto, more or less. I thought there was at least a chance they'd throw us one token pro-2A bill; the most likely one being national reciprocity, because:

  • It was on Trump's official campaign website.
  • There was a very good bill already on the way and it received more support after they added the "fix NICS" provision.
But, nope, we didn't even get that. Instead we received:

  • No effort to pass reciprocity.
  • Zero effort to deregulate silencers.
  • A bumpstock ban that has the same harsh penalties as if one is caught with a machine-gun.
  • With respect to red flag laws, Trump stated, quote, "take the firearms first then go to court". Sen. Feinstein literally cackled next to him when he delivered that line.
  • Twice Trump stated he "didn't like" silencers and would "think about" banning them.
  • Trump meeting with Sen. Joe Manchin about how much more gun control will be coming our way. (Manchin once had an A rating from the NRA, but now it is a D due to his activities.)

Fantastic. :rolleyes:
Would Colion Noir be someone we should consider asking to run for 2024? Hes right now 35-36; practices law, is already a civil rights activist (pro2A); is black, quite intelligent, and his use of social media platforms means he could potentially pull a lot of votes away from the likes of AOC and so on
I like him, but don't see him as necessarily being qualified for POTUS. I think he'd make a great replacement for Wayne in a gutted and revamped NRA though. He'd be most helpful in that roll I think.
Ditto, more or less. I thought there was at least a chance they'd throw us one token pro-2A bill; the most likely one being national reciprocity, because:

  • It was on Trump's official campaign website.
  • There was a very good bill already on the way and it received more support after they added the "fix NICS" provision.
But, nope, we didn't even get that. Instead we received:

  • No effort to pass reciprocity.
  • Zero effort to deregulate silencers.
  • A bumpstock ban that has the same harsh penalties as if one is caught with a machine-gun.
  • With respect to red flag laws, Trump stated, quote, "take the firearms first then go to court". Sen. Feinstein literally cackled next to him when he delivered that line.
  • Twice Trump stated he "didn't like" silencers and would "think about" banning them.
  • Trump meeting with Sen. Joe Manchin about how much more gun control will be coming our way. (Manchin once had an A rating from the NRA, but now it is a D due to his activities.)

Fantastic. :rolleyes:
Okay, fair enough. All valid points and issues that he (Trump) needs to be made aware of. He needs to KNOW that 2A issues are a large part of his reelection bid. If he thinks he's unassailable then he'll do or say whatever he thinks will garner votes.

Maybe it's not what you meant, but words like "fooled" or "bamboozled" makes it appear that 50% of the population is nothing but rubes. I also object to the meme that so-and-so "bought" an election... it's demeaning and insults my intelligence which I take very personally.

You think I'm stupid and/or can be bought by slick advertising? Not so, and the MSM declaring that all (not some, ALL) Trump voters are racist NAZI stooges makes me wary of claims that "we" were duped... I'm not that easy.

Bamboozled? No. Just hedging our bets and hoping for the best. Unfortunately that's what we're left with.

ETA... I quoted the wrong post, replied to the wrong thing... too tired to straighten it out now. Apologies to all effected parties... I'm checking my privilege at this very moment and will publish a bullsh*t apology and/or retraction at some time in the future... look for it on page 177 in a completely unrelated and probably dead thread.
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Trump was the better choice?

I must have missed the primary process, where other choices were presented such as: Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum and Huckabee -- Most with a proven record of being pro-2A.

Of course none of them ever bragged about grabbing women by their pussies...So there's that.
Maybe it's not what you meant, but words like "fooled" or "bamboozled" makes it appear that 50% of the population is nothing but rubes. I also object to the meme that so-and-so "bought" an election... it's demeaning and insults my intelligence which I take very personally.

You think I'm stupid and/or can be bought by slick advertising? Not so, and the MSM declaring that all (not some, ALL) Trump voters are racist NAZI stooges makes me wary of claims that "we" were duped... I'm not that easy.

To be clear, I meant no disrespect whatsoever, directly or implied. If anything I said came across that way, I apologize, because that was not the intent. Also, I didn't use the word "fooled" or "bamboozled", though I can see how quoting someone who used the latter might lead to such a conclusion.

My only point was the massive disconnect between what was said on the campaign trail and what has happened from the time of his inauguration to now. That may or may not change during the remainder of Mr. Trump's term in office; only time will tell. The recent meeting with an anti-2A senator is simply not encouraging.
To be clear, I meant no disrespect whatsoever, directly or implied. If anything I said came across that way, I apologize, because that was not the intent. Also, I didn't use the word "fooled" or "bamboozled", though I can see how quoting someone who used the latter might lead to such a conclusion.

My only point was the massive disconnect between what was said on the campaign trail and what has happened from the time of his inauguration to now. That may or may not change during the remainder of Mr. Trump's term in office; only time will tell. The recent meeting with an anti-2A senator is simply not encouraging.
Fully understood.
I screwed-up and quoted the wrong post but didn't recognize it until I was too late to fix it without reorganizing my entire reply... my tired brain said, "just leave it alone, you could only make it worse..."

So that's what I did.
Sometimes, rarely, my brain looks out for me.
Trump was the better choice?

I must have missed the primary process, where other choices were presented such as: Paul, Cruz, Bush, Santorum and Huckabee -- Most with a proven record of being pro-2A.

Of course none of them ever bragged about grabbing women by their pussies...So there's that.
Did you vote in the super huge big-time OR primaries? The one that means 0.0 in the national election.

If you did, like me, then congratulations... we lost. "Our guy" didn't make the cut.

Yeah, there were other choices... until there wasn't.

FFS get OVER it, already. Work to have the government you want, not the government your stuck with.
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