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I did a searh on the Infowars site to see if Trump's pet poodle is talking about this, and noticed that there is complete silence there. I guess that means there is no cause for alarm, as Trump must be playing a game of advanced 64D chess.
Apple Watches, Amazon Echo and Google Home ......and these (whatever they are..?) are mandatory monitoring devices?

No, they're not.

But, if they're like siri and the other one, do you really care to have them monitoring?
My wife has that echo device, ( i hate that thing).. i told it to intitiate self destruct sequence. It responded by saying, that it would If i dramatically stopped the sequence before it got to zero... Oh well i gave it a try.

"This is the cost of security. When you sacrifice one right for a false sense of safety, other rights are going to go with it. Soon, it will be fashionable to kill the Fourth Amendment in the name of killing the Second. It's a bitter irony, seeing as that the Second Amendment exists so that we may keep the government from taking away the rights enumerated by the rest of the Bill of Rights.

There's a social cost to every right we have. The right to speak freely means someone may be offended. The right to think freely means someone may have the wrong ideas. Privacy rights mean that someone may act wrongly in secret. But we tolerate these rights as a society because we value freedom. Good things happen when people are free. Humans tend to reach new heights. But freedom means that one is also responsible for the consequences of one's actions."
Apple Watches, Amazon Echo and Google Home ......and these (whatever they are..?) are mandatory monitoring devices?

No, they're not.

So far.

How long before they become mandatory?

My computer has a microphone and a camera. So does my smartphone. Any landline telephone has a microphone. The government has had the capability for some time now to turn on any of these devices and to monitor us via those devices, without us being aware that they are.
So far.

How long before they become mandatory?

My computer has a microphone and a camera. So does my smartphone. Any landline telephone has a microphone. The government has had the capability for some time now to turn on any of these devices and to monitor us via those devices, without us being aware that they are.

Just think, in 1995 I think, there were all those news stories about the cameras in London and how much they invaded privacy. Now, cameras are everywhere here and people line up to pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to have the latest GPS locator/voice recorder/camera/personal information distributor.
So far.

How long before they become mandatory?

My computer has a microphone and a camera. So does my smartphone. Any landline telephone has a microphone. The government has had the capability for some time now to turn on any of these devices and to monitor us via those devices, without us being aware that they are.

Electrical tape works well for cameras. The Goobermint can turn it on all they want, or they can put a black bag over their heads - the view is the same. ;)
... My computer has a microphone and a camera. So does my smartphone. Any landline telephone has a microphone. ...

I'm waiting for this phone which has hardware switches to physically disconnect various components (microphone, camera, wifi/bluetooth, cellular baseband). It would be nice to be able kill GPS as well -- I hope they put that in. It does not run Android so that cuts out Google.

Either that, or maybe I'll just get an old school candy bar phone and start digging around in it, snipping traces and adding my own switches.
Man, smart phones, tablets, electronic readers, anything that gets on wifi. I'm seriously thinking of ditching mine. I hate this damn thing.

I have an OLD iPhone. I can turn off wifi, and GPS. Is that not possible with most smart phones? Only time I turn on wifi is when I want to use wifi. Maybe they can monitor the microphone over cell signals - I don't know.
Don't forget this in the coming future!!

Smart City IoT Solutions from Intel

Wonder how officials would use this technology to "help us".

PS by some of the replies in here: Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia

Industrial Society and Its Future begins with Kaczynski's assertion: "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."[74][75] He writes that technology has had a destabilizing effect on society, has made life unfulfilling, and has caused widespread psychological suffering.[76] He argues that most people spend their time engaged in useless pursuits because of technological advances; he calls these "surrogate activities" wherein people strive toward artificial goals, including scientific work, consumption of entertainment, and following sports teams.[76] He predicts that further technological advances will lead to extensive human genetic engineering and that human beings will be adjusted to meet the needs of the social systems, rather than vice versa.[76] He believes that technological progress can be stopped, unlike people who understand technology's negative effects yet passively accept it as inevitable.[77] He calls for a return to "wild nature."[76]
Kaczynski argues that the erosion of human freedom is a natural product of an industrial society because "the system has to regulate human behavior closely in order to function", and that reform of the system is impossible because "changes large enough to make a lasting difference in favor of freedom would not be initiated because it would be realized that they would gravely disrupt the system".[78] However, he states that the system has not yet fully achieved "control over human behavior" and "is currently engaged in a desperate struggle to overcome certain problems that threaten its survival". He predicts that "if the system succeeds in acquiring sufficient control over human behavior quickly enough, it will probably survive. Otherwise it will break down," and that "the issue will most likely be resolved within the next several decades, say 40 to 100 years".[78] He states that the task of those who oppose industrial society is to promote "social stress and instability" and to propagate "an ideology that opposes technology", one that offers the "counter-ideal" of nature "in order to gain enthusiastic support". A "revolution against technology may be possible" when industrial society is sufficiently unstable.[79]
Throughout the document, Kaczynski addresses left-wing politics as a movement. He defines leftists as "mainly socialists, collectivists, 'politically correct' types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like",[80] states that leftism is driven primarily by "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization",[76] and derides leftism as "one of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world".[80] He additionally states that "a movement that exalts nature and opposes technology must take a resolutely anti-leftist stance and must avoid all collaboration with leftists", as in his view "leftism is in the long run inconsistent with wild nature, with human freedom and with the elimination of modern technology".[74] He also criticizes conservatives, describing them as "fools" who "whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth."[80]

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