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Nada, nada, nada. I have a sign, wooden with small hooks that hold a black painted plastic 6 shooter, and it says we don't call 911posted in large black letters hung to the right of the front door. No one has ever come in or have taken it. All I have received was hey I like that sigh with a smile 😊
:s0153: I wonder if anyone makes, "We have lots of food, fuel and medical supplies stored in our house" or "I own a generator" signs?... I'll check Amazon and get back to ya.
It all just seems so much like "selfie posting" to me.
Really, if you're NOT home what does the thug care if your dogs are named Slice and Dice? ... and, if you ARE home, why have them break-in all prepared?

I figure that the people who you don't mind knowing what you got, probably already know...
...the people you don't want to know what you got...why volunteer the information :s0092:

But in general, I really don't care if your kid is/was an "honor student" like every other kid in their class, stupid enough to imagine "I stop for Unicorns" has any meaning, think that "Home protected by Smith and Wesson" is a burglary deterrent, or for that matter, what coffee, city, hockey team, or what breed of dog you "heart".
As a matter of fact, probably the ONLY people who do care, are the idiots that will hate you for your preferences... "OH--MY--GOD, you "heart dachshunds? Hitler liked dachshunds! Why not "heart" cats, do you hate cats?

I wonder if there will ever be a politician running for office that is smart enough to say... ...."All of my supporters have agreed to not post signs in their yards in an attempt to prevent the widespread vandalism and threats of violence of my opponent's supporters."

HOLY CRAP!... I just thought of the best bumper sticker..." I HATE BUMPER STICKERS "...I'll be rich!!!
Collecting gold, valuable coins, stamps or antiques has nothing to do with the Bill of Rights, nor would advertising one's collection of such make a political or philosophical statement, to which flaunting pro-gun, pro-RKBA logos or comments is often the intent.

I doubt most here think we're being "cool" or advertising our income and ownership of high-end firearms (well, except maybe the HK guys) to those in the criminal element who would relieve us of our property...Maybe it's as simple as showing membership in the secret resistance or letting other members of our club know we're out and proud (kinda like the rainbow decals and license plate frames).

While we can't deny an NRA or SIG decal on the back window might make us be more susceptible to a car (truck) prowl by someone looking to score a nice gun or some quick vandalism by a member of the political spectrum which does not agree with us, as I said before, we either bow to the gods of political correctness and cower in anonymity, or we let everyone know there's enough of us out there that will not be silenced.

The larger issue, as I see it, is that the political left's agenda is to prove to all that gun-owners, RKBA-supporters, hunters and shooters are an inconsequential minority in this country. The fact is, we are not. But we're letting the left and the anti-gun faction frame the narrative. And don't spout the crap that it's solely because the mainstream media is controlled by the left. So many of us hide our gun-ownership and views, that it can certainly appear to many that the only people out there with guns are gangbangers, criminals and the cops.

Maintain your silence about your views on guns and your gun-ownership status. How's that working out for us so far?
Remaining silent is quite different than advertising. I am extremely active in pro gun legislation, and promoting firearms ownership. But I don't advertise on my vehicles, or my house.
If you think doing so makes more people progun you're kidding nobody but yourself. I doubt anyone looks at bumper stickers and decides to become a gun owner, or become more active in 2nd Amendment issues. I think far more people are apt to become active through discussion, and promotion by active gun owners than by bumper stickers.

Most gunowners are aware of this. It's just common sense to be discreet and private. And there are some who want to express themselves and don't see a problem with that. Especially on social media.
I know many freedom loving gun owners want to express themselves humorously and want the express their love for the second admendment. That's your 1st Admendment rights. But I think posting these types of signs and bumper stickers, T shirts and gun logos make you a target for break-in. You are telling thieves you have guns in the car, on your person and in your house.You are telling the police that you are armed. You are telling the whole neighborhood. Many people are not gun friendly and don't find them to be amusing and might even use it against you and get you Canceled. What's worse is that in a self defense situation, the law can use that against you even if you are justified,
I have to agree here.
Myself I prefer to 'stay gray' and not draw attention to myself. Sure I have funny signs and stickers but those are usually out of the public eye.
I believe drawing attention to yourself makes you a target in one aspect or another.
If you think doing so makes more people progun you're kidding nobody but yourself.
Nope, and never said so.
I doubt anyone looks at bumper stickers and decides to become a gun owner, or become more active in 2nd Amendment issues.
Would never suggest that, either. You missed my point. Sharing one's enthusiasm via a bumper sticker is just that, and it's mostly just a way to communicate to like-minded folk (while maybe giving the finger to those who aren't so like-minded).
I think far more people are apt to become active through discussion, and promotion by active gun owners than by bumper stickers.
Well, duh, but what I (apparently poorly) was attempting to explain is that by not visibly making one's support for RKBA or enthusiasm for hunting or the shooting sports -- and gun ownership in general -- evident, it's just another step where we have allowed this all to become DE-normalized, almost like it's supposed to be secretive, or cause for shame.

Obviously, we don't want to make our vehicles or abodes marks for break-ins, thefts or vandalism.

It's okay to share one's affection for certain breeds of dogs, one's love of certain brands of cars or trucks (why do Ford or Dodge guys always have to have a big-bubblegum decal saying "FORD" or "RAM" on their truck windshields or back windows, anyway?), one's enthusiasm for running marathons (or posing as a runner), "26.2," display one's union membership (and often occupation, "Union Carpenter," "Teamsters 117," etc.), (and if you're a liberal especially) one's political candidates of choice,

But when even supposed "gun people" advocate for zero display of activities, possessions or political views that they're supposedly passionate about, we have let fear silence us.

Drove up from Olympia morning. Lost count of all the trucks and SUVs on I-5 with Glock, SIG, Browning, NRA, HK, etc. decals on back windows (especially around JBLM). Hmm.

Anyway, news flash: if you're a regular poster on an internet firearms forum, you are NOT the gray man.
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Nope, and never said so.

Would never suggest that, either. You missed my point. Sharing one's enthusiasm via a bumper sticker is just that, and it's mostly just a way to communicate to like-minded folk (while maybe giving the finger to those who aren't so like-minded).

Well, duh, but what I (apparently poorly) was attempting to explain is that by not visibly making one's support for RKBA or enthusiasm for hunting or the shooting sports -- and gun ownership in general -- evident, it's just another step where we have allowed this all to become DE-normalized, almost like it's supposed to be secretive, or cause for shame.

Obviously, we don't want to make our vehicles or abodes marks for break-ins, thefts or vandalism.

It's okay to share one's affection for certain breeds of dogs, one's love of certain brands of cars or trucks (why do Ford or Dodge guys always have to have a big-bubblegum decal saying "FORD" or "RAM" on their truck windshields or back windows, anyway?), one's enthusiasm for running marathons (or posing as a runner), "26.2," display one's union membership (and often occupation, "Union Carpenter," "Teamsters 117," etc.), (and if you're a liberal especially) one's political candidates of choice,

But when even supposed "gun people" advocate for zero display of activities, possessions or political views that they're supposedly passionate about, we have let fear silence us.

Drove up from Olympia morning. Lost count of all the trucks and SUVs on I-5 with Glock, SIG, Browning, NRA, HK, etc. decals on back windows (especially around JBLM). Hmm.

Anyway, news flash: if you're a regular poster on an internet firearms forum, you are NOT the gray man.
I guess we'll each do what we think is OK. But I bet my lack of advertising gun ownership on my cars or truck will ever lead to any chance of a breakin to my vehicles, or my home.
Not advertising is not the same as "fear silencing us". Common sense isn't fear, or paranoia. It's just good common sense not to tell the world about things you own and value. And keeping firearms related stickers off my vehicles, or my doors of my house is not going to change the way I respond to a discussion with someone whose antigun. I'm still going to debate the right for people to own firearms, and defend themselves, and that doesn't require me to advertise ownership.
As for gun forums, and talking about firearms on them. Can you tell who I am, or what house I live in by my posts here? I think you're exaggerating to make your point.
So here in my world, I had breakfast this morning at the local coffee house/bistro. The barista asked how my day was going so I told her breakfast first then back to work. She asked what I do for work and I told her I own an ammunition company. She asked really which one. So I told her and she said cool, my dad shoots your ammo and really likes it. He buys it here in town from the local gun shop. While I don't have my truck all stickered up everyone knows me and my business. Different worlds for sure. I don't hide who I am or what I do. I'm on the neighborhood watch and have coffee with a cop once a month. We support each other and don't live in fear. Heck when antifa was threatening to attack residential neighborhoods 6 of us decided we'd fight back in our Pajamas, kick their a$$es back to their Moms basement and then go back to bed because we all have to go to work in the morning.

Most gunowners are aware of this. It's just common sense to be discreet and private. And there are some who want to express themselves and don't see a problem with that. Especially on social media.
I know many freedom loving gun owners want to express themselves humorously and want the express their love for the second admendment. That's your 1st Admendment rights. But I think posting these types of signs and bumper stickers, T shirts and gun logos make you a target for break-in. You are telling thieves you have guns in the car, on your person and in your house.You are telling the police that you are armed. You are telling the whole neighborhood. Many people are not gun friendly and don't find them to be amusing and might even use it against you and get you Canceled. What's worse is that in a self defense situation, the law can use that against you even if you are justified,
I will represent the guns, manufactures, and the 2A community. Hiding will not keep you safe or stop gun grabber's from trying to take your rights. Criminals don't target possessions. They target weakness. The police already know you're armed. They track every electronic device you own . Being an active participant in a gun group or discussion puts you in the same position. It's open to the public. I won't hide my legal safe hobby or give up my God given rights guaranteed by the constitution of The United States of America. God bless America and may he watch over you and your family.
I will represent the guns, manufactures, and the 2A community. Hiding will not keep you safe or stop gun grabber's from trying to take your rights. Criminals don't target possessions. They target weakness. The police already know you're armed. They track every electronic device you own . Being an active participant in a gun group or discussion puts you in the same position. It's open to the public. I won't hide my legal safe hobby or give up my God given rights guaranteed by the constitution of The United States of America. God bless America and may he watch over you and your family.
I guess it boils down to how/what we choose as individuals.
I find some that are 'extreme' when showing support ... and I do mean EXTREME .... almost 'uncivilized' .
I can usually find others who share my views/likes just by striking up a conversation. And I'm not really a 'people-person'.
So I guess 'you do you' and let's not worry about what other's think unless they are committing a crime against you.
Nothing wrong with 'representing' or showing support... we can all do that as we choose.
What a crock of fecal matter. Next you'll be telling me my American Flag will get me "Canceled" as well. Maybe it's best for you and the likes like you stay in town where the nanny state can protect you and stay out of my world.

Most gunowners are aware of this. It's just common sense to be discreet and private. And there are some who want to express themselves and don't see a problem with that. Especially on social media.
I know many freedom loving gun owners want to express themselves humorously and want the express their love for the second admendment. That's your 1st Admendment rights. But I think posting these types of signs and bumper stickers, T shirts and gun logos make you a target for break-in. You are telling thieves you have guns in the car, on your person and in your house.You are telling the police that you are armed. You are telling the whole neighborhood. Many people are not gun friendly and don't find them to be amusing and might even use it against you and get you Canceled. What's worse is that in a self defense situation, the law can use that against you even if you are justified,
I agree to disagree,,, I have kept my truck rear window naked UNTIL Measure 114 ! Now,, I fly my "Fight 114" sticker, my GOA sticker and when my OFF sticker gets here I`ll fly it also ! Opps,, I also have a "WE THE PEOPLE " sticker,,, WE NEED to SHOW these lily Anti-gun owners that WE are out here and will not stand back and let them take our rights !! The MORE people that show their 2A mindset the better it might be when the opposition starts seeing more and more people flying or 2A stickers and such ! WE need to be UNITED in our stand against those that want to destroy our FREEDOMS !!! I am proud to support our CONSITUTION !!

Most gunowners are aware of this. It's just common sense to be discreet and private. And there are some who want to express themselves and don't see a problem with that. Especially on social media.
I know many freedom loving gun owners want to express themselves humorously and want the express their love for the second admendment. That's your 1st Admendment rights. But I think posting these types of signs and bumper stickers, T shirts and gun logos make you a target for break-in. You are telling thieves you have guns in the car, on your person and in your house.You are telling the police that you are armed. You are telling the whole neighborhood. Many people are not gun friendly and don't find them to be amusing and might even use it against you and get you Canceled. What's worse is that in a self defense situation, the law can use that against you even if you are justified,
I, personally, don't give a damn.

Look at my avatar...if you believe I'm pulling it down, this afternoon, think again. I have an NRA T-shirt, stating that the 2nd Amendment is the country's original homeland security...not throwing it away, either.

Maybe we should just take down our flags, burn our Trump 2024 hats, and start saying "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas".

If this is all it takes to trigger my liberal opponents, I'd rather spend my time creating a GoFundMe site to help offset my legal fees. I surely didn't spend 10 years obligated to the service of my country, to simply turn around and bury my head in the sand.
In celebration of this thread, this morning I walked out to my truck with a black gym bag in one hand and an ammo can in the other. I then drove out to the private range I belong to and shot 32-20, 38 Super, 45acp and 44 Mag for an hour because I can. I even (gasp) drove thru the drive up at the bank with the ammo can and gym bag on the passenger side floor board. Nothing bad happened and when I got home I walked back in the house toteing the same luggage as I left with. It's only a big deal if you want to make it a big deal.
In celebration of this thread, this morning I walked out to my truck with a black gym bag in one hand and an ammo can in the other. I then drove out to the private range I belong to and shot 32-20, 38 Super, 45acp and 44 Mag for an hour because I can. I even (gasp) drove thru the drive up at the bank with the ammo can and gym bag on the passenger side floor board. Nothing bad happened and when I got home I walked back in the house toteing the same luggage as I left with. It's only a big deal if you want to make it a big deal.
:s0113: You drove :s0140: I just walked out back....... :s0033: :s0030:
I think there are two distinct topics in play here. The video is focusing on stickers and media posts that could negatively affect the outcome of a case if one was to be involved in a DGU. I don't really think a SIG or Stop 114 sticker is going to have as much impact in this situation as many others (e.g., Kill 'em all, let God sort them out, Due to the price of ammo, no warning shots) could. Items from the video have come into play in the past; this applies to internet rants and similar items.

As for posting stickers on your personal property, to each their own.

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