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When he tried to take off he hit the Cop with his door backing up. The Cop had tried to stop the same car another time and it lost him. He thought it was the same car and was angry and determined to not let the guy get over on him again. After he started to fire he just went into panic fire mode. He just was no where near the mental capacity to have the job of being a Cop.
Too bad the rookie in question didn't grab his taser, instead of the gun
My God! I know fast food isn't all that healthy, but it's a crime to eat that crap now? :eek: Who knew...

And what's with the cop yanking open the door? Is that a new procedure upon approaching a vehicle now?
I was under the impression the procedure was a strong directive, something along the lines of: "Step out of the vehicle, please." o_O
Not necessarily. Back in 2006 an officer walked up to the drivers side of my RSX, opened the door, and yanked (SLOPPILY) my then boyfriend out of my drivers seat just because he was speeding in Estacada 5mph over the posted 35mph…
I know that up here at least they run people through a battery of "pro's" who sort out just this kind of thing. To prevent just this kind of thing. That was NOT a high stress situation. It was a situation that would make me VERY angry, that the little punk was doing it again. The Cop chose to go over and yank that door open on a car where he could not see. That alone should have been the end of his job. He had to be trained not to do that. He was angry that the punk had "bested" him before and now he was out for revenge. Then when the kid took off again he went into full panic. Do you have any idea what his little screw up is going to cost the tax payers there? They will have to pay out HUGE. Which they surely have insurance for but, guess what happens to the cost then? Guy this is not a "mistake anyone can make" kind of thing. This is someone who should never have been in that job. He actually got lucky that it did not end up FAR worse than it did. If he had killed that girl in the car? I can guarantee the Cop would not only have lost his job, he would be going to prison. I am SUPER Pro Cop. To the point many think I go too far. This clown is the kind who get good Cops killed because they had no choice but to hire him. This is the result of this "war on Cops" leading to piss poor hiring. This one got lucky all he did was get fired. He was a loose cannon who could easily have ended up in prison.
Well… idk… "they" have certainly created the general climate and environment for cops to HAVE to just maintain at DEFCON 1 every single day… there's a part of me (my stepmom was a Selma PD dispatcher, then beat cop, then she went over to Kings County…) that says, huh, I always thought they weren't supposed to fire unless fired upon… or ordered to by a superior?… but there's another part of me that says, well, sorta can't blame him with that stupid kids quick movements and his behavior, what the hell was HE thinking? You're SUPPOSED to STAY in your vehicle unless your asked to step out of your vehicle because your being detained for a legitimate reason… you're supposed to keep your hands visible to the LEO at all times… and you should always consider that.. those guys go to work every day knowing there's AT LEAST a 50% chance they won't be going home ever again… it tends to make a dude a bit twitchy… and you don't give twitchy, overstressed, under-supported, armed officers who may or may not train to fire quickly once their muzzle is up if they've upholstered their service weapon…JUST CAUSE TO FREAK OUT.. the second copper lost line of sight with kiddos hands… he became a serious threat to that officer and thereby to himself as well… I didn't even SEE the chick in the car…

This is the world we live in…
Well… idk… "they" have certainly created the general climate and environment for cops to HAVE to just maintain at DEFCON 1 every single day… there's a part of me (my stepmom was a Selma PD dispatcher, then beat cop, then she went over to Kings County…) that says, huh, I always thought they weren't supposed to fire unless fired upon… or ordered to by a superior?… but there's another part of me that says, well, sorta can't blame him with that stupid kids quick movements and his behavior, what the hell was HE thinking? You're SUPPOSED to STAY in your vehicle unless your asked to step out of your vehicle because your being detained for a legitimate reason… you're supposed to keep your hands visible to the LEO at all times… and you should always consider that.. those guys go to work every day knowing there's AT LEAST a 50% chance they won't be going home ever again… it tends to make a dude a bit twitchy… and you don't give twitchy, overstressed, under-supported, armed officers who may or may not train to fire quickly once their muzzle is up if they've upholstered their service weapon…JUST CAUSE TO FREAK OUT.. the second copper lost line of sight with kiddos hands… he became a serious threat to that officer and thereby to himself as well… I didn't even SEE the chick in the car…

This is the world we live in…
That was supposed to say UNHOLSTERED lol :s0136:
Usually, I would assume. That's tough though when they drive out so many senior LEO's that the probationaries outnumber them(?).

I watched a body cam OIS just last week. Of the 5 LEO's involved, the most senior was a full 2yr veteran with the force. The majority ranged in the 1-1.5yr range and one was 3 months out of the academy.

It can't possibly be the norm, but those are some sad set of circumstances to have that ever happen at all.
I think Portland is down 900 cops ever since everyone started thinking being dead is way better so..
Well… idk… "they" have certainly created the general climate and environment for cops to HAVE to just maintain at DEFCON 1 every single day… there's a part of me (my stepmom was a Selma PD dispatcher, then beat cop, then she went over to Kings County…) that says, huh, I always thought they weren't supposed to fire unless fired upon… or ordered to by a superior?… but there's another part of me that says, well, sorta can't blame him with that stupid kids quick movements and his behavior, what the hell was HE thinking? You're SUPPOSED to STAY in your vehicle unless your asked to step out of your vehicle because your being detained for a legitimate reason… you're supposed to keep your hands visible to the LEO at all times… and you should always consider that.. those guys go to work every day knowing there's AT LEAST a 50% chance they won't be going home ever again… it tends to make a dude a bit twitchy… and you don't give twitchy, overstressed, under-supported, armed officers who may or may not train to fire quickly once their muzzle is up if they've upholstered their service weapon…JUST CAUSE TO FREAK OUT.. the second copper lost line of sight with kiddos hands… he became a serious threat to that officer and thereby to himself as well… I didn't even SEE the chick in the car…

This is the world we live in…
So help me wrap my head around the whole KNOWING "Theress a at LEAST a 50% chance they wont be going home ever again" concept. I'd kinda like to check the math on that one. Man, Ive worked in dangerous jobs that dwarfed the ACTUAL danger potential cops are getting into every day from that report but 50% chance they wont be going home ever again? Hyperbole much? Seriously if theyre so twitchy get a job that doesn't scare them so much. Its a job. Theres other jobs
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I think Portland is down 900 cops ever since everyone started thinking being dead is way better so..
Portland is definitely down a huge number of senior LEOs… idk about people thinkin it's better to be dead… I'm fairly certain it started with the Occupy Portland BS and then people PAID people to get SERIOUSLY VIOLENT…. There were a couple of signs soliciting violent behavior as the way to get "results" around Portland and Gresham.. then George Floyd was killed, Black Lives Matter blew up, ANTIFA jumped on their terror train and then the CDC FAILED TO DO THE ONE JOB IT HAS… a job it's well rehearsed for… has done in the past… Trump didn't do what he SHOULD have done because he was … what?…. Afraid of the backlash he was already enduring? Idk…. But he failed too, the dastardly dems are the only ones I can say succeeded and I'm really not comfortable with considering their vile actions to be "successful"! If I were a cop.. I'd have bugged out too… I didn't think they HAD that many to be down 900 though… if that's an accurate figure, it's no wonder Gresham has lowered their bar for academy acceptance to having a GED or diploma… no criminal justice degree required or any other… and I can understand having recruits patrolling and functioning as full fledged officers…and yeah… it makes sense they'd be young'ns too.
Well… idk… "they" have certainly created the general climate and environment for cops to HAVE to just maintain at DEFCON 1 every single day… there's a part of me (my stepmom was a Selma PD dispatcher, then beat cop, then she went over to Kings County…) that says, huh, I always thought they weren't supposed to fire unless fired upon… or ordered to by a superior?… but there's another part of me that says, well, sorta can't blame him with that stupid kids quick movements and his behavior, what the hell was HE thinking? You're SUPPOSED to STAY in your vehicle unless your asked to step out of your vehicle because your being detained for a legitimate reason… you're supposed to keep your hands visible to the LEO at all times… and you should always consider that.. those guys go to work every day knowing there's AT LEAST a 50% chance they won't be going home ever again… it tends to make a dude a bit twitchy… and you don't give twitchy, overstressed, under-supported, armed officers who may or may not train to fire quickly once their muzzle is up if they've upholstered their service weapon…JUST CAUSE TO FREAK OUT.. the second copper lost line of sight with kiddos hands… he became a serious threat to that officer and thereby to himself as well… I didn't even SEE the chick in the car…

This is the world we live in…
So open fire on him? Then keep firing as the car is driving away because he moved his cheesburger too fast huh? The MORON chose to go over and yank the door open. He was pissed and going to prove to the punk he was the "law". You really want to make excuses for this? Be careful what you ask for and making excuses for this is asking for more of it.
So open fire on him? Then keep firing as the car is driving away because he moved his cheesburger too fast huh? The MORON chose to go over and yank the door open. He was pissed and going to prove to the punk he was the "law". You really want to make excuses for this? Be careful what you ask for and making excuses for this is asking for more of it.
No. No again. … and cheeseburger might as well have been a Glock… but no… opening fire wasn't the correct course of action in any case, imho…. continuing to fire into/@ the vehicle at murderous cheeseburgers and a couple of idiots.. even LESS appropriate, particularly when it's being done by someone who is supposed to handle themselves with decorum at all times, keep the peace, and who is supposed to be a model citizen… at all times… your last two sentences… spot on… 😬
I'm going to be "that guy" with the different perspective. Officer is at the location investigating a disturbance. While he is there, he notices a vehicle that evaded him yesterday with plates that did not match the vehicle. In these cases, there is an extremely high possibility the vehicle is stolen, still a felony in most places (I think). At this point he (the officer) has choices. One is to surprise the possible car thief by opening the door (throwing him off, breaking his OODA loop). Best choice? Not usually, but sometimes it is and works well.

Then possible felon does a completely felon thing and intentionally places the vehicle in reverse, with the officer in the doorway, and quickly moves the vehicle. At this point, straight up assault with a deadly weapon. If he moves forward, not so much. Can you use deadly force while someone is assaulting you with a deadly weapon? You betcha. Do you have a possible innocent (or accomplice) in the passenger seat? Curve ball.

Once the vehicle starts moving forward, (away from the officer) real difficult time justifying those shots. This is likely why he was fired. If the guy would have driven forward off the curb, think it would have been difficult to justify that level of force.
I agree that standards among LEO have really slipped, but... so has civilian non compliance. By that I mean it's more acceptable it seems to defy authority, run, resist arrest, fight with LEO's and try to use a persons rights to somehow shield themselves from consequences of their bad actions.
Agree. It is okay to back up and possibly run over an officer. No big deal in this world.
The Cops life was never in danger.
Disagree. 13 officers so far this year have been killed being assaulted or struck by vehicles (not including traffic collisions, which adds 26 more killed).
Ask. Tell. Make. They only get 3 chances.
Like parley, It's only a guideline. Sometimes situations call for going straight to Make.

There are many moving parts to this, and I wasn't standing in this (young) officer's shoes at the time. Are we having this conversation because the cop started something? No, because of what @Yarome noted above, mass non-compliance and assaults on officer being the norm and acceptable. Blasting away at the back of a fleeing vehicle (without specific, articulable reason for doing so...which I have not seen in this case) is clearly not acceptable. Interesting discussion.
Disagree. 13 officers so far this year have been killed being assaulted or struck by vehicles (not including traffic collisions, which adds 26 more killed).
:s0092: Great, people who make excuses for this kind of behavior are asking to get more of it. So if you want Cops opening fire on a vehicle driving away then enjoy the results of what you support. Assuming you pay taxes you will be paying a LOT for this kind of behavior since it will lead to a LOT of pay outs to victims. Voters go get just what they ask for, so they deserve the outcomes they ask for.
1) This is why I make a habit of locking my doors when I get in a car, even if I am going to be just sitting there eating my bacon cheeseburger.

2) As far as I could tell, the officer did not identify himself. Yanking open my car door, after dark, probably while wearing a dark uniform, still not identifying yourself, telling the driver to get out of the car and trying to grab him - don't be surprised if I panic not knowing if you are a carjacker or not (anybody can dress up like a cop) - this is a good way to get shot yourself and I would be going for a self-defense plea.

3) The cop could have parked broadside behind the suspect car, turned on his emergency lights, and ran the siren for a second. If the car really is stolen, then the cop is already inside his car, ready to take up the chase. At that point then get on the loudspeaker and tell the driver to put his hands outside the window, etc., etc. - like any good traffic cop would do with a suspected stolen car. At this point the driver has two choice; do as told, or go forward over the sidewalk.

Walking up on the car like he did and yanking open the door is just asking to be shot, whether by a car thief or a law abiding citizen.

4) By the time the guy is backing up, the officer is well out of immediate danger. You can see the officer himself is backing away from the car and drawing his weapon.

Only if the drives towards him is he in danger - the car is backing away from his position, then drives forward away from the officer.

The whole thing is stupid - especially on the part of the officer. It is no wonder he was fired.

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