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Rather than just making this nonsense up, why don't you offer evidence? My posts are public. You choose to mischaracterize them. When did I ever say there is no issue with this administration and guns? In case you are counting, that's the second time today I've called you out. I just think until there's a real threat, it's "kooky" and unproductive to get in a lather. This administration is busy and doesn't have the political support for restrictions. But if they come along with one, I'm against it.

That's what I call a reality-based world.

Just to make it clear to me would you please explain what you consider a real threat? I don't understand what you consider a real threat. So you understand where I am coming from so you understand what I consider a threat is Obama's past and his friends. I have mentioned this before Obama has voted 100% all gun laws that take away are freedoms and all of his admin people did too. One one person votes that way and talks about taking away guns and banning them I consider that a threat to my freedom and enjoyment. His whole staff backs that feeling as well and he still talks about today. I don't believe he will just change his mind when he hates guns and gets much support from anti-gunners. I can almost bet a years salary that he and his admin on working on something and allowing states and local communities to keep unlaws laws and bills effecting gun owners everywhere. That is why I see him as a threat and I will do what is possible to stop him in tracks.
See the service I provide? Some kid would get his butt whooped tonight in a Budweiser-induced rage if y'all didn't have me to kick around.

Jeez, I sure hope people are maintaining a sense of humor about all this. It's like boxing. You throw some, you take some, then if you are well-adjusted, you slap gloves and call it a good night of fun.
Just to make it clear to me would you please explain what you consider a real threat? I don't understand what you consider a real threat. So you understand where I am coming from so you understand what I consider a threat is Obama's past and his friends.

When someone proposes something that looks like it really might be enacted that would restrict gun rights, I'm there. How's that? Some people seem to be scared of their shadows. So they scream like little girls at every little thing. Cass Sunstein's nomination, for instance. That's goofy, er... kooky.

Saying that Obama's very existence is a threat worth gunning for is nutty. And when you expand it to include all "his friends" you've gone off the deep end in my view. Sunstein may pose a threat later. We'll see. If he does, I'm there. But just because he's written things doesn't raise the alert level to Red for me. Some people live in Red Alert Land. Not me.
I've seen some of your posts. I'd be careful about loosely throwing around the term "kook." Ph.D's are available online, and a patent is just a matter of filing an application and paying a fee. Harvard Law professorships and lifelong reputations as scholars, not so much. And I'm sure that you are the preeminent judge of when someone is a constitutional scholar, since you have written "technical papers" on something. There are people who think Mozart didn't know crap about music too. They write blogs and "technical papers" too for all I know.

Let me repeat: For people in this thread to call Cass Sunstein a "kook" is irony of the first order.

Just say you disagree with him, oppose his nomination, and spare the hysteria. It's the same old stuff we keep hearing about how Obama is going to take all our guns, brainwash our kids with exhortations to work hard in school, and impose death panels to kill grandma. When one lie is exposed, people just move on to the next lie. It's one way to be, but it's not honest.

Keep the powder dry folks, or at least be honest in your discussions.

I believe your underlying point here is that the name calling discredits the argument correct? I agree but I also have absolutely no desire to see him knighted into the administration. He is backwards and obviously attempting to bend and twist the constitution out of existence. Not a man I would pick for the job unless I wanted to discredit and destroy the constitution. Kind of makes you think doesn't it?
It's not like appointments like this should come as a complete surprise to anyone. Backwards? I don't think so... they guy appears to be smart enough to do some real damage- and not just on the second amendment front. Hang on folks, these clowns are just getting started.
I consider owning 2 car companies and the unions are the majority, owning banks and insurance companies and still giving them money, cap and trade, and then trying to shove socialized medicine down our throughts in 6 months is a great start. You are right this is just the beginning and I think they are tying to accomplish more before elections in a year where I believe dems will loose many seats.
CEF seems to be saying it's OK to comment about concerns we may have about someone like Cass Sunstein, but it belittles us to call such a highly-educated and respected legal scholar a "kook" simply because he has expressed views outside the mainstream of American thinking.
CEF also seems to be saying that we shouldn't deride people in the Obama administration until something "real" happens. We shouldn't let the anti-2A history associated with most everyone in this administration rile us. Instead, we should hold judgement until a bonafide attack is made on our 2A rights. After all, this President was duly elected by the people, and we should respect him and his administration even if we don't agree with his platform of "change".
I might be willing to concede to CEF on the first point, but I cannot concede to him on the second. A simple look at early 1930's European history should clarify why. Oh sure, the scales of "change" were much more severe, but the similarities can't be ignored: a bad economy, an eloquent speaker, astute organizer and shrewd political manipulator who promised "change", a politician who had expressed radical viewpoints out of the mainstream, but who downplayed these viewpoints until he could enforce them after gaining power within a democratic system. Of course, some people knew about this politician's radical views. Some even tried to warn their fellow citizens about this person and the various "kooks" he was aligned with, but they were essentially ignored until it was too late - too late to save the lives of millions of people.
As Americans aware of history, we have a responsibility to call-out radicals holding viewpoints subversive to this country and its constitution - preferably before they can act on these viewpoints. History clearly shows that waiting too long leads to disaster. Oh, and if calling constitutionally subversive radicals "kooks" accomplishes this goal, then so be it. If not, then let's call them out in more sophisticated ways. Whatever gets the job done!
As Americans aware of history, we have a responsibility to call-out radicals holding viewpoints subversive to this country and its constitution - preferably before they can act on these viewpoints. History clearly shows that waiting too long leads to disaster. Oh, and if calling constitutionally subversive radicals "kooks" accomplishes this goal, then so be it. If not, then let's call them out in more sophisticated ways. Whatever gets the job done!
I would agree Capdek. Thanks for the perspective.
In studying the history of the 30's there was a certain ambassador that sounded very much like CEF does now. He extolled the virtues of the up and coming German orator/leader, and dismissed the alarmists in both Great Britain and America. He too was very liberal in his views, and started a political dynasty that swelled to great proportions during the '60s,... Despite the fact that he couldn't have been more wrong in his assessments of the true agenda of Adolf.
It always amazed me that the liberals of that time didn't banish him and at least make a point of his lousy judgment, and inability to read the "writing on the wall."
I am afraid we are heading down a similar road, with that same liberal mindset leading the way, making sure everyone's blinders are adjusted regularly for maximum effect.
"Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it" is being applied here I think. With a twist.
This is willful ignorance born of an agenda that intends to bend the country we have all known, into something none of us will recognize,...
Except from the standpoint that our forefathers fought and died to defeat it at one time.
I think it was Thomas Jefferson that believed we would lose the country this way, from inside not from without.
Duly elected indeed. We have invited the wolves in and are kicking out the shepherds.
I hope we can survive this one and come away with a lesson well learned.

Beware the subtleties of today's tyranny.
I am following up on my reply on page 2 or 3? Interesting comments and opinions, interpret what you want, my view will always be different than yours. I don't follow in order or accept all the knowledge that College informed me. I wasn't a writer or a grammar major. I do know the difference between Politicians, National Socialist, Insurance Companies (AIG), Pharmaceutical Companies, and Major Corporations, etc...; not much!

We only have control when the Government gives us control. Rest of the time, we drink beer, watch sports, work, play, etc... Enjoy your lives, read amazing books, and purchase enough artillery to slow or stop any threats you might see as a threat. Other than that, are opinions do nothing and our actions make opinions. Hopefully one day, the World will stop and everything will hit a brick wall. Until then...Live it up!
There is a pattern with this administration of appointing folks beyond the fringe of reality. QUOTE]

Beyond the fringe of reality? Again, the irony from this group drips....

Wake me when someone has a real threat to gun or hunter rights to report. And please don't ring the bell because of something you heard on talk radio of Fox News. Check it first. Then ring the bell. Some of us try to live in a fact-based, reality-based, kook-free world.

This is 'Irony'.
On this forum, under General Discussions, sub-title Department Store Guns, a resent post says this:

"Wish I could morn about those good ole days. I only have a 1/4 century under my belt so I cant even imagine a time like that. It's a blast to here you mature fellas reminiscing about it though"!!!

The Good Ole Days!

You see, CEF1959, the government and the 'Kooks' have slowly clipped away at our rights and freedoms. Chipped small pieces at a time. Pieces, so small in fact, that nothing was said or done about it. Some didn't even notice. The people didn't complain, because the small 'rights' taken from us each time, were perceived as not being 'any big deal'!

Well, now all these 'small pieces' are laying on the ground, and the pile is big enough to see! And we realize that they are never likely to be replaced; they are gone forever!! We Non-Kooks are now finally saying STOP.


Unlike you, we see the pile, and we want to legally do whatever we can to stop the erosion of our rights and freedoms.

And pathetic morons like yourself, who have such big filters (you like to call Education) continue to sit on the fence and say, "Oh that's no big deal" or that's not really going to happen". Worse, you mock the people who are now ready to stand-up and say enough is enough! NO MORE!

Get on your bicycle and go out and ride in heavy traffic!

I smell Taliban. Right wing fringe people shouting down, wanting to ban, and wishing physical harm to a mainstream conservative Republican for a dissenting point of view. You wacko fringe types are bad for America and bad for the cause of Second Amendment rights.

It's like the sign at a health care rally: "Obama Agenda: White Slavery."

Wacko stuff. And it hurts the cause of gun rights. But you don't see that through your echo-chamber wacked out hysteria. Good luck, boys.

Talk among yourselves. It seems to make you happy. And that's nice. It's like drinking buddies all agreeing about something no sober person would believe as they knock them back. ::glug glug:: "Yeah, all them Mooslims is terrorists. We shud git us one and hang 'im." ::glug glug::

And don't you think this obsession with me is a little weird? No, a LOT weird?
I smell Taliban. Right wing fringe people shouting down a mainstream conservative Republican for a dissenting point of view. Wacko fringe types are bad for America and bad for the cause of Second Amendment rights.

It's like the sign at a health care rally: "Obama Agenda: White Slavery."

Wacko stuff. And it hurts the cause of gun rights. But you don't see that through your echo-chamber wacked out hysteria. Good luck, boys.

Talk among yourselves. It makes you happy. And that's nice.

And don't you think this obsession with me is a little weird? No, a LOT weird?

I smell Taliban. Right wing fringe people shouting down, wanting to ban, and wishing physical harm to a a mainstream conservative Republican for a dissenting point of view. You wacko fringe types are bad for America and bad for the cause of Second Amendment rights.

It's like the sign at a health care rally: "Obama Agenda: White Slavery."

Wacko stuff. And it hurts the cause of gun rights. But you don't see that through your echo-chamber wacked out hysteria. Good luck, boys.

Talk among yourselves. It seems to make you happy. And that's nice. It's like drinking buddies all agreeing about something no sober person would believe as they knock them back.

And don't you think this obsession with me is a little weird? No, a LOT weird?

Honestly - I just smell a troll...

If you want a reasoned debate, stop the ad homiem attacks.
Honestly - I just smell a troll...

If you want a reasoned debate, stop the ad homiem attacks.

He doesn't want a reasoned debate, he wants to move past the debate your own platform part and just declare himself the winner! These guys are a dime a dozen.

I'm finding the quickest way to flush out and shut down these fakes is just ask them to debate or prove their own point. What follows is always diversion in one form or another. Failing diversion it turns in to grade school playground name calling! These guys have nothing to stand on that's why we must always call them on it.

CEF1959 you been judged and found lacking! :s0155:
I smell Taliban. Right wing fringe people shouting down, wanting to ban, and wishing physical harm to a mainstream conservative Republican for a dissenting point of view.

And don't you think this obsession with me is a little weird? No, a LOT weird?

I smell a hard left liberal who doesn't care about gun rights or any rights. No one is obsessed with either so think a little harder why so many people disagree with you. You should be able to figure it out while you knock a few back.
He doesn't want a reasoned debate, he wants to move past the debate your own platform part and just declare himself the winner! These guys are a dime a dozen.

I'm finding the quickest way to flush out and shut down these fakes is just ask them to debate or prove their own point. What follows is always diversion in one form or another. Failing diversion it turns in to grade school playground name calling! These guys have nothing to stand on that's why we must always call them on it.

CEF1959 you been judged and found lacking! :s0155:

That about sums it up, the only opinion that's been offered is " you wacko fringe types" are all wrong, typical liberal thinking that's being hawked by the leftist news media and our democratic officials in DC , if you disagree with Obama, you're "racists and domestic terrorists," (oh, and Taliban.) LIBERALS said over and over for 8 years that, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism," and THEY have said for YEARS that "while they may not agree with what you say, they will defend to the death your right to say it."
AS LONG AS YOU "AGREE" WITH THEM, that is.............
Well since everyone has already said it, I too pegged him/her for the same thing in the other thread concerning the "piggy-backing" of gun control through government-run health care... in the face of REAMS AND REAMS of links to REAL videos of the lefty pundits, stating in their OWN WORDS what their agendas are, what their attitudes are, and what they plan to do... the only response offerd... "you're wrong"!! Man, that's deep, that's REAL and informed conviction right there!! :rolleyes: :nuts:

They either need to update and issue a 2nd or 3rd edition of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals because THOSE tactics are now exposed and tired, or this person just blows at playing the game that is the progressive agenda and its implementation. :s0112:

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