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All firearms will be banned from the public galleries above the Washington Senate floor once the legislative session begins in January, under an order issued Monday by Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib.

Habib, a Democrat who serves as the presiding officer of the chamber, told The Associated Press and Northwest News Network that his goal is to create a safer environment for all working in the Senate. The move comes nearly three years after officials decided to ban openly carried weapons in the House and Senate public viewing areas, as well as the public hearing rooms at the Capitol's legislative office buildings.

Habib's order expands that rule to include those carrying concealed weapons with permits. For now, the rule is limited just to the public galleries in the Senate and doesn't include the committee rooms.

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So they will leave us defenseless if a crazy Effer starts shooting?
Haven't they learned anything about gun free zones over the years?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It's all part of the plan.

Ban guns, then claim guns didn't help.

A large body count is a sacrifice the anti-gun movement is willing to make.
The goal is to restrict the number of pro gun people who will show up to protest the goings on. As they know many of us will just not go somewhere we can not carry.
Habib, a Democrat who serves as the presiding officer of the chamber, told The Associated Press and Northwest News Network that his goal is to create a safer environment for all working in the Senate.

Oh, totally. We all know that murderous psychopaths, bent on death and destruction, always respect gun free zones. ;)
WA Senate gun ban challenged by GOP state senator

A ban on all firearms, even those carried concealed by properly licensed citizens, in the Washington State Senate viewer galleries is being challenged by a Republican State senator who said in a letter to Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib that "the policy is illegal."

WA Senate gallery gun ban challenged by GOP state senator

Was just thinking the same thing..... illegal, but then again something like THAT never stopped a Progressive from progressin', yeah? o_O
Well you do know that they are in complete control of every political Spectrum in Washington, would you expect less from these liberal Progressive skexies? :mad::mad::mad:
The haters gonna hate in a majority now.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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At the risk of getting flamed, I want to share an email I sent to the Senate legal council. I would encourage everyone to jam up the counsel email with their own version. Note: I provided a solution that would enable debate as opposed to a one sided decision.
Just so it is clear where I am coming from; I judge all legislation based on the following premise. Any legislation that does not empower the citizens is not in the best interest of the citizens.

[email protected] [email protected]

Lieutenant Governor To Ban Guns In Washington State Senate Galleries

A couple questions regarding Mr. Habib's "order".

Q. How can the President of the Senate make a ruling seemingly willy nilly?

It is my understanding the rules of the Senate are voted by the members at the beginning of every session.

Q. Why not change the the statute, if — "as in the case in countless government buildings around the country, including most statehouses, courthouses all over the place—this is a particular setting where it's not deemed safe to have weapons,"

Q. Did the President of the Senate "DEEM" the senate gallery unsafe for weapons? What else can the President of the Senate "DEEM" inappropriate that makes him uncomfortable?

I don't believe gun owners like myself are opposed to the "policy" but the way it was implemented seems out of order.

Reading the linked article seems to infer this order was handed down to maintain order and decorum of the Senate. The Senate rules are specific and clear regarding maintaining order and decorum, this ruling is heavy handed and not in keeping with the rules.

I believe a workable solution is to change RCW 9.41.300 and include the public galleries as prohibited places. Additionally, pursuant to 9.41.300, State agencies are required to provide a locked box for legally carried firearms.

Time and again it seems gun owners, - I mean law abiding gun owners, like myself and thousands of other Washingtonians, are expected to capitulate.

Implementing this particular change in statute should not be too difficult, will keep the galleries free of firearms, and allow the citizens who choose to carry firearms equal footing as opposed to a one sided mandate.

Very Respectfully,
Whitney Slater

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