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I have sent the following letter to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Bill sponsors and members of the Committees that the Bills were sent to.
I encourage you to also contact all the above to express your displeasure with these bills.
While I certainly give everyone permission to copy my letter and forward it to them under your name, it is much more effective if letters on the same subject are not all the same. Legislative staff pay more attention to letters that written by individuals than to letters that are all the same, just with different names.
One approach you can use is to copy portions of my letter, perhaps change the wording or use mine for a template for your own. If they get thousands of these, they will pay attention.
I also intend to modify my letter and send that letter to my own representatives with comments to them, personally.
Be polite, state what the problem is with the Bills and what you want done about it. While it is understood to be VERY difficult not to come across as angry and to call them names, it is very much counterproductive. Be courteous and professional in all of your communications with State officials. If your letter is obviously just an angry rant, it will go directly into the junk file and never be read. And, you can't blame them for it.
I will also modify it and send that one to all of the Democrats (the only Bill sponsors) and point out to them that this political issue should never again be brought forward if they ever intend to win future elections. The coming changes to the U.S. Supreme Court will look for opportunities to nullify such laws.

P.S. Obviously, my format did not work here. If you use some or all of this letter, please correct the format on you computer.

TO: Washington State Governor Jay Inslee

Washington State Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson

Senators Ranker, Kuderer, Wellman, Saldaña, Liias, Darneille, Chase and Cleveland

Senate Law & Justice Committee Members Padden, O'Ban, Pedersen, Angel, Darneille,
Frockt and Wilson

Representatives Peterson, McBride, Gregerson, Ortiz-Self, Ryu, Berquist, Fey, Pollet, Doglio,
Santos, Frame, Farrell and Macri

House Judiciary Committee Members Jinkins, Kilduff, Rodne, Muri, Frame, Goodman, Graves,
Haler, Hansen, Kirby, Klippert, Orwall and Shea

DATE: 1/15/17

FROM: R. Theron Cammer, 4012 W. Opal St., Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 542-0504

SUBJECT: Senate Bill 5050 and House Bill 1134

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am dismayed that these two bills have been introduced at the request of the Attorney General. They would both be in violation of the Washington State Constitution, Section 24.
Regarding "assault rifles", they are already illegal in the State of Washington. The definition of an "assault rifle" includes being fully automatic, in which the gun fires with one pull of the trigger until all of the ammunition is used up. The semi-automatic firearms being targeted with these bills are not assault rifles, no matter what the popular Press, individuals and legislators think.
Please consider this: so-called assault rifles literally cannot be defined. The Federal Government could not do it when, under Bill Clinton, the Brady Bill was passed.
Past attempts to define such firearms include, as this bill does, combining certain features and saying "This is an assault rifle". I ask you: when was the last time anyone was harmed by a thumb-hole stock?
Here's a run-down on the items in these bills that are trying to be used to define an assault rifle and the problems with including these features:

Pick your favorite problem item and read about it below.

A thumb-hole stock? Why?!? The shooting hand is in exactly the same position as it is with a
conventional stock. Nothing can possibly be gained or prevented by banning this item.

A semi-automatic action? A person who has a little experience with a pump-action rifle can
shoot almost as fast, within fractions of a second.

A detachable magazine vs. a non-detachable magazine? Many antique firearms load using clips,
which can be reloaded in less than a second. Newly-made models would immediately be

A bayonet lug? Really?!? When was the last time someone was killed with a bayonet lug?

A pistol grip? Nobody has ever been killed by a pistol grip. What possible difference does it
make whether the hand is vertical or horizontal when shooting?

A folding or collapsible stock? Again, how many?

A second handgrip? All rifles are designed to be fired with two hands. It's part of the definition
of what a rifle is. It doesn't matter whether the non-shooting had is vertical or horizontal.

A flash suppressor? No flash suppressor eliminates muzzle flash, despite its name.

A muzzle break? They only help mitigate felt recoil. It also makes the gun louder, which could
even help the police locate a shooter. No one has ever been killed by one. I have multiple
handguns with muzzle breaks on them and most shooters don't even like them because
they're too noisy and more readily damages hearing. They would not even make a decent
club. And, because they're very loud, when I go to the range to shoot them I choose a spot
as far from anyone I can, just to be polite.

A threaded barrel? There is only one use for the end of the barrel being threaded and that is to
mount a suppressor (silencer). Suppressors are legal in this state, so denying a threaded
barrel also would have the effect of making suppressors illegal again. I would like to point
out that suppressors were made legal in the State only after the Federal Government told the
State that possession and use by law enforcement was illegal under the previous law. Also,
many states are passing laws that allow common use of suppressors to preserve the hearing
of shooters, especially while hunting, when they are not wearing hearing protection.
Eliminating suppressors is, therefore, literally dangerous to the health of the people who
elected you.

A muzzle compensator? Only a different name for a muzzle brake and not used outside certain
shooting games. And no one was ever murdered at a Cowboy shooting match.

A grenade launcher? When was the last time one was used outside of war? And how many
civilians even have access to grenades? Also, the end of the bare barrel itself, with no
modifications, could be used to launch grenades.

A fixed magazine that holds more than ten rounds? There are many of them out there. Pistols
exist that can, as originally manufactured, load twenty rounds or more. These would be

Large Capacity Magazines? Why? An experienced shooter can insert a new magazine in
fractions of a second. The stated intention is so that a shooter cannot shoot as many rounds
as fast. I've never heard, however, what anyone thinks is going to happen in that extra
fraction of a second. So, again, why? What difference could it possibly make?

ALL current semi-automatic pistols have the capacity to accept detachable magazines. A
magazine is not the gun. With a semi-automatic pistol you can use an after-market
magazine of any capacity.

Thus, in a Colt 1911 (the most common handgun in America), you can use either its original
seven round magazine or a twenty round magazine. With this proposed bill, you would
be effectively banning ALL semi-automatics.

ALL handguns have a grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand. It's called the gun barrel
and/or frame.

What difference does it make whether it's protruding or not?

A shroud? I have a few pistols that have a shroud. ALL pistols are able to be fired when the
barrel is hot just by using one hand. Being able to hold and shoot it with one hand is part of
the Federal definition of what a handgun IS. Who has ever been killed by a shroud? Also,
most shrouds used on AR-style rifles (what you're trying to ban with this bill) do not
completely encircle the barrel. Also, ALL rifles can be fired with only one hand, too.
Most of them have holes in many locations that allow air to flow through and that cools the
barrel. What you're trying to ban with this is only very, very rarely sold these days and are
not a problem. The ability to accept a magazine outside the pistol grip? I don't know of any
made today. The ones that do exist are all antiques that would be grandfathered anyway.

Overall length of 30 inches? Why? There's already a Federal law that bans sawed-off rifles and

A shotgun with a pistol grip, thumbhole stock or vertical handgrip? Why?

A shotgun with a detachable magazine? As far as I know, there is only one that is even on the
market and is generally unknown. If hardly anyone even knows they exist, how are they a

A shotgun with a revolving cylinder? Ditto.

Every gun dealer in the state, as well as tens of thousands of citizens would be guilty of violating
the banning of parts that could be used to make an assault rifle under this proposed
legislation. And, since property can only be confiscated under due process, it would cost the
State untold millions to buy them from their owners, the gun dealers and/or prosecute them.
Also, anyone with a machine shop could (and do) make such parts in minutes. Under this
verbiage ANY and ALL parts for an AR-style rifle would be illegal, as would any gun,
grandfathered or not, because they already possess the parts.

IN CONCLUSION: This proposed law is unconstitutional, does not allow for due process and is an
attempt to define the undefinable. It is simply a gun-grab for strictly political purposes.
What problem does it attempt to solve?

It violates recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and would cost the State untold millions in court
costs, lawsuits from its citizens and other outside agencies.

It is nothing more than an attempt to criminalize the lawful behavior of the State's citizens by
playing to the politics of the gun-control politicians and is an affront to the citizens of this

It would create instant criminals out of tens to hundreds of thousands of honest, law-abiding
citizens. And for what purpose? Just to score "political points"?

Many law-abiding citizens simply would not comply with this, and there isn't money available in
State taxes to prosecute and jail the many, many thousands of criminals this law would

The majority of the above-mentioned features have zero application to any problems this would
address, perceived or real. Many of these features being used to define an "assault rifle"
here are literally absurd.

As was done after the Brady Bill passed, gun manufacturers will simply delete some of their current
features. It had the unanticipated effect of lowering the cost of the guns, making the
manufactures even more money!

The greatest gun salesman in history is Barak Obama. His attempts at gun restrictions instigated
the biggest gun buying spree in American (and probably world) history. Is that what you
want to do? Hillary would have sold so many guns that even Obama wouldn't have come
close to her!!!

I have noted that all of the Bill co-sponsors are Democrats. One of the biggest groups that
contributed to Hillary's failed election was the NRA, as well as other gun owners. Even Bill
Clinton acknowledged the fact that the NRA hurt Al Gore and even caused him to lose his
home state in the presidential election. Donald Trump was elected (by the Electoral College)
due in part to those who are tired by the liberal agenda in this country and rebelled against it
by electing him. Bear in mind that Hillary only won 40 to 50 counties in the entire nation.
The Democrats are foolish if they don't forever ban the subject of gun control from their party
if they ever hope to be in power again.

Law-abiding gun owners have grown weary and rebellious about proposals to ban legal guns rather
than real criminals being prosecuted and locked up. WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, and
we won't allow ourselves to be blamed anymore, especially when those who break the
existing laws are not taken off the streets! Even the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanual, has
finally come to understand that the people committing gun violence are those who
should have been in prison already! And he is vehemently against guns and resisted all
all attempts to make them legal in Chicago. Now, average, every-day people can defend
themselves against the criminals that are not in prison. The problem is not us, the
law-abiding, it's mostly those who are already convicted criminals. How many law-abiding,
tax-paying citizens do you want to become criminals just for politics' sake?

Don't you have anything more important to do this session than trying to criminalize and make war
against your constituents? Like, fix the education budget problem?

Why is time being wasted on this?
Once you set aside magazine capacity, almost every item on the hit list would be considered by most to make a firearm safer to handle -- not more dangerous. The other stuff has no effect on the degree of danger to the handler or anyone around.
Just more feel-good common sense.
Thanks for the heads-up. When I see proposed legislation with a laundry list of 'features' my first thought is they're throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. Just wait ... these opponents of the 2nd Amendment will offer to drop or modify one or two items and then loudly claim they can't get 'reasonable gun safety' laws passed even though they have tried to compromise with gun owners. A plague on them. No compromising on basic human rights.
These bills are why RALLY 4 UR RIGHTS Olympia capital Jan 13th was organized.

Thanks for the heads-up. When I see proposed legislation with a laundry list of 'features' my first thought is they're throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. Just wait ... these opponents of the 2nd Amendment will offer to drop or modify one or two items and then loudly claim they can't get 'reasonable gun safety' laws passed even though they have tried to compromise with gun owners. A plague on them. No compromising on basic human rights.

Actually, they won't drop anything, because if they don't get this passed through the legislature, the anti-gun billionaires (Bloomberg, Gates, Hanauer, Allen) are just going to buy another election and push through in initiative form.

These bills are why RALLY 4 UR RIGHTS Olympia capital Jan 13th was organized.

Actually, they won't drop anything, because if they don't get this passed through the legislature, the anti-gun billionaires (Bloomberg, Gates, Hanauer, Allen) are just going to buy another election and push through in initiative form.


You are exactly right about that Ray, they will push until it is passed, if not then WA GOV will give all the ammo to the Bloombergbots for an initiative. The initiative process was never meant to be used to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens and this needs to be addressed PRONTO!!!!

Of course our Liberal/progressive Supreme Court stooges will make sure that all Pro 2A lawsuits against ant-gun legislation will fall on deaf ears!!!
Our only hope is that when the SCOTUS is sworn in that they can tell WA & Oregon gun haters that they ARE in fact INFRINGING on our 2A rights and overturn all the unconstitutional gun laws!!!
Of major concern to me is this gem in SB 5050:

"(3) In order to continue to possess an assault weapon or large capacity magazine that was legally possessed on the effective date of this section, the person possessing the assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall:
(a) Store the assault weapon or large capacity magazine in a secure gun storage;..."

So I have to store my weapon or magazine in a "secure gun storage", fair enough. But what is their definition of "secure gun storage"? Oh, it's newly defined in the RCW as:

"(30) "Secure gun storage" means a safe, gun safe, gun case, lock box, or other device that is designed to be or can be used to store a firearm and that is designed to be unlocked only by means of a key, combination, or other similar means, and that is constructed of such quality workmanship and material that it cannot be pried open or easily removed or defeated."

What is that last part at the end? Is there really a mass produced safe that can claim it "cannot be pried open"? I can see it now after a burglary:

Officer: Was anything taken from the safe?
Victim: Yeah, I had an AR-15, a Glock 19, and a Mossberg 500 which were all taken.
Officer: How did they open the safe?
Victim: Well, it looks like they pried the door open. They wrecked my $2,000 safe.
Officer: Sir, by law you are required to store assault weapons in a pry-proof safe. You are under arrest for violating storage requirements for possession of an assault weapon, and if convicted, will lose your right to possess any firearms as you will be a felon.

That is, assuming the Officer is a complete phallus about it.
Come on people. We somehow let 594 pass. I voted against it. But not enough true Americans got off their butts to fill out their ballot. We do not want be like CAL, MASS, ILL. ETC...
Google the bill and get all info and contact your Reps.
>>>>>>>Snipped OP for brevity <<<<<<<<<<<<

A shroud? I have a few pistols that have a shroud. ALL pistols are able to be fired when the
barrel is hot just by using one hand. Being able to hold and shoot it with one hand is part of
the Federal definition of what a handgun IS. Who has ever been killed by a shroud? Also,
most shrouds used on AR-style rifles (what you're trying to ban with this bill) do not
completely encircle the barrel. Also, ALL rifles can be fired with only one hand, too.
Most of them have holes in many locations that allow air to flow through and that cools the
barrel. What you're trying to ban with this is only very, very rarely sold these days and are
not a problem. The ability to accept a magazine outside the pistol grip? I don't know of any
made today. The ones that do exist are all antiques that would be grandfathered anyway.

Why is time being wasted on this?

On shrouds and capacity. ....

One only needs to read the definitions to understand this encompasses every semiautomatic rifle and most every semiautomatic pistol in existence today.

If passed, HB 1134 or Companion SB 5050 would effectively eradicate all retail and private commerce in firearms. (read that line again) !!

Read the definitions carefully; words have meaning to the writer and as we found in the crafting of 1388 and subsequently I-594, transfer does not mean what we initially thought it meant.

From the linked PDF an assault weapon is defined as :
"Assault weapon" means: A semiautomatic rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and has one or more of the following:
A shroud attached to the barrel, or that partially or completely encircles the barrel, allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned, but excluding a slide that
encloses the barrel;

A semiautomatic pistol, or a semiautomatic, centerfire, or rimfire rifle with a fixed magazine, that has the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition;

The wooden stock found on almost every production rifle partial encircles the barrel allowing the bearer to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned.
If you look through my FOIA responses you will find an email that addresses this and its relation to "hunting rifles".
This is not a feeble attempt to slip something by the citizens it is thought out and planned by Frockt with the assistance of the AG and his minions.

That said I believe it has a good chance of passing out of the house but will have a hard time passing out of the senate.

If a citizen initiative is initiated and placed on the ballot it will have to be defeated by the voters. If it comes to fruition only the courts will be able to sort it out.

My argument of unconstitutional is based on Washington State constitution Article I, Section 24'.

Thanks whitney for brining this to attention. I just saw a news clip here in tri-cities wa. About
SB-5050. This is what we need to remember. SB-5050, not "that anti-gun law". When you contact your representative please be informed and provide them with the ammunition they need to defend our rights without having to do all they leg work themselves. Can we name the elected officials that are for and against our rights in this forum? They have had their names on publics ballots. I'll start.
Sherriff Jim Raymond of the Franklin County Sherriffs Office is "politely" opposed to SB-5050. That's one.:)
Also call them. I have heard that phone calls are more effective.

If that don't work you could always consider protesting that seems to be the only way to get attention in the NW.
Also call them. I have heard that phone calls are more effective.

If that don't work you could always consider protesting that seems to be the only way to get attention in the NW.

One problem, we can't seem to get the numbers needed...... Just look at the numbers we had at the first rally against these bills. Despite the title of the article, this rally was to show our disdain with the AWB bills.

WA Gun Activists Gather, Set Sights On Pistol 'Database,' I-594 Repeal
(If you know where to look in the picture attached to the article, you can see standing next to a certian Caveman)

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