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Boy they sure are butthurt aren't they....:p
Better stand up to these bullies or they will own you for life!!!
We need to understand that the spirit of IP43 is still alive and well!! It will be back during the next legislature. We need to be aware, mobilized, and motivated. If we lose the 2nd, we will lose the Country. Just follow the timeline of events since LBJ if you don't believe me!! If we lose the 2nd, it is only a matter of decades before it is "Welcome to Cuba"!
We need to understand that the spirit of IP43 is still alive and well!! It will be back during the next legislature. We need to be aware, mobilized, and motivated. If we lose the 2nd, we will lose the Country. Just follow the timeline of events since LBJ if you don't believe me!! If we lose the 2nd, it is only a matter of decades before it is "Welcome to Cuba"!
Would it really be more like "Bienvenidos
da la Mexico"...
Would it really be more like "Bienvenidos
da la Mexico"...
I don't think Mexico jails thousands of political prisoners. Think about it. IP43 would have made thousands of us felons, if we did not surrender or register our firearms. Would that not be the same as being a political prisoner?? It is fun to joke, but look where we are. We have an overt coup d' etat going on against a duly elected President. The Left is openly using the term "Democratic Socialist". IP43 is going to be back, in one form or another. It is part of the "plan".
I don't think Mexico jails thousands of political prisoners. Think about it. IP43 would have made thousands of us felons, if we did not surrender or register our firearms. Would that not be the same as being a political prisoner?? It is fun to joke, but look where we are. We have an overt coup d' etat going on against a duly elected President. The Left is openly using the term "Democratic Socialist". IP43 is going to be back, in one form or another. It is part of the "plan".
There's certainly activities being conducted within and outside of our government to unseat a duly elected
President (like him or not), those operations are highly visible. They're fueled by the propaganda machine formerly known as the main stream media.

Unfortunately, the low educated and non-critical thinking voters take the bait, hook, line and sinker. These mid-terms are probably the most important in most of our lifetimes, it's an opportunity to re-affirm the election of the president. Democrats gaining any power in the House or Senate would be a clear rebuke of the 2016 elections. I don't see that happening, because they are so off the hook.

But the problem isnt with a political party, it's manifested itself right down through the courts. One president creates DACA by executive order yet the court blocks his successor from repealing it via presidential executive order. How's that? I guess only some presidents can legislate with a phone and a pen...

We have a broken system and one that one party is trying to completely destroy to create their country without borders, to surrender sovereignty, and to make the push to socialism.

Get out the vote!!! Because millennial's and Gen Z have no clue what will be unleashed upon them if the Democratic Socialists get power... They've not yet learned the lessons older generations watched unfold... Think about Poland, just a few decades ago... Or Venezuela today... or any other socialist empire that crumbled under its own weight.

Nothing in this world is free, hard work and fighting back are what's needed to achieve ones goals. They're not going to be handed to you by a government that taxes the have to support the have nots... That game can only be played for so long....

Sorry... Rant off....

I need caffeine!!!!
These mid-terms are probably the most important in most of our lifetimes, it's an opportunity to re-affirm the election of the president. Democrats gaining any power in the House or Senate would be a clear rebuke of the 2016 elections.

^^^Absolutely right, 100%. We cannot rest on our laurels. Silent majority unite, let's get out the vote this Fall.. and it starts here at home

Get out the vote!!! Because millennial's and Gen Z have no clue what will be unleashed upon them if the Democratic Socialists get power... They've not yet learned the lessons older generations watched unfold... Think about Poland, just a few decades ago... Or Venezuela today... or any other socialist empire that crumbled under its own weight.

I need caffeine!!!!

That was my contention, exactly, to the sponsors of IP43. The same children they purport to protect from "gun violence", may someday NEED their Civil Rights, as defined by the 2ndA. Though they don't realize it now. I believe we have a responsibility to pass these rights down to future generations.
I'm still not worried if republicans get replaced by democrats. Oregon won't change, I'll still go to work, get paid, and go home.

Even if another version of IP43 passes, I have a plan, and 99.9% of it will be going to work, then going home and doing 99.9% of what I did before, in the way I did it before.
I'm still not worried if republicans get replaced by democrats. Oregon won't change, I'll still go to work, get paid, and go home.

Even if another version of IP43 passes, I have a plan, and 99.9% of it will be going to work, then going home and doing 99.9% of what I did before, in the way I did it before.

Does this plan involve a 3d printer or a drill press and some blanks?

Or do you just already have yours and not care?

I only have one problem, I have this horrible habit of wanting to buy new stuff. And I hate being told I can't buy new technology....

Doesn't matter what the technology is, if it's new I want it, and it bugs me when I can't have it. (Financial means aside)

Crap if I didn't have a problem with that I'd be perfectly happy with black powder and a musket and a few revolvers.

And yes as you can imagine I see a lot of technology out there being used by the privelaged government workers I can't have and that bugs me a lot.
I run CNC mills and do CAD/CAM for a living. And while I would like to continue buying what I am currently able to, I'm neither planning or investing in that future.

Also, as much as I might like or dislike individual issues, I have a respect for what the majority of the citizens in this country deem necessary. Misguided, unconstitutional, both or neither, if it somehow passes the checks and balances, its there, for better or worse.
I run CNC mills and do CAD/CAM for a living. And while I would like to continue buying what I am currently able to, I'm neither planning or investing in that future.

Also, as much as I might like or dislike individual issues, I have a respect for what the majority of the citizens in this country deem necessary. Misguided, unconstitutional, both or neither, if it somehow passes the checks and balances, its there, for better or worse.

The majority is not necessarily right. There was a time when the "majority" considered Black people as slaves. That is what the Bill of Rights is supposed to protect us from. IP43 had the consequence that it could put many of us in prison. Would that be any different than the political prisoners in Cuba or N Korea?? You can stand idly by while your neighbors are dragged off to the gas chambers. When your neighbors are gone, they come for YOU. Now there is no one left that can help you!! See how that works??

There is a civic responsibility we all have, to do what is right!! Even if unpopular.

We are now seeing open use of the term "Democratic Socialist". I would invite you to google: "Nationalist Socialist Workers Party". Millions died. I don't know how old you are, but your life will not be pleasurable under a Socialist Regime.

My reply may kill this thread, but fence sitters need to get their head out. The 2ndA is the only remaining obstacle to the loss of our sovereignty as a nation.

Thank you for stating your position. I fear there are too many that think that way.
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If IP43 passed, it would be up to us as individuals as to whether or not we went to jail. And I was not particularly worried about 'them' coming for me. Nobody knows whats in my safe excepy me. And gas chambers? Come on.

Also, I'm not sure how a 'regime' would suddenly take over and start killing citizens if we lost the rights IP43 or similar bills propose. Least of which would be a democratic socialist government all of a sudden turning into a racist nationalist government. Why kill someone when they can just collect money from those with unlicensed guns?

Most people seem to believe that life as we know it can continue without access to what they call assault style rifles, so they belive an attempt to limit access is the right thing to.

Both sides claim to be right, only time will tell. Best thing to do is prepare for the worst.
The host claims that Kevin Starret was invited to join the conversation and "flat refused". I'd like to hear Kevin's side of this. I've never known him to shy away.

Here is their website - it's always interesting how "grassroots" campaigns are always funded and led by the wealthy. Oregonians for Safe Gun Storage

On their updates page, where we can keep track of them, they claim some interesting statistics that should be fact checked. They also run down NRA's "Eddie Eagle" safety program.

EDIT: I did email Kevin to let him know that they drug his name through the mud. Haven't had time and I'm too damn cranky from lack of sleep right now to start fact checking.
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If IP43 passed, it would be up to us as individuals as to whether or not we went to jail. And I was not particularly worried about 'them' coming for me. Nobody knows whats in my safe excepy me. And gas chambers? Come on.

Also, I'm not sure how a 'regime' would suddenly take over and start killing citizens if we lost the rights IP43 or similar bills propose. Least of which would be a democratic socialist government all of a sudden turning into a racist nationalist government. Why kill someone when they can just collect money from those with unlicensed guns?

Most people seem to believe that life as we know it can continue without access to what they call assault style rifles, so they belive an attempt to limit access is the right thing to.

Both sides claim to be right, only time will tell. Best thing to do is prepare for the worst.

You either believe in the Bill of Rights, or you don't. I have nothing left but to feel sorry for you, and our future generations. Gas chambers was a metaphor, that was evidently over your head. Sorry.
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The whole thing stinks like 5 month old rotting fish, and it's never going to get better until somethings drastic get done, for good or ill! Watching the political mud slinging between the two Goobernatorial candidates should be a real eye opener, with Knute actually calling out Bloody Brownstain truthfully, while Kate is making chit up, or skewing the facts to hide the truth! Take her "Claims" that Knute has blocked health care and abortion for citizens, NOT TRUE, he blocked these things for illegals! But who will the unwashed masses vote for? Yup, Kate by a land slide because how many bother to check facts? YUP, NONE!
Same with I.P. 43 and 44, these had some serious backing, with big names and money, and it barely got side tracked till the next session where ether Bloody Kate can Executive order it through on her own, or we have to fight a better financed and prepaired I.P that may make those I.P.s seem tame! And don't forget, there are other battles that need our voices and votes, not just the Gooberners race, so get off your azzesses, put the republic first and stop the effing third party voting in protest because you don't like the two evils and VOTE like your way of life depends on it, because now It Freaking Does!
The host claims that Kevin Starret was invited to join the conversation and "flat refused". I'd like to hear Kevin's side of this. I've never known him to shy away.

Here is their website - it's always interesting how "grassroots" campaigns are always funded and led by the wealthy. Oregonians for Safe Gun Storage

On their updates page, where we can keep track of them, they claim some interesting statistics that should be fact checked. They also run down NRA's "Eddie Eagle" safety program.
I have recently been in touch with a Henry Wessinger, the main sponsor of IP44. One of the things I suggested to him was to make theft of a firearm a felony. Not criminalize the victim of property theft. I also pointed out, that at least in Josephine County, property crimes are very low priority, if even prosecuted. What good is a reporting requirement if law enforcement is not going to act on it. He claimed 44 did not criminalize owners and did not violate the 4th Amendment. I read it differently. 44 and its like is a nuisance and inconvenience, but not the killer 43 would have been. (will be) It should be opposed and defeated, if possible. But I fear Ura-Ki is correct in his assessment in the post above.
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I have recently been in touch with a Henry Wessinger, the main sponsor of IP44. One of the things I suggested to him was to make theft of a firearm a felony. Not criminalize the victim of property theft. I also pointed out, that at least in Josephine County, property crimes are very low priority, if even prosecuted. What good is a reporting requirement if law enforcement is not going to act on it. He claimed 44 did not criminalize owners and did not violate the 4th Amendment. I read it differently. 44 and its like is a nuisance and inconvenience, but not the killer 43 would have been. (will be)

Henry the "grassroots millionaire heir" told several half truths and a few flat out lies in his interview, among them that IP-44 would not have resulted in criminal penalties for gun owners. He isn't our friend and I doubt he can be reasoned with.

I do agree that firearm theft should be a felony regardless of value. I also think that people who try to take away or diminish the civil rights of US citizens, and especially enumerated rights, should lose their citizenship and dumped off at the nearest border. I think he'd be happier with the "common sense" gun laws of Canada anyway.
Henry the "grassroots millionaire heir" told several half truths and a few flat out lies in his interview, among them that IP-44 would not have resulted in criminal penalties for gun owners. He isn't our friend and I doubt he can be reasoned with.

I do agree that firearm theft should be a felony regardless of value. I also think that people who try to take away or diminish the civil rights of US citizens, and especially enumerated rights, should lose their citizenship and dumped off at the nearest border. I think he'd be happier with the "common sense" gun laws of Canada anyway.

Funny thing, Firearm theft is a full on Fed Felony! Has been for quite some time! Problem is, few get charged to the full extent and are released back into the wilds to offend again and again! Also ironic, those doing the thieving have likely already lost their right to own a firearm, so they profit from the system that fails to prosecute them! the notion of the I.P. making the victim guilty is ludicrous! But they don't care, as long as they are seen to do something, and the greater the resistance, the greater the victory, even if they loose the fight, it's the FIGHT they are seen fighting that gets them a win!
Henry the "grassroots millionaire heir" told several half truths and a few flat out lies in his interview, among them that IP-44 would not have resulted in criminal penalties for gun owners. He isn't our friend and I doubt he can be reasoned with.

I do agree that firearm theft should be a felony regardless of value. I also think that people who try to take away or diminish the civil rights of US citizens, and especially enumerated rights, should lose their citizenship and dumped off at the nearest border. I think he'd be happier with the "common sense" gun laws of Canada anyway.

When I spoke with him, he actually did seem reasonable!! Though a snake may also seem reasonable in its actions. My contention with him was that if I and other owners misinterpreted the language in 44, so might legislators or law enforcement to conclude it authorized warrantless compliance checks.

As to the bold part of your comment above, I can only say: "boy, if wishes were fishes, I'd like one fried, please".:eek:

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