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A Long time ago, In a Galaxy Far Far Away,......................
I was a Regestered Democrat, and damn proud of it too! Sometime in the mid 90's after I got back from Yugoslavia, I noticed things had changed here at home, the Party had changed, and the people had also changed, gone were the days when the Dems were all about hope and change, making things better and for the betterment of the people. Sure, there was always the fringe and the leftist, and the liberals kind of held it all together, and I found my self agreeing more and more with the moderate liberal stance. When I returned home from several deployments in 2006 and had some down time at home, I noticed things had changed even more, the Dem party had gone hard left, and the liberal side of things had shifted left along with it. people were starting to become more divided, and discussions between friends of differing parties were no longer talking to each other, our politicians were speaking more and more divisive every day, and the rift was really growing then. Then we elected American's first Black POTUS, and it all went to hell in her first term! The transformation was astonishing, almost overnight, we had become enemies with our friends and neighbors, and even family, Race relations took a 180 deg turn and it all went to sh!t because ONE man in high office spouted off about race and then did things to further drive those wedges between people who had learned to get along and mutually respect each other! Gone was all the hard work and sacrifice that had come starting at the end of WW-II and on through the 60's and 70's, ONE extremely arrogant man caused all of that, and drove us further down the path to where we are today!

I retired after 20 years in the Air Force, and moved back to Oregon, mostly because of family. Boy had things gone to hell, and OryGun was SICK, even though this state has always been liberal left leaning, holy sh!t had it gone to hell! in 2010, my new wife and I sold everything and packed up and moved the hell out of OryGun and off the Wet Coast, out of the frying pan, into the fire it seemed, as our new state, Colorado went to sh!t almost the day we purchased our Ranch, and it's gotten much worse since! I decided to switch parties as I could no longer agree with anything in the Democrat party, and hell, the liberals were running amok, and everything was getting worse and worse, but which party? I decided I couldn't support ether, so I declared my self an independent, and havn't ever looked back! in 2016 we had an anomaly, we elected a non politician and he beat the pants suit off of Kankles in the most epic of smackdowns no one could have predicted, and the curtain really came up after that, as we started to see just how phuckin insane the leftist had become, and we also saw the democrats align themselves with this new ultra left, as evidenced by Nasty Nancy and Sucky Chucky and Shifty Schiff and all the others! BOy did they pull out all the stops to try and destroy Donald, and in doing so, they showed us their true intentions! Fast forward to Covid, and the draconian measures in Blue States, the mandatory jab for fed and state employees, and all the other draconian stuff they came up with, and all the while, They kept going further and further left until we got to just about where we are now! Today, we are at the bottom of the barrel here at home, nobody trusts anybody, and rightly so, Covid drove families apart, destroyed relations and changed us in ways we still don't understand, and the left has kept it's strangle hold on us, forever beating it into us how much better they are then us, and we better toe the line of bad things will happen! We got a Pedophile as commander in Chief, a dude who did zero campaigning and was among the least favored among the party, right along with the Kamel Toe whore who had actually Quit, yet somehow, those two won, and you cannot tell me it was fare and square, no way, no how, but here we are, our country is on the brink in so many ways, it would only take a slight breeze to blow us over the edge, and what do we got, another election coming, one where the fix is already in, the Pedo will NOT make it to the end, and the Whore will be coerced to walk away, take a book and speaking deal, go blow Hunter, or something, and the Gavster will be sworn in and the elections will NOT happen, so, we get a totally new and improved Ultra Leftist Democrat, the kind that would make ol Joe Stalin or Uncle Adolf smile, and we will be well and truly phucked dry, no lube or reach around, and told to take it and like it!

I have no party, like more then half this country, I have less the zero effective representation at ANY level of government, and zero voice! My First amendment rights are stamped out at the first sign I may speak, those on the left rant and rave and call me vile names, names like Deplorable, Right wing Extremist, Christian, Conservative, White Privlaged, and all sorts of other nasty things they made up to silence my voice! THere will come a day, sooner then later when it all comes crashing down around these idiots, and there will be hell to pay, people have long memories when it comes to sh!t like all this, and Patriots don't follow rules, we make the sh!t up as we go!

Up the Republic!
Awaken cold Iron, Awaken!
Democrats are the center of globalist policy and repubs are the controlled opposition to make it look like we have a say. We have a uniparty with both sides against the middle class but led by the democrats.

OK I have said my piece here and yall will be happy I move on. :)
I have NEVER had someone in a 2nd Amendment shirt come up and ask me about my views with honest curiosity, or ask me how I balance my political beliefs with gun ownership.
Why would someone come up to you and ask your views? I guess I'm not following. Are you wearing a BLM shirt or Antifa shirt to the gun range?
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Some things to consider here....

It is unwise to be so entrenched in your position...that you drown in your own moat.

Saying the same thing over and over...albeit with different phrasing , still won't get your message across , if someone doesn't want to listen to you.
Do you feel like you're at school when you're on here? I'll bet kids are easier to deal with.

I know what you are but what am I?:s0121:
The kids can be easier for sure....since much of the time , they actually listen and try to do better.
Would it be fair to assume you work in a private school vs public school?

Because my friends that teach in the Salem district seem to have a harder time with their students.
Do you feel like you're at school when you're on here? I'll bet kids are easier to deal with.

I know what you are but what am I?:s0121:
There just some times I won't go along to get along with others. :D if I was a kid in school they would be drugging me because I don't behave as ordered.

I make people mad because I ain't part of the group, I didn't get the jab as ordered to, didn't wear the mask and don't believe everything I am told.

Life is good. Have a great day.
Would it be fair to assume you work in a private school vs public school?

Because my friends that teach in the Salem district seem to have a harder time with their students.
Never a good idea to assume....:D
I am the Dean of Students at a elementary school....a public school.

I have about 400 kids at my school...and I do get to know all of then in some degree...
Some more than others... :D

School districts vary wildly in policies , staffing , students , as well simply how the year goes from year to year,
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Never a good idea to assume....:D
I am the Dean of Students at a elementary school....a public school.

I have about 400 kids at my school...and I do get to know all of then in some degree...
Some more than others... :D

School districts vary wildly in policies , staffing , students , as well simply how the year goes from year to year,
The Dean part threw me I have to admit.

I had planned on attaining my Teaching certificate to become a history teacher and only need about a years worth of credit to do such. But my close friend's experience in the Salem school district helped me reconsider.

It's good to hear there is still hope.
The Dean part threw me I have to admit.

I had planned on attaining my Teaching certificate to become a history teacher and only need about a years worth of credit to do such. But my close friend's experience in the Salem school district helped me reconsider.

It's good to hear there is still hope.
If teaching is something that you are interested in....
I would say do it.

Yes...there is a lot of non-teaching "Mickey Mouse" BS that has to happen...and that can be disheartening to say the least.

With that said...
Every district is different with its outlook / vibe , so to speak...
Some "better" than others...mine is fairly easy going...and they allow me plenty of freedom

Freedom as in...
Being able to bring in my traditional archery gear and helping with the archery segment in PE class...
Also I can bring a lot of my fur trade era items for various history classes....we are working on having me bring in my J.Henry Flintlock Trade Rifle circa 1800 - 1820 ...making good headway on that account.
Freedom to tailor both consequences and punishment in regards to discipline , to fit the needs of the student
And not just a "Cookie Cutter' method / practice.....

Again ...every school district is different...some better than others.
"a thousand points of light", Homeland Security established. Who gave us these? What 'unintended consequinces' occur with "good" intentions? Inquiring minds want to know!
The "thousand points of light" speech was from George H. W. Bush's nomination acceptance speech at the 1988 Republican convention. The Department of Homeland Security was established 14 years later by George W. Bush over a year after the 9/11 attacks. Are you suggesting that it was both Bushes that gave us these? Or only one of them that gave us both? Just wanting to clear up possible misconceptions...
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This from a previous discussion on voter turnout here;

For argument's sake we'll presume Republican=conservative=No on 114 and Democrat=Liberal=Yes on 114. I realize this isn't always true but percentage-wise it works out pretty close.

Per Oregon SoS website; 75.6% Republican voter turnout vs. 72.1% Democrat turnout statewide. So right there the Republicans did better at showing up.
One has to presume that any effort to get more voters to show up will get more voters from BOTH sides to show up. Ferinstance lets presume 100% voter turnout in Multnomah county. That's roughly 74,000 MORE votes for 114 and 17,000 more votes against it. I'm glad those folks stayed home!! Do that math in the conservative counties and see how many it takes to get past that 57,000 vote disadvantage. In Clackamas county you would be roughly another 12,000 behind. Lane county wouldn't be too bad, you'd only fall behind another 1000 or so there. Washington county would bite you pretty hard, another 20,000 in the hole.
Yes it would be nice if only the folks we agreed with came out to vote but that isn't the case. Bemoaning the fact that lots of people can't be bothered doesn't really address the issue. Personally, for people who don't care enough to learn about the candidates and issues, I'd rather they stayed home. A lot of them are why 114 passed.

SoS website, refer to page 3;
These are very good points.

There simply is not a huge reservoir of non-voting Constitutionalists (for lack of a better term) who could be persuaded to come out and vote against gun control measures, as some folks claim, and if more people came out to vote, there is no reason to believe they would vote any differently, proportion wise, than those who do vote.

When looking at percentages, you also have to consider how up to date the voter rolls are. When was the last time the rolls were purged? One party always opposes updating the rolls. How many have moved out of state? How many have died? Does anyone know? So the percentage of non-voters is probably smaller than official stats indicate.

IMHO, there are 2 key factors that determine the outcome of votes on GC measures. One is control of the Secretary of State office (and to a lesser extent, the AG office). The SoS writes the ballot measure titles and the ballot descriptions. The vast majority of the electorate will not read the text of a ballot measure, and the only things they will ever see are the titles and descriptions on the ballot. As long as these are written in a manner that portrays passing the measure as a reasonable thing to do, the measures are likely to pass. Also, the SoS controls the signature verification process for ballot measure petitions. We had a past SoS who was reputedly extremely biased in the manner in which she applied signature verification standards.

The other factor, as other have pointed out, is MONEY. This is key in shaping the attitudes of those who do vote. Money buys advertising. Advertising gets votes.
FIFY (Sorry, just had to do it. :D )

Aha... LOL
Never cared for "FIFY" .

As for me and what I wrote.. I said it the way I wanted is my posting.
If I wanted it fixed...I would have done it myself.

So no you didn't fix anything for quoted me..
Then changed what I wrote , to fit someone's ideas of the English language.

FIFY , can be seen as assuming , arrogant and condescending...

I understand that your posting and FIFY were in jest...
Just don't care for it at all.
Please do not "FIFY" me any more.
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Never cared for "FIFY" .

As for me and what I wrote.. I said it the way I wanted is my posting.
If I wanted it fixed...I would have done it myself.

So no you didn't fix anything for quoted me..
Then changed what I wrote , to fit someone's ideas of the English language.

FIFY , can be seen as assuming , arrogant and condescending...

I understand that your posting and FIFY were in jest...
Just don't care for it at all.
Please do not "FIFY" me any more.
Kinda like the spellin and gramer Nazis round here, very offensive to some and not welcome at all! People is people, and we are all different, no need to have to constantly correct for some ones ideal of perfect, none of us are or ever will be!

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