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"We ask that you refrain from open carry at this event, as you (and likely the rest of us) will almost certainly be asked to leave."

Then why would we give them business?

I agree. Unfriendly to open carry? Why should you get our money?

No one's saying you should give them your money. You can stay home? Or strap on your side arm and walk around downtown? Just to make the statement, you know?
No one's saying you should give them your money. You can stay home? Or strap on your side arm and walk around downtown? Just to make the statement, you know?

Oh yeah; because I support people's right to a firearm I must be a firearm evangelical handing out pamphlets on the max.

Your ridiculous implications aside; concealing does not make this business any more friendly towards firearm carry. Get over yourself.
Joe has already addressed this more than once. Finding a location that offers the right size space, at the right price, available on the day/time needed, allows kids if families want to come, offers adult beverages and decent food and is centrally located in the PDX area is tough at best. If folks are that put out by the request, then they can certainly boycott the gathering.

In the future, I'm sure Joe would be open if someone else would like to find a spot that meets all the requirements above and will allow open carry.

Honestly, if I boycotted every business that wasn't openly gun friendly, I'd probably have no one to do business with. I don't see getting worked up over a single evening gathering.
No one's saying you should give them your money. You can stay home? Or strap on your side arm and walk around downtown? Just to make the statement, you know?

Don't worry, Mike. It takes a brave man to cower. While discretion may be the better part of valor, how can you make a stand if you are in a constant state of hiding?
Stomper AND his lovely wife, perfectly compliment each other. Like burgers and fries, potatoes and gravy, Penn and Teller.....You get the idea.

Spaghetti and grape jelly? Turkey and beans? Steve Irwin and Stingrays you say? :D Any woman that sticks with Stomper has to be either more saintly than Mother Teresa, or she dishes it and takes it as well as the man himself. Or probably both.

I'll be working that day. You guys have fun, don't cause tooo much mayhem.
Don't worry, Mike. It takes a brave man to cower. While discretion may be the better part of valor, how can you make a stand if you are in a constant state of hiding?

Really? Cowering? Since when did this get together become about shoving open carry in people's faces? I thought this was a time to meet other NWFA members, preferably without getting any negative attention on the group so we can enjoy ourselves. It's Portland. Open carry is not well received in Portland. Having some discretion about when and where to open carry isn't cowering in fear, it's using some common sense. Every single step into Portland doesn't have to be a political statement. And besides, what is the typical reaction in place like Portland when folks open carry? Do they call their reps in Salem to say "hey! we need to make open carry more acceptable", or do they call the cops (ignorantly, of course), and it leads to a problem, which, ultimately, will make the gun owners look bad - like it or not.

I'll pick my battles when it's appropriate. Trying to turn a fun gathering into a political statement is going against what this was set up for in the first place.
Really? Cowering? Since when did this get together become about shoving open carry in people's faces? I thought this was a time to meet other NWFA members, preferably without getting any negative attention on the group so we can enjoy ourselves. It's Portland. Open carry is not well received in Portland. Having some discretion about when and where to open carry isn't cowering in fear, it's using some common sense. Every single step into Portland doesn't have to be a political statement. And besides, what is the typical reaction in place like Portland when folks open carry? Do they call their reps in Salem to say "hey! we need to make open carry more acceptable", or do they call the cops (ignorantly, of course), and it leads to a problem, which, ultimately, will make the gun owners look bad - like it or not.

I'll pick my battles when it's appropriate. Trying to turn a fun gathering into a political statement is going against what this was set up for in the first place.

Lawsuits against the Mayor and other Portland public officials is the real solution. There are times when the tactics used by the Left seem apropos. I didn't serve my nation to cower in fear of the shadow of "Political Correctness" (Fascism masquerading as manners). As law-abiding citizens, we're excessively passive.

The political Left made exercising the Bill Of Rights a criminal act. Don't blame me, take it up with them.
Lawsuits against the Mayor and other Portland public officials is the real solution. There are times when the tactics used by the Left seem apropos. I didn't serve my nation to cower in fear of the shadow of "Political Correctness" (Fascism masquerading as manners). As law-abiding citizens, we're excessively passive.

The political Left made exercising the Bill Of Rights a criminal act. Don't blame me, take it up with them.

I'm not blaming anyone. I am asking why the sudden insistence that a fun gathering of NWFA members has to become a political statement. Seriously, this is just a fun time. People can make their political statements any other time and place.

Again, I'm for picking your battles. There is a time and place. But I don't see this as one of those times. Creating a disruptive environment that keeps the fun gathering from happening seems like a counterproductive endeavor.
I'm not blaming anyone. I am asking why the sudden insistence that a fun gathering of NWFA members has to become a political statement. Seriously, this is just a fun time. People can make their political statements any other time and place.

Again, I'm for picking your battles. There is a time and place. But I don't see this as one of those times. Creating a disruptive environment that keeps the fun gathering from happening seems like a counterproductive endeavor.

Every group with of any affiliation gathering in Portland is, and has been, political in nature since the 1970's. One cannot divorce oneself from politics at their leisure. One goes hand-in-hand with the other.
Every group with of any affiliation gathering in Portland is, and has been, political in nature since the 1970's. One cannot divorce oneself from politics at their leisure. One goes hand-in-hand with the other.

Exactly why NWFA has a rule against most political content. I don't see any where in this get together where it states that NWFA or it's members are wanting to make any kind of statement or otherwise. And I know for a fact that is NOT the intentions of @Joe Link.

If anyone plans on making a statement, I suggest they skip this one.
Every group with of any affiliation gathering in Portland is, and has been, political in nature since the 1970's. One cannot divorce oneself from politics at their leisure. One goes hand-in-hand with the other.

Respectfully, I disagree. Just because a group of folks get together for a fun evening, doesn't mean it's a political gathering, any more than a gathering of my co-workers, friends or family have to be considered a political gathering.

This is a social event, nothing more. No need to make it more than that.
Whether I like the .32 or not has nothing to do with politics or making any statement. It's just conversation.

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