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Once an organization's membership goes above 10,000, the concerns, goals and methods used by the leadership are identical to a Cartel Boss or a Head of State.

The NRA does the right thing 95% of the time. Every now and then, there is an article in the AR worth saving. In my view, thats worth $40 per year.

Oliver North and the NRA supported Clinton's assault rifle ban.
good point … why can't the "members" oust the current leadership or at least have an influencing say in what's going on ?
You really need to look at how the Board of Directors works. WLP and his cabal have been closing ranks for years, modifying bylaws along the way as it suits them. They have been making it much more difficult for someone to get on the ballot if they were not hand-picked by the Nominating Committee. For any that doubt, do some research into Adam Kraut's recent attempts.

The committees have been completely stacked by WPL, which is how he has gotten away with so much over the years, and why he is extremely well protected in his position of power. My hunch is that most, if not all, of these loyal sycophants have been bought and paid for by WPL.

Ask yourself why the Nominating Committee would actively oppose a well-spoken 2A lawyer with a history of fighting 2A battles like Adam Kraut? Why would they not want a person of his character on the BoD?

Ask yourself why the Audit Committee would choose not to investigate multiple concerns from multiple NRA members regarding finances, suspicious business contracts, and lack of documentation in what services were contracted and what was being provided compared to what was being invoiced?

Ask yourself why the Financial Committee would continuously approve and sign off on vague business contracts, indescript invoices, and outrageous salaries and bonuses for non-NRA members?

Now combine all three of these questions, and ask yourself why these various committees have blatantly and flagrantly allowed this to continue to be "business as usual" for over 20 years, and why anyone who has questioned it often gets forced out or fired?

How have these people involved not been investigated for theft, embezzlement, fraud, money laundering, and racketeering?

I'm to the point that until WPL and his cronies are put on a stand and then sent to prison, I cannot in good faith support the NRA.

For those of you with blinders on, that vehemently support and defend the NRA, I recommend you stop and take an objective look at the facts. You are supporting a group that is actively advocating for more gun control, while those in power use the organization's finances for personal gain rather than its stated purpose.

Essentially, you are supporting the "conservative" equivalent of the Clinton Foundation.
NRA supported Clinton's assault rifle ban.

The NRA vehemently opposed AWB94 and were active in the efforts to remove those who were supportive of said. The results in the midterms were brutal to those who were behind it.

"President Clinton, fighting to rescue an endangered crime bill, Friday accused the National Rifle Assn. of leading a campaign to block a vote on the $33-billion measure in the House." — "Clinton Accuses NRA of Blocking Vote on Crime Bill : Legislation: He says gun lobby is rallying opposition to House procedural action. But most Republicans and 15 Black Caucus members oppose the measure.", Los Angeles Times, August 6, 1994

"William McIntyre, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, called the assault weapon ban a 'sideshow' that would do little to curb violent crime.

'These weapons are used in only 1 percent of all crimes,' McIntyre said. 'All this legislation will do is keep these weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.'

McIntyre contended that most owners of semiautomatic weapons use them for purposes of 'self defense. About 2 million times a year they are used by citizens to protect themselves.'" — "Senate Acts to Ban Assault Weapons", Chicago Tribune, November 18, 1993​

"In the ensuing war with the NRA, which was adamantly opposed to the assault weapons ban (even a ban severely weakened through legislative compromise), Clinton used police officers, who argued they were being outgunned by criminals and mad men, as his backup." — "What the Fight Over Clinton's 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Can Teach Obama", Mother Jones, December 21, 2012

"Passing the bill in the Senate was not easy. But it was not as complicated in the House. By then, the political pressures being put on Democratic members were growing notable and enormous. The failures of health care reform and the passage of a controversial budget had already set the stage for a difficult election year. The assault weapons ban added a massive dose of gasoline.

In all, eight Democratic Senators lost their races and 54 Democratic House members too. The list included those who opposed the assault weapons ban but reluctantly voted for it (like Speaker Tom Foley) and those who had tried to strip the crime bill of the assault weapons ban, like Brooks." — "Democrats Pissed Off the NRA in 1994—And They're Still Haunted by It.", The Daily Beast, October 15, 2017

"Clinton added that the National Rifle Association also played a bigger role than it's credited in turning over Congress during the 1994 Republican revolution. 'They were mad about this whole weapons ban and the Brady Bill, and they probably took 15 of our House members out. That was their number, they said between 15 and 20, and I'd say, at least on the low side, they were right,' he said." — "Clinton once again credits NRA for 1994 midterm defeats", National Rifle Association, February 23, 2010.
Some American Rifleman covers from 1994. Unsupportive of AWB94 would be an understatement.


You raise valid points. I will admit to doing a quick Google search instead of rereading ARs from the 90s.

The assault rifle ban WAS what cleaned the democrats out of Congress in 94.
The NRA vehemently opposed AWB94 and were active in the efforts to remove those who were supportive of said. The results in the midterms were brutal to those who were behind it.

"President Clinton, fighting to rescue an endangered crime bill, Friday accused the National Rifle Assn. of leading a campaign to block a vote on the $33-billion measure in the House." — "Clinton Accuses NRA of Blocking Vote on Crime Bill : Legislation: He says gun lobby is rallying opposition to House procedural action. But most Republicans and 15 Black Caucus members oppose the measure.", Los Angeles Times, August 6, 1994

"William McIntyre, a spokesman for the National Rifle Association, called the assault weapon ban a 'sideshow' that would do little to curb violent crime.

'These weapons are used in only 1 percent of all crimes,' McIntyre said. 'All this legislation will do is keep these weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.'

McIntyre contended that most owners of semiautomatic weapons use them for purposes of 'self defense. About 2 million times a year they are used by citizens to protect themselves.'" — "Senate Acts to Ban Assault Weapons", Chicago Tribune, November 18, 1993​

"In the ensuing war with the NRA, which was adamantly opposed to the assault weapons ban (even a ban severely weakened through legislative compromise), Clinton used police officers, who argued they were being outgunned by criminals and mad men, as his backup." — "What the Fight Over Clinton's 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Can Teach Obama", Mother Jones, December 21, 2012

"Passing the bill in the Senate was not easy. But it was not as complicated in the House. By then, the political pressures being put on Democratic members were growing notable and enormous. The failures of health care reform and the passage of a controversial budget had already set the stage for a difficult election year. The assault weapons ban added a massive dose of gasoline.

In all, eight Democratic Senators lost their races and 54 Democratic House members too. The list included those who opposed the assault weapons ban but reluctantly voted for it (like Speaker Tom Foley) and those who had tried to strip the crime bill of the assault weapons ban, like Brooks." — "Democrats Pissed Off the NRA in 1994—And They're Still Haunted by It.", The Daily Beast, October 15, 2017

Absolutely true, and that's the NRA I miss. There was a bloodbath during the following midterms, showing just how important this topic is, and yet today the NRA actively endorses anti-gun politicians, opposes those that are pro-gun, and prevents pro-gun lawyers from joining the BoD.

The NRA of today is NOT the NRA of yesteryear, despite those unwilling to accept the fact.

A more realistic perspective is that somehow while we were not looking, the real NRA got replaced by it's evil doppleganger. The NRA we see today has a five o'clock shadow, a mischievous grin, and can be seen loading the back of a van with large bags that have dollar signs printed on them.

The NRA we see today can often be found twirling the end of their long mustache, laughing maniacally, while watching as their evil plot slowly succeeds to convince everyone to vote the opposite of what they want without realizing it.

This is the NRA we have today, not the proud hero it once was. :(
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If you really want to see people flip out, nominate Don Jr. for NRA president... :s0114:

I'm not quite sold on Colion Noir just yet. I'd rather have someone with more history in the firearms community or industry.

If you want to have some fun, nominate an aggressive and straightforward personality like Pat McNamara!

Where we should really be looking are the industry giants that have been doing this forever. Imagine someone like Ronnie Barrett leading the NRA, perhaps Tom Bowers, or whoever the brainchild at Sig is.

Barrett had the fortitude to stand against California during their .50 ban. Bowers was involved with the Akins Accelerator, so he knows firsthand how ridiculous these laws and reinterpretations are. As for Sig, whoever's responsible for things like pistol braces, monocore muzzle brakes, and the Rattler is the kind of guy I want running the NRA, pushing every boundary we can.

What we do not need is another celebrity or career politician. We need people that are in it for the love of the sport, rather than fame or fortune.
He would get my vote. He's well spoken that's for sure.

For some time now I have listened to the anti-NRA flow of conversation here and elesewhere on the interwebs. I let that anti- Wayne LaPierre story, the fiscal "old boy" incest and excess, the single source advertising churn my stomach!

MAC at Copper Custom and others made me re-assess where and what to fund - I switched to OFF and Gun Owners of America. My NRA cap is at the bottom of the pile dusty, worn and near discarded. I barely admit to being a lifer!

But I had time to reflect this weekend…… and I think I and many of you, are wrong about the NRA.

While I despise the poitical incest and the NRA fiscal indecency - "The NRA" - what it is, what it has been and the role it plays today in protecting the Second Amendment - that remains foundational.

I have Colion Noir to thank for that reassessment.

Say what you want but until you show me that you have done more, suggest you be part of the support and not part of the "fractious vacuous" masses.

but I am quite sure where I stand on the NFL - LOL

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Like many issues relating to firearms the NRA has become a Us vs. Them issue.

The NRA as an organization has in fact stayed true to its roots and foundation ..furthers the cause of gun owners and promotes the growth of the 2nd Amendment....
The NRA has fallen from where they once stood proudly and is now just a money making machine out to dupe gun owners...

Is indeed a important debate. ( At least in my view )
That said more importantly in my view is :
The fact that so many gun owners are divided on the NRA.
If we as gun owners can't even stand united with or at least have a "Yeah they are okay" kinda relationship with the largest gun organization , then we , as gun owners , have yet another wedge that divides us...and as someone wiser than me once said :
"A house divided cannot stand..."

It would be wise for the NRA to take a long , hard look at itself and see just why gun owners are so split on supporting the NRA ... and do something to stop what causes that divide.
I feel that cutting off support for the NRA, for a time, will tell them loudly to "get their act together". I'm not giving up on em, but I wont fund them blindly anymore.
Considering the NRA is said to represent us gun owners, do we really want to be represented by crooks and thieves? When the leader of our organization is being exposed for fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering, is that really the man that we want acting as our spokesperson and our figurehead?

Think of it this way... If this were a megachurch, and the leader of the church had managed to steal or embezzle millions of dollars for his own personal use, would everyone be so quick to continue to support the church while the church turns a blind eye and not only leaves the man in power, but actually votes him back in and protects him?

I understand that many of you are defending the NRA as an institution, and not judging the NRA based on the acts of one man, which is an admirable trait.

Unfortunately, as long as the BoD continues to support and protect WLP, they are complicit in his crimes. They are literally aiding and abetting him, and have done so for over 20 years. I truly wonder how many on the BoD will be caught with their hand in the cookie jar before this is all over.

The only way the NRA can regain support at this point is by gutting the entire Board of Directors and starting over from scratch. Anything less is just a band-aid on an arterial wound, and the NRA will continue hemmorhaging money until there is nothing left.
Let Wayne down gently in another year or two. He has served our causes, The Libs want to see us tear apart the NRA...Think about it. We do have to clean house, just do it without all the fan fare...
Would you really say the same about any other business man or politician?

What would your reaction be if someone said the same about Hillary?

Wayne needs to go IMMEDIATELY, and in fact should have been gone when Neal Knox first addressed the issue 20 years ago.

To give him a free pass would be condoning theft, fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. That is something I personally cannot condone or abide by. If he is guilty, which all evidence certainly seems to support, he should hang the same as any other criminal.

Should a bank or Fortune 500 company say the same of one of their executives under the same circumstances?

"Well gee, Bob. It looks like Wayne has been stealing from us for the last 20 years, and has gotten away with millions of dollars! He should go to prison!"

"I dunno, Fred. He's been with us over 20 years, and landed a few good sales over that time. Perhaps we should just let him down gently, so he can quietly retire in a year or two with his $1.5 million dollars per year pension plan."

"You know what... You're right, Bob! That'll sure teach him!"

Would you really say the same about any other business man or politician?

What would your reaction be if someone said the same about Hillary?

Wayne needs to go IMMEDIATELY, and in fact should have been gone when Neal Knox first addressed the issue 20 years ago.

To give him a free pass would be condoning theft, fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. That is something I personally cannot condone or abide by. If he is guilty, which all evidence certainly seems to support, he should hang the same as any other criminal.

Should a bank or Fortune 500 company say the same of one of their executives under the same circumstances?

"Well gee, Bob. It looks like Wayne has been stealing from us for the last 20 years, and has gotten away with millions of dollars! He should go to prison!"

"I dunno, Fred. He's been with us over 20 years, and landed a few good sales over that time. Perhaps we should just let him down gently, so he can quietly retire in a year or two with his $1.5 million dollars per year pension plan."

"You know what... You're right, Bob! That'll sure teach him!"

why not form a "NEW" pro 2nd Amendment organization ? Let's see, WHAT shall we name it ?? ?? "something" that rings solid with the anti's ….. Hmmmm...… sorry, "I" can't think of any
If, and that is a big word, if Wayne is guilty of these charges, then hang him high. At this time where is the evidence? He has lined his pockets with gold, but the board let this happen. Let him go and when he is gone, then take action...The board should take action now, but so far they seem happy and all this stuff is nothing but gossip. Vote him out or stop tilting at windmills. Now I have to make a decision on what gun I'm gonna buy before the Washington State ban on lever actions etc...

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