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Long post -- sorry.

OK, so Mrs. Toast and I took a ride out this morning and got to the lanes at 7:30. All lanes were occupied except Lane 3, so lane 3 was our cleanup spot. We spent about 4 hours doing cleanup, shot 3 mags each, and split around 12:30.

When we got there, there was a freakin' pallet ON FIRE -- completely unattended, unless you count the sketchy white van with WA plates that was camped out across the road with their windows blocked until they drove off around 10:30. (I think they probably had to drop off resumes or something.). I recorded the fire and van on video before putting out the fire, in case law enforcement wants their info. I brought 5 gallons of water for a hand washing station. Used 4 of them putting out an idiot's fire before we even got started.

Volunteer fire dept. service done, we got to work piling up the debris and then bagging it. I think we must have gathered a thousand shotgun shells and wads, at least. All kinds of absurd crap. I pulled a full container of cake frosting out of the forest. WTH?

Several people drove by and we told them about the inspection and cleanup efforts. All were friendly and appreciative. Several stopped to help and get a little shooting in, and a couple said they'd come back over the next week and put some time in.

We walked up the hill to Lane 4 and gathered another huge bag. I pulled about 30 pounds of trash that had clearly been intentionally dumped maybe 15 feet off the side of the road, along with not one, but TWO 40 lb. bags of stinking, used cat litter. I hauled all the rest of their trash out of the woods and down to Lane 3. I got the 2 bags of cat litter out to the road, but I had to leave them there for pickup as they were too heavy and too gross to carry back to Lane 3. At least they were in strong bags that didn't tear and dump the mess out all over the forest, or worse, all over me. I thought that was very considerate of whoever put them there.

Got up to Lane 4, spoke to the shooters up there, poked around, and took some pics. There is indeed a goodly dump off the back end of Lane 4, but it's not as bad as I had feared. A few strong people can get that in a few hours, I think. There's quite a bit of trash and debris out there, but if this community actually turns out over the next week, the biggest and worst of it trash-wise is probably fixable before the inspection.

The two biggest problems I saw were the evidence of a bunch of fires -- most quite small at least, but I counted around 10 -- and the short pistol range that's developed off to the right at Lane 4. That hill has a big valley behind it and stray rounds high and to the right could be dangerous. Removing the worst evidence of the various fires would go a long way to improving the overall sense of the place for the inspectors. Most can be removed fairly easily, I think.

We made a pretty good dent on Lane 3 today, at least the front half of it. If I had had another hour or two, I could have got more of the road around Lane 3 and cleaned up the sketchy white van people's (SWVP's) backyard for them while they were out at their job interviews. I am sure they would have really appreciated that, but I didn't have time to do it for them.

We left 6 bags at Lane 3, along with the remnants of several pallets, a tire, and some other larger debris that was collected. Sorry we weren't able to haul, but it's bagged and in a nice pile right behind the concrete berm. When we left, a new party was setting up, and they said they'd get put some time in and add to our pile.

I really hope the SWVP do not mess with those bags tonight. If someone is able to make a run out there this afternoon and grab them, that would be ideal.

We will not be able to get out there again this weekend, but we are planning to do another morning run one day early next week. It will be the same deal, unable to haul, so if someone wants to meet up out there and bring a trailer, PM me.

I took some pics, but I will have to post them a little later.

I was not able to view Lanes 1 or 2, as they were occupied.

My feeling is that we actually CAN shock the inspectors with our ninja crew if we can generate some turn out. At the very least, we can demonstrate our commitment to self-police the place, especially since we are doing this with almost no notice and with a planned cleanup a week after their inspection. It's a "yeah, we do need a bunch of people ready to put in work" problem, but it's not a "this is pointless and impossible" problem. The inspectors are not going to find a pristine forest, but they're going to find that someone made a huge dent in the problem since the last time they were there.

Biggest issue I can see is attracting attention, because the people we spoke to out there all seemed ready to help when they heard that inspectors were coming in a week.

We REALLY need a solution for the SWVP with the dry months coming, and it needs to be an LE solution or a locked gate at night. Is camping there signed as illegal? Is it even illegal?

Start EARLY tomorrow. It's gonna get HOT!
I saw you this morning, I waved to your around 830 in the black Cayenne. All the lanes were full so we went up past the lanes and did cleanup at the spot past the uphill horseshoe bend. I only brought one bag so I wasn't able to grab everything. I don't know if they'll be looking at those spots as well but there is still garbage there.

The van was interesting and definitely sketch. Who camps at a shooting pit without being there to shoot is a bit odd to me.
I saw you this morning, I waved to your around 830 in the black Cayenne. All the lanes were full so we went up past the lanes and did cleanup at the spot past the uphill horseshoe bend. I only brought one bag so I wasn't able to grab everything. I don't know if they'll be looking at those spots as well but there is still garbage there.

The van was interesting and definitely sketch. Who camps at a shooting pit without being there to shoot is a bit odd to me.
Thanks Zoo! Yeah, they'll see that spot. And lots of others out there. They are touring several areas in the Tillamook and Clatsop State Forest. So any shooting spot along the main roadways is a good idea to clean up.

Thanks again!
The van was interesting and definitely sketch. Who camps at a shooting pit without being there to shoot is a bit odd to me.
It's possible that white van is the same man and woman that were there last year at the clean-up. And has been mentioned several times since as being skell's. Did the van have a light bar above the windshield? They chipped in and helped with the clean-up last year the whole time we were there.

I have the feeling that the majority of the rubbish at this place is from plain old dirt bag dumpers and not the target shooting public! I know how this state is, I'd wager the decision has already been made to close this site. That is the way this state has become. Punish the law abiding and allow the criminals to roam free and do as they please. After the lanes are closed, the garbage will just go up the road.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention law enforcement going up there to patrol? Are there even signs posted that say "closed after dark"? The way I see it the ODF and County Sherriff/State Police should have some responsibility to have a look from time to time. And enforce the law. That's their job after all.

In any case, losing this place is no sweat of my bubblegum, I/we don't use it. But it just makes me feel terrible for the responsible people that do use it. Wifey and I will be there on the 25th BTW.
It's possible that white van is the same man and woman that were there last year at the clean-up. And has been mentioned several times since as being skell's. Did the van have a light bar above the windshield? They chipped in and helped with the clean-up last year the whole time we were there.
Yep that be the one. I saw them again today. We chatted for a while, which is rare because he's not very social with people, but when they saw me at lane 1 they stopped and said hello. They are planning on joining us again on May 25th.

Last year I had a chance to sit down with them at lunch time and had a little chat. He's a 2A guy, always carries and values the same freedoms we do. Seems they have chosen a different life style than what we have. Fine with me. He is a bit odd in the parts about not talking much and looking/living the way he does, but everyone has their own personality & lifestyle and I don't expect it to be like mine.

So you don't need to be concerned about them doing anything to you. They're just cashing in unwanted brass to supplement their income. Just say hi and let them know if they can pick up your brass now or later.
Must've missed you out there Cogs. Got there around 1, the lanes were pretty packed but I managed to get another bag of trash out. Honestly looks better than other times I've seen it.. hopefully that doesn't change over the week.

I drove down the road a ways. There's a pair of burnt out boats back there and some other junk. Got what I could haul.

Ran into some younger guys cleaning up their targets and chatted with them a bit. Also ran into the van guy, waved etc. seems friendly enough, never had a bad interaction with him but this is probably the first time I've been out there in 2 years.

It would be good to get some more ranger patrols through the area. I don't think we're ever going to be able to keep people from dumping if no ones ever driving around looking officially. I might try to attend that meeting Friday, see what's going on.

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Must've missed you out there Cogs. Got there around 1, the lanes were pretty packed but I managed to get another bag of trash out. Honestly looks better than other times I've seen it.. hopefully that doesn't change over the week.

I drove down the road a ways. There's a pair of burnt out boats back there and some other junk. Got what I could haul.

Ran into some younger guys cleaning up their targets and chatted with them a bit. Also ran into the van guy, waved etc. seems friendly enough, never had a bad interaction with him but this is probably the first time I've been out there in 2 years.

It would be good to get some more ranger patrols through the area. I don't think we're ever going to be able to keep people from dumping if no ones ever driving around looking officially. I might try to attend that meeting Friday, see what's going on.

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Nice! Thanks for the help! Yeah, I agree, the lanes are looking a whole lot better (and certainly we've seem them a lot worse!). I left about 12:30. Sorry to have missed you, but I really appreciate your helping out!

There were 4 of us today and we pulled out 640 pounds of trash from the lanes and the first 3 shooting spots after the lanes. Total cost of dump fees was $47.47. Not bad for a 'Random Act of Clean Up'!

I didn't check my phone for messages all day, until I was on the way home when I pulled over to check messages. Then I see an email that Trash No Land received a donation to General Funds. $25 bucks from 'Ben'. Good timing! That helped pay half the cost of the dump fee! Made my day!

Every lane had great people! They all helped chip in to clean up each lane. Several of them said they would clean up, when done, and stack it out by the road. By golly they did! Nice!

I especially enjoyed meeting the employees of Luepold at lane 3 today. Nice folks who had a ton of toys and loads & loads of ammo! We had a great visit and I appreciate them stopping shooting and helping with the clean up.

That's great to hear of the young guys cleaning up their targets! In fact, every person I saw today were shooting at legal targets and had nice setups. It's great to see so many folks doing it legal, safe and respectable!

I heard about the burnt boats. I wasn't able to get up that far. I did go up to the first 4 shooting spots after the lanes and we got those in reasonable condition. By that time, my truck was completely full and it was time to call it a day.

Yep, I'd like to see more LEO's out there. If ODF puts up some more boulders along the cliff at lane 4, that may help block people from backing up and dumping. I suspect they usually do it at night.

That would be great if you could attend the meeting on Friday the 17th! I'd love to hear what they discuss. I may join their Zoom meeting to watch it, or I might be able to attend in person. Sounds like we could also join the 'Tour' part of it on Thursday. I'm thinking of doing that, if I can arrange the schedule. It might help to point out how we value the lanes and take care of them.

Good on you for helping out! We all appreciate it!

I'll have a short video, of what we did today, coming soon (if I can edit quickly enough). I'll post it to the Trash No Land YouTube page. It's not much, as I was rather busy doing the work and not running the camera, but it should give a good idea of what went on today.

So you don't need to be concerned about them doing anything to you. They're just cashing in unwanted brass to supplement their income. Just say hi and let them know if they can pick up your brass now or later.

I was never concerned with them. I was pointing out that there was some trash talk last year of the couple being less than honorable. Different, definitely. Bad, probably not.
Are you still using AOL?

Also, do you ever have midweek clean ups? Saturdays are especially hard to get off for me. Maybe I'm not the only one.
Once in a while we'll do a Sunday cleanup. Not very often though. Haven't done a weekday event, due to my regular job. Might consider a Friday sometime.

What is the AOL you refer to?
I was never concerned with them. I was pointing out that there was some trash talk last year of the couple being less than honorable. Different, definitely. Bad, probably not.
Yeah, I wasn't meaning you being concerned, just anyone who sees them doesn't need to worry. They seem like reasonable folk.
What is the AOL you refer to?
AOL was like the first online communication deal I think from the '90s and when you had an email it said "You've got mail" hence the question. It's pretty funny.

Moving on, it sucks to have to come under such scrutiny at the lanes. I unfortunately am no longer there to do my part, and I hope that the "tour" does not go past the lanes. I didn't read back but someone mentioned above they went to the spot up the road at the horseshoe bend, or switch-back, which can become extremely trashy. Plus someone moved aside one of the boulders so as to get a car in there. There have been folks cleaning up all those spots up the road who deserve a huge thank you. I have no clue who they are, but they seem to be like me and don't need to post everything on-line. Most concerning though are the instances of large trees being shot down which I did post here a bit ago. There is no way to hide it or clean it up, and that alone could get a Red Card in my opinion. Good luck you guys.

Cogs: Please PM me your donation link because it's time. I stashed some cash for my trip up to Burns tomorrow (I'm driving through Nevada :rolleyes:) and I wish to leave some with you.
Ha! Now I remember AOL.

Yes, the committee will be touring several parts of the Tillamook and Clatsop forests. Since they plan to stop at the lanes, they'll certainly be heading up Wolf Creek Rd. So good that people are cleaning up those spots too.

It would be kinda nice if others would post info & pics of their Random Act of Clean Ups. I would be able to confirm to the forest agency that people are doing it on their own.

I saw that spot with the shot down trees. It certainly is getting worse. To add to it, there's a bit of illegal dumping happening there too. I also notice a ton of brass on the ground (strange to see brass!).

The link is to a private YouTube viewing of 1 clip of this site. I hope someone can do something about it real soon.
Trees Down and Dumping
I sent an email to our ODF Recreation Manager, Ben Burns in the Forest Grove office, and explained the efforts we're making at the lanes and beyond. Here's his response this morning...

"Good morning Bill,

WOW! You all are amazing! It never ceases to amaze me the power of volunteers with a heart and passion for the the forest, thank you!

As for lane 3 kiosk, we did not move that and 100% agree with you that it was in a better spot before. Roger Warren apparently knows who moved it but he is on medical leave until Wednesday, then I can ask him. Regardless, it was in a better spot before.

We will continue to monitor the lanes weekly, during our sweeps, cleaning and educating and I am going to work with our roads unit for larger scale updates such as the addition of boulders at Lane 4 and the revamp of the berms."

The Lane 3 Kiosk he's talking about is that someone moved it! It's now next to the firing line and has several bullet holes and a shotgun blast in it. I mentioned we moved it to a position where it might be less likely to shoot it due to the firing line beyond or the parking area from the other side.

Where it is now, it's too easy to turn from the firing line and blast the sign.

Nice response for our efforts! Keep it up!

Lane 3 Kiosk Location.png
Sorry for the slow upload. Here are some pics from Friday's cleanup.


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More pics. A full tub of cake frosting is the weirdest thing I found.


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Sorry for the slow upload. Here are some pics from Friday's cleanup.
I think we got most of those, except from behind Lane 3 short berm. I did get the burn pits in the parking area at lane 3 and the burn pits in lane 3 & 4 (threw away the burnt logs, pulled out the trash and raked the burn areas clean). Also cleaned all the trash from that parking area.

Hey, did you know there's a 'Geocache' stashed behind one of those rocks? I happen to stumble on it last Sept and left it there. Forgot to check last Saturday.

Thanks for the pics!
I think we got most of those, except from behind Lane 3 short berm. I did get the burn pits in the parking area at lane 3 and the burn pits in lane 3 & 4 (threw away the burnt logs, pulled out the trash and raked the burn areas clean). Also cleaned all the trash from that parking area.

Hey, did you know there's a 'Geocache' stashed behind one of those rocks? I happen to stumble on it last Sept and left it there. Forgot to check last Saturday.

Thanks for the pics!
I didn't find the geocache, but that's pretty cool!
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