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A fugitive? He ran to the police and they just kept on driving! Was he just supposed to sit there and wait for the next one? Sounds like a PA fishing for charges.
Agreed, they gotta trump up the charges on this one, make an example out of him. Wish they were so diligent about going after rioters, looters and property destructors... Oh that's right, they're practicing their First Amendment Rights...

Just like here, bunch of these rioters go on their merry way looting and burning, and hurting good innocent people, and God help anyone who chooses not to be a victim and defends themselves! Multico D.A. practicing catch and release on these rioters, but Oh Boy, some one shoots in self defense, they throw the book at them, and the MSM makes the defendant out as the most vial and despicable person on earth, spawn of the devil hisself!
Not sure how much difference this will make, there was a curfew in place as well as 2,500 Wisconsin National Guard Troops in a city of some 47k people... Heard another 1,500 National Guard are being deployed and the curfew is now in effect from 19:00-07:00 local time...
You have to many zeroes... The police asked the idiot governor for 750 NG troops and got 125, which was then doubled to 250.

According to the Fox article, Trump is sending federal law enforcement and more NG, which is odd, since I thought the NG was under the control of the Governor. Not sure if Trump is taking over control of the NG or more likely a media mistake.

We need to declare all these roiters domestic terrorists and revoke domestic terrorists citizen ship an send them to a out sourced prison in china or or north korea or drop them off in someplace like antartica.
Our politicians and government employees are promoting this behavior .
You have to many zeroes... The police asked the idiot governor for 750 NG troops and got 125, which was then doubled to 250.

According to the Fox article, Trump is sending federal law enforcement and more NG, which is odd, since I thought the NG was under the control of the Governor. Not sure if Trump is taking over control of the NG or more likely a media mistake.

In order for Trump to act, he needs to take control away from the Gov'ner, I would imagine that's why the Fed LEO are there. Depending on the State's Adijunct General, this would be a very important step!
All these militia-types trying to protect businesses are wasting time and resources and instead need to go to the root of the problem and forcibly remove the leftist leaders in charge that are making things worse.
He's still an azzhat!!!
Not sure how much difference this will make, there was a curfew in place as well as 2,500 Wisconsin National Guard Troops in a city of some 47k people... Heard another 1,500 National Guard are being deployed and the curfew is now in effect from 19:00-07:00 local time...

I expect more entertainment from Kenosha tonight. Really strange how the media and democrats are staying away from what's going on there. At least until a white kid pops a couple of rioters...


And refused additional help from the feds yesterday
I'm kind of at the point now where if the cops are refusing to do their jobs and protect lives and property, then they don't get to bubblegum when someone else decides to step up and do it for them. The kid being there with an AR didn't "incite" the crowd; the utter lack of police response over days of rioting and lack of consequences emboldens the crowd.

Not guilty.
The courts are going to have a hell of a time prosecuting this kid once they watch all these videos of him defending him self! The only real question that remains; why was the kid there in the first place, and what was he protecting? Not that it should matter, a citizen should feel safe to walk the streets in any community in this country at any time, day or night!
The courts are going to have a hell of a time prosecuting this kid once they watch all these videos of him defending him self! The only real question that remains; why was the kid there in the first place, and what was he protecting? Not that it should matter, a citizen should feel safe to walk the streets in any community in this country at any time, day or night!

A 17yr old with a rifle?
The courts are going to have a hell of a time prosecuting this kid once they watch all these videos of him defending him self! The only real question that remains; why was the kid there in the first place, and what was he protecting? Not that it should matter, a citizen should feel safe to walk the streets in any community in this country at any time, day or night!

Supposedly he was providing medical support. See last video in that page of links.
I'm kind of at the point now where if the cops are refusing to do their jobs and protect lives and property, then they don't get to bubblegum when someone else decides to step up and do it for them. The kid being there with an AR didn't "incite" the crowd; the utter lack of police response over days of rioting and lack of consequences emboldens the crowd.

Not guilty.

The police don't get to make the decision. Their bosses decide what they can and can't do. The Portland cops I know absolutely hate it. I personally think they could all come down with a week long case of the blue flu so they can put enough pressure on Wheeler to pop him like a zit.

It reminds me of a buddy who served in South Korea. They were required to carry their M4 and pistol, but were not allowed to have any ammo. They spent most of their time preventing thieves from stealing their firearms than anything else. Forget the name of the General who made that brilliant strategic decision, but it was the same one who made the beret standard for everybody where before it was just special forces.
The police don't get to make the decision. Their bosses decide what they can and can't do. The Portland cops I know absolutely hate it. I personally think they could all come down with a week long case of the blue flu so they can put enough pressure on Wheeler to pop him like a zit.

It reminds me of a buddy who served in South Korea. They were required to carry their M4 and pistol, but were not allowed to have any ammo. They spent most of their time preventing thieves from stealing their firearms than anything else. Forget the name of the General who made that brilliant strategic decision, but it was the same one who made the beret standard for everybody where before it was just special forces.
Yes they do. There are hundreds of thousands of Police in this country.

If they will not do the job they were sworn to do, they should quit. If the politicians and their superiors are giving them illegal orders, assisting the terrorists and allowing the communities they swore to protect to descend into chaos, it is their duty to forcibly remove them if they do not quit.

Stop providing police protection for politicians and HVTs. Let them protect themselves and see how long this lasts.

Shoot the terrorists. Shoot the Traitors. Restore Order.

If the Portland cops had any self respect and Honor, they would all walk off the job or do what needs to be done. But muh Pension........
It seems that everyone believes this is a justifiable shooting? 7 shots to the back?

I don't agree with the rioting or other criminal activities that followed, but I don't think this guy deserved to be shot in the back 7 times either. :confused:

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