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So here is the question. What are you going to do when Mexico implodes and so many illegals come across the border that our government can't or won't control them? Survival ideas?

So here is the question. What are you going to do when Mexico implodes and so many illegals come across the border that our government can't or won't control them? Survival ideas?


Double quote, from a couple hundred years ago.............

So here is the question. What are you going to do when

England implodes and so may illegals come across the border that

Our government can't or won't control then. Survival ideas?

Answer: The framers of the Constitution had a pretty good clue.

just me.

And I am being polite, at the very present moment.

Clinton is a Bilderberger, a Senior DeMolay (Freemason), and a member of both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. That's your one-world government elites. It benefits their agenda to have open trade and open borders.

The question is, will the People ever do anything about it, especially if slapped in the face with a crash in Mexico followed by a crashing of our borders?

Anyone who Mans up for his country and sovereignty will be put down by policing forces as a racist terrorist, and you will all exhalt how good it was.

You will all die alone, unless you choose to hang together.
Ask your children who's gang is already in charge in this country. que'
The police are scared s****less of the illegals, but they will surely stop YOUR free association!

I have been there when TSHF before, you had better be sure of the person next to you, and most of all of yourself. All these "tough talking" guys will scatter like rats when the hammer falls, or worse yet, they will work with our oppressors to the demise of us all.

So there can never be "gangs" of ad hoc good American citizens protecting their property, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street?

We're doomed?
So there can never be "gangs" of ad hoc good American citizens protecting their property, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street?

We're doomed?

No, there will never be any gangs of good Americans. The exhalted police will make damn sure of that! There are no more Green Dragon Inns! The fools think the police are Protecting them from Drunk Drivers and Terrorists. (No free association or free speech for ALL, it's really for our own good.)

America is already over. Even my 3 young adult children can see it.
My oldest son and I had a New Years Conversation, and he was the one to point out that the Illegals are in charge. They have power because they have nothing to lose, they did'nt grow up with every convenience. They are totally unacountable in our rule of law system. They just take, and if you have anything to say about it, well MS13 or a SWAT team will drop by to re-adjust your program. There isn't even a mechanism for the citizenry to legally do anything about it, I have tried!! The traitor next door to me hires a boatload of illegals, openly, Hope you like polka music, the cops seem to love it as they cruise right by every day (Nothing ILLEGAL going on over there, right?!)! You can bet they will be right at my gate if my dog gets loose though or pull me over at night if one of my license plate lights is out or my registration is due to expire this month! I really believe that the Collapse of Mexico will begin the fragmentation and ultimate loss of the U.S. The Illegals are just stronger they do what is best for their survival, while we talk and do nothing, but then again what can you do when the system is set against us? Do a pack of criminals passing and enforcing unconstitutional laws make us criminals? I say YES


No, there will never be any gangs of good Americans. The exhalted police will make damn sure of that! There are no more Green Dragon Inns! The fools think the police are Protecting them from Drunk Drivers and Terrorists. (No free association or free speech for ALL, it's really for our own good.)

America is already over. Even my 3 young adult children can see it.
My oldest son and I had a New Years Conversation, and he was the one to point out that the Illegals are in charge. They have power because they have nothing to lose, they did'nt grow up with every convenience. They are totally unacountable in our rule of law system. They just take, and if you have anything to say about it, well MS13 or a SWAT team will drop by to re-adjust your program. There isn't even a mechanism for the citizenry to legally do anything about it, I have tried!! The traitor next door to me hires a boatload of illegals, openly, Hope you like polka music, the cops seem to love it as they cruise right by every day (Nothing ILLEGAL going on over there, right?!)! You can bet they will be right at my gate if my dog gets loose though or pull me over at night if one of my license plate lights is out or my registration is due to expire this month! I really believe that the Collapse of Mexico will begin the fragmentation and ultimate loss of the U.S. The Illegals are just stronger they do what is best for their survival, while we talk and do nothing, but then again what can you do when the system is set against us? Do a pack of criminals passing and enforcing unconstitutional laws make us criminals? I say YES



Good points, and all true imho.

But what happens if Mexico collapses and illegals pour over the border in hundreds of thousands per day? What if they need to overrun neighborhoods to steal food by force? They won't bring their own food.

What if the first waves of them are the armed gang types - the most aggressive - the types which are already crowding our prisons and causing real gang problems in the SW?

Our border guards can't/won't stop them. Our police can't. What's left?

Mexico is most likely going to collapse, including its government, and before long.

Already several Mexico cities are controlled by drug gangs, and the police are afraid of them and leave them alone. Seems to me as if Phoenix Ariz. has some of that same problem.
Yes, Gentlemen, civil unrest.

Illegal immigration, as we all know, has been an issue for centuries. It has been gradually increasing due to the disparity of wealth between our two countries.

As the Mexican economy falls into entropy ( a state of order to disorder ), the human instinct to survive kicks in. Nobody wants to live without a sense of order in their lives and the Mexicans are loosing that order.

Now the first wave will be the armed thugs, as has already been posted, but the general law abiding populace will follow.
The ending of some disaster movie, I can't remember the name, 'The Day After' or some such thing, showed a cooperative effort by both countries to open borders. In this case the US was moving into Mexico...Oh the irony of it all!

And that leads to the master plan of 'One World Order'...the elitists believe it's in our best interest to have one north american country. ( yes, that includes you Canada )

However, this does not preclude fighting in the streets, regardless of what the rulers want. The US citizens have their own idea and it's expressed in the constitution. Something to the effect of protecting our borders from threats foreign and domestic!

I do not advocate civil unrest! It just may come down to it!

..... Believe it or not, the Pres doesn't have the authority to order that!

C'mon, the President doesn't have the authority to do a LOT of what he's doing. Don't be naive about this guy, or his intentions, or those of his masters.

But the point I wanted to make was this:

The REX-84 FEMA plan that spawned the "Camps" (that <broken link removed> , right?) was designed to stop mass flows of Latin refugees, not necessarily Mexican, in the event of upheaval down south.

Our government has been waiting for Mexico and Latin America to collapse since the late 70's, when the drug lords took over most of the governments.

Look on the bright side: if Mexico collapses, and the government plan to contain the flow of refugees works, there will be no place to put those of us who won't buy healthcare!

Happy New Year!
C'mon, the President doesn't have the authority to do a LOT of what he's doing. Don't be naive about this guy, or his intentions, or those of his masters.

But the point I wanted to make was this:

The REX-84 FEMA plan that spawned the "Camps" (that <broken link removed> , right?) was designed to stop mass flows of Latin refugees, not necessarily Mexican, in the event of upheaval down south.

Our government has been waiting for Mexico and Latin America to collapse since the late 70's, when the drug lords took over most of the governments.

Look on the bright side: if Mexico collapses, and the government plan to contain the flow of refugees works, there will be no place to put those of us who won't buy healthcare!

Happy New Year!

So let me get this straight...we place the illegals in camps?...who's in Cancun?

Anybody want to vacation?:s0114:
All I ever see of Mexicans is a bunch of hard working MF'ers that make the average 20 year old white guy look like a lazy, self centered hedonist. They have close knit familys that stay together and help each other out, men who will humble themselves to sitting in a parking lot looking for work. While our fat asses sit at home collecting 2k a month on unemployment whining about the government not giving us a bigger hand out and bubbleguming that the Mexicans are take'n our jobs. They are everything we used to be 50 years ago. In a TEOTWAWKI situation the average mexican is probably going to have a lot more useful skills that the average white guy.

Before the Mexicans everyone hated the Japs before that the Pollocks, before that the Italians heck back in the 1850's it was the Irish and the funny thing is the arguments were exactly the same.
All I ever see of Mexicans is a bunch of hard working MF'ers that make the average 20 year old white guy look like a lazy, self centered hedonist. They have close knit familys that stay together and help each other out, men who will humble themselves to sitting in a parking lot looking for work. While our fat asses sit at home collecting 2k a month on unemployment whining about the government not giving us a bigger hand out and bubbleguming that the Mexicans are take'n our jobs. They are everything we used to be 50 years ago. In a TEOTWAWKI situation the average mexican is probably going to have a lot more useful skills that the average white guy.

Before the Mexicans everyone hated the Japs before that the Pollocks, before that the Italians heck back in the 1850's it was the Irish and the funny thing is the arguments were exactly the same.

Powersbj -

Thank you sir!

Also please include several generations of "the yellow peril",

Culminating in the Great SE Asian invasion of the NW post Vietnam,

Not to mention the black folks, who were brought to these great shores

In an incredible exercise of reverse immigration,

Generally known as slavery.............

Oh, gosh, forgot the Filipinos, and the Amish, and the Hutterites,

And the Mormons, and the Quakers, and the Shakers, and the

Gullah, and all the "indentured" Northern European slaves

Brought over to keep the early economic engine going.

Not to mention those despicable original sharecroppers

Of America, the infamous swarms of Red Indians.

What really keeps me awake at night, as I live not far South of

The Canadian border, is the imminent invasion

Of crazed Dukhobors, drunk on Borscht, naked, and bearing

Multiple Molotov cocktails

Never heard of these terrorists?

Here you go: <broken link removed>

And a good evening to all -


Everyone is missing a big point here.

Yes, I know I'm talking to the "There ain't no such thang' as climate change and there ain't no such thang as Peak Oil, dang blasted" crowd, but everyone here is missing a big point. No fault of anyone here; my colleagues within the intell. community back east are missing it too.

Mexico is the #3 oil exporter to the US. Their Canterall field is in a rapid, terminal production decline. They are less than two years away from being a net importer of oil.

See attached chart. From Mexico's own Energy Information Service, I might add. If anyone was going to BS anyone, wouldn't it be them? The rest of us oil researchers are familiar with the data from other sources.

Got to go. Packing for my next Active Duty gig

Last Edited:
Give me a break about that "they are only here to try and work so hard for a better life"
as I wont only pick them out as being on our welfare and using our medical system they are not just here to pick tomatoes, it's how they come here that is the problem as I tell my 5 year old "bad behavior is not rewarded" we have had this going on for so long and very little has been done to secure our borders that we really do not know who is here and that is a major issue put that together with the cartel and gangs like MS13 and we should be taking notice of whats going on in MEXICO.
It is going to get worse before it gets better! Gangs are sending mass numbers of new recruits to the Marine's and the Army to get combat training and then come back and train other's. When the bubblegum hits the fan and it will we are gonna be fighting heavily armed criminals who dont care weather or not they can leagaly carry a concealed weapon or weather or not they have "assault weapons". They are gonna be well trained and well armed and organized. We are going to backed into a corner trying to protect our family's, hoping the Local, State or Federal government will come to help us. They wont! The military is spread so thin if somthing was to go down in the continental US we would have a hard time taking care of it. I can not say how I feel about our Commander in Thief because I am active duty military but he has not done a danm thing to help this country. Local PD HA! look at Katrina. I am from 6 miles from the Rio Grande river in South Texas, I have seen the huge influx of illegal's over the last 30 years. I grew up with a hard working father and mother and one younger brother. We were barely middle class. My class mate's were from a family of a Father who may or may not work and a mother who was a house wife with multiple brothers and sisters. Me and my brother had hand me downs and Walmart brand clothes. My class mates had new clothes and were all name brands. My family had used busted up cars while my class mate's family drove Lexus and the like. Food stamps and Federal housing go a long way to keeping the lazy lazy and the poor poor. The middle class bare's it all on our shoulders... I hope we are all prepared for it when it happens.
the economic woes and corrupt government (mostly run by narcotraficantes, it seems) are only one possible motivator for the people of Mexico to rise up and say "ENOUGH already" . Many are getting fed up with having their lives controlled by others, by being killed, kidnapped, relocated, by thugs with power, and by being told what to drow. where to live, with whom they can associate.... all manner of control from the narcothugs who have over-run the place. Last figures I saw show more people killed outright by the druggies in just the past three years, than in the entire Iraq/Afghani war going back ten years, military and civilian combined. The people are weary of living like slaves. They have been disarmed, by law, for a LONG time, yet their oppressors have no end, and no limit, on the arms they carry and use. THAT is a real powderkeg, and is being exacerbated by the declining ability of earning money to send home working here in the US. Their government cares for and protects them not quite as well as ours does for us. Not well at all. Seems we may well be sitting on the lid of a powder keg with a short fuse.

And no, our current administration won't protect that border. He's a one world sort of gy.. which is strange, as he's not stopped to think ahead. Ance his part of the change goes down, he'll be done away with like last year's dirty dictator in some banana republic.... which we'll BE by then.

What it will come down to, and its hard to make an accurate assessment at this point, is how many Americans will stand up and fight for what is rightfully ours, despite the fact our own gummint is selling us down the river. I do think it likely we will be forbidden to take matters into our own hands, in regards defending our borders ourselves. We may well be seen as the problem to be eliminated if we do so. I am quite certain, though, that if that nation to our south DOES erupt, and it spills north into ours, it will be the end of what we now know and enjoy. Not everyone will sit down, shut up, and say "yes, sir, anything you say, sir" when that time comes. Of course, by then the legal recourse to deal with treason artists will be done away with, as martial law will rule. Another thing these guys have failed to consider, though.... (I mean, our own "protectors" whill become our oppressors) is this: when chaos ensues, WHO will be paying the wages of those "on duty" to oppress us, control us, restrict us? They won't have any more tax revenue then.... and thousands of cops and military will want to eat, and get their wages.

No telling what might come down, but the possibilities are not looking good. Annyone know how things are going down in Argentina? I've heard their economy is back on track..... things are growing and developing there after their bank crashes and runaway inflation.

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