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The history nerd in me would love to retrace George F. Ruxton's 1846-47 jaunt through Mexico to the Rocky Mountains.
He went from Vera Cruz all the way up to Taos and the South Park / Bent's Fort domain / area.
Mostly he traveled alone or with only two or three others and this through bandit and Comanche country.
*SIGH* All it take is time and money... ;)
We need to send these morons to Cuba and see how much they enjoy life in the "Socialist's Paradise".
And then put sharks with frickin' lasers mounted on their heads around the whole island... IMG_5283.JPG
You don't like it when people don't agree with you, and just another post proving so.
Have you been recently? Our factory is there. An impressive one at that where we build some of the finiest comercial and industrial HVAC units to be found. I'm talking about package air handling systems the size of a house, and we do it all day long 24/7. Our Electrical and Mechanical and Refrigeration Engineers are well qualified 'Mexicans'. My perspective on a lot of the drivel I personally have been spoon fed in the past has changed considerably.

Intelligent, highly qualified Mexicans cranking out $20-mil per month from a gigantic factory in TJ means something....and it doesn't mean drunk Mexicans and donkey shows...I can assure you of that.
I speak enough Spanish and enjoy the culture. What you have to understand is that the food, culture and the sights are something special. (You can't watch the bullfights in the USVI).

Aren't you the enlightened ones! They have changed Tijuana so much that you wouldn't recognize some aspects of the community. New waste water treatment plants, improved plumbing. The police are under a great deal more scrutiny. They don't get by with what they did ten years ago. It sounds as if most of you are living in the past. If you keep your head out of your rectal orifice, you can enjoy yourself at about 1/4 the cost of going anywhere else.

Since I don't drink, I get a lot more "bang for my buck".

You know, my dad didn't want me to take German in high school.....He said "Spanish is what you'll need to know in the future". I didn't listen, didn't take German either! I really wish I'd taken, and actually LEARNED Spanish! I could understand what all those folks are saying, order food in Spanish, and, if they were making fun of me when I hear the Hispanic's talking to each other!:D

Going to TJ, not for me. Mainly because that "Adventurous" side of me has gone away some years ago. Also the money it would take to go there is already used up for our preferred vacation every year. I don't really have the desire to go out of country at all. For me there are so many little canyons, towns, highways, roads, that I've never seen that I want to see, right here in America. I don't much want to go places where a whole bunch of people go to see things. Bull fights are probably not my thing, but I wouldn't mind watching one. Hell, how many hunters shoot and mortally wound a deer/elk and and have to track it for a half a mile while it slowly bleeds to death? That's not inhumane?

After reading your first post here I decided to take a trip to TJ, VIA Google Earth/Maps. I checked things out along the border all the way to El paso! What A different fricken world that looks like down there! I haven't been anywhere desert like except the high desert across Southern Idaho since before 1983.

Captain O, at our age if we have something that puts us in our special place, we NEED to do that. I'm envious of your enthusiasm to get out and do something like this! And don't let any website staffers get to ya'. Sounds like "Time O' the Month" for some here. Maybe it's the Christmas doldrums or something. When you get that trip be sure and take some pics to show here. I'm sure some will appreciate them.
You know, my dad didn't want me to take German in high school.....He said "Spanish is what you'll need to know in the future". I didn't listen, didn't take German either! I really wish I'd taken, and actually LEARNED Spanish! I could understand what all those folks are saying, order food in Spanish, and, if they were making fun of me when I hear the Hispanic's talking to each other!:D

For myself, I just listen for "Loco gringo" and I know they are talking about me!
Have you been recently? Our factory is there. An impressive one at that where we build some of the finiest comercial and industrial HVAC units to be found. I'm talking about package air handling systems the size of a house, and we do it all day long 24/7. Our Electrical and Mechanical and Refrigeration Engineers are well qualified 'Mexicans'. My perspective on a lot of the drivel I personally have been spoon fed in the past has changed considerably.

Intelligent, highly qualified Mexicans cranking out $20-mil per month from a gigantic factory in TJ means something....and it doesn't mean drunk Mexicans and donkey shows...I can assure you of that.

No I haven't. And I never said it was a bad place to go. I just personally have no desire to travel there. :)
Glad to hear things are cleaning up in Tijuana. It got pretty dangerous in the 90's, and even the cops had a nasty reputation.

Before that, when I was still taking vacationing friends there, I would remind them that they hadn't really "seen Mexico," just a hustling border town.

I believe Carlos Santana is originally from TJ.
Glad to hear things are cleaning up in Tijuana. It got pretty dangerous in the 90's, and even the cops had a nasty reputation.

Before that, when I was still taking vacationing friends there, I would remind them that they hadn't really "seen Mexico," just a hustling border town.

I believe Carlos Santana is originally from TJ.
I agree with you in that you haven't experienced the "real Mexico" until you have left the outskirts of those border and tourist towns. Anyone who spends a week bar hopping in Puerto Vallarta hasn't really "seen Mexico". I also think that it's a lot safer outside those kinds of towns (unless you get deep into some cartels poppy fields or something..) scammers and criminals who make their living by taking advantage of unsuspecting tourists naturally gravitate to those kinds of places.
This coming from a nation that can't tolerate the culture that they either don't understand or can't share. You can eat red meat, but can't stand to see man and beast face each other.

It's not about killing the bull, but about the dance of death that can go either one way or the other.

Football, basketball, soccer, baseball... No risk of death is involved. They are all about men dressing up in uniforms and playing with balls. Men being paid ridiculous sums of money for a little "rough and tumble" on the field, being paid tons of cash for endorsements. Pansies!

I have seen a Torero gored in the leg, and thrown into the air, only to arise, and dispatch the bull! (I doubt any football player would have the courage to take such a risk).

I get enough life and death at work. I've seen someone's s head look like a deflated balloon with his brains spread on the pavement. I don't need any more blood, especially for "sport". Their culture may value that and it's their right I guess, but it certainly doesn't mean I have to patronize it.
You know, my dad didn't want me to take German in high school.....He said "Spanish is what you'll need to know in the future". I didn't listen, didn't take German either! I really wish I'd taken, and actually LEARNED Spanish! I could understand what all those folks are saying, order food in Spanish, and, if they were making fun of me when I hear the Hispanic's talking to each other!:D

Going to TJ, not for me. Mainly because that "Adventurous" side of me has gone away some years ago. Also the money it would take to go there is already used up for our preferred vacation every year. I don't really have the desire to go out of country at all. For me there are so many little canyons, towns, highways, roads, that I've never seen that I want to see, right here in America. I don't much want to go places where a whole bunch of people go to see things. Bull fights are probably not my thing, but I wouldn't mind watching one. Hell, how many hunters shoot and mortally wound a deer/elk and and have to track it for a half a mile while it slowly bleeds to death? That's not inhumane?

After reading your first post here I decided to take a trip to TJ, VIA Google Earth/Maps. I checked things out along the border all the way to El paso! What A different fricken world that looks like down there! I haven't been anywhere desert like except the high desert across Southern Idaho since before 1983.

Captain O, at our age if we have something that puts us in our special place, we NEED to do that. I'm envious of your enthusiasm to get out and do something like this! And don't let any website staffers get to ya'. Sounds like "Time O' the Month" for some here. Maybe it's the Christmas doldrums or something. When you get that trip be sure and take some pics to show here. I'm sure some will appreciate them.

Its not about time-o-the-month for anyone. Start a thread called "Is anyone else afraid to go to Tijuana" to get people out of the woodwork and then ridicule them with some stretch of the imagination that Tijuana is the next site for a Sandals resort.

If the thread title was "God, I F***ing LOVE Tijuana", I would have just moved on.
So what you're saying is.... I can get FOUR fried chickens, dry white toast, and a coke... for the price of one?


I love that movie:

WAITRESS: Can I help you boys?
ELWOOD: Got any white bread?
ELWOOD: I'd like some toasted white bread, please.
WAITRESS: You want some butter or jam on that toast, honey?
ELWOOD: No, ma'am, dry.
JAKE: You got any fried chicken?
WAITRESS: Best damned chicken in the state.
JAKE: Bring me four fried chickens and a Coke.
WAITRESS: You want chicken wings or chicken legs?
JAKE: I want four fried chickens and a coke.
ELWOOD: And some dry white toast, please.
The Waitress looks at them as if they're crazy, but shakes her head resigned.
WAITRESS: You want anything to drink, honey?
ELWOOD: No, ma'am.
JAKE: A Coke.
WAITRESS: And four fried chickens -- I know, I know. It'll be up in a minute.
She goes back into the kitchen.
WAITRESS: We got two honkies out there dressed like Hasidic diamond merchants.
MATT: Say what?
WAITRESS: They look like they're from the CIA or something.
MATT: What'd they want to eat?
WAITRESS: The tall one wants white bread toast with nothing on it.
MATT: (whispers) Elwood....
WAITRESS: And the other one wants four whole fried chickens and a Coke.
MATT: (aloud) ...and Jake! bubblegum, the Blues Brothers!
Its not about time-o-the-month for anyone. Start a thread called "Is anyone else afraid to go to Tijuana" to get people out of the woodwork and then ridicule them with some stretch of the imagination that Tijuana is the next site for a Sandals resort.

If the thread title was "God, I F***ing LOVE Tijuana", I would have just moved on.

I went back and read your posts. You weren't one of the folks I might have been thinking of when I posted. Sorry if you thought so. :(

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