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The stupid thing is; those making the laws don't know anything about firearm safety so they have to say "approved" class. There is no national set of safety rules and no qualifications for instructors. If anything, the NRA is the closest thing but these lawmakers don't want to mention them.

I grew up shooting/hunting and followed basic safety rules, ie. assume firearm is always loaded, make sure of backstop, etc. including several of my own:
  • assume every firearm has no safety,
  • never shoot over water,
  • always empty the chamber (open bolt) and point a firearm safely away when needing to place it somewhere away from hands (climbing fences, watering a tree, etc.),
  • always handle the firearms last like when getting out of the car and first when getting into a car, ie. make sure hands are free and not fumbling with other equipment,
  • bring all firearms with you when out boating. You may never know when the need for an accident arises.
You can put a fully automatic weapon, rocket launcher, howitzer,Abrams tank in the hands of a 18 year old in the armed forces but they cannot buy a ruger 10-22 in the state of Washington. This is the biggest load of horse s-it so far. I don't believe the voters understood what they voted for
I still firmly believe that, if a person cannot purchase or possess a firearm until they are 21, they must be considered incompetent to vote until they are 21!

This country has a nasty habit of adjusting the specific age of "adulthood" to suit the situation. IMO we should just pick an age, below that you are a child-above it you are not. Simple and fair. I don't care if the age is 18, 21 or higher, but until you hit it, you will have none of the privileges or responsibilities or adulthood.

If that means you can't vote or own a gun till age 25, OK, but you can't be drafted or put on trial as an adult either.
I find it amazing that I have been operating guns, mostly bolt actions and handguns, since the age of 8 and currently 36 and a law like this would be implemented. I don't necessarily disagree with safety classes but in my situation a safety class would be a tactical class. Granted, new weapon owners, and I mean "new," the majority of it is obvious safety: 1: never put your finger on the trigger till your target is acquired or point the weapon at anyone unless it is a life threatening or potential harm situation. 2: treat every weapon as if it were loaded in reference to rule 1. 3: Respect the weapon, do not fear it; it can end your life as fast it can end a life (which I have also transferred to my electrical knowledge). Learned all this from my dad, a Marine, who kept them in the house for the same reasons I will which, short and simple, better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.

The only reason why "safety" classes are remotely needed is because so many people for multiple generations have strayed from American values (gun usage being one of them) when the whole family can teach you how to handle a gun safely from an early age, you don't need some doofus teaching a class to tell you how they work.
Dad bought me a 22 when i turned 15, was shooting his marlin 32 winchester special at 14. If he found a bullet hole in something and it wasn't supposed to be there he would have broke the gun over my head. I guess this was the time of common sense
Dad bought me a 22 when i turned 15, was shooting his marlin 32 winchester special at 14. If he found a bullet hole in something and it wasn't supposed to be there he would have broke the gun over my head. I guess this was the time of common sense

Exactly, my dad told me at 8 that if I killed something while hunting, that I'd better eat it. Crow is very distasteful, ask me how I know???:oops:

You are correct that the last 2-3 generations have been neutered when it comes to traditional family gun handling and safety.
Dad also kept his guns standing in the corner of his bedroom. You did not touch them period. There never was an accident involving guns. Dad told me the first accident with a gun would result in my guns sawed in half with a band saw then he would beat me with it. The stuff you hear about now is almost un believable.
The only reason why "safety" classes are remotely needed is because so many people for multiple generations have strayed from American values (gun usage being one of them) when the whole family can teach you how to handle a gun safely from an early age, you don't need some doofus teaching a class to tell you how they work.
I concur. I would like to think people with conceal carry licenses would be automatically not required to take this class. For jokes puproses; many of us haven't accidently put holes in ourselves yet.
Dad also kept his guns standing in the corner of his bedroom. You did not touch them period. There never was an accident involving guns. Dad told me the first accident with a gun would result in my guns sawed in half with a band saw then he would beat me with it. The stuff you hear about now is almost un believable.
That sounds so familiar. Was your dad also a Marine?
No, dad worked in the woods in his younger years( logging camps ) back then the camps were full of drinkers, fighters. He quit drinking long ago, got to old to fight, died in 88.born 1919. The mean however stuck with him. I remember mom telling me dad came home drunk, said he was going to shoot himself. He grabbed his 32 win special marlin, went outside, mom heard a shot, she thought he blew his head off. Dad came back in and said he was to drunk and he missed. Now that's mean
The "feelings" that being 18-21 means someone is not mature enough to own semi-auto rifles, or pistols shows just how far we have fallen as a society.

Pampering adolescents, demanding no responsibility from them, and wondering why they continue to act like "children"
It's really sad. Yet we have no problem sending them off to foreign lands to take care of bad guys.
They're scared. The national media floods their awareness with mass shootings. The local media showcases local shootings. All showing terrible shootings happening to the average Joe. The anti-gun folks, who are truly ignorant about firearms, are afraid the events in those news reports could happen to them.

It goes against their moral superiority and instead trying to understand firearm owners, they lash out in their righteous anger directly to their lawmakers, "Why should I be afraid? Its [firearm owners] that should give up their guns!"

Then there are others who do their research, take training and ultimately become firearm owner themselves. Instead of pointing fingers at others, they empower themselves instead.
INITIATIVE 1639 (unofficial edit)

Initiative 1639: Frequently Asked Questions and the answers no one asked for.
In November 2018, Washingtonians overwhelmingly (if you include ineligible voters; including but not limited to deceased individuals, felons, and invalid duplicate/multiple votes) forced Initiative 1639 down our throats, which made a number of (illegal changes to) see: Washington state constitution and the 9.41 R.C.W. to Washington's firearms laws. The FAQs provided here answer questions that no one asked for and have come to our attention regarding this important public nuisance measure.
For more specific answers and clarification about how the provisions of Initiative 1639 might apply to you and your specific situation, you are encouraged to consult the fake law itself and/or legal counsel (because you may be put in jail for something that was completely legal a few days ago). The propaganda of Initiative 1639 can be found here. The language of the initiative has been slipped in in the dark of night and forced (see: round peg/square hole) in Washington law in several sections of Chapter 9.41 RCW. If you do not know an attorney in your area, you may be able to find help through the Washington State Bar Association here (Who are in on the con). Considering 1639 violated ballot initiative rules and was overturned by a legitimate Judge but then illegally reinstated by a corrupt rouge judicial body. You can understand why you have little chance of fair representation. Big Bother is your friend.

When do the provisions of Initiative 1639 take effect?
Do I still need to comply with the requirements of Initiative 1639 even though there's a lawsuit challenging the law?
Can my police chief or county sheriff refuse to administer enhanced background checks under Initiative 1639?
Do sheriffs and police chiefs have discretion on how to prioritize their resources?
What are the new requirements for background checks for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic assault rifles?
Does Initiative 1639 require that I keep my firearm in secure storage?
Does Initiative 1639 require law enforcement to come to my house to make sure I'm storing my firearm properly?
Does Initiative 1639 make me liable if my firearm is stolen and used in a crime?
What is secure storage?
Does Initiative 1639 require firearms safety training?
Does Initiative 1639 require firearms dealers to offer patrons secure gun storage?
What safe storage warnings does Initiative 1639 require firearms dealers give to patrons?
What are the new requirements for purchasing, selling or transferring a semiautomatic assault rifle?
What information must be provided to the dealer by a potential purchaser in the application for purchasing or transferring a semiautomatic assault rifle?
Do Washington's background check requirements violate privacy protections for firearms purchasers' medical information such as HIPAA?
What is the role of the Attorney General's Office with regard to Initiative 1639?

When do the provisions of Initiative 1639 take effect?
Effective January 1, 2019 the new propaganda law
Makes it illegal for a person under 21 years of age to buy a semiautomatic (yes we know it's a false definition, meant to scare the public into misunderstanding what is being banned. No we don't care.) "assault" rifle. (So technically this law is limiting the use of a nonexistent item, how cool! semiauto and assault are an oxy-moron, kind of like our Hero A.O.C.). So yea carry on. If you want to be "technically correct" but not morally (by our standards) the definition of an Assault rifle: select fire weapon where by the activation of the trigger can fire multiple rounds or single rounds, but is able to fire "full auto" holding the trigger down continually firing the weapon until it is empty. Also, an assault rifle is defined as being a "midrange caliber" carbine, not a standard rifle cartridge firing weapon. Such a rifle would be defined as a Battle rifle. Again your Logic is Racist, Misogynist, homophobic, anti-Islam and doesn't address our feelings. This same under 21-year-old person can however, fight and die for his or her Country (while using a real assault rifle by the way) but can-not be trusted to purchase a semiautomatic rifle for food, sport or protection on the civilian market. Some call this ironic, yet tragic, but hey fewer people that can be self-reliant the better. For that 1/1,000,000th of a percent chance you will encounter someone using one illegally to murder people then we are pretending to protect you. Unless you only owned a semiautomatic rifle for protection and this same insane person attacks you, but you had to turn in your lawfully owned rifle so now you are dead. Oops sorry.
Makes it illegal for any person to sell or transfer a semiautomatic (see real definition above) "assault" rifle to a person under age 21 even if he or she has used one. Owned one, and can shoot one much better than most civilians, because they were trained in its use and operation. Yea, we just don't trust those people. So, someone who is 20years and 364 days old can't be trusted with this weapon no matter what. However, the next day "it's a miracle" they have seen the light and are now responsible enough to exercise their Second amendment rights. What a difference a day makes eh? Because, you know…its 2019.
Allows a person between the ages of 18 and 21 to possess a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle: for now. We will pick it up later (you know, death of a thousand cuts, take away your rights a little at a time. that sort of thing.)
"Allows" (meaning: if it pleases our Majesty, until I change my mind and want to take away more of your God given rights) i.e. despite the law of the land that states this is a God given right and not one granted by any government, we are going to "allow" 18 to 21-year-old people to have (very) limited access to their own property. But don't think for a second we are going to let you have any MORE guns. You just might get the idea we don't have total control over you.
In the person's residence or fixed place of business; If you live in an apartment or shared accommodations you are just S.O.L.
On real property under his or her control; If you go to work, then we might just come in and get it when you leave. We are the Government we are here to help (ourselves)
When engaging in, or travel to or from, a lawful (we decide this of course) outdoor recreational activity; or communist party meeting.
When engaging in target shooting at an established, authorized range (None of those around here); or
If the semiautomatic "a-ssaulty" (see REAL definition above) rifle is unloaded and either in secure gun storage or secured with a trigger lock for the specific purpose of (i) moving to a new residence; (ii) traveling between the person's residence and real property under his or her control; or (iii) legally selling or transferring the firearm. Because if you need this Firearm to defend yourself or your family it doesn't make sense for us to let you use a semiautomatic rifle to prevent any crimes because this would undercut our narrative that somehow semiautomatic rifles are inherently "more evil" than statistics show.
All of the other provisions in the law take effect on July 1, 2019 including: Incremental change is best so you don't notice the violations to your rights until it's to late. Think of a frog in a pot of water, don't drop the frog in when the pot is boiling. Put the poor dumb creature in cold water then turn it up until he cooks!
Enhanced background check and waiting period requirements for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic "assault" (do we really need to say it?) rifles. Click here for more information on background checks.
Training requirements to purchase a semiautomatic "assault" (no this is not a real definition. It sounds scary though doesn't it.) rifle. Click here for more information on training requirements.
Criminal liability for failure to safely secure a firearm under certain conditions. Click here for more information on storage requirements. So we can't make it mandatory (yet) to force you to disassemble your firearms and lock it away where you are unable to reach it to defend yourself or your family. We can however punish you for someone else's crimes of violence and stealing your property to commit said violence, because it's much, much easier to blame the victim of a crime then it is to solve or even attempt to address crime logically. Nobody got time for dat! That sounds like work.
Safety warning and safe storage requirements for dealers. Click here for more information on storage requirements for dealers. Because all criminals read warnings before committing crime. Lol.

Do I still need to comply with the requirements of Initiative 1639 even though there's a lawsuit challenging the law?
Yes. Initiative 1639 was adopted by nearly 60% of Washington voters (the dead, the criminal, and all illegal voter votes count.) in November 2018. This law, like any other, is presumed constitutional (by Morons, Brain dead bureaucrats and Fascists) and in force unless a court rules otherwise. No court has held any part of Initiative 1639 unconstitutional. Because Most if not all Judges in Washington State are bought and paid for by us. Although there is a lawsuit challenging certain provisions of the law (like it's unconstitionality and complete and utter lack of logic), the court has not yet ruled on any issues in the case. A ruling is not expected for some time. Consequently, a failure to comply with the law could result in criminal and/or civil liability. It gives us time to take your property, throw you in jail or at the very least silence dissenting opinion. (Hey who let this guy in here! Guns are bad mm-kay.)

Can my police chief or county sheriff refuse to administer enhanced background checks under Initiative 1639?
Effective July 1, 2019, when a person is attempting to purchase a semiautomatic "assault" (really? Just stop it) rifle the chief of police or sheriff where the purchaser lives is required by law to perform an enhanced background check "you wave your rights" whether you want to or not. The purpose of the enhanced background check is to determine whether the person is legally eligible to possess a firearm. So lets see how many other Constitutional rights we can violate. The 4th amendment? The 5th? Bonus points for creative ways we can violate your God given human rights. HIPAA rights? pish posh we know what's best for you! You think you have the right to self-defense? Silly citizen, civil rights are for those in charge. You are a serf, you should know your place! HIPAA right you don't need no "stinkin" HIPAA rights!
State law provides immunity to local law enforcement officers unless they disobey their masters then we drop the hammer on-um!(see above: only those in charge are to be trusted) who run these checks in good/bad faith eh, whatever. In the event a police chief or sheriff refuses to perform the enhanced background check required by Initiative 1639, they could (who are we kidding. WILL BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE) be held liable (we'll have none of our minions thinking for themselves thank you very much!) if there is a sale or transfer of a firearm to a dangerous individual (i.e. anyone who disagrees with us) prohibited from possessing a firearm and that individual uses that firearm to do harm ( to any protected class of people) or simply having a gun for self-defense (not on our watch buddy) . In that case, the taxpayers of the city or county would assume the financial risk from the official's decision. He says; rubbing his hands together, the greed barely contained as he lets the mask of benevolence fall away from his fevered brow for just a second.

Do sheriffs and police chiefs have discretion on how to prioritize their resources?
Generally speaking, law enforcement officials have broad discretion to set their own priorities (unless they disagree with us.) and target their staff and resources where investigation and enforcement is most needed. Often those decisions are based on (common sense? read: whatever we say it means) and the specific circumstances of a given case (plausible deniability: In case one of our own gets caught breaking the law). Slow rolling proceeds are encouraged however. The background checks required by Initiative 1639 are not discretionary (but, nowhere does it say we have to do it in a timely manner)-- the law requires that law enforcement agencies perform these checks. It is their duty (do what we say not what we do). Of course we get 24/7 armed protection because we are so much more important than you. Need we remind you, you are a peasant. Duh!

What are the new requirements for background checks for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifles?
Firearm sales by federally licensed firearm dealers have long been subject to background checks. In 2014, the people of the state of Washington overwhelmingly including, the dead, felons, and anyone from any other country voted to extend this background check requirement to private gun sales and transfers. The legal challenge to that initiative failed.
In addition, enhanced background checks of state records have long been required for pistol sales or transfers. Local law enforcement officials perform these enhanced background checks. These enhanced background checks include searches for outstanding warrants in the Washington State Patrol electronic database. They also include mental health checks with the Washington State Health Care Authority, such as records of individuals found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. According to the Health Care Authority, these mental health checks result in approximately 400 denials per year.
Beginning July 1, 2019, Initiative 1639 requires enhanced background checks for sales or transfers of semiautomatic bubblegum-aulty (he..he) rifles as well. The chief of police or sheriff must provide written notice to the dealer whether the purchaser is eligible to possess a semiautomatic assault rifle and whether the application to purchase is approved. Oh, you didn't know you give up your rights to privacy when you purchase a tool for self-defense? You think that's air you are breathing? Hmmm. Don't worry we require criminals to follow the rules too. It's not our fault they don't listen.

Does Initiative 1639 require that I keep my firearm in secure storage?
No. But if we think we can punish you as one of those GUN people, we will figure a way to blame you for the actions of another. The new law doesn't directly require that a firearm be stored in a particular place or in a particular way. Because, we couldn't punish our political enemies if it was clearly defined. So, we can trap you after the fact, after you have been violated, we will further violate and punish you. We'll make it seem like you wanted them to steal your stuff. After all, look at the way you talk about the gun culture and the provocative cloths you wear, the people you hang out with. Do you wear a MAGA hat? You had it coming sister.
But if your firearm is not in secure storage, and you knew or reasonably should have known (or we randomly determine that the firearm could be accessed by someone who is prohibited from possessing a firearm, such as a child (or gang members under 18 years old.), or that meth addict down the street. Under some (determined by us) circumstances you may be charged with a crime. Even though we told you the above new law doesn't directly require safe storage. "At our discretion" is such a wonderful tool for controlling the peasantry.
Effective July 1, 2019, a person who fails to securely store a firearm could be charged with a felony if a person who is legally ineligible to possess a firearm uses it to injure or kill themselves (if you kill yourself we will put you in jail!) or someone else. But remember the new law doesn't directly require that firearms be stored in a particular place. So, go ahead put it somewhere we can find it. (when it comes time for confiscation we can find it easier that way.)
Effective July 1, 2019, a person who fails to securely store a firearm could be charged with a gross misdemeanor if a prohibited person discharges it and uses the firearm: So lock it away and disassemble it so you cant use it for defense (remember; "you had it commin")
In a way that shows intent to intimidate someone or that warrants alarm for the safety of others, or (Open carry is provocative and so 1990s just don't do it, or else)
In the commission of a crime. Duh!
The new safe storage requirements are not violated:
If the firearm was in secure gun storage or was secured with a trigger lock or similar device; or You are "one of us"
If the person is ineligible to possess because of age but the access is with parental permission and under adult supervision; or you are "one of us"
In cases of self-defense; or you are "one of us"
If the person who is ineligible to possess the firearm:
Obtains it through unlawful entry, and
The unauthorized access or theft is reported to law enforcement within five days (weekends and holidays included) of the time the owner knew or should (we'll nail you on this one) have known that the firearm had been taken. Or if the person stealing it was sent by us and gets caught, then he is ok, you are still in trouble though.

Does Initiative 1639 require law enforcement to come to my house to make sure I'm storing my firearm properly?
No. The new law doesn't require that a firearm be stored in a particular place or in a particular way.
See above for the catch 22.
There are strict constitutional limits on when law enforcement can enter your home (for now, but we are working on it.). Which we are working on taking away from you.

Does Initiative 1639 make me liable if my firearm is stolen and used in a crime?
/\Yes/No/maybe, not if you report it as stolen. The new law specifically provides an exemption from the storage requirement for a firearms owner if their firearm is taken from them: but if they knew it was taken.
Through unlawful entry, Duh! and
The unauthorized access or theft is reported to law enforcement within five days of the time the owner knew or should (our determination) have known that the firearm had been taken.
Or if it happens to one us. Then it's all good.

What is secure storage?
Effective July 1, 2019, Washington law defines "secure gun storage" as
A locked box, gun safe, or other secure locked storage space that is designed to prevent unauthorized use or discharge of a firearm; and
The act of keeping an unloaded firearm stored by such means. Because loading it would skew the statistics in favor of gun ownership and make you safer.
  • Whatever we say it is (we reserve the right to change it at a moments notice)
Does Initiative 1639 require firearms safety training?
Yes, but the training requirement only applies to purchases of semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifles after July 1, 2019.
Owners of semiautomatic assault rifles who obtained their firearm before July 1, 2019 are not required to have training. So far (we are working on it)
The training requirement does not apply to other types of firearms. So far (we are working on it)
After June 30, 2019, before delivering a semiautomatic assault rifle to a purchaser, a dealer must be provided proof that the purchaser has completed a recognized firearm safety training program within the past five years, which we have not defined, But rest assured it will be very hard to find one and then qualify for it, oh also very expensive. Just sayin.
The proof of training must be in the form of a certification that declares under the penalty of perjury that the training included minimum requirements prescribed in the law. Which will be defined by us and will change over time and must be requalified for.
The training must be sponsored by a federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency, a college or university, a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or a firearms training school with certified instructors. But not anything that is NRA associated
The training must include instruction on:
Basic firearms safety rules; As if we know what that is.
Firearms and children, including secure gun storage and talking to children about gun safety; Guns are bad mm-kay
Firearms and suicide prevention; Virtue signaling and victimhood, how to sue firearms manufacturers, etc.
Secure gun storage to prevent unauthorized access and use; But we are not defining what that is remember?
Safe handling of firearms; and Scream and shout, run in circles, hold your breath until the evil gun goes away.
State and federal firearms laws, including prohibited firearms transfers. Whatever we throw at the wall to see if it sticks. Just remember 9 out of 10 criminals prefer strong gun control.
What happened to the tenth criminal, oh he got shot trying to rob and rape someone.

Does Initiative 1639 require firearms dealers to offer patrons secure gun storage?
Effective July 1, 2019, every registered firearms dealer is required to offer to sell or give the purchaser or transferee of any firearm a secure gun storage device or trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unauthorized use or discharge of the firearm or the ability to use it in defense situations. (So, go ahead and claim they didn't offer one so we can shut them down) A failure to do so could result in the dealer being subject to a civil infraction, and more money in our pockets.

What safe storage warnings does Initiative 1639 require firearms dealers give to patrons?
Effective July 1, 2019, every registered firearms dealer is required to:
Post a warning sign in block letters at least one inch in height; and Pledge allegiance to the Socialist party of America.
Deliver a written warning to any firearms purchaser or transferee in block letters no less than ¼ inch in height. (we will be introducing requirements that every gun must have a warning label that states; GUNS are BAD mm-KAY!)
The warning sign and written warning must say:
A failure to give the warnings could result in the dealer being subject to a civil infraction. Fined and flogged, tarred and feathered (oh, wait. Not yet. We are working on it.)

What are the new requirements for purchasing, selling or transferring a semiautomatic assault rifle?
Certain existing laws that applied only to pistols were expanded by Initiative 1639 to also apply to semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifles. ( like .22 semi-auto rifles 'cause they are so much more dangerous than a 30-06 hunting rifle)This includes the enhanced background check requirement. Click here for more information on enhanced background checks. We made it harder for law abiding citizens to exercise their 2nd amendment rights, because reasons. "Like, you know" gun owners and criminals are the same, right?
After July 1, 2019, before delivering a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle to a purchaser:
The dealer must receive a complete application from the potential purchaser. (Click here for more information on application requirements); and a blood, stool, and urine sample will be next on the list.
The dealer must be provided proof that the purchaser has completed a recognized firearms safety training program within the past five years. Or be one of us, in which case we don't need to go through any of this nonsense. (Click here for more information on training requirements); and
The dealer must initiate an enhanced background check with the police chief or sheriff where the purchaser resides. Which can and will get lost in transit at which time you will have to reapply, and pay the $25 fee again(Click here for more information on enhanced background checks); and
Ten days must have elapsed from the date of the purchase application or, in the case of a transfer, ten business days from the date a background check is initiated. (ten business days means we add our coffee breaks, vacation days, and mental health days. So, don't hold your breath.)
Unless an exception applies, a firearms dealer can be criminally charged for selling or transferring a firearm to a purchaser without first complying with the law regarding background checks, or for delivering a firearm to a person whom he or she has reasonable cause to believe is ineligible to possess a firearm. (Or is forced to by us, can you say; Fast and Furious.) RCW 9.41.080.
After July 1, 2019, state law prohibits anyone who is not a resident of Washington from buying a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle in Washington. We are going from nearly impossible to defend yourself to a crime to defend yourself…you are welcome!

What information must be provided to the dealer by a potential purchaser in the application for purchasing or transferring a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle?
Initiative 1639 changed certain existing laws that applied only to pistols and expanded those requirements to semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifles. Effective July 1, 2019, at the time of applying for the purchase of a pistol or semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle, the purchaser must fill out and sign (in blood) an application containing:
The applicant's name, residential address, date and place of birth, race (that's racist), gender (how dare you ask this), and driver's license or state identification card number; communist party documentation, papers please.
The date and hour of the application; imbedded ID chip inserted rectally at time of application.
A description of the firearm including the make, model, caliber and manufacturer's number, color, any donations to the NRA noted and recorded.
A statement that the purchaser is eligible to purchase and possess a firearm under state and federal law; and a urine sample, blood sample, urine sample, medical records, psychology evaluation, communist party allegiance declaration.
If a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle is being purchased, a certified statement that the applicant is not a NRA member and has completed an eligible indoctrination program within the last five years. Click here for more information on indoctrination requirements.
If a manufacturer's number is not available at the time of the application, the application can still be processed but delivery of the pistol or semiautomatic assault rifle cannot occur until a number is recorded and transmitted to the chief of police or sheriff in the jurisdiction where the purchaser resides in case a lawsuit is required against the manufacturer of the firearm.
The application must contain certain required warnings about ineligibility to possess firearms and risks associated with firearms in the home. California DOJ approved with warning labels on every side of the firearm.

Do Washington's background check requirements violate privacy protections for firearms purchasers' medical information such as HIPAA? Rights, no you give those up or you don't get to exercise your rights under the constitution.
Yes/No. Under Washington law, a signed application to purchase a pistol now constitutes a waiver (whether you agree or not) of confidentiality and written request that the Health Care Authority, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities release, (we will also be checking with your co-workers, neighbors and Facebook activity to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency, information relevant to the applicant's eligibility to purchase a pistol. Effective July 1, 2019, that waiver of confidentiality provision is expanded to include applications to purchase a semiautomatic a-ssaulty rifle. Our Safety first!

What is the role of the Attorney General's Office with regard to Initiative 1639?
It is our practice to provide members of the public with disinformation of a general nature whenever possible, and therefore we cannot provide real advice to private individuals or business owners. That would be being helpful. We are not in the business of being helpful. We (the one ring) are here to rule them all.
When an initiative is placed on the ballot, the Attorney General is required by law to prepare an Explanatory Statement. But it does not have to make sense, or in fact be legal, we just make this bubblegum up as we go along. The Attorney General's Statement that was included in the Voter's Pamphlet with Initiative 1639 may provide you with some useless information if you are gullible enough to swallow the propaganda we spew.
Once voters (or our voting bots) pass an initiative, the Attorney General's Office has three primary roles:
Provide legal advice to our state agency clients that have a new or expanded role under the initiative or whose operations are affected by the initiative; and creative ways to limit individuals rights.
Uphold the will of the voters who agree with us and defend the initiative against lawsuits; by the likes of gun owner advocasy groups or anyone who gets in our way.
Provide answers in response to a request for an Attorney General opinion by select Main stream media and representatives of the deep state. An opinion represents the Attorney General's official interpretation on a point of law. Opinions are not issued at the request of private individuals. Don't you dare ask, you peasant. Only the following people can request an opinion:
Members of the Washington State Legislature;
Statewide elected officials;
Appointed heads of state agencies, boards, or commissions; or
County prosecuting attorneys.
Our puppet masters
The Washington Attorney General's Office issues official opinions on questions of law and our interpretation of what is right and wrong. Remember 2+2=5 when requested to do so by these designated public officials on issues that arise in the course of their duties. The opinions are not binding but can be given "great weight" with financial incentive by courts. Opinions are not issued on every topic, but the office has issued opinions related against firearms owners.
To date, our office has not received any opinion requests regarding Initiative 1639
That we deem important enough to disturb our coffee break. So, quit bugging us.
WE are the government we are here to help (ourselves)

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