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We have and will always appreciate feedback from our community, and we hear you and your suggestions for us to make more powder. With this post, our goal is to clear up several items and dispel misinformation.


We wish it were that simple - what we have experienced since 2020 is a demand issue and not a supply issue. The reality is we are doing everything possible to maximize shipments to our customers, including running overtime in production, packaging and shipping areas and working with our shipping partners to add new inbound and outbound shipping options. We are absolutely shipping more powder to our customers.

The issue is this powder is quickly purchased when our retailers place it on store shelves or on their websites. Hodgdon will continue to ship powder, but the inventory situation will likely continue until demand begins to normalize.


A new powder production facility would require an investment far beyond our finances and no financial institution would finance this type of building project. While the current demand appears to be different from demand spikes in the last 20 years, the "normal" powder demand for the U.S. would not support an additional manufacturing plant. Most companies cannot afford to build a new production facility and then have it sit idle until demand spikes. An additional complicating factor would be locating this plant – there are only a handful of these facilities in North America and none have been built in the last 30 years.


As we've shared in many responses to our social audience, this is a demand issue and not a supply issue. Demand for ALL ammunition and reloading components is at historic levels. The fact is we continue to ship more powder to our customers, but this powder is quickly purchased by end consumers as soon as it is offered for sale.


Our focus is the handloading enthusiast. Yes, we sell some powder to strategic, mostly smaller ammunition manufacturers, but that is a small part of our business. The heart of our business is smokeless powder for the handloading enthusiast. Every day, we receive calls from potential OEM customers who are looking for powder to load in ammunition. Every day, we politely decline this new business so we can focus on our long-term customers and sales channels and most importantly, our costumers who have supported us for decades.


Hodgdon does not sell powder on any online auction sites. We sell through traditional sales channels to wholesalers, retailers and dealer customers. While we recently began selling direct-to-consumer on our own websites, we prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at sporting goods and gun shops everywhere.


Hodgdon has increased prices over the last several years to partially offset our increased labor, raw materials and transportation costs, but we are not and will not gouge our consumer end users who are looking for powder to load for their own use. We sell through traditional sales channels to wholesalers, retailers and dealer customers. We do not encourage any of our retailers or dealers to sell on auction sites, but we cannot control what happens after we sell to our traditional sales channels. On our own websites, we have placed product limits on purchases so that we can maximize the number of customers who can buy our powder.


Hodgdon is still a small business, with fewer than a hundred employees between three facilities in Kansas and Montana. We are not driven by profit-margin spreadsheets, but rather tradition and a genuine love for our jobs and what is made possible because of the work we do.

Serving you is our privilege and a blessing. In the current political climate, demand for our product has never been higher. Coupled with COVID restrictions, we have what some might refer to as "the perfect storm." Regardless, we remain steadfast and resolute in our purpose to put powder in your hands, our shooting community.
To paraphrase the sign seen in so many auto parts stores: Failure to plan on the shooter's part does not constitute an emergency on the powder maker's part.

Suppose they spent 100 million on a new propellant plant. Then, in two years, the market cools down. They lay off 1/3 of their employees - but still have 100% of the debt. Lots of ocmpanies have gone broke this way.
Hoarders are likely the real issue.
I never did like the term "Hoarders". I'm thinking it is a Socialist-invented propaganda term.

Everyone acting in their own best self-interest is the foundational reason that Freedom and Capitalism work so well.

If people desire a commodity more for whatever reason, then demand will exceed supply, for some period of time until that desire subsides or supply increases to meet that demand.

Sucks for me, cuz I need powder. But, I can only blame myself for not buying more earlier.
Everybody acts like this lack of ammo and componates was done as a deliberate act just to piss them off personally. That and it's some kind of subversive plot.
I'm an ammo manufacturer, 2 years ago when the China Flu hit the world shut down and all of a sudden I couldn't go to gun shows which was my primary way to sell my ammo. Then the burn it down panic hit and the three months worth of ammo inventory was all sold in two weeks so I doubled my supplies order and so did everyone else. Basically I ordered 6 months worth of supplies 2 weeks after my last order. For the next 6 months I was able to get what I needed but the lead times kept getting longer. It got to the point that when the UPS truck would stop I would wonder what I was getting this time. It could be anything, brass, bullets, primers anything and most likely it was ordered 3 months before. Finally the warehouses were empty and production lines just couldn't keep up and I was not allowed to order mainly primers, bullets were avaible but were still having what I would call excessive lead times. Things are just now looking better from where I sit but this little picture of my trials and tribulations can be magnified up the food chain. As far as hording, there is no big corporate warehouse full of primers. The only hoarders are the individuals that bought in bulk for their own personal use and bought before this crisis happened. How do I know this? Well no one is selling large lots of say 10,000 primers at a time. As far as price gougers, I haven't paid over $65.00/ 1000 for primers. I know others ask a lot more, but that's line in the sand I've drawn. 2 years ago primers were 20 bucks/1000 and now the same primers are 50 bucks from my wholesaler.
"Every day, we receive calls from potential OEM customers who are looking for powder to load in ammunition. Every day, we politely decline this new business so we can focus on our long-term customers and sales channels and most importantly, our costumers who have supported us for decades."
I like this part.

They didn't address the lack of extruded powder production here in the States.

A new powder production facility would require an investment far beyond our finances and no financial institution would finance this type of building project. While the current demand appears to be different from demand spikes in the last 20 years, the "normal" powder demand for the U.S. would not support an additional manufacturing plant. Most companies cannot afford to build a new production facility and then have it sit idle until demand spikes. An additional complicating factor would be locating this plant – there are only a handful of these facilities in North America and none have been built in the last 30 years.
I never did like the term "Hoarders". I'm thinking it is a Socialist-invented propaganda term.

Everyone acting in their own best self-interest is the foundational reason that Freedom and Capitalism work so well.

If people desire a commodity more for whatever reason, then demand will exceed supply, for some period of time until that desire subsides or supply increases to meet that demand.

Sucks for me, cuz I need powder. But, I can only blame myself for not buying more earlier.
When someone's "self interest" drives them to rush to the store early, troll dozens of online retailers, call businesses all over the state, etc. only to get there first and to stock up on any and all powder they can buy, regardless that they have enough stash to make two lifetime's worth of rounds…

Yea, that's hoarding.

Ironically, this is the exact mentality that led to the fat aristocrats in France getting their comeuppance…once upon a time.
Interesting email, especially about the part when asked about building another production facility.

Contrary to popular belief, they make very little if any of their own powder. Most all comes from St Marks and overseas.
Oh I don't know, I guess folks always need someone to blame when they get caught behind the shortages of whatever commodity they wanted. Every shortage that comes along the man next door is the reason is what we are told.

My first shortage I lived through was in the 70s when gasoline was hard to get. Next one was under Carter inflation drove up interest rates so high you couldn't borrow money unless you were desperate.

Obummer really set the standard as that was our first ammo shortage. Men who love to shoot learned they better hoarde if they want to keep shooting.

Next big shortage was TP and from there everything became hard to get at times.

What does a constant supply chain shortage do to the market, it creates hoarders because of fear they may not get something later.

Country is run on fear and greed now...who runs the country?
Forever the debate will rage- is it hoarding or is it being prepared.

Those that don't have enough will blame those that do! That is human nature, to look to your neighbor and covet what he has.

So, be the neighbor that has not the one the wants.
Interesting email, especially about the part when asked about building another production facility.

Contrary to popular belief, they make very little if any of their own powder. Most all comes from St Marks and overseas.
One has to wonder how many of those containers off Long Beach are full of coils of brass from Turkey and India or powder from Australia.

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