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I never fret over things out of my control….
I always say "I have a 10 foot radius " that's what I can control, outside of that, I have options. I think about scenarios a lot that could happen, so that I can at least brainstorm my actions if ever needed. It doesn't hurt to have a Rolodex full of action plans…
I don't live in fear or look over my shoulder, I walk like I am on a mission with intent. Making direct eye contact with those in my path. I am that junkyard dog😎
Did you learn your lesson after that about not swallowing a dozen of those "blue pills" all at the same time and then go hang out in the frozen food section during the summertime when all the ladies are wearing light clothing?


I've never needed medical assistance to get the job done. You still need to lock up the good lookin' women and probably some of the sheep too.
I am a deep sleeper, But across the bed she knows when someone turns onto our street a mile away! I keep my night gun across the room and in the closet so that I'm all the way awake by the time I get there! I have at least 10 chances to stub a toe before getting there!

Our son was in a serious car accident during covid. Before the ambulance was even loading him on the gurney we got a call from a police dispatcher telling us to meet his ambulance at the hospital to take charge of his gun. Due to covid we could not see him in the hospital, so mom got to meet the ambulance.
at least Mom was happy! DR
I am a deep sleeper, But across the bed she knows when someone turns onto our street a mile away! I keep my night gun across the room and in the closet so that I'm all the way awake by the time I get there! I have at least 10 chances to stub a toe before getting there!

Our son was in a serious car accident during covid. Before the ambulance was even loading him on the gurney we got a call from a police dispatcher telling us to meet his ambulance at the hospital to take charge of his gun. Due to covid we could not see him in the hospital, so mom got to meet the ambulance.
at least Mom was happy! DR
Whoa…. for a brief moment I thought you said you were a deep sheeper!


Speaking of sheep…
These two cowboys are driving down a dirt road …
Driver saw some sheep penned up so he pulls over and jumps out..
Passenger says hey man what's the deal?
Driver whistle's a sheep over and pulls him into the barbwire, pulls his pants down, passenger couldn't believe his eyes….
Passenger just grinning ear to ear🤣🤣🤣
Driver looks over and says hey man you wanna try?
Passenger says hell yeah! Tears his clothes off and runs full speed into the barbwire🤣🤣😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Good night 🤘
I've invested in a redundant alarm system that is VERY loud and that can move throughout the house to determine active perimeter breaches in multiple locations at the same time.

Very high-tech.

Three sailors, shipwrecked on an island begin to explore. Cresting the first ridge, they see a field of sheep. Civilization! One guy looks around, sees no people, and mentioning something about being at sea so long, coaxes one ewe and begins to have his way.

Other two guys are shocked. "We're shipwrecked with a pervert!" Then one sees how much fun the first guy is having, begins to have second thoughts, and finally temptation gets the best of him and he follows suit.

Third guy is horrified, then realizes the other two wouldn't dare tell anybody, looks around again for people and cautiously cuts a sheep out of the flock

First two guys finish up, walk over and begin pointing and laughing at the third guy, fully engaged. He looks up and asks, "What!? You guys did it!" .

"Yeah, but yours is ugly!"
Do you ever worry about whether you WON'T wake up when you need to? You a heavy sleeper- snores a lot? I wonder if those who practice the bedside nightstand method might find their weapon pointed at them instead of at their disposal… or if you are in a terrible accident and become incapacitated (vehicle accident, etc) when your carrying and without your ability to control your weapon…. I would hate to think someone comes upon a scene and takes a citizens weapon while their out cold or you wake up at the hospital…. And no gun😭 anyone ever heard of such a thing? Just some scenario's been brewing about that I wanted to throw out there. As I age, I notice my sleeping habits have changed and the fact I'm told I need to be shakin' to wake up makes me wonder if I can be alert enough, even while sleeping. I got cameras and alarms allover but if I'm counting sheep they are useless… Talk to me Goose! 😎
If you have to be shaken to wake up then as you say alarms are likely useless (unless you can tie one alarm sound to survival some how). I wonder if you blood pressure gets too low when sleeping? Maybe check BP when you wake up?

What I mean about tying to survival is our brain tunes out sounds that are unimportant and lets in sounds that are tied to survival. A new mom with a baby is an example.
If you have to be shaken to wake up then as you say alarms are likely useless (unless you can tie one alarm sound to survival some how). I wonder if you blood pressure gets too low when sleeping? Maybe check BP when you wake up?

What I mean about tying to survival is our brain tunes out sounds that are unimportant and lets in sounds that are tied to survival. A new mom with a baby is an example.
I think I'm at the point in life (50) where I'm having to be honest about my abilities at this stage in life. I don't see as well, hear as well, aches and pains have turned into issues that really need attention going forward…blood pressure is a great example! My youthful strength is no more and I really don't like getting hurt or recover fast as much as when I was younger, a shoulder shrug and walk it off ain't on the menu these days, more like take 2 of these and hope I can work tomorrow 🤣. Hope everyone had a great weekend, 🍻 cheers!

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