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This Gross Receipts Tax bill is a regressive tax that will have a negative impact on our smallest FFLs and firearm related businesses. FFLs may even have to pay the gross receipt tax on State background check fees they collect. We can expect these businesses will have to raise fees and prices if HB 3427 passes. Even Rep. Helt doesn't like this bill and that is saying something. Write your Representive today and tell them this bill will do great damage to our smallest businesses and to vote no on the bill.
It is a "loaded" question here, but what does the Oregon legislature not get??? We (the people) have voted against this and now they are wanting to bypass the will of the voters again...... :mad:
This Gross Receipts Tax bill is a regressive tax that will have a negative impact on our smallest FFLs and firearm related businesses. FFLs may even have to pay the gross receipt tax on State background check fees they collect. We can expect these businesses will have to raise fees and prices if HB 3427 passes. Even Rep. Helt doesn't like this bill and that is saying something. Write your Representive today and tell them this bill will do great damage to our smallest businesses and to vote no on the bill.

Is this bill on firearms related business or all business. ..? Many mom and pop businesses of any kind barely make it as it is .Gross receipts does not reflect the amount of profit the business is making
Is this bill on firearms related business or all business. ..? Many mom and pop businesses of any kind barely make it as it is .Gross receipts does not reflect the amount of profit the business is making

All business and it will destroy many businesses. A lot of business have a profit margin that is lower than what they will be taxed in gross receipts. They will be left with the choice of shutting down, relocating to a state that wants and respects business,or going bankrupt.

The unintended consequences is that this attempt to increase tax revenue will instead decrease it, both from the loss of taxes from the businesses they chase off and the income taxes from those that lose their jobs. The increase in unemployment also increases state expenses making it even worse.

Expect a boom in Vancouver and yet more decay in Portland.
It is a "loaded" question here, but what does the Oregon legislature not get??? We (the people) have voted against this and now they are wanting to bypass the will of the voters again...... :mad:
They're not going to let the people get in the way of their UN agenda. If the people vote one way and defeat a measure, the standard tactic is to use the emergency clause and vote in the middle of the night. They'll show us who's in charge....
Why do I think this bill was directed at businesses with annual gross receipts in excess of $1M??? Perhaps that was just a dream...

You are correct and that is stated on page 1 of the "bill":

After reading just a few pages of it, I do not have a warm fuzzy feeling that it will improve education, no matter how much money they spend.

About that $1 million dollar exemption: there are plenty of companies with many millions, even billions, in sales that operate in the red - they're losing money. Just what they need is another tax, right?

Here are just a few: (2014/2015 timeframe)
15 Companies Losing the Most Money

More, mostly from various economic crash time periods:
List of largest corporate profits and losses - Wikipedia

Why not tax profits? How can politicians think it is OK to tax sales, when a company may be operating in the red? Stupidity I suppose.
All business and it will destroy many businesses. A lot of business have a profit margin that is lower than what they will be taxed in gross receipts. They will be left with the choice of shutting down, relocating to a state that wants and respects business,or going bankrupt.

The unintended consequences is that this attempt to increase tax revenue will instead decrease it, both from the loss of taxes from the businesses they chase off and the income taxes from those that lose their jobs. The increase in unemployment also increases state expenses making it even worse.

Expect a boom in Vancouver and yet more decay in Portland.

Uh yeah, all those cranes everywhere you look and new buildings popping up everywhere is a sure sign of decay. lol
Only one gun shop in the Portland city limits is truly truly sad though.
Uh yeah, all those cranes everywhere you look and new buildings popping up everywhere is a sure sign of decay. lol
Only one gun shop in the Portland city limits is truly truly sad though.

They aren't paying the tax yet, and when that money was invested in those buildings it wasn't on the horizon either. Venezuela was the wealthiest country in South America before their government began attacking businesses. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen if they keep pushing down this path.
Why do I think this bill was directed at businesses with annual gross receipts in excess of $1M??? Perhaps that was just a dream...

A million in gross receipts sounds big, but let's say your profit margin on a small business is 5% after overhead. You need a million gross just to bank 50K. Add a gross sales tax it all of comes right out of there first with every percent = 10K in lost profits.

The result will be businesses increasing their margins to limit sales to less than one million gross, as opposed to the high volume low margin model that has been helping to prevent inflation for the last few decades.

Taxes based on Gross sales are incredibly unfair and damaging.
The exodus begins. The Gross Receipts Tax was listed as a reason. Just a small drop in the bucket, but every rainstorm begins with a single drop.

"...Specific legislation that Miller blamed for Stimson's moves and the unfriendly business climate include the Oregon Clean Fuels Program, pending cap and trade legislation, which passed out of committee earlier this month, and the recently passed gross receipts tax that's expected to raise close to $1 billion in new revenue annually. ..."

I guess you can start by deducting the lost income taxes, additional social services paid to the former employees to the taxes Oregon will lose from that Billion they think will be raised. What happens when more join suit? What happens when they find that net revenue has dropped? I bet they double down and increase taxes yet again.
There's one other option nobody has mentioned..... higher prices. Businesses don't pay taxes, their customers pay it because it is passed on. This tax scheme will do one thing for sure, hurt the lower income people of society... let's be real, those holding office know this, and it's all part of a larger plan to herd more people onto government assistance programs just to be able to live, which will increase the power and influence of an ever growing government. o_O
Sadly, OryGun has always been unfriendly to business owners and small businesses with it's tax structure, so why are we surprised that this latest move even happened? Count all the business that has left OryGun in the last 50 years, it's YUGE!
The Democrats would rather tax NOW then tax later, so the companies pick up and leave the state! I remember when Evergreen Shipping was still around at T-6, the Port of Portland made serious money while they were here, then the State raised the taxes across the board and Evergreen gave OryGun the big One Finger Wave good by and pulled up stakes for good! The State lost MILLIONS and it was far more then Taxes! The Port lost the Ship pilotage and handling fees, docking fees, customs inspection jobs and fees, chandeliering incomes, Stevadoring incomes, Longshoring incomes, Road and Rail incomes, and property taxes on the site! In all, OryGunions lost over 3500 jobs and that taxable income, and many businesses were hurt or had to close their doors and move or fold! T-6 has yet to earn a profit in the state, and has been operating in the red for quite some time! Worst, every time an offer floats around for some one to take over T-6, the City of Portland and the State answer back with a Tax scheme, fees, and environmental clean up for past pollutants and studies, and then all the tree huggers come out of the wood work and demand their pound of flesh!
Shell Oil wanted to Base it's IceBreaker FENNICA in Portland near T-6, that would have gained the Port of Portland about 6 Million in revenues per year, and several hundred jobs, the city and state licked their lips and the costs about doubles what they should have been, so Shell Oil gave the one finger wave and the Port and the State lost all that income and taxes!
Any one smell that? That's the Smell of Phucking Stupid Writ Large! And, that's typical OryGun Democratic Leadership!

Have a look at Dimeler/Freightliner Corp down on swan island, or Oregon Shipbuilding, or Oregon Steal Mills! Look at all the Taxes and compare to the other operating holdings out of state and see where the State is loosing Billions! Yea, lets Tax, Tax, and Tax some more!
I work for a $100M a year company.... you want to talk about getting robbed? :rolleyes:
Wait till they have had enough of OryGun's new tax and decides to move out of state to a more friendly location!
Just like all the others before them, and the state will just shrugg it off like all the BILLIONS they pizz away by pizzing off all the businesses!
At least your close enough to retiring and you got mad skilz to continue on if you wanted with out much interference!
Yea, I know it sukx, but......................

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