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Apparently, the Glock was in Condition 3. The guide took off his chest holster and set it a short distance away with his pack. The client was apparently unfamiliar with its operation, and may have hit the magazine release, thinking it was the safety. You wear a chest holster in bear country for a reason. You carry in Condition 0 or 1 for a reason. All I can do is shake my head.

Jackson Guide Death By Grizzly Is Questioned

By Angus M. Thuermer Jr.,

JACKSON HOLE, WYO – The Wyoming Occupational Safety and Health Administration has recommended that a big game outfitting company "evaluate its training policy on bear spray use" after a grizzly bear killed one of its hunting guides.

OSHA also said in a "fatal alert" following the death of Martin Outfitters' guide Mark Uptain, that the company should "evaluate its operating procedures for bear country." OSHA is investigating Uptain's death following an attack by a grizzly and her cub that also injured bow-hunting client Corey Chubon.

During a brief but deadly melee on the slopes of Terrace Mountain, six air miles from the trailhead in the Teton Wilderness of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, a mother grizzly charged the pair as they field dressed a bull elk, according to information from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and OSHA.

Uptain's 10mm Glock semi-automatic pistol was with a pack and shirt a short distance away, and Chubon's bear spray was in a pack, the state agencies said. The guide was carrying his bear spray and used it before he died — but not, investigators believe, before sustaining mortal injuries - Game and Fish Regional Wildlife Supervisor Brad Hovinga said in an interview with WyoFile.
Chubon, whom the bear also mauled, grabbed Uptain's Glock but couldn't get it to fire, Hovinga said.

A related investigation by the Teton County Sheriff's office resolved a key question; whether Uptain's Glock was in good working order.

Game and Fish turned the weapon over to the department, which gave it to its firearms expert, Lieutenant Matt Carr told WyoFile. "It was a fully functional Glock," said Carr, the sheriff-elect of Teton County.

Neither Game and Fish nor OSHA have completed or released their investigations. While investigators begin to resolve some outstanding questions in the case and issue recommendations, other aspects remain unclear. Two timelines — one developed by Game and Fish, the other by Teton County Coroner Brent Blue — differ. The probes so far leave a foggy understanding of the sequence of events including the infliction of injuries to Uptain, his use of the bear spray, and when he died.

A fast, brief and deadly attack

Game and Fish and OSHA gave the following account of the incident. Chubon arrowed the elk in the evening of Sept. 13, Hovinga said. But the two couldn't immediately find the mortally wounded animal. The next day, they discovered the elk carcass at the end of what Hovinga said was "a pretty good blood trail."

There was no evidence, he said, that a bear had yet been to the elk carcass. Nevertheless, "I'm certain it was coming to the scent," at the time of the attack, Hovinga said.

Before the two began field dressing the elk, "the guide removed an automatic pistol that he carried in a chest holster as well as his shirt and left them with the two men's packs a short distance up the hill from the carcass…" OSHA wrote in its fatal alert.

"They had removed the intestines and all the guts and were quartering it up," Hovinga said, Uptain was sawing off the elk's antlers when the two heard rocks rolling "and turned and discovered the bear coming," Hovinga said. "It just came to them immediately … at full speed," over rolling terrain across which there was only a broken line of sight.

The bear hit Uptain as Chubon went for the pistol. "He said he had [the Glock]," Hovinga told WyoFile. "He had a hard time trying to find a clear shot."

Chubon tried to shoot the bear, Hovinga said. "He grabbed [the pistol], was unable to make it fire," Hovinga said. "There was not a round in the chamber, so the gun was empty. He couldn't make the gun work."

After hitting Uptain, the grizzly quickly turned and bit Chubon in the ankle.

"He swung me around in the air," Chubon told WKMG Television in Orlando, Florida, near where he lives. That's when Chubon threw the pistol toward Uptain.
It was "a matter of seconds" during which the bear attacked Uptain, turned on Chubon and then returned to further maul Uptain, Hovinga said.

But the Glock, "it didn't make it to Mark [Uptain]," Hovinga said. "The hunter fled."
Chubon mounted a horse and rode to where he had cell service and called for help.

Searchers and Game and Fish personnel flew into the Teton Wilderness, found the site, discovered Uptain dead and ultimately killed both bears in a sequence of events documented by the Jackson Hole News & Guide.Guide
Investigators found the Glock and its magazine in different locations, Hovinga told WyoFile. The evidence raised speculation that Chubon might have pushed the magazine release button below the trigger guard thinking it was a safety switch.

"In the process of trying to manipulate [it], we think he dropped the magazine, or it wasn't engaged and it fell out when he picked [the pistol] up," Hovinga said.

An uncertain chain of events

When the bear returned to attack Uptain the second time, Chubon retreated. The News&Guidefirst reported and Hovinga confirmed that Chubon told investigators his last view of Uptain was of the guide on his feet attempting to fend off the attack.

Investigators found Uptain's body 50 yards uphill from the attack site. They found a canister of bear spray about five feet from his body, a canister that had been discharged and emptied.

"We believe the fatal injuries occurred prior to him deploying bear spray," Hovinga said. "We feel like he got to the location where he died on his own. All evidence [is] he made it there under his own power.

"There was no evidence the bear had been to where the victim died," Hovinga said. "We don't know where the bear spray was sprayed, deployed. [Uptain] hadn't deployed it before the hunter fled."

Coroner Blue outlined the nature of the fatal injury

"He had an incisor piercing his brain that we feel is the fatal injury," Blue told WyoFile. "We're fairly confident the injury to his brain was the terminal event.

"Could he have staggered after that?" Blue asked. "I really don't think so. I just don't see him as having any ability to move after that. I can't comment beyond that."

The coroner said he also could not comment about how and when bear spray was deployed because neither he nor deputy coroner Dave Hodges, a sheriff's office detective, was able to visit the site.

"We never got a chance to investigate the scene," Blue said. Deputy coroner Hodges was at the helicopter base but "he did not go to the site when they were searching. When somebody dies, we're supposed to own the scene," he said, and nothing should be moved or changed before his office says so.

In a county with vast tracts of remote country and body recoveries sometimes occurring in mountainous terrain, however, that doesn't always happen. "Many times we don't get to the site," Blue said.

He said he expects to meet with all county law enforcement to review protocol that gives the corner authority at death sites.

Despite seeming inconsistencies between Game and Fish and coroner's outline of the events, Hovinga said he does not dispute any element of the coroner's findings. "We support the coroner's report," he said.

OSHA weighs in

Hovinga said the encounter was unusual and "a really unique action" for several reasons. "What we typically see from grizzly bears is if they come in to somebody they typically try to posture and scare people away," he said. That apparently didn't happen in this instance.

"When people typically get hurt, it's an aggressive defense behavior — food guarding, defense of young," he said. "This showed no defense of young," and there's no sign the bears had discovered the elk carcass before the hunters and were trying to guard it.

Conflicts between bears and humans also occur during a surprise encounter when a hunter or hiker stumbles upon a bear. "There was no evidence this was a surprise," Hovinga said.

"It really doesn't fit," the pattern of most grizzly encounters, he said. "It was purely aggressive behavior. It was toward these people for the elk. That's not typically what we see from a family group of grizzly bears."

Grizzly bears enter a state of hyperphagia in the fall, a condition that provokes gluttony in preparation for winter hibernation. They routinely feed on the gut piles of hunter-killed elk and, along with their cousins Alaska brown bears, are known to try to claim carcasses from hunters.

When OSHA investigates a workplace fatality, a category that includes Uptain's death, it sometimes issues a fatal alert before concluding its investigation.

"Fatal alerts are one of the methods we use to make employers and employees throughout the State aware that a fatal incident has occurred and the circumstances surrounding the incident," the agency's website reads. "They are a brief summary of the information gathered by our office and contain a summary of the incident, causes, contributing factors, and recommendations to prevent recurrence from our point of view."

OSHA listed several significant factors in the incident including the location of the Glock, the location of the two bear spray canisters over the course of the incident, and the fact a bear had not claimed the carcass before Uptain and Chubon discovered it. In addition, "The Outfitter was following the required ratio of one guide to two hunters per the rules set forth by the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides board."

It then recommended "The employer should evaluate its operating procedures for bear country," and that "[t]he employer should evaluate its training policy on bear spray use."

This is at least the second time the Wyoming agency has investigated a worker killed by a bear. In 2014 investigators determined that a bear or bears killed field worker Adam Stewart in the Teton Wilderness, and fined his employer Nature's Capital $13,120 for infractions of workplace safety requirements.

Yellowstone National Park says "group size should be 3 or more," for safe travel in grizzly country.

Much has been published on precautions to take in bear country and the efficacy of bear spray and firearms in bear encounters. In a 2003 bulletin titled "Tips for Elk Hunters in Grizzly Country," the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommends carrying pepper spray and knowing how to use it. It recommends removing the carcass from the area "as soon as possible" and to "immediately field dress the animal and move the gut pile at least 100 yards from the carcass."

"Carry a defense readily accessible," Wyoming Game and Fish Department advises. "The knowledge of how to use your defense should be automatic."
"It is critical to remain vigilant," when field dressing a game animal, the agency says in a video. "Both you and your partner should have a defense ready"

Other advice, including from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, says that once attacked, victims should lie face down with hands interlaced behind the neck and not move until a bear is satisfied it has neutralized the threat and leaves. The exception would be in the case of a predacious attack, such as when a bear stalks a sleeping person while looking for a meal.

Bear spray has been effective, according to a study of 83 encounters from 1985 and 2006 that was published in the Journal of Wildlife Management. "Of all persons carrying sprays, 98% were uninjured by bears in close-range encounters," the review states.

A study of 269 incidents involving firearms and bears in Alaska between 1883 and 2009 showed that bears were killed in 61 percent of the incidents. "Although firearms have failed to protect some users, they are the only deterrent that can lethally stop an aggressive bear, reads the article "Efficacy of Firearms for Bear Deterrence in Alaska" that the Journal of Wildlife Management also published.

"Our findings suggest that only those proficient in firearms use should rely on them for protection in bear country," the authors wrote.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service compared the two methods of defense in a paper "Bear Spray vs. Bullets. Which offers better protection?" that is undated. "Based on [USFWS law enforcement] investigations of human-bear encounters since 1992, persons encountering grizzlies and defending themselves with firearms suffer injury about 50 [percent] of the time," the report reads. "During the same period, persons defending themselves with pepper spray escaped injury most of the time, and those that were injured experienced shorter duration attacks and less severe injuries."

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game says carrying a sidearm is "another option that can be effective, but only if the bearer is highly proficient with the weapon." It also recommends trying to reduce exposure to predators while field dressing a game animal, writing "if possible, avoid opening the gut cavity until after you have salvaged all other edible meat."

The "gutless method," of field dressing may be one way to minimize scent during the quartering of a game animal. Many tutorial videos on gutless field dressing can be found online.

In Uptain's death, the role bear spray played remains uncertain. "We know the bear was sprayed," Hovinga said, because investigators detected spray on the mother after they killed it. "The can was empty," Hovinga said. "The injuries likely occurred before he was able to deploy bear spray. It could have worked perfectly."

"[Uptain's] maneuvers yelling at the bears, trying to get them away from us … [without that]… I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to escape," Chubon told the television station. He offered advice. "Make sure you have the right ammunition, the right firearm, make sure you have bear spray."

A GoFundMe campaign to aid Uptain's widow Sarah and their five children has raised $207,526 in the two months since his death.
Be extremely familiar with your firearm that you carry for bear protection...
Have it loaded , a round chambered and with you , always...
Stay alert when in bear country...

As for the rest I am sorry that guide died...and condolences to his family.
I'm lost as to why a guide would remove his side arm and place out of arms reach. :rolleyes:

Maybe he wanted to keep it clean? That might also explain why it was with a shirt he removed, although with a date of Sept 14, it could have been a warm day, in which case maybe he removed the gun to remove his shirt and then didn't put the gun back on. Either reason though, carving up the elk was when it was most needed.
Like that he had a Glock 10. :cool: Too bad he didn't use it. :confused: If he did get to I hope it would've had Buffalo Bore outdoorsman or underwood, double tap, etc and not the Hornady hollow points the goofball down in New Mexico or wherever the other attack was had in his pistolee. o_O

Hope I never have a wingman that:

A. Doesn't know how to operate a fuggin pistol

B. Leaves me in the dust while I'm still on my feet fighting. WTF??????
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I wrote this little article a while back...about bears...after we'd spotted a fair-sized Brownie sow loping across a stubble field alongside the 401 just outside Belleville ON. About an hour later, whilst getting outside a decent steak sammidge at home, cousin's daughter ran in saying she'd just seen a bear at the top of the road, just outside Codrington ON. Both sightings were as likely as seeing the 'Cutty Sark' cruising down our creek.

'If you recall that mrs tac and I drive across Canada every now and then, it made sense for us to attend a 'bear awareness' seminar in BC a few years back, having been reminded that on the Queen's Highway, the Trans-Canada, bears on paws have priority over human on wheels.

Maybe you are not bothered by bears where YOU live, but on the other paw, you might just go to a part of the USA or Canada where THEY are, hence THIS little article, entitled 'tac's handy helpful tints and hips about bears'.

The very first thing you have to get firmly stuck in your mind is that not all bears are like 'Gentle Ben'. AFAIK, he was a one-off bear.

Sooooo, in Canada and the lower 48 there are basically two kinds of bear, those who climb trees to get to you, and those that shake the tree until you fall out.

In the main, North America is the home to bears of two clearly different colours, black bears and brown bears.

Actually, Brown bears are light-coloured black bears, and black bears are dark-coloured brown bears. The very rare white bear, the so-called Kermode, is sacred to the native people of the Pacific North West, and is actually a brown bear. Not an albino variant, but an actual HTG white brown bear. The Northern so-called polar bear is actually pitch black under all that colourless fur, but is a brown bear living with a hefty dose of environmentally-induced evolution. He knows that, which is why, when he is sneaking up on you, he usually hides that cute black button nose. That CBBN can detect food under snow five feet deep...and smell you at a couple of miles.

Meanwhile, back in the warmer bits...

There are also large brownies and small brownies, large blacks and small blacks.

All bears are herbivores, but all bears are also carnivores. They eat berries and stuff when they can't get meat, and meat and stuff when they can't get berries. This can be dependent on just how normalised they are to human intervention in the form of Big Mac and Double Whoppers being left within nose-shot. And how much those stupid humans actually feed them, in spite of many warning notices against doing just that..

They only get picky when they are hungry, and a just-woke-up bear is going to be hungry. And tetchy, like a just-woke-up bear would be. Early Spring, then, when bears are coming out of their hibernation hidey-holes, is a great time to go to Florida, rather than the Great White North. However, if you REALLY must go to where the bears are, here's a few things NOT to do.

1. Never walk right up to a bear. You'll likely get killed.

2. Never walk away from a bear once it has spotted you and begun to make anti-human noises. That's huffing and coughing, BTW. Note that these noises might be so low-pitched that you can't hear them. This means that you'll likely get killed.

3. Never try and make it by running around a bear - in any direction. That big cuddly lump of slack-looking fur disguises muscles like coiled hawsers whose synapses operate up to twelve times faster than Bruce Lee on a good day. Ussain Bolt, the fastest man on legs on the planet, could have a fifty yard start on most bears, and get caught at fifty-one by Ol' Fluffy over there. Grizzly bears, rightly named Ursus Horribilis, can run faster than Trigger on oats, jump straight up ten feet and come down with a thousand pounds of annoyed teeth. They can swat a fifty-pound seal twenty yards through the air by leaning over an overhanging river bank, too.

4. Never look a bear straight in the eye - this is confrontational in the extreme, and will likely get you killed.

5. Never look sideways at a bear, it will think that you are trying to sneak up on it, and will likely get you killed.

6. Never get between a momma bear and her offspring – that will likely get you killed.


7. Never get between a cub and its momma bear, IT will likely run away, and its momma will chase it, make sure it's safe, and then come back. And THEN that will likely get you killed.

8. In cases of multiple choice - that is to say, more than one cub, just do the first thing that comes to mind. It really doesn't matter what it is, since the outcome is the same no matter what, but it gives you something to occupy you for the last few seconds of your life.

9. IF you must take to the woods, make sure that your travelling companion is wearing boots, and you are wearing runners. When he asks why, reminding you snidely that you'll likely never outrun a bear, just point out that you don't HAVE to be able to run faster than the bear, just faster than him.

And before anybody mentions pepper spray – note that all it really does is to flavour you up a bit, making you that little bit more tasty for Mr or Mrs Bear.

And one of the funnier stories, and there weren't that many of them, came up when one member of the audience asked if there was any mileage in 'warning the bear' of your presence by wearing those anklets/bracelets of jolly little tinkly bells whilst out in the woods. The GW replied that there was no way on earth that any self-respecting bear wouldn't know that human was around in HIS woods, due to the appalling amount of strange and often tasty smells that humans emit [at both ends] simply by being there, the bear having around eighty times the olfactory power of the average human. As an adjunct to the question, he noted that from past experience it was easy to tell bear scat from deer scat, since the deer scat was full of bits of undigested pine needles and such-like, whereas the bear scat was often full of lots of little brass bells. Having digested that, he went of to ask if singing out loud was any use. The Ranger remarked that there was no evidence that bears were overly impressed by human music - at least, enough to be pursuaded to go somewhere else on hearing it coming down the woodland path. Some bears, he said, would be curious to see what all the noise was about, and take action, often drastic. Others would simply melt away into the landscape to escape the unwelcome sound. I can understand that, having tried it myself at a couple of rock concerts I 'attended' with my then teen-age daughter. The upshot of all this is that there is just no way on earth that you can predict what any bear might do under any circumstances. The only thing that is certain about bear behaviour is that it cannot be taken for granted - ever.

Apart from all the usual don't do's and must do's, there is one thing that has stuck firmly in my mind. We were shown a short and pretty shaky amateur movie taken by a tourist from the relative safety of a pick-up. It portrayed a large griz chasing a forest ranger down a fire break on the outskirts of Prince George BC.

The bear was surely catching up with the ranger and was just about to make a lunge, when the ranger cleared a ten-foot ditch and got away. It's not that the ranger was any kind of a great athlete, but that the horse that he was riding - at a calculated 24.3 mph - was determined not to be a bear lunch. Oh yes, and bears CAN run downhill. Remember I noted the 'relative safety of a pickup truck? A few years back, in a Crown Land parking lot in Alberta, the driver came back to his big shiny pickup to find that both doors had been pulled off their hinges by a large brown bear who had gotten wind of his sausage sammidge. Not having a key, the bear just worried at the doors until they came off - and he was still inside, too.

And lastly, a note that very few things can actually be designed to totally bear-proof. We had stopped at Field, BC, to drop off some postcards, and remarked on the pretty scandalous state of a couple of small dumpsters in the nearby parking lot. 'Yeah', said the postmistress, 'they were 'sposed to be bear-proof…' They don't seem to have had much problem getting in to them though, eh, I noted. 'Naw,' she said, 'that wasn't them getting in, they was getting OUT that wrecked 'em.'

So don't let any tree-huggin' bambi-lovin' loon tell you that they REALLY are just berry-loving cuddly old things. Basically, they are carnivores at heart - just lookit them teeth and tell me that they are designed to hold down a struggling pumpkin.

The best course of action, where bears are concerned, is to settle down on your towel with a good book and a nice drinky, preferably on Miami Beach.

AFAIK, there are no bears there.
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Touring the netherland of Denali years ago our guide/driver pointed out the huge browns/Grizzlies grazing a few hundred yards off the same road swarthy bicycle riders were so resolutely navigating o_O
I'm lost as to why a guide would remove his side arm and place out of arms reach. :rolleyes:

And at the time he needed it most? [Dressing out an animal] o_O

I have had buddies get themselves killed in my presence.
Never just one thing missed on the road to ruin. But rather several things are always noted when looking back.

Stomper got it right.
But I say it a bit different. ''Familiarity breeds contempt.''
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As a follow up to both Stomper's and Medic's comments...
Complacency kills...

I am not saying that is what actually happened in the OP....I wasn't there , nor a big game guide in bear I really don't know...

But l have seen while on combat deployments the false sense of security that can develop when doing the same task , even a "dangerous" one , over and over , with no "contact" or dangerous results....This is especially true when those tasks become "routine"...

Again while out and about , stay aware of what you are doing...many times in life you don't get to walk away whole , from a moment of complacency.
Is this a time to discuss Revolvers vs Semi-Autos?

My answer would be..... It's your life. So, make your own decision.

Aloha, Mark

In this situation, no cartridge in the chamber? So the guide didn't feel comfortable carrying the pistol with a cartridge in the chamber? Then he left it some distance away from both of them while butchering the elk - probably the most vulnerable and risky time?

Plainly bad decisions on the part of the guide.

Revolver or a semi-auto that one feels safe carrying one in the chamber with. In that situation I would carry a Glock with one in the chamber, but I prefer my SA/DA SIGs - one in the chamber with the hammer down, then a DA pull on the first shot, SA thereafter. For dangerous animal protection, I might prefer my 329PD with heavy loads.
Now I'm thinking that one night I want to get good and drunk with Stomper and Andy.
Imagine the stories we could tell each other!

I am quite full of crap you know. :D

I have been working on that one for a while. We need to get Andy down here sooner rather than later. One of the best BS beer drinking sessions I have had in my life was with Andy. ;)

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