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I detest, yeah - DETEST, elected people and candidates who BETRAY the honest American citizen when it comes to them not following the CONSTITUTION, the Second Amendment and tons MORE which I am not allowed to say on this forum.

I don't care what political INITIAL they put by their name when it comes to elected officials and dumb @@@ treasonous candidates!

People on all sides need to wake up and smell the coffee!

The District of Criminals = Crazy Land. It has been in the PAST and still IS one big cluster you know what!

Gun Control = People Control.

This entire country has gone nuts and declined in morals but it has been nuts and in moral decay for so long... most people accept BS words, BS actions, lies, flip floppers, and BS anti gun/anti freedom 'laws' that they would NEVER ACCEPT YEARS AGO (1950's and prior to those years.) when it came to sane/intelligent/common sense/normal behavior from all elected officials especially when it came to the LAW, GUN RIGHTS, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, crime/punishment, etc.

People are so TIRED OF ALL OF THIS BS (FUBAR-SNAFU!) COMING FROM ALL SIDES... there will be something worse in our future if things don't settle down with the whack-a-doodles running this country or running for office. ALL sides!

I have never seen so many dumb @@@ policies and outright ANTI GUN-ANTI CONSTITUTION platforms and people running for office and in office now.

Who would have THUNK IT (LOL) that our judges and fearless leaders in all parties could PICK AND CHOOSE what part of the Constitution and LAWS that they want to BREAK and/or OBEY?!

I am beginning to think that some other countries that I used to scoff at LOOK pretty good right now!

So 'they' (ALL of these anti gun politicians.) get to pick what LAWS they want us to obey and we have to obey them while they disarm the population in guns and in ALL liberty issues?!

NO thank you.


Cate, don't take this the wrong way.... But I have big love for you!!! <3

A bit of drift: BTW, I just finished C.J. Box's "Blue Heaven" novel that is set near Sandpoint Idaho... It's not Joe Pickett, it's about dirty cops from Los Angeles.... his stories sure move with action!!!
Amen. Yesterday, this emotional man-child MS-13 sympathizer/not-for-profit/America hating a*hole who moved in next door had the gall to interrupt me while I was reading on my front porch, and of course, he wanted to voice some of his leftist political opinions. Now, that is a pretty brassy thing to do when you're new in the neighborhood. Of course, my wife and I are polite people, so his rudeness caught me off guard. This vulgarity and rudeness seems to be the new modus operandi.
It's Salem, I'm not terribly surprised. The liberal imports from other states are moving here because even they're getting priced out of the greater Portland area.
Kamala Harris wants to take our guns away, while keeping one for herself. I've got some names/labels for her that I can't print here. :mad:

However, Paul Funt, some doosh from the MSM, has decided that she is not eligible for the Presidency because she owns a gun. He believes that proggies should give up there guns first. USA Today op-ed slammed for arguing Kamala Harris' gun ownership is 'disqualifying'

Me too! I have some names for her.

(I have names for all of them - ALL sides depending on what they stand for while they don't stand up for honest American citizens and honest/legal/do the right thing/jump through the hoops immigrants. Crime/punishment and holding people accountable for their crimes - white collar criminals and ALL other criminals.)

She is a pretty lady (Outside looks.), she may be smart/crazy like a fox, she is SNEAKY when it comes to many political issues but she is UGLY when it comes to the Second Amendment and in other important liberty issues. (Look/listen how she is in LIVE hearings! Cspan online.)

Her own Father and/or family condemned her in the news (Boob tube, radio and online newspapers.) and her comments a few months ago when she was talking about 'drugs'.

He said that HER COMMENTS were not true, they did not reflect who they (Family background!) were, how she was raised, they were upset that she tried to LUMP ALL people in her background (Nationality, heritage, home, neighborhood, etc.) into one type of people when it came to drugs and other issues. HE or they, the family, were really, really ticked off after HER one specific interview!

I won't go on about her professional career and advancements (Boy friends - open news.) here.

She said that she has a gun for PERSONAL PROTECTION. It was on some news clip a few weeks ago again.

I guess that SHE gets to DEFINE who gets to own a gun, what type of gun it is, the ammo, etc.

Gun control = people control.

That is the truth and the SAD and pathetic thing is this... they KNOW IT even if they deny it and they do not care while they go on about guns and gun crimes. Yet, they continue to blame the GUN OR OBJECT and NOT PUNISH THE CRIMINAL/criminals with severe sentences AND the death penalty in specific criminal cases.


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