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Some of my personal favorites:

1) "You shot it - you bought it"

2) In a fight? FRONT SIGHT!

3) Note the realtionship between the word casual and casualty

4) All Clint(Smith)isms.

5) Don't learn the tricks of the trade. Learn the trade.
"If it ain't rainin', you ain't trainin'!"

Don't shoot until YOU think they're dead, shoot until THEY think they're dead!"

Oh and just about anything Colonel Jeff Cooper ever said!

This is one of my favorites from him:

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles." -Colonel Jeff Cooper
From the forward of the WWII instruction manual "How to Shoot the U.S. Army Rifle"...

"The last war proved that if you hit a German in the right place with a caliber .30 rifle bullet, he falls over dead. This is also true in this war. It applies, moreover, to Japs as well as to Nazis."

Assess as in: now that I have cleared my malfunction is it still a good idea for me to pull the trigger....

Not assess as in assess the malf.

I think that was the idea...

Just took DH1 recently and we discussed this very thing. Story was told of an incident where an officer had a malf, did tap rack bang, and shot a suspect dead. Only problem was the suspect had already thrown his hands up in surrender as the officer was somewhere in the middle of tapping and racking. Training took over and... You see the problem....
Assess as in: now that I have cleared my malfunction is it still a good idea for me to pull the trigger....

Not assess as in assess the malf.

I think that was the idea...

Just took DH1 recently and we discussed this very thing. Story was told of an incident where an officer had a malf, did tap rack bang, and shot a suspect dead. Only problem was the suspect had already thrown his hands up in surrender as the officer was somewhere in the middle of tapping and racking. Training took over and... You see the problem....

You got it, assess the situation and make sure it still requires the use of force, before using more.
Ok, i've been holding off, but here goes. I've been collecting quotes (mostly funny ones) about guns for a little while, mainly off the High Road. Read and laugh:

"However, in just a few minutes a Glock fanboy will come by and post a link to a test where a Glock was put in a blender filled with Drano, sulfuric acid, Coca-Cola, pirahna, and 2 pounds of industrial diamonds. A CAT D8 bulldozer was then dropped on it from 1000 feet. The owner picked up the Glock, chambered a 155mm HE round, hit a post-it note at 917 miles, and then proceeded to run 726,761 rounds of Wolf ammo coated with Gorilla Glue with no failures".

"This happens all the time in CCW states, right? I mean, I have to dodge bullets at every traffic light on my way to work, which really leaves me drained and unready for the inevitable shootout over a parking space when I get there..."

"I have always believed that a true gentleman provides covering fire while a lady is reloading."

"You know what the difference between me and you really is? You look out there and see a horde of evil, brain eating zombies. I look out there and see a target rich environment."

"Finding any S&W N frame in decent condition for less than $400 should make you squeal like a little girl as you reach for your wallet."

"H***, if bullets are comin' my way, I'll prove that a 200 lb man can low-crawl under a pregnant ant at 28 mph."

"I was curious if these were available to civilians?
Nein! For that does not fit into H und K's Master Plan. HK despises the civilian market. Allow me to quote H und K's slogan. ‘HK. Because you suck. And we hate you.'"

"In response to a statement that Tauri are a cheap copy of S&W:
H***, today most SMITH & WESSON revolvers are a cheap copy of a Smith & Wesson!"

"In response to a post about a .45-70 derringer...
Did you have to wear welder's goggles when you set that beast off? Does the manual tell you to scream "fire in the hole!" when you pull the trigger? Does the Forest Service you tell you to keep that thing out of the woods on hot, dry days? Do you still have eyebrows? Can it fire grape shot? I could go on..."

"I fired a .700 Nitro Express once.
I did manage to hang onto it, but I think my soul has been crooked in my body ever since."

"9mm may expand, but 45 ACP isn't gonna shrink."

"I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy."

"Practice makes permanent."

"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."

"When you come to take my guns, mind if I give you the ammo first?"

"If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck."

"When I first bought my S&W 22S the guy at the gun shop told me that he and his buddies liked to shoot golf balls with one. I went forth and had much fun with mine. The next time I was in the shop I told him I had tried his idea... lots of fun till I got asked to leave the driving range because I was disturbing the other golfers. His boss spewed coffee all over the counter."
"My wife just asked me how they got the golf balls in the gun?"

"The bottom line is to keep your booger hook off the bang button until you are ready to unleash H***."

"Regarding Garand: Squeeze and something at the other end of the loud stick dies."

"Every time a man buys a Garand, God saves a puppy."

"You can't argue with a 357, well you can, but you end up bleeding a lot."

"‘You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.' - I see two main problems with using this slogan as a strategy for preserving gun rights: 1) I end up dead. 2) they get my gun."

"9mm = .45 ACP set on ‘stun'."

"I was once asked how I define "gun control," so I did.
Gun Control-(noun): The ability to exercise influence over a firearm to place the projectile effectively."

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