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- "Liberals" are already unhappy... I thought the idea of these events was to CHANGE their minds, not to reinforce their already anti-gun/owner views.

I would argue that these events are not to change the minds of some subset of the public who are requesting their rights to be taken away, but rather remind the politicians that the second amendment was put in place at a time when we had a King on the other side of the world telling us what to do. The bill of rights is to protect the citizens against over reach of the federal government. Right to speech, right to protest, right to not be disarmed. Only 3% of the citizens were responsible from freeing us from the tyranny of a king and it was not a friendly March to hope to sway public opinion.

I'd actually prefer these arm protests be on the front lawns of the politician's homes.
- "Liberals" are already unhappy... I thought the idea of these events was to CHANGE their minds, not to reinforce their already anti-gun/owner views.

Reading this topic shows how even in our firearms community of very pro-persons there is division.
Right here is why we fail to stop, or prevent anything.

So rather than debate what is the best attempt to deter the loss of our rights.
Let's simply go back, and that our forefathers. Many of the persons that were armed, were people with some monetary wealth. As a firearm was not simply as affordable as it is today. See you had many people that had great financial investment in the current system that existed. They saw that the government was wanting to take even more away, and that is what struck them to make a choice.

That choice was, these things as they were, and accept the change. Or take a step forward, and you have the possibility of losing everything he worked for. Many people back then were fighting for every scrap of land, and possession they had. Something we take for granted here. Yes we have to put food on the table, and we do have to work at our jobs and reproductive. But at what point are we going to say no more? This inability among ourselves to find a common goal to simply fight for has made it may very difficult. You have the NRA and OFF, who have their own agendas and ideologies, that often do not fit with many the members here at Northwest firearms. In fact many are very disappointed with the representation they have, and the only choices they are given.
The NRA and OFF are in rinse repeat mode, and have stopped basically making anything presentable as an argument.
So what point does it fall back on us?
We do not have our forefathers to come to our rescue they already did that, and unlike the I NRA and OFF, our forefathers already gave us gifts that would allow was to oppose tyranny if we saw that threat. I have just as much to lose as everyone else does in this forum.
Looking at the turnout from this week's sale and rally shows that things have changed. Around 200 people showed up, where just five years ago over 2000 people were estimated to have been there. And it was done during the week so what changed? It appears that many are simply content to sit by and let things happen. If your job is more important than your civil right, that is a decision you may be forced to live with. I am not saying take off work quit your job, and go protest. I'm saying our forefathers put everything at risk, to fight for our ability to make a decision. Makes me wonder at what point do we say no more? We are looking at registration and permits, as well as limitations on your access to ammo. How can this not be too much, how is this not the breaking point?
nobody is going to change anyone's opinion through protest these days, it just generates a cash flow for media outlets, journalists, protest/counter protest groups, legal groups, and probably more. They just want the circus to continue because it's easy profits.

It doesn't matter how hard or nice you protest, the majority of young people are not into guns, and don't think the 2nd amendment is a big issue in their daily lives, or consequential to them in the long run. To them, people who 'need' an AR15 to go about their daily lives are the brainwashed ones.

There is no connection that can be made, from their point of view, between disarming populations 50-100 years ago and their subsequent troubles, to disarming the american public today. The main part being, whether a citizen is armed or not, our government does not haul them away for being critical of them. Occupy wall st. and related protest were not allowed to last as long as they did because the protestors were armed, and they would have been shut down, possibly even faster, if they were. There is no realistic threat in their eyes to the citizens of this country, should they not be allowed to own assault style rifles. There is no clear evidence either way since A; we have never NOT had them, and B; historical arguments do not have much relevance to our country today, it's about as relevant as antis quoting current european or australian gun violence stats and comparing them to america. It's just too big of a stretch for the other side to believe.
That was awesome!
keep in mind what we don't consider threatening can look menacing on TV to non gun owners
Sorry, I'm not a fan of these events, and if they were carrying axehandles or pitchforks I'd feel the same.

I was in Pittsburgh during both active shooter events, the first in Warrendale, just north of town, and a week later, the Squirrel Hill synagogue attack. While I was there, I carried, and since then, every day.
PA is a pro-gun, pro hunting state. What you see is the people of the area doing what needs to be done - protesting the knee-jerk reactions of politicians.
Sure, I wasn't comfortable with the muzzle action I saw, but if I'm Pro 2nd Amendment, I'm going to carry to that very demonstration to emphatically SHOW that I'm Pro 2A.

[edit to add] While I was there, the volunteer fire department for the town next to New Kensington, PA, had a gun raffle at their annual ball. They raised $15,000 through the raffle alone.
I disagree, that protest do not do anything. They do plenty. It tells the public we exist.
To date because our rallies and lobbyist suck, I still know many homegrown Oregonians that still think
private sales are legal and never heard of SB941. What we are doing to inform even gun owners
is not working.

And history is very relevant to our current fight.
Liberals have been hugely successful with protests.
Ceasefire Oregon was nothing in 2007, they now are a force all because public showings and protests.
Evidence shows action not words works and always have.
If you don't like 2nd A protests...don't protest, but being wishy-washy about pro-gun protest tactics doesn't sound pro-gun to me!

Some would keel over with the 'vapors' if they came to Texas where not only concealed carry is legal, but so is open carry...oooooh, gun stereotypes here have a better track record of being law abiding even when compared to Law Enforcement. Plus, you can carry concealed in your vehicle without a License To Carry per what's called the Motorist Protection Act.

Me, I don't like seeing anti-fa protests as it reinforces dem/commie stereotypes...

If one doesn't like protests, protest against those cretins...
The anti-gunners are waiting on older men, which is essentially who you mostly see at these rallies, to die off. The only way to stop that is to keep showing up, rifle slung, and encourage the women and younger people in your lives to attend as well. I try to talk to the younger crowd at these 2A rallies, shake their hands and thank them for bucking the trend that so many of their young counterparts have adopted.

My take: I don't think most people are there to change anti-gunner's minds. I think it's more to remind politicians that we're part of the voting bloc too, but more so, and at least in my case, to pointedly remind our fellow gun owners that they have a responsibility to show up to these things vs. hiding in the closet. Not showing up makes people believe those fake studies that say "90% of gun-owners want <insert gun law>", etc.

When I was downtown the last couple times in Boise at the 2A rallies, my rifle was slung and I open-carried a holstered pistol. I agree with those that suggest to keep the rifle slung as a guideline, but I don't think it should be required and it didn't bother me how people carried, so long as they responsibly watched their muzzle. I was glad to participate with the crowd, and further glad to exercise my rights. I did it only a few months after moving to Idaho because where I moved from there was no open or concealed carry whatsoever. Rights not exercised are rights forfeited.

True, it will paint a picture in anti-gunners' collective minds (one they already have), and a false-flag incident surely could occur. Sprinkle some violent Anti-Fa in the rally, and fireworks could ensue. However, at this stage, the way lawmakers are posturing and the way people are voting, we would seem to have little time or opportunity remaining to do these things. No time like the present.
Looks like Hizzonor the Mayor of Pittsburgh ticked off some 2A Patriots:

How do we make something like this happen at the Oregon State Capital? That's what really needs to happen, a well organized event, showing solidarity against a tyrannical state government.

Folks, this is the response the gun owning community must have to any gun control legislation presented or proposed. A lesser response will turn us all into criminals, felons and subjects of the state...
I disagree, that protest do not do anything. They do plenty. It tells the public we exist.
To date because our rallies and lobbyist suck, I still know many homegrown Oregonians that still think
private sales are legal and never heard of SB941. What we are doing to inform even gun owners
is not working.

And history is very relevant to our current fight.
Liberals have been hugely successful with protests.
Ceasefire Oregon was nothing in 2007, they now are a force all because public showings and protests.
Evidence shows action not words works and always have.

I would argue Ceasefire and other groups have grown as much as they have naturally, due to the shift in american culture away from guns. The vast majority of young people still in highschool or college, aside from drug dealers or kids raised in the country, don't have guns or even a history with them, and have managed to live their lives, and see their parents/grandparents live their lives completely ok, without guns. From their point of view, an AR is a ridiculous thing to claim to need, and the only relation they have to those kinds of guns is through mass shootings, so their de-facto standpoint is with gun control, and inherently side with Ceasefire kind of groups.

With young people inherently siding with gun control groups, they need proof that they can't achieve what they want out of life without an AR kind of gun, and that proof does not exist. The actions that speak louder than words in this instance, is our government not posing a threat to unarmed citizens, from their point of view of course.
I would argue Ceasefire and other groups have grown as much as they have naturally, due to the shift in american culture away from guns. The vast majority of young people still in highschool or college, aside from drug dealers or kids raised in the country, don't have guns or even a history with them, and have managed to live their lives, and see their parents/grandparents live their lives completely ok, without guns. From their point of view, an AR is a ridiculous thing to claim to need, and the only relation they have to those kinds of guns is through mass shootings, so their de-facto standpoint is with gun control, and inherently side with Ceasefire kind of groups.

With young people inherently siding with gun control groups, they need proof that they can't achieve what they want out of life without an AR kind of gun, and that proof does not exist. The actions that speak louder than words in this instance, is our government not posing a threat to unarmed citizens, from their point of view of course.

I actually documented quite a bit of CeaseFires activity, as until October we had someone in there quite awhile letting us know
what was going on. In a photo I took in 2007 Eugene there were about 25ppl that showed. 10 years later that same group commanded around 1500 at the state capital. They have received guidance from Prozasnki over the last several years and is why they advanced to a more aggressive stance. Allot of what we think is happening is actually calculated and designed. I do not disagree with what you are thinking, but my research shows a direct correlation from passive to activist that increased numbers. They are such a threat now OFF will not meet at meetings they are at. Allot going on.......much more then the public realizes.
I actually documented quite a bit of CeaseFires activity, as until October we had someone in there quite awhile letting us know
what was going on. In a photo I took in 2007 Eugene there were about 25ppl that showed. 10 years later that same group commanded around 1500 at the state capital. They have received guidance from Prozasnki over the last several years and is why they advanced to a more aggressive stance. Allot of what we think is happening is actually calculated and designed. I do not disagree with what you are thinking, but my research shows a direct correlation from passive to activist that increased numbers. They are such a threat now OFF will not meet at meetings they are at. Allot going on.......much more then the public realizes.
Prozanski being involved with CeaseFire, isn't that a conflict of interest? Just more RICO activities coming out of the state capital...
Well all I have is verbal proof, pretty sure he would not put it on record.
But was during a discussion. Like I keep saying, nothing is as it seems.
I am humble enough to say, took me sometime to see the smoke settle and get a
good look at was going on. I wish I didn't know most of what I know, makes me wanna puke.

Interesting side not near all of Oregons Dem Politicians are not from this state, and some
not from this country. Yet they all know whats best for Oregon?

Prozanski being involved with CeaseFire, isn't that a conflict of interest? Just more RICO activities coming out of the state capital...
- "Liberals" are already unhappy... I thought the idea of these events was to CHANGE their minds, not to reinforce their already anti-gun/owner views.

Let's all honestly ask ourselves why we cadre to the very people who only aim is to disarm Americans period. We are the people with the guns and the rights we choose to exercise, they are the weak demanding we surrender. I say it's time we protest like this in every city across America. Let the anti freedom socialist see the force that will be reckoned with to disarm us. I'm sick of hearing how being a gun owner or carrying a firearm openly in a non threatening way is offensive. The second amendment is offensive to these people, it's time to stand together for what we believe in.
What we really need is about 30 million armed Gun Owners to March on DC and show them we mean business.

What Part of "Shall NOT be Infringed" Don't they understand ?

Absolutely nothing will change in Washington, DC or Salem or Olympia or Boise for that matter until this happens! We need to make Trumps inauguration look sparse:)
This should be the model by which these kinds of demonstrations are carried out. Very well spoken, prepared presentations and a variety of people coming together for a united cause.

I also appreciate the speaker allowing the opponent to share her point of view.

Very well done. It will be interesting to see how their local media spins it.
I 100% agree with the above statement.

For those who say this is risky and would paint 2A supporters in a poor light, I say painted by who? Based on what I've seen most of the media already supports gun grabbing so bubblegum the media and it's bully pulpit, do what you believe to be right. Choosing to not do something based on your own fear is a very poor choice.
I was told by a wise man years ago that almost every decision based out of fear will turn out to be a poor decision. He said do what you believe is right based on your good moral upbringing and then stand behind it. He said don't bully others and don't just stand and watch while others are bullied. There are lots of bullies in today's world and it's us they are pushing around!

The folks marching and speaking in the video link have a sack and for this I salute them.
Let's all honestly ask ourselves why we cadre to the very people who only aim is to disarm Americans period.

Being "honest " here.... isn't the idea to bring people to "OUR" side, not reinforce their already negative stereotypical views of gun owners.

Our opposition has the unflinching, bone-deep support of ALL major media and any. .ANY...problem, however minor or spin-able into a false narrative, will be cause to create wall-to-wall, nationwide, 24/7 coverage. The facts won't matter, who they choose to crucify and what that person stood for, will be entirely immaterial to their narrative.

The most recent example being: those "Privileged-White-Catholic-Boys racially abusing a Poor-PeaceDrumming-Native-Vietnam Vet-Tribal Elder", story. The facts don't support the narrative, the fake-news has been exposed, the liars have been revealed....yet, they continue to further twist the story. With the Media it's "MAGA hats bad", "white males bad", "Catholics bad", "pro-life bad".

Now, imagine your average, white, family loving, working-stiff, a nice guy with an AR in his hands, being verbally abused by one group, then, confronted with a guy staring him down while pounding a drum 10 inches from his face...and his reaction is to also do nothing but grin back.
We provide the Photo-Op....They supply the lie to go with it.

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