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So. From the responses thus far... wow. And we are "the minority", of gun owners in Oregon and Washington.. this is depressing to see that gun owners in Oregon seem to be mostly... apathetic, complacent, with heads firmly buried in the sand so far down that it takes a whole lot more before they even consider fighting for their rights...
Yeah, but it get's real old having people in our community continually bashing and blaming gun-owners for all of it. Are we all doing whatever it takes to fight? Not likely, but most everyday gun-owners also have demands on their time and resources just making a living. On the anti-2A side... they have ALL those tax dollars, fed and national special interest support and resources that are nearly impossible for a band of everyday gun-owners to combat against.

We have the law on our side, which makes it even more rediculous when we are the ones with the constant uphill battles to fight... one after the other... just to keep our noses above water.

Besides the blame game, suggestion on plans of action would be more helpful, IMHO. I think many are more than willing to help, but it takes organizers and planners to lead the way.
Yeah, like I said, an argument to be made. As you described, I doubt a tv ad at 2am or a blurb on AM radio is going to do much to change hearts and minds. Not saying I like it.
we need way better than 2am. ads. just saying. I watched as washington started there ban measure and was all talk here too no action what so ever. no counter anything. other than buy more mags now.. Not the answer. thats just me
Yeah, but it get's real old having people in our community continually bashing and blaming gun-owners for all of it. Are we all doing whatever it takes to fight? Not likely, but most everyday gun-owners also have demands on their time and resources just making a living. On the anti-2A side... they have ALL those tax dollars, fed and national special interest support and resources that are nearly impossible for a band of everyday gun-owners to combat against.

We have the law on our side, which makes it even more rediculous when we are the ones with the constant uphill battles to fight... one after the other... just to keep our noses above water.

Besides the blame game, suggestion on plans of action would be more helpful, IMHO. I think many are more than willing to help, but it takes organizers and planners to lead the way.
And The Brits had the worlds largest and most powerful army in the world! Yet here we are! Just sayin'
if you hide and let it happen and hope we can win later.. Ask the Jewish people how that went or the Native Americans.

Get a plan and roll with it, worse case we lose, but i rather lose while fighting, then on the bench watching!
Im gonna look into comcast advertising see cost and see if its doable if we can raise the funds.
I think after IP17 becomes official it won't matter if it's a revolver or lever action etc. A person will have a very difficult time to buy any gun that is not a muzzle loader. Also to take possession of any pending or new silencer or nfa item that has a state transfer with it.
That's right. The permits and training requirements will affect all common firearms.

When the crime rate in the Willamette Valley fails to drop, they will seize the opportunity to target handguns next. That is what happened in the 1990s.
Nope, not funding anything on my own. But I am in way over $100 in donations this year.
My question then would be has your donation helped? has it overturned your mag ban? maybe better placed donations? i know your not oregon and wouldnt expect you to be in our fight. But Oregon passes this you bet your arse washington will not be out matched.
if you hide and let it happen and hope we can win later.. Ask the Jewish people how that went or the Native Americans.

Get a plan and roll with it, worse case we lose, but i rather lose while fighting, then on the bench watching!
Im gonna look into comcast advertising see cost and see if its doable if we can raise the funds.
I'm not really into giving Comcast any more of my money but that'd be the broadest range of people reached. If you get something together I'd be willing to pitch some $$
we need way better than 2am. ads. just saying. I watched as washington started there ban measure and was all talk here too no action what so ever. no counter anything. other than buy more mags now.. Not the answer. thats just me
Agree. So what is the plan? I don't have the means or know-how to protect our rights. My perception of not enough gun owners paying attention and not enough funds to put up a fight has been formed by 3 decades of watching. It only gets continually worse with the goofballs moving in and the good folks moving out. I'll shed more than one tear leaving the west coast, but that is my plan. Born and raised here, hunted fished and enjoyed the outdoors before it was a cute bumper sticker. The vote is a fraud, the courts are bought. I am open to suggestions.
if you hide and let it happen and hope we can win later.. Ask the Jewish people how that went or the Native Americans.

Get a plan and roll with it, worse case we lose, but i rather lose while fighting, then on the bench watching!
Im gonna look into comcast advertising see cost and see if its doable if we can raise the funds.
If you check with Comcast, please keep us updated.
We need to fight IP17 with everything we got. And we do have a growing body of case law from SCOTUS to challenge these BS statutes.

However, I've noticed when other states hit the final stages of circling the drain, these kinds of laws come about. So, yes, I think Oregon is largely a lost cause at this point, along with the rest of the west coast. How I wish it were not so, because it is a beautiful state; pity it was so thoroughly screwed up. 🙁

P.S. Have all the bases covered and then some with pews and magazines. Don't know what this crap will do to a final NFA project still stuck in dotgov land though. So, just riding it out, one way or another.
same deal.
I don't want anyone to misinterpret my post! I'll fight tooth and nail when the time comes. I have voted against every Libtard/Demoncrat and their policies since residing in Oregon! The numbers are stacked and I've seen nowhere where my votes counted. I am not a native Oregonian so, my departure is for my own longing to be where I belong. :s0155:
I don't want anyone to misinterpret my post! I'll fight tooth and nail when the time comes. I have voted against every Libtard/Demoncrat and their policies since residing in Oregon! The numbers are stacked and I've seen nowhere where my votes counted. I am not a native Oregonian so, my departure is for my own longing to be where I belong. :s0155:
The time is Now!
Oregon is just about near the bottom third for deaf education, from my own observation.. and we are talking with Willamette Educational Services district about home schooling supplies... we are looking at Colorado vs Texas, MAYBE Tennessee... but if we decide home schooling is best option, then that opens up a bit more options depending on jobs. Politically, this bill may be the final push for us to leave Oregon for good :(

The simple fact that IP17 somehow managed to get "enough valid signatures" whereas the petitions to repeal SB941, and to recall K8 both "failed to produce enough valid signatures" by the Sec of State office.....
But Oregon passes this you bet your arse washington will not be out matched.
This has long been the story on the Left Coast. Whatever egregious, unconstitutional, slap-in-the-face infringement that Kommiefauxnia can come up with, it doesn't take long for either WA or OR to go even further to the left with the issue. And then it's a death race to the bottom between WA and OR to see which state can out-Left the other on the issue... Pathetic!

I was born in WA, raised in Eastern WA, grew up a bit before leaving for the Old World, and returned here almost 35 years ago to a place that was still mostly like I left it in the late 60s. But then shiit changed in the 90s and was forever locked to the Left during the gubernatorial "election" of 2004 between Rossi and Gregoire. That was the final nail in the proverbial coffin for any representation of my views in Olympia... Which is why, after all of the investment in time, sweat, and money I have made here, I am making revolutions to leave this place for good... It's sad, really...
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Sad thing is we have less than 90 days to do anything. sadly i sat on my hands as we all did..
we should of stood side by side where they were gathering signatures. educating the public, but we didnt
Not even sure we could get a ad made and on air in 90 days
I am looking there with Montana as the backup option. Going early October to check potential places out. But my family has constraints as we all do. Otherwise lots of states might be on the list.
I've already made 2 trips to ID in the past year to scout property in the Clearwater and Idaho Counties area. The first trip, someone snatched an old prepper's property of 80 acres right out from underneath me. Came with a ratty old trailer (that I would burn down and replace with a fortified log cabin), 500-gallon LNG tank, wind turbine, ground-mount solar panels, backed up to the NF, on top of a small mountain/large hill, with a mile-long gravel driveway fully in range of the trailer at the top of the hill. I wasn't prepared, in that I had not arranged any financing. Someone else came in and snatched it right out from underneath me. Same thing happened this spring at a place I was looking at up near Bonners Ferry. Since then, I've learned... now I have $1/4 million at the ready to make a cash offer when the next great parcel comes up...

Once my youngest clears the higher education indoctrination system in 4 years hence, there'll be nothing that keeps me here in WA anymore...
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My question then would be has your donation helped? has it overturned your mag ban? maybe better placed donations? i know your not oregon and wouldnt expect you to be in our fight. But Oregon passes this you bet your arse washington will not be out matched.
Born and raised in OR. Moved to WA in '99. Still taxed by OR with no representation, so I feel I can gripe a bit as my tax money is being spent...against us.

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