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But, you know. If someone actually challenged the group at the entrance to the building instead of assuming that they were just another guest? This might not have happened.

Are you kidding me?

Say that (not being of color) you ask them (the suspects), "Why are you here?" Well, you'd be a "racist". Yup, you'll be on the news.

"Yuths…..harrassed by privileged property owner. More news on the 6 P.M. broadcast."

So, not being a racist and not wanting this to be a racial issue.....

We need a no shirt law.

Cough, cough.....

Rrrright.....sometimes, you just can have a hunch that something is amiss. Or, can you?

Aloha, Mark

Yep, you don't want to be called a Becky for asking people to follow the rules

"Meh, much has been done by CIA, soldiers, etc at the direction of their political masters. We armed the Taliban... look how that turned out!"

We didn't arm the Taliban, we armed the warlords of the Northern Aliance. The warlords ran the country much like a government of Crips and Bloods. They robbed, raped and killed anyone they chose. You can see the same corruption in the Afghan government today.

The people had enough and created a solid militia of fundamentalists. That is how the Taliban got started, and that is why many Afghans consider the Taliban to be the good guys. You have to understand how the Afghans feel. It would be like we would feel if our government and businessmen sold us out to the Communist Chinese.

Those warlords were the mujahideen. Who Were the Afghan Mujahideen?

Which also included Osama bin laden. Still to this day in Afghan there are remnants of them and the mindset is the same, its the one place in the world that many have tried to conquer but even with differences from regional and dialect they'll unite under one common goal. That being removing a foreign threat so they can get back to petty insurrection and power struggles between themselves. Now my time spent wasn't just some journo or a publicist, no no. I was deep in the streets er....lack of streets the dusty trails village to village area to area with much variety and diversity doing KLE's.

After spending time in this land for a year you come to acknowledge the fact that many of the problems the US faces in its day to day pales in comparison to the average day to day life of a simple but "free" man. I say that loosely because even though there is no real form of government the threat of extremism constantly dictates the day to day. Assisting Americans? hold my beer while I ravage up your house and village and leave threatening letters that state if you continue to assist we will punish further in the families and across lines.

The government or lack of in a bulk of the areas is mostly tribal and ran by people who could loosely be recognized as crime lords in a city underground.
You remove one leader another is eager to take the place of and inflict their own special brand of "rule". But thing remains constant, no matter how much decay and attack they come under by sheer volumes and numbers they'll continue to fight for one common cause long enough to then break into splinter factions and enact their own flavor of power.

Arming the mujahideen back in the day wasn't our brightest move but boy do we love "helping" rebel forces across the globe get strong enough to eventually turn on us in the coming years. Sure we were using them by proxy to pseudo battle Russia but if we had just left it be they would have been just fine long run. Now they talk about peace talks with the Taliban.

Speaking of Taliban, they were born as a separatist of the Mujahideen. Beings that Osama had mujahideen training and ties that directly applies to the Taliban of the areas. Mujahideens were known as very fierce warriors - ever heard the saying (the most dangerous man is the man who has nothing to lose) thats them. One deeply rooted in religious faith and defense of. The other rooted in traditions. The mujah were the real deal whove seen action for a very long time, the Taliban had a few commanders but so many young boys without much action beyond small tribal conflicts not yet battle hardened until AFTER the US got involved. Not even Alexander the great could conquer them. The Russians also had a tough time as is the US. Of course Russia also is responsible for a lot of the large plots of mined areas from when they would fly over head and drop tons of mines from planes (we had to navigate around such areas). They also couldn't resist themselves and raped local women, which is why you would see very odd looking red headed or light complexion children that didn't match with locals.

Lastly to touch on the people and how we would feel. Here is the big difference, US is LARP'ing about the government boogieman and what they would do, Afghan actually does it and more, why?, because they don't have a central government ruling over everything they do in their lives and a faith backed to have the balls to do things. The US common man is too complacent in a 9-5 work world and too many things of value to lose. You think our elections are heated? at least we don't bring PKM's and RPG's and actually stop people from going to vote, instead we shame them over social media and create journalism sensationalism so when norman gets off work at 5pm he can catch the news and form his own opinion. OR maybe they really don't give much about having any power ruling them and just do exactly what they want showing what can happen if you actually try vs stay at home hiding behind politics. Not advocating actual destruction but the message is they are at least involved and willing to fight and try. Lotta complications....I am not admiring them but after empirical evidence from experiencing it first hand a lot of the 2A folk would be best to take notes on how to better prepare and act.

Prime example is why are a buncha tribal like people able to take on the big US MIL effectively yet the US will reel in fear over laws and practice hording supplies for the BIG gee didn't these votes from long before I was born cause a war I was born into?....hmmm....
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Oh trust me, I have a lot more issues with Trump and reasons why I wouldn't vote for him in 2016, 2020 or any other time for any other position, including dog catcher.

You're dependable. I have a lefty buddy that I can crank up any time I want. The other day he called and asked what I was doing and I replied "Listening to Rush Limbaugh" and off he went... I had a good laugh at his expense. :p;):D
Yah, I'm not a single issue voter. If I was to be, it would be over abortion.

After 8 years of BHO deconstruction with his "community organizing" and awful foreign policy, I've come to greatly appreciate the repair and progress made by the Orange man. It would take more than UBC, Red Flag, or even AWB for me to turn down 5 more years of economic and foreign success.

I'll just have to see what happens.
Yah, I'm not a single issue voter. If I was to be, it would be over abortion.

After 8 years of BHO deconstruction with his "community organizing" and awful foreign policy, I've come to greatly appreciate the repair and progress made by the Orange man. It would take more than UBC, Red Flag, or even AWB for me to turn down 5 more years of economic and foreign success.

I'll just have to see what happens.
Investors are so leery of Trump's economic idiocy, these days they start selling off the minute Trump opens his mouth about the economy. U.S. investors and the Chinese government seem to agree rather emphatically that they'd like to see Trump gone from office after this election. In fact China is betting heavily that Trump will lose.
Investors are so leery of Trump's economic idiocy, these days they start selling off the minute Trump opens his mouth about the economy. U.S. investors and the Chinese government seem to agree rather emphatically that they'd like to see Trump gone from office after this election. In fact China is betting heavily that Trump will lose.

This is not the place to discuss the details of that. Send me a PM and I'll be happy to laugh at you there.
You're dependable. I have a lefty buddy that I can crank up any time I want. The other day he called and asked what I was doing and I replied "Listening to Rush Limbaugh" and off he went... I had a good laugh at his expense. :p;):D

I try to be consistent. Part of that is based on underlying philosophical rules I have arrived at, and I try to be objective.

When it comes to people though, I can be quite subjective. Having had very close personal exposure (over many years) to narcissistic personalities, including ones that are pathological liars, I can often recognize their traits in other people. I admit I have a strong bias against such people, I believe for very good reasons - I assert that such people often hurt others in many ways, especially thru fraud. I don't like politicians in general, thinking them more often corrupt than not - but to me Trump is not only an extreme case, but one that I not only can't respect, but one that I cannot tolerate at all.

Sue me.
Wayne should have been gone a LONG, long time ago and I said that for some time.

No way is he gonna leave without a lot of kicking and screaming. He makes too much money out of the deal to give in easily. A million dollars a year, plus deferred compensation which amounts to several millions of dollars every so often. Not to mention "expenses."

Non-profit organizations in general have been targets of insider abuse and manipulation for personal financial gain. The larger the organization, the larger the abuse. NRA insiders and vendors are milking the organization for all it's worth. They are hollowing out the NRA while the getting is good.

At present, there is kind of a parallel disaster coming down the tracks. One, the tidal wave of public opinion and political crop dusting for more gun control. Two, the tottering of the NRA in both public opinion and political effectiveness.

It's difficult to get people's fingers out of the non-profit cookie jar. Neal Knox tried it for many years with the NRA and it's still going on.
I try to be consistent. Part of that is based on underlying philosophical rules I have arrived at, and I try to be objective.

When it comes to people though, I can be quite subjective. Having had very close personal exposure (over many years) to narcissistic personalities, including ones that are pathological liars, I can often recognize their traits in other people. I admit I have a strong bias against such people, I believe for very good reasons - I assert that such people often hurt others in many ways, especially thru fraud. I don't like politicians in general, thinking them more often corrupt than not - but to me Trump is not only an extreme case, but one that I not only can't respect, but one that I cannot tolerate at all.

Sue me.

Nope, not gonna sue. LOL

I once read a book on narcissism, having also experienced what I consider to be an inordinate amount in my family and an ex-wife. I found out that 1 in 4 people could be considered narcissistic sociopaths, and that it was practically a requirement for political office, and CEOs. As I wrote elsewhere LBJ was a hugely narcissistic sociopath.

BHO is the one that I cannot tolerate at all.

Don't sue me. ;)
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Since I saw mention of FPC and NRA only, I thought I'd add some other stances - ones I'd trust more than a 20k org's 65% (as others have pointed out the small actual sample size that represents)...

A lot of different threads here to go down, but it keeps one thinking, reflecting, and even questioning some viewpoints, which hopefully we're all doing ... at least some of the time.

GOA's Erich Pratt said they will not support Trump in 2020 if he moves forward with this (debating a tool from Everytown):

SAF's Alan Gottlieb has reportedly been in touch and helped review some of the proposed legislation:

And, for Reid Henrichs fans, his cathartic rants are, well cathartic. He's not running (as he says, you have to be a sociopath to run), so not sure. I don't know yet what I'll do about 14 months from now, as a lot could change.

I do not understand Dan Crenshaw's support of surveillance. He tried to explain it on Crowder recently, as 'well it's what Capitol Police and other feds have' (since that'd make it ok for all us?). Pretty disappointing...

Tulsi: Yes, all the things already mentioned about her appearance are true... but also, she's just not as off-putting and shrill lecturing mom voice as the other D's. She is no friend to 2A and supports many socialist policies. Whether she'd be more practical in office - hard to say. She does get props from me for takin' it to big-tech and for putting Kamala on the defensive. Can't stand Kamala. Couldn't stand her when she was AG of CA. She comes off as wanting to be just like her idol, as another lecturer in chief. Since I'm in the Constitution Party in Idaho (sounds good, but it's like being L - with no real hope of winning ... anything), I can't vote in R primaries (have thought of changing so I could), but I can vote in D primaries, oddly enough. It's doubtful Tulsi's there on the ballot still by then, but it'd be her or "Irving Schmidlapp" (TL;DR is that it's a fake candidate you write in):


Lastly, more for the Idaho crew:
I can say at least Russ Fulcher (my US Rep) seems more on the ball than most, and I haven't yet had cause to doubt his representing my views. He showed up at a gun rally at the capitol last year when there were only about 2 or 300 of us. He voted no on the budget and (like the Ron Paul reference above) warns about the Tap Act.

Years ago in an NBC unit....

We had powder that would neutralize the effects of nerve gas droplets on exposed skin. The powder caused cancer. The choice was Die from Nerve gas Today or Die from Cancer in 10-20 years.

We have the same odds with our current political system.
When faced with the choice of the lesser of two evils....the choice is still evil.

That said...
I will vote for the most pro-gun candidate that is on the ballot....even if I am still not happy with the choices offered.
When you talk about voting for Mickey Mouse, etc, you are supporting the SCOTUS nominees that the Dems KNOW will trash 2A.
Roberts is a twit who is more concerned with SCOTUS's optics than upholding Constitutional principles, so we need 1 more.
No matter how bad you think Trump sucks, think about a Supreme Court appointed by any of the Pinko Clowns who would run against him.
It ain't like we get to choose between King Jeshua and Trump, but the Dems will sure enough run some kleptocrat who hates us and our guns and truly IS the spawn of Satan.
If he signs a National Red Flag law into effect, then sadly I'll be sitting on my hands at voting time next year as well. I can't in good conscience vote for a crazy communist, but I can't continue to support Trump after both a bump-stock ban and national Red Flag laws are enacted.
I'm also very sad that the issues of National Concealed Carry Reciprocity and Removing Suppressors from the NFA have died. Republicans simply don't deserve my support for being so feckless and cowardly. They are easily bullied by the lefty media and would not not what a conservative is if one hit them over the head.

A) You can always vote third party. If you don't vote, you are perfectly camoflaged as being amongst the apathetic. Protest voting shows politicians that there are votes out there to get, they just need belly up and speak to those voters.

B) Most of the politicians like to be pushing for a law that can't pass. This is true whether Dem or GOP. The politician gets to pretend to make an effort and thereby get donations and votes. Politicians bubblegum a brick though, whenever those policies they like to bait voters with could be passed because they have a majority. The one exception to this though, is draconian gun laws. Dems and Repubs both are on board with those -- the Dems by being vocal, the GOP by being silent. Of course I'm speaking generalities -- there are probably a few edge cases for which this doesn't apply, but the vast majority of the clown army? Yeah. They're in it for themselves and their megadonors.
Roberts is a twit who is more concerned with SCOTUS's optics than upholding Constitutional principles, so we need 1 more.

Incidentally, there was a "John Roberts" who has been identified as traveling on the Epstein's Lolita Express jet. Do you have any idea why this is only being reported in foreign media?

Source: Bill Gates flew with Jeffrey Epstein on the Lolita Express in 2013

Gates was not the only famous name to hop aboard Epstein's plane either, with the serial pedophile also welcoming famed newsman Walter Cronkite, architect Peter Marino and a passenger identified as John Roberts.
He flew with Epstein on at least two occasions according to flight records, from March 22, 2010 and February 10, 2011.
In 2010 the plane with Roberts traveled from Palm Beach to Oakland, and the following year from Palm Beach to Teterboro

Does it really make much difference if Republicans promise to put "conservatives" on the court, but then we come to find out that the so-called conservatives are compromised?

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