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Didn't click... but I'll bet it says they were murdered either with their own guns, or because they lived in a home where there were firearms. Is this supposed to be national... in the U.S. or international?

Source =

Yeah, those guys jumped on the bandwagon a few years ago, at least...
How many of the victims,were "Men" who identified as, "Women"? Smilies - Thud.gif
Did everyone hear me scream? So allow me to tear apart her math. Let's start with a baseline 2018 FBI homicide stats from Table #1 from the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Approximately 14,000 homicide victims, 11,000 male victims 3,180 female victims. Here is where the wheels come off the cart. Quote from the article:

According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), intimate partner homicides make up approximately 10% of all US murders and of those, women comprise approximately 70% of those killed. In other words, one out of every ten people murdered is by an intimate partner, and seven of those ten murdered are women. Research tells us that women are far more likely to be killed by an intimate acquaintance or spouse than by a stranger.

Probably shouldn't, but I'll accept these numbers. 10% of 14,123 is 1,412. 70% of this (representing females) is 988. But 3,180 females were how is it more likely they are killed by an intimate partner??? (2,192, statistically according to their numbers were killed by a non-intimate partner).

Next quote:

The means to kill is gun-related and the "why" invites us to recognize how violence against women is closely connected to the growing sentiment of hate promoted by white supremacists.

That's me screaming again. Strawberry bricks. That's how much sense that makes. Kind author, take a look a this gem in the FBI data; US Census data says that 13.4% of the population is African American, yet in the FBI data 36.7% of the female homicide victims are African American. Killed by their Nazi Low Rider spouses? I think not. how about we arm and train women of ALL colors, races, whatever so they can defend themselves better than a piece of paper restraining order.

The woman and children killed in San Diego last weekend had obtained a restraining order the day before. I helped women get restraining orders as an LEO, knowing it will work for some guys and set others off. Is violence against women a problem? Absolutely, and why I support my wife's efforts with The Well Armed Woman and am an NRA Refuse to be a Victim instructor.

I'm so confused I read and hear about all this influence White Supremacists are having. But the only time I ever hear anything about White Supremacists is when the Liberals are screaming about them. Would not this mean the Liberals are the ones pushing the White Supremacists ideas. OR is it that these damaged people (the liberals) think every person who is an adult male (not sporting a hair bun) with a White ancestry (OH wait OBAMA has that too) is a White Supremacist.

I find this moron stuff to hard to follow sometimes.
I'm so confused I read and hear about all this influence White Supremacists are having. But the only time I ever hear anything about White Supremacists is when the Liberals are screaming about them. Would not this mean the Liberals are the ones pushing the White Supremacists ideas. OR is it that these damaged people (the liberals) think every person who is an adult male (not sporting a hair bun) with a White ancestry (OH wait OBAMA has that too) is a White Supremacist.

I find this moron stuff to hard to follow sometimes.
Indeed.. lies or twisted data notwithstanding, LIB/DEM/MEDIA control the "conversation" on these topics and are the only information out there for most of the population. It's becoming a "fact" that White men are being seen as criminals prima facie..
And this kind of garbage is taken across the airwaves the cable and Internet and people eat it up as true reporting... They are so bubblegum lazy that they will not even look into it to prove its validity.:oops:
What a load of drivel to get to a pretty basic point... woman beaters shouldn't have guns.
I just have to wonder how the author gets her stats, there isn't even a reference other that "crime data".
Hummm…….maybe MURDER should be made illegal?

Because.....if not a by a gun. Then, maybe a knife, hammer, poison, pillow, rope, etc...…

Aloha, Mark
Last Edited:
Another f* egghead liar sewing fear, I don't buy it. I bet dollars to dimes the correlation is weak by comparison to poverty, and other variables.

I think it's possible some men are acting out these days because we live in a country that has become increasingly more and more hostile to men at every turn, beginning in childhood. This affects all men across the board, regardless of race. I don't know how much "white supremacy" has to do with anything.
I don't know how much "white supremacy" has to do with anything.

You're not really going to consider that, are you?

BTW, the quote I read said that the hate spread by white supremecists is the problem.... I wasn't that great about diagramming sentences, but in this case is seems that "hate" is the DO of the sentence. So it wouldn't need to be that whitey is killing domestic partners but that the hate spread by whitey is causing men to kill their partners. Oh boy. Last time I knew hate was universal.

Anyway, I think women are being killed by the usual means (knives, fists, hands, rope, car, etc) way way way more then being shot. If shooting is on the increase, it would mean that men are becoming more whusiffied and not dealing with their harsh emotions on the more personal level that they used to. Before you know it, poisoning of women will be on the uptick.
There are several articles in Psychology Today which have a clear, anti-gun slant.
All of them cite dubious statistics, listed with source publications as if to lend credibility to the author's statements. The mental gymnastics that make me want to wretch is how they arrive at their conclusions, unsubstantiated by their logic or evidence.
For example, in the article cited in this op, the logic for why white supremacy is blamed for the increase in domestic violence is because (to quote loosely), "we have a national leader who demonstrates white supremacy ideals, we are a nation with the highest number of privately owned guns, and domestic violence murders are on the rise." et viola, it's because of white supremacy.
Makes me want to barf more than when Freakonomics asserted that violent crime by black youth declined over time due to abortion - of those very black boys who would be doing the crime. FFS.
If you read the article, there are many other anti-gun article links below. One was "We Need to Stop Blaming Mental Illness for Mass Shootings." In the article, they claimed that blaming mental illness was a disservice to those who suffer from mental illness, and asserted that to hate, bigotry and white supremacy had a greater causal relationship.
I appreciated that comments in the mental illness article chided the author. One said, "don't tell us what it's not, do you job and investigate what does cause it."
Another rejected the notion completely, citing experience, and claiming that social work, mental health and government agencies regularly failed at working to solve the problem of mental health in society, pushing the solution back onto families, encouraging them to employ the therapy du jour, which were useless, though popular among therapists.
The nut of it is, Psychology Today is preaching to their flock of sheep, who regard themselves as actualized intellectuals working to foster a greater social consciousness.
My casual observation of people who read Nut Job Today and discuss the articles at dinner parties (yep, used to go to those things), is that they want to seem intellectual in order to get laid.
Seems to me, the writing and "science" aspect of the soft science of Psychology Today have both degraded to the point where it's like People magazine: the articles are of a duration to read on the crapper, and the science is sub-marginal at best.
Was it the evil black gun on a red background???

More like the cognitive dissonance going on. The author expresses moral outrage over the ladies being more likely to be victims.... And then blames a tool that could have saved them.

It's like saying because a life preserver was used to smother some one to death, it could never be used to save someone from drowning, and we should ban all life preservers.
More like the cognitive dissonance going on. The author expresses moral outrage over the ladies being more likely to be victims.... And then blames a tool that could have saved them.

It's like saying because a life preserver was used to smother some one to death, it could never be used to save someone from drowning, and we should ban all life preservers.

Got it.

Such outrage is an old feeling... she thinks that in post-modern era, or whatever era the intelligencia (sp) says we are in, these happenings should be obsolete? The physically weaker will always be abused by the physically stronger... happens in gay relationships too. The weaker do need an equalizer...

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