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My true dream gun? Easy, an 1892 Winchester saddle ring Trapper or Carbine...nickel plated! .44-40 of ofcourse.

... ladies and gentlemen, that is your winner.
Bumping this discussion. Do I have to pick just one? I love lever guns. I have .444 Marlin, Winchester 45-70, 1895 Winchester Russian Contract sporterized 7.62x54R, 1895 Winchester US GOVT 30 / 30-06, Several 32-20 Winchesters, 1885 Winchester in 38-55, 1886 Winchester in 40-82 possible Viljoan Boer War gun, Winchester, Remmington, Marlin all in .22LR. I think i'm out of all 30-30s currently.
What? No .32 special? :) A fellow in Cali with the channel MosinVirus restored an 1895 in 7.62. He is on Rumble.
Henry Supreme in 300BLK.

View attachment 2019932

I'm sure most of you will cringe and feel disdain for this but, if this thread is being resurrected. Here is MY dream lever action. It's more versatile than 28/257 and can get 30-30 ballistics in some cases. I know it's not the same , but pretty darn close. So to me it fills a gap usually 3 rifles would have to.
I'll assume that you mistyped and meant 38/357.
The Henry is most likely a very good gun, but that sucker's not very attractive.

I'd like to know what metric is used to where a 357 can match 30-30 ballistics.
I'll assume that you mistyped and meant 38/357.
The Henry is most likely a very good gun, but that sucker's not very attractive.

I'd like to know what metric is used to where a 357 can match 30-30 ballistics.
Sorry. Yes I did mean 38/357, that was a I didn't proofread moment.
and I wasn't talking about 38/357 getting 30-30 ballistics. I was talking about 300BLK getting those.
Mainly touting the versatility of 300B:K. having loads for subsonics with a 220-250gr projectile being close to 38/357 equivalent
and supersonics with a 110 to 150gr projectile being close to 30-30 equivalent.
AND being less expensive to reload than 30-30 given the powder charge and the higher pressure, 300 is
a more efficient cartridge.

Yes, she is ugly. And I'll probably make 'er even more atrocious should I get my hands on one.
Henry Supreme in 300BLK.

View attachment 2019932

I'm sure most of you will cringe and feel disdain for this but, if this thread is being resurrected. Here is MY dream lever action. It's more versatile than 28/257 and can get 30-30 ballistics in some cases. I know it's not the same , but pretty darn close. So to me it fills a gap usually 3 rifles would have to.
I want that in .223 - and I want it to be very light (CF barrel, aluminum receiver, synthetic (CF?) stock), short (16") barrel, Scout scope pic rail, maybe integral suppressor (granted, would probably make CF barrel not feasible). In short, a lightweight handy rifle that would shoot an accurate (out to 300 meters) medium power low recoil cartridge, in an action that can handle different load levels from subsonic to high power levels.
Sorry. Yes I did mean 38/357, that was a I didn't proofread moment.
and I wasn't talking about 38/357 getting 30-30 ballistics. I was talking about 300BLK getting those.
Mainly touting the versatility of 300B:K. having loads for subsonics with a 220-250gr projectile being close to 38/357 equivalent
and supersonics with a 110 to 150gr projectile being close to 30-30 equivalent.
AND being less expensive to reload than 30-30 given the powder charge and the higher pressure, 300 is
a more efficient cartridge.

Yes, she is ugly. And I'll probably make 'er even more atrocious should I get my hands on one.
I get the typos as I recently posted "357 Roberts"...:rolleyes:
Still, not quite there, but able to shoot a much more aerodynamic bullet than most any other lever gun.
Now that I have the noise dying down from people smaller than me, I get to be a little more silly, and muse on various topics. With this notion in mind: what would be your dream lever-gun? Do you posses said or does it remain a dream? Does it currently exist or have to be invented? For what reasons do you hold to this notion?

Enjoy! :D
Turned my dream into reality, and have recently purchased a Marlin SBL Series Lever action chambered in 44 Magnum. I have changed out both the hand guard and Stock with Magpul furniture. The new Marlin lever actions since purchased by Ruger have really revamped the line and it is a fantastic rifle that can be had for $300 under list. The low cost furniture change out may not appear obvious since Magpul doesnt list the SBL in 44 Magnum as a rifle that their equipment fits on but in fact it does. There is both an aesthetic and practical rationale for the change out I also put a red dot on it.
Turned my dream into reality, and have recently purchased a Marlin SBL Series Lever action chambered in 44 Magnum. I have changed out both the hand guard and Stock with Magpul furniture. The new Marlin lever actions since purchased by Ruger have really revamped the line and it is a fantastic rifle that can be had for $300 under list. The low cost furniture change out may not appear obvious since Magpul doesnt list the SBL in 44 Magnum as a rifle that their equipment fits on but in fact it does. There is both an aesthetic and practical rationale for the change out I also put a red dot on it.
The Magpul stock has a compartment for spare ammo. Do they make an insert for .44 mag?

henry-special-products-division-suppressor-host.jpg Henry Special Products Division Prototype 1
In 2025, Henry Repeating Arms marked the launch of its Special Products Division, an internal section of the company dedicated towards making unique designs based on Henry's firearm designs. The first design from the company, which has yet to be officially named, has been referred to as "Prototype 1" or even the "Ultimate Suppressor Host." To create the design, Henry has trimmed as much weight off the front portion of the gun as possible, mostly through the use of a carbon-fiber-wrapped barrel. This design makes it possible to maintain a similar balance, as well as similar handling capabilities, to a traditionally constructed, unsuppressed lever-action rifle when a suppressor is mounted. Final texturing and styling is still being determined, and the sample seen above is only a prototype, but there's more to come from Henry's Special Products Division.
Marlin 1894CB in .357mag, with the 20" octagon barrel, skinner sights, steel cresent butt plate. Smoothed and tuned for smooth feeding and ejection.

You know, like the one in my safe. :s0115: :s0094:

View attachment 2025097Henry Special Products Division Prototype 1
In 2025, Henry Repeating Arms marked the launch of its Special Products Division, an internal section of the company dedicated towards making unique designs based on Henry's firearm designs. The first design from the company, which has yet to be officially named, has been referred to as "Prototype 1" or even the "Ultimate Suppressor Host." To create the design, Henry has trimmed as much weight off the front portion of the gun as possible, mostly through the use of a carbon-fiber-wrapped barrel. This design makes it possible to maintain a similar balance, as well as similar handling capabilities, to a traditionally constructed, unsuppressed lever-action rifle when a suppressor is mounted. Final texturing and styling is still being determined, and the sample seen above is only a prototype, but there's more to come from Henry's Special Products Division.
No thanks.

I know others would be interested, but not me.
No thanks.

I know others would be interested, but not me.
I like the idea of the lightweight barrel - it is interesting for those that want a suppressed lever action.

If they made SS barrel with an octagon titanium or aluminum shroud for the light weight. Even better would be if it was an integral suppressor (it would need to be a small caliber - like a .22 - to keep the size reasonable).

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