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Many people here tout their equipment as their key for survival. Many also tout their quality of equipment, and I understand that one can gain confidence from quality equipment that one lacks in their personal skill set. The skills required for survival are more than just not get killed and have something safe to eat and drink.

At the end of the day it's not just the quality of your equipment but your personal knowledge base that will make the difference.

What do you do for mental prep?

I have a library with a section dedicated to various publications from home canning/preserving techniques, the boy scout handbook, to the Foxfire series and many others. I also occasionally practice techniques that interest me. Like I once made a smoker out of a 16" clay pot and a hot plate. Worked great, could do 4 lbs of chicken easily. I've tried very poorly to make basket weave style fish traps, snares etc. I've dug holes in the backyard and cooked with a Dutch oven and even tried it in the house fireplace. (Mine is too shallow for a Dutch oven.) And power out "drills" where I basically camp in my own house for a few days. Drives the fam nuts but you can't wait for nature to put you in the situation to train.

How do you train? What did you read that you found particularly helpful? While this thread is more the dug in and wait, do you also train on how to return to castle if the need arises?
Great questions. I often wonder how I would react in certain situations.
Could you please explain this comment....?

I have hunted / fished all my life and eaten what I have killed....if wild game is "considered more dangerous that factory grown meat"...
I must be very lucky indeed.

It would seem to me that "factory grown meat " is more dangerous / less healthy for you than wild game that does not have all the chemical / artificial goodness that can come with "factory grown meat " or processed foods.
it's not about luck here so much as you were raised/taught how to properly hunt/fish/harvest your own meat. A truly great and invaluable skill. The USDA and the CDC both have cautions against wild harvested meat. Red tide closing a local beach, limits to harvesting outside of certain times of year etc., are all the forms of governmental control to help reduce the risk of wild harvest by a general public who no longer knows how.
It is not illegal to hoard money
while you are technically correct, try to leave the country with more than $10k. Also, get stopped by the police with a large amount of cash and watch them lock it up for months or years or forever. Consider the case in the news currently regarding Marine Corps Veteran Stephen Lara who had $87k in cash with pay stubs to prove it was legit, in his car and is in court fighting to get it back right now.
Many people here tout their equipment as their key for survival. Many also tout their quality of equipment, and I understand that one can gain confidence from quality equipment that one lacks in their personal skill set. The skills required for survival are more than just not get killed and have something safe to eat and drink.

At the end of the day it's not just the quality of your equipment but your personal knowledge base that will make the difference.

What do you do for mental prep?

I have a library with a section dedicated to various publications from home canning/preserving techniques, the boy scout handbook, to the Foxfire series and many others. I also occasionally practice techniques that interest me. Like I once made a smoker out of a 16" clay pot and a hot plate. Worked great, could do 4 lbs of chicken easily. I've tried very poorly to make basket weave style fish traps, snares etc. I've dug holes in the backyard and cooked with a Dutch oven and even tried it in the house fireplace. (Mine is too shallow for a Dutch oven.) And power out "drills" where I basically camp in my own house for a few days. Drives the fam nuts but you can't wait for nature to put you in the situation to train.

How do you train? What did you read that you found particularly helpful? While this thread is more the dug in and wait, do you also train on how to return to castle if the need arises?
Everybody should try to build a fire in their backyard during a rainstorm, even a shower with a bit of wind. If you fail at this then you might want to question what else you might be weak at.
Everybody should try to build a fire in their backyard during a rainstorm, even a shower with a bit of wind. If you fail at this then you might want to question what else you might be weak at.
In an "event" situation, you can cheat at every level to survive, adapt or perish. PAX
marine Corp survival school and 10 years as a navy corpsman followed by 20 years in emergency medicine.
That should be helpful. I'll share some freeze dried food with you.

I have a bunch of fishing gear and have been fishing on and off since I was a kid. I have never had much success and don't particularly like to clean or eat the fish I catch. I have thought about getting a license this year and practicing the skill in my neighborhood waters, the Willamette River in Wilsonville and Tualatin River in Tualatin area. It would be catch and release for me. Things would have to get pretty bad before I would be eating fish from either of those rivers. I would if the alternative was starving.
Also - Don't be fat. Physical fitness is key to survival.
Depends on the situation, body fat is stored energy. If I am lost at sea on a life raft, waiting for rescue, I want to be the fat guy. The fat guys will float easier too and stay warmer.

Depends on the situation, body fat is stored energy. If I am lost at sea on a life raft, waiting for rescue, I want to be the fat guy. The fat guys will float easier too and stay warmer.

They are also normally slower and a burden to those around them if they get hurt and need to be moved.

lol. I'll take my chances.

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