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Here's the thing. And I know deep in my heart that it is a "TRUTH". There will always be racists. ALWAYS! I have wondered about myself in the past. Doing what aging/growing I have done in the last 5-10 years I have finally come to the conclusion that I am not racist.

That man, was a racist! He doesn't think he is though.
I take huge issue with the term "racist" being thrown around these days, and being used selectively.

To me, "racism" only occurs in an action against another person solely based on ethnic characteristics.

A person who does not like a certain race, but never acts out against them, is simply "prejudiced"

"Racism" is a 2 way street. Yes, black Americans can and are racist against whites and Asians and Mexicans, etc. Any time a group of one race gangs up on ANY other race is racism. That is a taboo thought, eh?

"racism" is thrown around way too much.

I go to a bar, a woman looks at me and immediately decides not interested. Prejudice, right? Why did she conclude that? My physical characteristics? If I was black, could I claim "racism"? Probably. But I am not black.

At my job, my employer may choose a better looking employee to be the "face" of their sales team. Prejudice, right? Again, if I was black, could I claim "racism"?

If I get tired of being mugged in S. Seattle and actively avoid being around black people who sag their pants, am I racist? Or just being a realist? But, twist employer was the City of Seattle for 14+ years, and every year they had us attend RSJI Race and Social Justice Initiative, where college educated white people from Ballard or Laurelhurst, who had their college education paid for them by Volvo-driving parents claim that because my skin is white, I am intrinsically racist. Then they send me to work in S. Seattle where, well, you-know-who tries to mug me. And the Police won't show up.

Tired of the word, TBH
This is kind of hijacking the thread, but just want to follow-up by saying the whole idea of "race" is mostly unfounded. It is a cultural construct, scarcely a physical reality as any geneticist will tell you. Genetically, there is more differentiation between chimpanzees than there is between human "races." Of course, we are acculturated to think in terms of "race" based on skin color and can individually take pride in our distinctions, but we should never forget those distinctions are not based on science so much as cultural inventions.
I take huge issue with the term "racist" being thrown around these days, and being used selectively.

To me, "racism" only occurs in an action against another person solely based on ethnic characteristics.

A person who does not like a certain race, but never acts out against them, is simply "prejudiced"

"Racism" is a 2 way street. Yes, black Americans can and are racist against whites and Asians and Mexicans, etc. Any time a group of one race gangs up on ANY other race is racism. That is a taboo thought, eh?

"racism" is thrown around way too much.

I go to a bar, a woman looks at me and immediately decides not interested. Prejudice, right? Why did she conclude that? My physical characteristics? If I was black, could I claim "racism"? Probably. But I am not black.

At my job, my employer may choose a better looking employee to be the "face" of their sales team. Prejudice, right? Again, if I was black, could I claim "racism"?

If I get tired of being mugged in S. Seattle and actively avoid being around black people who sag their pants, am I racist? Or just being a realist? But, twist employer was the City of Seattle for 14+ years, and every year they had us attend RSJI Race and Social Justice Initiative, where college educated white people from Ballard or Laurelhurst, who had their college education paid for them by Volvo-driving parents claim that because my skin is white, I am intrinsically racist. Then they send me to work in S. Seattle where, well, you-know-who tries to mug me. And the Police won't show up.

Tired of the word, TBH
If a person didn't want to live in a neighborhood where his ethnicity or skin color wasn't in the large majority, would he/she be a racist?
If a person didn't want to live in a neighborhood where his ethnicity or skin color wasn't in the large majority, would he/she be a racist?
Seems an odd question. Who the hell cares about skin color when shopping for a home? Resale value, quality of construction, neighborhood schools, crime rates, HOA fees, proximity to polluters, living space, number bedrooms/bathrooms, updated amenities, acreage, etc. are key considerations which may be objectively evaluated when buying a home. Skin color? Wow. Talk about not on the radar...
If a person didn't want to live in a neighborhood where his ethnicity or skin color wasn't in the large majority, would he/she be a racist?
Splitting hair is a bit here, but I would say yes, a racist, but not necessarily illegal however, if you already lived in the neighborhood and actively tried to keep people of different ethnicities or skin colors from moving into your neighborhood, under current law that would be illegal and racist
Seems to me then, if a person would only move into a neighborhood that had equal numbers of, lets say, THREE races, would make that person a racist too.
Nah, just sounds to me like someone that doesn't like there to be an equal number of races in a particular neighborhood. ;)

Seems an odd question. Who the hell cares about skin color when shopping for a home? Resale value, quality of construction, neighborhood schools, crime rates, HOA fees, proximity to polluters, living space, number bedrooms/bathrooms, updated amenities, acreage, etc. are key considerations which may be objectively evaluated when buying a home. Skin color? Wow. Talk about not on the radar...
There has of course got to be still a small percentage of morons who would care about color of neighbors. One party is desperately trying to throw gas on that fire all the time though since it gains them power. For me? All I would be looking for is scum around the home I was interested in. I often feel so bad for people who live in what were nice, working class places that turn to 💩 holes, tents, breaking bad RV's and such. Those people if they go to sell have to take one hell of a hit when people come to look at the place.
As to the original topic, another one announced today… maybe now that decades-old gay bars can't handle the crime and vandalism Portland voters might care. Probably not though. No doubt the proprietor(s), staff, and patrons voted for it.

As to the original topic, another one announced today… maybe now that decades-old gay bars can't handle the crime and vandalism Portland voters might care. Probably not though. No doubt the proprietor(s), staff, and patrons voted for it.

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I don't think the politicians care at all about their constituents. Doesn't matter their identity anymore, except for talking points
I don't think the politicians care at all about their constituents. Doesn't matter their identity anymore, except for talking points
Oh I agree. I've long held that in Oregon (and elsewhere too I'm sure) ordinary voters, taxpayers, etc aren't merely last on the list of concerns, they aren't on it at all.
Who ever said they didn't?
You must not get out much. I work with a LOT of people who vote for the people who hose them every two years. Everyone one of them get over the top angry when they get hosed and I say "you did vote for this." Without exception they blame people who had nothing to do with what was done to them. It really has become a mental disorder. :s0092:
You must not get out much. I work with a LOT of people who vote for the people who hose them every two years. Everyone one of them get over the top angry when they get hosed and I say "you did vote for this." Without exception they blame people who had nothing to do with what was done to them. It really has become a mental disorder. :s0092:
Just because someone isn't happy doesn't mean they are ignorant of consequences and to assume or assert otherwise is disingenuous in my opinion.

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