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For transfers, it is worthless; SB 941 put an end to that. There are some secondary benefits, like discounts from at least one vendor, but if that outweighs the cost and paperwork of 03FFL is a personal call. As for actually collecting activity, however, it is pretty much of no value.
The SB 941 truly sucks. Most transfers have to go through an FFL and there is no provision for the collectors (03FFL) version in the state-level law. If that was by design or the incompetence of the authors of said isn't clear, but the net effect is the same. Ugh.
I have a bunch of C&Rsi want for myself and only myself and was wondering if getting my C&R FFl was worth getting here in Oregon in 2025?
For transfers the benefit will be limited. There are still some sellers here and there who will sell directly to C&R holders, despite Oregon law. It's either because they don't know any better or they don't give a pile.
I think a C&R license could still be useful with ignorant in state sellers or on a road trip with out of state purchases.

SB 941 applies to transfers in Oregon not in other States.
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