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This event has passed and there are no upcoming dates
I had wanted to find some good deals on shotgun primers but walked away when I saw the prices. It was like someone bought them years ago, sold them to someone else for double what they paid and they doubled their asking price as well.
I had some on my table but the sold before the show even started Saturday. Sold them cheap
Not really a buy but a half buy/trade for ammo was a Ruger Blackhawk 357 Mag. I didn't look at it closely at the gun show but when I got it home I noticed that it didn't have billboard warning on the barrel but did say made in the 200th year of American Freedom. I did a serial number check and it is indeed a 1976 made gun.
Yes. Any barrel with that stamp came on a gun from 1976. 6.5" barrel?
Certainly not a target rich environment.
No, but if you find a "match" attending an event such as this and they are there because it's something they enjoy, too, you're more likely to find a keeper.
At the bar, liquor is involved, and the first thing to go once you start drinking is your judgement.

I won't give @drakeslayer a bad time about this at all,
Good luck next time!
Yes. Any barrel with that stamp came on a gun from 1976. 6.5" barrel?
That's not entirety true, for a Ruger to have that stamp only means the barrel was made in 1976. I bought a #1 in 30-06 with the 200th year markings but the serial number dated it to 1978. Them bastages can be sneaky. Anyway yes it's a 6 1/2" barrel.
find a keeper

Last time I really bought primers was 30 years ago.The primers I saw at the show seemed to be priced what I see retail locally. I saw no primers that said " buy me". Im assuming those deals went around 8am Sat. morning.
I know nothing about shotgun primers but I can get Cheditte 209's for about $45.00/1000. But being unsure of them I'll probably just get the Winchester 209's for $67.00. Still way better than the $200/1000 they were asking at the show.

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