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Found 20 rd boxes of Radway Green ammo for 5 bucks each.
Bought all 10 of them.

Some guy was selling Indian OFV 1971 .308 for a good price.
Ordnance Factory Varangoan

The factory was built by Olin Winchester and all components were made by Winchester as m80 clone.

I bought 20 boxes and fired it in my backyard range averaging about 2.5 MOA at 100.
And it's reloadable boxer and NC primed.

For those that are gonna chime in " but but but Dubi..isn't that stuff blow guns up?"

Yes..only the 90s stuff.

The British ran the factory from the 70s til early 80s. Quality went to bubblegum in the 90s.

As was said it was the 80's and 90's stuff that was produced after the British turned over the plants that was crap.

Found surplus wool gloves US military for 1 dollar each, unused.

Found 100 round box of Sierra Gold Match 30 caliber 175gr bullets for 20 a box.
Bought all 5.

Found 44mag ammo for $25 a box, old white box Winchester.

Found a Beta C Mag stripper clip loader for the ar for 10 bucks. It was missing the T top loader part which I found in another of the vendors box.

Found m16 bandoleers for 2 a pop. These are the ones that carry the ten rd stripper clips.
Bought it all...strip out that white string on the bottom and it can carry full sized 30 rd AR magazines.
Found a Benelli M1S90 rifle sight barrel for $150.
Found a NP3 jacket in great condition. Guy wanted $50 bucks but got it down to $40.

All together a great show in my book.

There was a cool dude dressed up as an Italian Soldier. He dressed up as a Japanese soldier before at the Albany show.

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Found 20 rd boxes of Radway Green ammo for 5 bucks each.
Bought all 10 of them.

Some guy was selling Indian OFV 1971 .308 for a good price.
Ordnance Factory Varangoan

The factory was built by Olin Winchester and all components were made by Winchester as m80 clone.

I bought 20 boxes and fired it in my backyard range averaging about 2.5 MOA at 100.
And it's reloadable boxer and NC primed.

For those that are gonna chime in " but but but Dubi..isn't that stuff blow guns up?"

Yes..only the 90s stuff.

The British ran the factory from the 70s til early 80s. Quality went to bubblegum in the 90s.

As was said it was the 80's and 90's stuff that was produced after the British turned over the plants that was crap.

Found surplus wool gloves US military for 1 dollar each, unused.

Found 100 round box of Sierra Gold Match 30 caliber 175gr bullets for 20 a box.
Bought all 5.

Found 44mag ammo for $25 a box, old white box Winchester.

Found a Beta C Mag stripper clip loader for the ar for 10 bucks. It was missing the T top loader part which I found in another of the vendors box.

Found m16 bandoleers for 2 a pop. These are the ones that carry the ten rd stripper clips.
Bought it all...strip out that white string on the bottom and it can carry full sized 30 rd AR magazines.
Found a Benelli M1S90 rifle sight barrel for $150.
Found a NP3 jacket in great condition. Guy wanted $50 bucks but got it down to $40.

All together a great show in my book.

There was a cool dude dressed up as an Italian Soldier. He dressed up as a Japanese soldier before at the Albany show.

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That guy dressed up as the Japanese soldier looks great. Sorry I missed him.

I live near Portland ( :( ) and it takes me about an hour to get to Rickreall. As far as I'm concerned it's well worth the drive. It's the only show I've been to in the last couple of years, at least. Even if I don't buy anything, I enjoy the atmosphere.
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That guy dressed up as the Japanese soldier looks great. Sorry I missed him.

I live near Portland :)() and it takes me about an hour to get to Rickreall. As far as I'm concerned it's well worth the drive. It's the only show I've been to in the last couple of years, at least. Even if I don't buy anything, I enjoy the atmosphere.
Yeah, it's a Good Vibe.
I saw that Indian 308 ammo, thought about buying some but I still have a couple cans of the same stuff that I bought a couple decades ago for a dime a round, on clips and bandoliers. It is good ammo. I had some of the '90s stuff way back when too, and you're exactly right; it was garbage.

Funny story: I took a chance on a couple of pistol magazines. They had the extended baseplates and were labeled SIG P226. They didn't look like SIG mags to me but were definitely decent quality, so for $10 each I took a chance.

I got home and sure enough, they did not fit in a P226, close, but definitely not. Well, shoot. I checked a couple other. Beretta 92? Nope. Browning High Power? Nope. CZ75? Click-perfect fit! I did a google search for CZ75 18rnd mags, sure enough, factory CZ magazines. Nice!
That guy dressed up as the Japanese soldier looks great. Sorry I missed him.

I live near Portland :)() and it takes me about an hour to get to Rickreall. As far as I'm concerned it's well worth the drive. It's the only show I've been to in the last couple of years, at least. Even if I don't buy anything, I enjoy the atmosphere.
He was dressed up as an Italian Soldier.
What fascinated me is that he knows the entire Italian Fascist song.

Su, compagni in forti schiere,
Marciam verso l'avvenire,
Siam falangi audaci e fiere,
Pronte a osare, pronte a ardire.
Trionfi alfine l'ideale,
Per cui tanto combattemmo:
Fratellanza nazionale
D'italiana civiltà.
Giovinezza, giovinezza,
Primavera di bellezza,
Nel Fascismo è la salvezza
Della nostra libertà.
One thing I've always found interesting about gun shows are the estate sale guys. You get some guys selling old stuff, at prices that move it pretty quick, some really good deals.

And then there are the other guys, those who have huge quantities of OLD ammo and reloading stuff, and they're asking prices for 50 year old stuff is retail-plus, more than new. I've never understood it. They must actually find enough suckers to pay their prices or they wouldn't keep coming. There was one outfit there with tons of powder, primers, bullets. At first I thought the prices on the bullets wasn't bad, until I realized the boxes were only partials. There must be somebody buying them though.
Whike I found some deals, Id like to know who the shorter blonde gal was walking around with her black haired friend. Talked to her briefly. Enough to find out she is a nurse then I lost her while I made a buy.
Missed chance possibly as I saw no ring or or a guy with her.

One thing I've always found interesting about gun shows are the estate sale guys. You get some guys selling old stuff, at prices that move it pretty quick, some really good deals.

And then there are the other guys, those who have huge quantities of OLD ammo and reloading stuff, and they're asking prices for 50 year old stuff is retail-plus, more than new. I've never understood it. They must actually find enough suckers to pay their prices or they wouldn't keep coming. There was one outfit there with tons of powder, primers, bullets. At first I thought the prices on the bullets wasn't bad, until I realized the boxes were only partials. There must be somebody buying them though.
Yeah..I saw the partials...but if you noticed those bins they were in, some of those boxes were FULL.

I bought the full ones when the show opened.
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Yeah..I saw the partials...but if you noticed those bins they were in, some of those boxes were FULL.

I bought the full ones when rhe show opened.
Interesting. I saw a $20 pricetag on a box of .30 cal bullets, but realized it was less than half full when I picked it up, so I didn't even bother digging through the bins because I assumed the rest of the prices would be crazy high. That's what I get for assuming. :oops:

It's probably for the best anyhow. I have more loading components than I'm likely to use up in the next couple decades. I just don't have the time to shoot as much as I use to. It sounds like you got a great deal on the bullets that you found. Those Sierra Matchking bullets are spendy.
Interesting. I saw a $20 pricetag on a box of .30 cal bullets, but realized it was less than half full when I picked it up, so I didn't even bother digging through the bins because I assumed the rest of the prices would be crazy high. That's what I get for assuming. :oops:

It's probably for the best anyhow. I have more loading components than I'm likely to use up in the next couple decades. I just don't have the time to shoot as much as I use to. It sounds like you got a great deal on the bullets that you found. Those Sierra Matchking bullets are spendy.
Yeah, I shook the boxes and felt the weight.
I just pulled the boxes out this morning and expected, it was 100 in it. I think the guy opened it up and then realized it's not hunting ammo. Those boxes for $20 and $10 were hunting ammo boxes I would guess

The only thing that I didn't score on was primers.

Throughout the entire show including the estate sale tables, they seem to have discovered America and primer prices.

A box of 100 was like $20 bucks on average.
One thing I've always found interesting about gun shows are the estate sale guys. You get some guys selling old stuff, at prices that move it pretty quick, some really good deals.

And then there are the other guys, those who have huge quantities of OLD ammo and reloading stuff, and they're asking prices for 50 year old stuff is retail-plus, more than new. I've never understood it. They must actually find enough suckers to pay their prices or they wouldn't keep coming. There was one outfit there with tons of powder, primers, bullets. At first I thought the prices on the bullets wasn't bad, until I realized the boxes were only partials. There must be somebody buying them though.
There was a guy like that but he messed up on some prices such as .45 Colt cowboy ammo.

He had those for prices from 20 years ago and he misplaced it in the .45acp section.

Some old guy in a wheelchair was looking for it and I found it for him.
He couldn't pull out his money fast enough. He gave me a tip for helping him. I got some tasty fresh fries for the effort.
Also, I messed up a bit on some prices.

I saw some HK G3 magazine pouches and I thought they were $2 each but it was $20 each.😪

The way that vendor wrote the 2 and 0 sure looked like only a 2.

I gave him $10 bucks for all 5 and he was perplexed.

Oh well, my mistake.
I had wanted to find some good deals on shotgun primers but walked away when I saw the prices. It was like someone bought them years ago, sold them to someone else for double what they paid and they doubled their asking price as well.

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